View Full Version : The "Mane" Forum
- Your hair-story
- What causes this?
- One Year's Growth! *With Pics*
- Can I do this Without Relying on a Blowfryer??
- growing out curly hair from 1/4"
- Mommy hair?
- different way of self trimming?
- Haircare/Conditioning After A Perm... ?
- Question about bangs
- Updo Clutz
- Reached BSL! (progress pics)
- Help Breaking a Bad Habit...
- Heavy hair
- Do you ever...
- Can't Believe I'm an iii !!!
- So-called "happy hair tips"
- back to shoulder....grow to BSL take 2.
- anyone visit the beauty brains?
- Borrowed from puppy...
- Flat Iron Help
- How does oil work?
- My big bun saved me!
- How do you wear your hair when you drive?
- Hey Everyone!!!
- anyone else working on shoulder to APL right now?
- Chop it of or not?
- Question about plain braiding
- Question about hair during pregnancy
- Question Regarding CWC
- Sleeping "Styles"
- I'm starting all over again!
- I have a strange question....
- Involuntairy hairstyle?
- Are you atracted to your opposite hair color?
- Travelling without a hair dryer
- Conditioning/DT for the heck of it?
- Where do you see your hair in 2 years?
- The way we use language
- Is you hair thicker on one side?
- How do you determine if you are ii/iii ?
- Hairsytle from The Nanny Diaries
- Newbie wants opinions
- How is this possible?
- Is there any haircut
- Feye's Self-Trim Question
- My hair is FINALLY long enough for up-dos again...
- Anyone else have a length goal that's not based on length specifically?
- Life Before Hair Straighteners
- Would you 'fix' this hemline?
- How long does hair have to be before it is considered long?
- Matting
- exfoliating your scalp??
- Hot Oil Treatment question :- how do you rinse the oil out!?
- HOT or COLD rinse?
- A minor triumph, but a triumph nonetheless...
- Pixie to BSL in 2 years! ^.^
- emotionally cutting hair (I'm not BTW)
- Look at my gross hair ball
- Redhead Inspiration
- Going to Sally's this morning....
- The "my hair is definitely a medium shade of brown" thread
- "I smell like the bottom of a beer barrel"
- These Stupid Faery Knots!
- I just cut out my V shape using Feye's guidelines!
- The Poof: yea or nay
- Anyone Wear Their Hair
- Need Some Deep Dark Secrets
- at my wits end (with DD's scalp)
- Hello Again
- Post baby hair loss????
- Heat Free Non Damaging Gorgeous Curls: Alternative to Rag Rollers!
- Newbie needs hairtyping and advice!
- Is that your hair?
- New and looking for advices
- Hair piece confidence
- Eurovision hair!
- Peroxide on hair that was henndigoed many moons ago?
- My hair BS detector went off, false alarm?
- My 6 month anniversary with lots of pics and a thank you to everyone!:)
- Straighties, how well does your hair take a curl?
- Protect hair in the sun with
- How does this happen?
- flaky hair help please
- Tea Lady's New Spring Henna Photo
- Beach hair!
- *Drinking* spearmint tea = faster growth??
- How to get my curls back
- For the CO thread
- Farrah Fawcett story
- Recovery Update (Progress Pics)!
- DBF Progress Updates! (pic heavy)
- Hair type? And a couple other questions! :)
- Do these things cause your hair to become greasy?
- Term?
- Hair tips that have never been cut
- Breakage at temples...
- What? Dandruff? Help!
- Updos!
- Return to LHC and some hair pictures
- Upside down hair pics!
- Do you think it really makes a difference?
- APL to
- Do we have a "W00T" thread?
- 7 month anniversary picture!!!
- 19 months of growth (photos)
- Curly hair?
- Do you have a strange natural part?
- New girl looking for a good 'cone-free condish for the 2nd 'C' in CWC
- Drinking water?
- your DREAM hair
- How often do you add new length shots?
- Well, that was... odd.
- ReadyMade hair pic project!
- Marcia, Marcia, Marcia !!
- Does anyone know....
- Totally Random Hair Happiness!
- MSM...
- My first hair compliment ever!!
- Opinions/Thoughts/Help?
- Ha ha. My son knows the back of my head.
- Milestone of sorts...
- Top 10 Hair Care Tips
- Long-ish Hair Woes.
- Thin hair, stringy ends
- Halo of fuzz
- How did you start growing?
- How to do this braid?
- Mental exercises for a longhair to be?
- Questions about shedding
- Christy Hairstyle question
- "Power Hair" Buns in Better Off Ted
- Which cause more shedding mt vs. mn
- Curls like mine when it gets elbow-length
- Oiling is bad for your hair!!! Stop NOW!!!
- kicking myself
- Cones
- Pulling hair, anti-fungal treatments, etc.
- The Dirty Dozen Hair Mistakes, by MSN
- active scalp? fast build of grey film on brushes & combs
- Getting old dye out????
- Thinner hair with birth control pills?
- Wavy Hair...How Do You Style?
- Waist-length hair over 35: how to style?
- Monistat lovers I have a question
- Layers
- Is anyone insecure about the thickness of your hair?
- I am growing!
- A very happy hair moment for me!
- Stress related grey hairs.
- switching to daily washing?
- Vitamin overdose
- Why I decided to keep my long hair as I get older
- What bun is this? o-o
- Hairstyle tutorials!
- A YAY a Thank You and a question.
- Oily hair, Shampoo less?
- I need some to oil??
- I need some help.
- Comb when wet or dry?
- Losing hair
- I have searched..
- Do I just look better with short hair?
- I got the weird comment!O__O
- itchy patches on scalp, advise?
- Sunburnt Scalp :l
- appalling news hair story
- Article of interest on ...
- Does this happen to you? Ends clumping together?
- Crazy Summer Hair!
- Another Question About Fake Layers In 1-Length Hair
- determining texture?
- Question about hair typing
- hair shedding at different times of the year
- my mom's hair... halp
- CO only vs. Shampoo/Soap bars
- No leave-in surprise!
- You guys are good!
- I did something a bit crazy (pics inside)
- Lint/dandruff/mysterious problem
- Show us your split ends!
- Learning to accept and love your natural hair colour?
- New Pictures
- How do you find your hair type?
- Came oh so close to cutting
- hair color system
- My Paper on 18c French Hair Styles
- Am I on the right track?
- I am such a weakling!!
- It was bound to happen sooner or later
- i found a new routine!!
- Another question about fairy tail maintenance
- my hair now
- How to wear hair for surgery?
- Humor for the day
- How many braids can you find in this picture?
- Picture link (self-trim)
- Hairtyping help - and does this one count?
- Longer hair, more shedding???
- Will ANYTHING make hair THICKER?
- Removing horrible products from hair!
- Dangers of hair and trail riding!
- Hair down in a convertible??
- How do you moisturize your hair?
- Brush vs comb?
- Oh, WOW! Waves!!! But.... Oh, now what?
- Oiling hair
- Less tangly with blow-drying?
- Facial Hair Contest, Anchorage
- anybody at this strange milestone?
- Can Anyone Help Me Type My Hair?
- Fark Headline: 1/3 of women would rather go hungry than miss out on a stylish haircut
- I have a confession to make...
- How can I fix my hair?
- Growing up, parents and hair care
- Hair Loss? Length? I'm back...
- Facing increasing harassment...
- 4 months of growing (pictures)
- best treatment for hair after being in a swimming pool or ocean
- Sun Protection for People Who Look Crap in Hats.
- Aisha wannabe picture! :D
- Who started life as a baldy?
- Started a 25/26"...*sigh*
- Messy Bun Article: Feedback Wanted!
- Dahlia Hawthorne hair
- Anyone know how do "Titanic" hair?..
- Saving Bleached Hair
- club soda for rinsing hair out
- Do you use cones??
- Is oiling bad for dyed hair?
- Body concerns.
- I saw a picture of a member on this forum with the most beautiful hair I've ever seen
- Help! Family issues
- What would you do???Need some advices with hair
- How much SLS is there in a shampoo?
- Drastic climate change?
- Is my hair thin, or just odd?
- Newbie here with a bad haircut and so so color
- Showing off curlies (TheSoulforged)- LOTS of pics!
- My curls won't hold... :-(
- Wig Out :)
- can I have input?
- If you had to wear your hair in a "professional" cut, which would you choose?
- Help me re-type my hair!
- High Buns
- regrets and ponderings
- I can see my hair :)
- How do I ask this question??? and can I ask here?
- And you thought YOU had a fancy updo!!
- How to smoothen up fluffy ends?
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