View Full Version : The "Mane" Forum
- Help! My hair seems to have so much breakage
- What’s your latest new found hair trick?
- Hair all different lengths
- Excess hair shedding, might have to do with thyroid trouble
- Neem oil
- What length would you say my hair is? And is it long?
- tangles
- Ways to darken hair without damage
- Eco friendly hair care?!
- 5 Year LHC Anniversary ~ Sept 2, 2018
- What do you think about hair ASMR?
- How to change "Member" text above Avatar?
- Spiral curling irons
- Who takes pictures of your hair? What camera do you use?
- Low buns ?
- Is it just me or do high ponytails look attractive on most women?
- Guys limited style options?
- Getting rid of Lice in 48 hours
- Ways and tips for curly roots.
- Favorite Autumnal Hair Styles!
- 2015 Anniversary
- Fantastic Sam's stylist ruined my hair
- BCL by Christmas 2019
- How to identify silicones in product ingredient list?
- Bless me longhairs, for I have sinned...
- Forehead too big
- Work and hair problems...
- Headaches from wearing hair up?
- curing gray hair
- Considering a me out of it?
- Hairstyles for back surgery recovery?
- Biggest self-cutting mishaps?
- Hi I am back!!!
- Keratin chemical treatments--what's the real story?
- Athlete's foot powder to grow hair? Same ingredient as Monistat
- what is a protective style?
- Which oils are worth the hype?/ Favorite hair oils
- I'm an idiot with impulse control issues... [Henna/Bleach/Help???]
- Attempting to Grow Out Natural Hair Color
- My hair hurts! Help!
- Coconut oil vs Hair
- Confessions: I Will Never Be a LHC Die-Hard Because....
- wavy/curly very fine long hair in the hard-water dry lands
- There are times I miss the razor!
- Water as heat protectant?? (Youtube video)
- The POSH bun
- Is this frizz?
- What is my hair type?
- Blonde strands?
- I have a large space between hip and tailbone, is that normal?
- Doubt with biotin
- Does your routine work? Then don't change it!
- Should I stop using heat?
- How much does demi permanent color damage hair?
- Is this hip?
- "Researchers say everyone should be using it—whether or not they have dandruff"?
- Perception of yourself
- Hair tangling in the pool
- Growing hair at a faster rate
- Dog Blow Dryer?
- Little trouble curling my bangs, ugh.
- I don't even know where to begin :( Super fine, wavy, frizzy unmanageable hair!
- Winter Approaches and I Need New Styles
- Biotin?
- Cute hairstyles and hair toys for short hair?
- How often do you wash your hair?
- WO & oiling your hair
- Reverser Hair Dryer
- How do you get rid of product buildup?
- Dawn Dish Soap?
- Clarifying shampoo every wash?
- Is S&D Good or Bad?
- Ever try head wraps?
- Depressed about my hair :(
- Kombucha Vinegar
- 4 or 5 strand Dutch braid?
- Rapunzel Braid
- I cut it all off :( And I regret it so much!!! Just need some support I guess
- Little help to figure out what caused this and if its right to keep it.
- Hydrogen Peroxide...?
- check out the shrinkage!
- What would you make with these ingredients?
- whats a good leave in condiitiner if any?
- sandy waxy grains on scalp and attached to shed hairs
- Wash hair with soap containing chlorhexidine before surgery, how to minimize dryness?
- Wen hair care?
- Sensible Hairstyles for Women over 50
- Updos hiding the greasies?
- SOS! Quick Suggestions Needed
- Who's your hair icon?
- What was No trimming like for you?
- Soapnuts? Natural surfactant made up of nuts?
- Does anyone know hairstyles that eat up the most length?
- How hair friendly is cashmere?
- Hat challenges??
- Deep condition or hot oil?
- Hairdressers don't know anything - and I mean it - about long hair
- Thoughts About Using Heat On Your Hair?
- Share Your Nightmare~Salon~Trip Stories Here!!!
- What goes through your mind WHILE getting a haircut?
- For thickness, is it best to trim or keep growing hair
- Hair straightening brushes: do they damage hair?
- Thoughts about sulfates
- Guy Looking for Hair Help
- Baking Soda?
- Baking Soda done right?
- Silk/Satin Pillowcases?
- Tips for smoothing/straightening hair
- Non-damaging hair toys for shorter hair?
- Desperate for some Moisture
- Product Shower Storage
- If you want a small laugh
- Hair Treatment and Mask Recommendations?
- Stress and shedding
- Cut layers out or grow out?
- Vitamins and hair shedding .
- I thought I was 1a, but am I though?
- My ends are fairytaling...
- Hair Fall
- Hair typing help
- Heatless overnight curls?
- damaged hair journey+i chopped my hair
- What gauge wire for diy 4" Amish pins?
- EXTREME post shower shedding WHYYY
- I Don't Get It
- Rewetting hair to style - 2nd-3rd day hair
- Oil treatment not working
- Starting over
- Hair tangles
- The confessions of hair neglect. :(
- Henndigo and highlights
- How to get thick ends!!
- Do you shampoo your length?
- Illusion of thicker hair - without touching it?
- Questions about braiding thick hair
- FTL by Christmas 2019!
- Darken without damage
- From brunette to blonde
- Facial/Hair sprays
- What is my hair type ?
- Natural/Organic Conditioner for Co-washing fine hair 1b/1c F i/ii
- Bleach vs. Health Dilemma
- Questions to those who use cones
- Finally figured out the frizz! (Plus some help with hairtyping)
- Conditioner Hair fall
- Doubts about buns and braids on wavy hair
- I got 1/2 to almost 1 inch of new growth in TWO weeks
- New Hairbrush
- Refresher Spray
- Dermarolling the scalp? Anyone try it for hair growth?
- Long Hair Clinic (London)
- What shampoo do you use?
- Do any of you use garnier ultimate/whole blends ?
- Do you think perfumes in shampoos dry out your scalp and hair?
- Hair for ID/driver's license
- Split ends VS uneven, scraggly, dry ends?
- Curly Girl
- Drying curly / wavy hair
- Trying to figure out how much to trim
- No-trimming 2021!
- No-trimming 2021! First half only!
- No trimming 2021! Second half only!
- My hair got ripped out
- DIY hair color removal
- Hair flips out at all lengths until BSL
- Are there any hair styles you just cannot get right matter how much you try?
- Leave in conditioner
- Onion infused oil
- How to prevent split ends?
- Pre-Poo Oil After Leave In Conditioner?
- Can you get highlights with product already in your hair?
- 2nd Hair-iversary, Pretty Much! lol (Pics)
- Thougths about updos
- No-Bleach Challenge 2019!
- Henna-dyed hair is a mess, what can i do?
- I am Alive! Checking in after a few months of having disappeared.
- Damage Control - What is your worst threat to your hair health
- Do you have to "work" for long hair?
- What's The Best Thing You've Done For Your Hair?
- Dyson Air Wrap
- Damaged hair from tangle teezer or braid?
- Protective Night Styles
- Layers In Thick Hair
- How long does it take for hair to stop snapping off from heat damage?
- PLEASE HELP-Serious Hair Breakage - Menopause?
- Whey for topical hair use
- Is scalp pain a good indicator of a hairstyle's damagingness?
- Dandruff from over washing?
- Healthy way to Bleach?
- In what ways has caring for your hair helped your overall health
- Microtrimming challenge 2019-2020
- WOW shampoo & conditioner
- Mct vs Coconut oil?
- Should you use shampoo or conditioner that is over a year old?
- Conditioner vs oil what is your favourite?
- Have to save myself from a post-breakup haircut
- 55ft of Hair
- Has anyone ever tried L'Oréal Elvive Dream Lengths Mask?
- Insane Fast Growth! From SL to WL in 2 months-Fast Hair Growth Stories Here!
- What do you do with your hair when exercising?
- How to delete a thread
- My Trichology Exam! [pics included]
- Apocalyptic Hair Length
- Trying to give up the hair-dryer
- My Mother Has Damaged Matted Hair....Please help?
- 1 Year Anniversary - major improvement!
- Question: Why have long beautiful hair if it's always hidden?
- Anniversary
- Shedding too much hair with the inversion method?
- Thin hair that never dries when up overnight
- henna-dyed, then vitamin c-ed, what's next?
- my 3.5 yr hair journey
- Length for braided buns?
- Scissors!
- Scalp Question - No dandruff but not oily in the slightest - ever
- I'm so frustrated! :(
- Confused again.
- Help! Any hairstyle feel like my hair is being ripped out!
- Hair masks
- How do you use your boar bristle brush?
- Bleach DISASTER - Please help!!!!!!
- Easy Buns for BSL Hair?
- First 3 Months of Growth
- One Week of Hair Shed.
- My WCWC Method + LC(O) for low porosity hair
- Trouble taming the damn puffy hair.
- Spirulina and inositol for hair loss
- Gaining length but not thickness. Ideas?
- Advice for thinning natural hair?
- What's New?
- The More Treatments I Do, The Worse Things Get
- Winter Routine?
- Styles for Short hair
- Toys/tools for tender heads
- New bun? Little hair video - Milady's Bun
- HELP! Sulfate or silicone problem?
- Tangle Teaser
- I'm Back!
- Leave in conditioners
- Embracing virgin hair
- Constantly having oil in your hair? (not scalp)
- Have you ever been judged for your hair sticks/combs?
- Minimum length to be able to French/Dutch braid?
- Your favorite cone conditioner?
- Funny hair texture
- Feathery end?
- From 32 inches to 32 inches
- Very upset at hairdressers "dusting"
- newbie with well water/damage needs a little advice
- Can a silicone free hair mask still cause build up?
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