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  1. Casey anthony hair growth
  2. mini braids!
  3. Cute way to spice up a ponytail
  4. Thyroid Hell and Hair!
  5. Japanese Thermal Hair Straighnening
  6. Shampoo And Co. Advice Plz
  7. How to get heavy olive oil out of your hair
  8. Who else ONLY wears their hair down?
  9. Growing Tips
  10. I HATE shampoo.... But......
  11. Hair Sticks for a less serious interview look?
  12. Has my hair grow over 3 inches in over 3 months? (pics)
  13. Seeking UR Opinions and Thoughts :)
  14. Baby Shampoo
  15. Suggestions for a coney yet protein-free conditioner?
  16. Expectations vs. Reality [Rainbow hair laughs :)]
  17. The Importance of B Vitamins
  18. Seasonal Shedding?
  19. Wearing lightly oiled hair down, looks like nonstiff gel?
  20. Have you ever tried this method of no-heat curling?
  21. Gothic style up-do for a wedding needed!!
  22. Oiling for protection from salt water ?
  23. Aussies - anyone bought a Caruso hairsetter? Where from?
  24. Ms. Alice's Most Excellent and Useful Coiffure ;)
  25. First time using coconut oil
  26. Going swimming/hot tubbing
  27. Black or dark brown?
  28. Hair above ears around temple-is yours thinner and/or finer?
  29. Silicone build-up: technical question
  30. My new hairspiration: Thylane Blondeau!
  31. Why won't hairsticks work for me?
  32. Is this the same product?
  33. Why is my hair falling out when wet?
  34. Herbs/supplements to prevent shedding?
  35. Is it really "just" hair?
  36. Indigo help
  37. Stylist made a remark about my hair
  38. What Level am I asking for here?
  39. Vegetarianism & Hair
  40. Something silly: a big family haircut
  41. Honey as shampoo?
  42. Gray hair at 17?!
  43. Brushing your hair.
  44. Chopsticks?
  45. Hey, Married Ladies (and Gents)!
  46. Feeling like my hair is short.
  47. Rehab after razoring hair?? Help...
  48. Styles to wear with bump caps/hard hats at work?
  49. Hairstick Triumph!!
  50. My hair is normal!
  51. Curlies and Ponytail Circumference?
  52. I regret putting in these highlights a year ago..i hate them :(
  53. Hardwater
  54. Embarrassed at the Beauty Supply store
  55. Long thick hair causes headaches?
  56. Scared my hair is falling out
  57. Kardashian Hair
  58. Anyone tried a brand called "Pure Elements" from Sally's?
  59. Stretching washes
  60. Alcohol & Silicone-Free Hairspray??
  61. 3 month update (pics)
  62. The Chosen One
  63. Gorgeous wedding hairstyle
  64. my hair is making me crazy!
  65. Nexxus And Split Ends
  66. WTH just happened? o.0
  67. Hair typing help PLEASE
  68. Color Pencil Updo Pics! & Post-Updo Rocker hair :D
  69. Curly hair?
  70. My best wash-day hair... EVER.
  71. No More Implusive Hair Cuts After Midnight
  72. A hair idol for everyone..
  73. Look at this Cheese Hair Slide!!
  74. tea rinse question
  75. french twist??
  76. Love This Site! <3
  77. I was skeptical of ___ but it worked!
  78. The Top styler
  79. Wen?
  80. "Hair Rescue Split End Repair Treatment"?
  81. Arabic/Asian hair tips?
  82. Any long hair ladies out there use hair color (not henna)?
  83. Waist = Hip?
  84. Hair loss/ Thinning/ Damage - due to medicine?
  85. My hair is growing out frizzy in the front!
  86. help needed, hair type ??
  87. my hair (pics)
  88. alcohol in Aloe gel
  89. No teasing challenge!
  90. hair going darker ?
  91. Interesting new challenge (a long winded thank you)
  92. it's not just hair that needs oil!
  93. how do you measure hair correctly?
  94. Chemical dyers: is darker color really less damaging?
  95. what's the best tip you've gotten from LHC?
  96. Weird hair product commercial
  97. Have you heard of?
  98. help with encouraging wurl and maybe even getting curl?
  99. extremely damaged hair, help!
  100. Tips for seeing the back of your head while styling
  101. Wonderful compliments plus seeking advice for a friend
  102. question for people who put in an accent stripe
  103. Anyone have the awkward regrown roots? How do you feel about them?
  104. Does hair become less frizzy as it gets longer?
  105. Long Hair Inspiration Find....
  106. One-Year Anniversary! Lots of pics... pixie to shoulder!
  107. Question about CO "washing"...
  108. Going back to neck/shoulder length.
  109. Anyone know where to find VO5 conditioner in Canada?
  110. making wooden hair toys
  111. Oil treatments after hair dye
  112. 1880's long haired mystery woman
  113. Waist By Christmas Club
  114. Long Hair Clinic in London
  115. GM Salons on the East Coast?
  116. Sending an item in to (a chemist?) analyze ingredients??
  117. Did You Ever Feel Like You Were 'Jinxing' Yourself?
  118. A question on split ends
  119. What to tell the hairdresser?
  120. okay....so im a bit confused here....
  121. Hemline Advice, Please!
  122. My mother wants to cut my hair!
  123. What do you like to use to "seal" your ends?
  124. Starting Synthroid soon...any supps help to fight hair loss?
  125. Help me help my sister ^_^
  126. Thank You
  127. I think I've reached terminal length - and it's barely at chin length!
  128. Vitamins
  129. I haven't washed my hair in 2 days and I... LOVE IT!!!
  130. Need help before I get married :[
  131. Have you ever used Matrix Sleek Look shampoo and/or conditioner?
  132. Question about shedding
  133. I found three splits..
  134. Hair under my hat
  135. 2b/2c, what does your hair dry to look like if you brush/comb it when wet?
  136. Hairdresser advice pls
  137. Brittle, breaking hair! Need recs
  138. ACV Rinse Help
  139. All this CO/oils is great but the rinsing?!
  140. How often to clarify?
  141. Hair product help?
  142. How do you take care of your little ones long hair?
  143. Waist, Hip, Tailbone - Where are these lengths on the body?
  144. Unique Waterfall Braid Tutorial - anybody tried this?
  145. Layers in hip-tb hair
  146. My cat is going nuts!
  147. 1a/b, M, iii, Hairtwin, where are you?!
  148. One Year On Lhc!!
  149. What is your favorite vinegar/
  150. Help! I'm shedding! :O
  151. Chronic Telogen Effluvium
  152. Conditioner= shedding?
  153. Does anyone really like baby fine hair?
  154. Some questions about indigo
  155. Question about the halo
  156. Any cone fans?
  157. Massive shed due to change in hair direction?
  158. Scalp Psoriasis
  159. pride and envy
  160. If you werer to cut your hair or have any hair style what would it be?
  161. High-fives for summer hair growth!
  162. i am actually quite offended
  163. Help with an Anime Hairstyle
  164. Stupidly dyed my hair darker and I don't like it.
  165. French braid!
  166. Two years + 1 month!
  167. Coconut Milk Bath?
  168. Wen Hair Care
  169. Does this style have a name?
  170. Boar Briste Brush and Curls
  171. Cosmetology school
  172. For those who CO
  173. Zinger scissors
  174. My hair gets frizzy and tangles easily
  175. Suggestions for scalp oils
  176. How to go from copper to red brown?
  177. Whats so bad with wearing your hair down?
  178. Curls without heat! Hooray
  179. Holy Softness Batman......!
  180. COing and hair no loner soft- and with frizzy ends! :(
  181. Splits &%!!&^
  182. Depression and Slow Hair Growth
  183. Alternative method to curling iron straightener...
  184. DH helped me :-)
  185. Opinions needed on this updo.
  186. Hair inspriration!
  187. The Seven Deadly Sins of Hair!
  188. 100% Pure African Shea Butter
  189. Most amazing hair !
  190. Im going WO!
  191. Server issues?
  192. Rosewater?
  193. Oiling when wet?
  194. Is wearing a ponytail every day bad for hair bad for hair more details?
  195. Microtrimming and Maintaining Club!
  196. Length update
  197. Curse you glasses!
  198. regrowth from combing?
  199. I have discovered no damage hairties!!!
  200. African Black Soap Shampoo
  201. CV may have caused breakage :(
  202. what does made the difference for you in preventing split ends?
  203. Hair brushes and brushing
  204. Can you help me find, and do this updo?
  205. Why did I EVER start going to the hairdresser on a regular basis??!!
  206. It's been a looooong time, but I'm back!
  207. How often do YOU wash?
  208. Checking in with update -- hair getting stuck everywhere!
  209. Trimming layers
  210. CO: Where am I going wrong?
  211. Quick I am going to Sally's what do I NEED yo get?
  212. Does everyone's hair go through a massive shed at some point?
  213. Buns for Nubs
  214. What are good doo gro poducts? or dr miracles (walmart)
  215. Growing out a graduated BOB
  216. How do you tease out your waves?
  217. I have roots!
  218. What inspires you to grow?
  219. Whisker Wars
  220. Another ponytail idea~ using a Greek-key braid (pictures :-)
  221. Let Go & Let Grow: Hair Mantra for Therapy!
  222. Bad moods and handling hair- Do you do this too?
  223. 1/nil to the hair!
  224. Anemia and hair loss - advice?
  225. T-Shirt
  226. how do you protect when you want to wear your hair down?
  227. growing out bleached hair???
  228. Maiden Braids
  229. Favorite Longhair Pics for Inspiration
  230. Breakage? Flyaways? Help the noob please :/
  231. the smell of colour B4, how to get rid of it..advice needed!
  232. scalp nirvana
  233. Using eyeshadow for temporarily colouring hair
  234. French braid. Where am I going wrong?
  235. Support for those stopping Heat Styling
  236. Color Help?
  237. these any good? Thoughts please!
  238. Restoring Color to Gray or White Hair
  239. Men of the LHC- Why have you decided to grow?
  240. Dumb question. How do you know when you need to trim?
  241. Broken Hairsticks
  242. 4 year anniversary!
  243. I learned this today from Lilith Moon~ side French braids into a braided updo *pics*
  244. Nightmares and Stress Dreams
  245. Fringe/Bangs problem (I guess(
  246. want to get back to virgin hair
  247. hey everyone, what hair toys are the best?
  248. Honeysuckle vs big body ( kiss my face ) vs SKR as CO ??
  249. Check out this hair salon!
  250. Can sulfates be good for some hair?