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Thread: Project use-it-up for 2023!

  1. #1
    Πεισινόη pisinoe's Avatar
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    Jun 2019

    Default Project use-it-up for 2023!

    Continuing lapushka's panning project, here's the 2023 thread that I took liberty to make since I enjoy these so much and have participated for a few years!

    Reminder: you list what you HAVE used up here, not what you plan to use up this year!

    I'm mostly going to copy her original explanation for this project, so please refer to last year's thread for the source:

    Quote Originally Posted by lapushka View Post
    We've all been doing these since 2018 now, so this will be the 6th year in a row!

    Who wants to join?

    What you need to do?
    List what you have used up; and each time you have used something new just repost your list and add the new product to the list.

    Also please list your conditioners and shampoos, gels, styling products, etc. grouped together, going from highest content to lowest content. It is so easy to see in effect what has been used up then!

    You can take a look at the very last year of this project to see how to list stuff:

    The following is an example!

    1x 500ml Pantene Aqua Light shampoo.
    1x 250ml Herbal Essences Dazzling Shine shampoo.

    3x 500ml Inecto coconut conditioner.
    1x 400ml Palmolive Basics conditioner.
    1x 400ml Pantene Pro-V full&thick conditioner.
    1x 250ml Odina conditioner.
    1x 200ml Sunsilk UV filter conditioner.

    Styling products
    1x 150ml Neutral gel

    Only list fully emptied out products, please, and if you have repurposed a shampoo or conditioner or any other item, please do not count it in this challenge. You can list it, sure, but do not count it. Only count things that have been used on your own head, please. Thank you!

    Commonly asked question... Say you have a half opened bottle, and you finish it January 1st. Then that counts as a used up product for 2021. What you finish in 2021 counts! Whenever it has been started, doesn't matter.

    Is this run for the whole year / calendar year?
    I would say yes, but some have wanted to join mid year, or even after a couple months. I think I'm going to solve it like this. Just put the date on your list at the top! From say, March 3 to "current date" and then when you repost your list every time you finish something, adapt that very last date to the recent date.

    You can include other products (body, face, etc.), but the focal point of course is hair stuff!
    Last edited by pisinoe; January 1st, 2023 at 11:53 AM.
    Hip (06.09.24) | Belly Button

  2. #2
    Lullaby of Obliteration
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    Default Re: Project use-it-up for 2023!

    I was hoping someone would make this insteadofme

  3. #3
    LHC FairyGodMum lapushka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Project use-it-up for 2023!

    Thank you so much, pisinoe, for starting a new one! I love it.

    I have so much on my plate right now, with mom's broken foot and me having to fend for myself a bit more than usual. I just didn't think of it.

    But we are... c o v e r e d! Yes we are. Thank you, again, so much, girlfriend! <mwah>
    WCC method (washing) --- Rinse-out oil (MO) --- LOC/LCO method (styling)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Project use-it-up for 2023!

    Oh, great pisinoe! Thank you for making this thread, I have a few products that'll get finished in the first days of the year so I'll surely post here.

    Quote Originally Posted by lapushka View Post
    Thank you so much, pisinoe, for starting a new one! I love it.

    I have so much on my plate right now, with mom's broken foot and me having to fend for myself a bit more than usual. I just didn't think of it.

    But we are... c o v e r e d! Yes we are. Thank you, again, so much, girlfriend! <mwah>
    I am so sorry, lapushka! I didn't know about your mother, is she feeling fine now? Or does her foot hurt? I hope she'll get better soon!! Sending virtual hugs and good wishes

  5. #5
    Cat Whisperer lithostoic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Project use-it-up for 2023!

    Yayyy new thread! Lapushka I'm saddened to hear of your mom's broken foot, hope she heals soon <3

    Here's my list!

    (×) Shea Moisture JBCO shampoo
    (×) Shea Moisture JBCO conditioner

    Scalp/Hair Care
    (×) amika scalp cleansing oil
    (×) sweet almond oil

    Styling Products
    (×) Shea Moisture miracle leave in detangler

  6. #6
    Πεισινόη pisinoe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Project use-it-up for 2023!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bat View Post
    I was hoping someone would make this insteadofme
    Glad to have helped a mate out then xD

    Quote Originally Posted by lapushka View Post
    Thank you so much, pisinoe, for starting a new one! I love it.

    I have so much on my plate right now, with mom's broken foot and me having to fend for myself a bit more than usual. I just didn't think of it.

    But we are... c o v e r e d! Yes we are. Thank you, again, so much, girlfriend! <mwah>
    I'm glad I have your approval! And I'm sorry to hear about your mom and troubles, I hope it gets better soon. Sending you some positive energy for 2023 <3

    Quote Originally Posted by Diana Prince View Post
    Oh, great pisinoe! Thank you for making this thread, I have a few products that'll get finished in the first days of the year so I'll surely post here.
    Yay let's do this!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by lithostoic View Post
    Yayyy new thread! Lapushka I'm saddened to hear of your mom's broken foot, hope she heals soon <3

    Here's my list!

    (×) Shea Moisture JBCO shampoo
    (×) Shea Moisture JBCO conditioner

    Scalp/Hair Care
    (×) amika scalp cleansing oil
    (×) sweet almond oil

    Styling Products
    (×) Shea Moisture miracle leave in detangler
    This is the thread for 2023, perhaps post those in 2022 still? Unless those are products that you want to use up in 2023? But then still, we're supposed to list what we already have used up here!
    Hip (06.09.24) | Belly Button

  7. #7
    LHC FairyGodMum lapushka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Project use-it-up for 2023!

    pisinoe, you don't need any approval (of course you don't); hey, it's just a fun thread / challenge.

    lithostoic & pisinoe, thanks so much. Yep. November 30, it was a Wednesday, sorry to go OT, my mom at night thought she heard a noise, went downstairs in the dark (absolute pitch black) to see what was up. I told her, smart ma, what if that had been a burglar, at least you put on all the lights and don't go down there in the dark (to join them). What was she thinking. But anyway, she missed the last step of the stairs, so thinking she was ground level and still having one more step to go, twisted the ankle and fell down. She broke the "os cuboideum", which I think is a metatarsal? Or at the end of them. Anyway it's towards the pinky toe more than anything, in the middle of the foot in front of the heel bone.

    I told her 10AM we were going straight to the ER, arrived there at noon (had to get her ready and all), and were there until 5PM. Yeah. One person only with her, so I went, which was odd, having a walker (me) and a wheelchair (mom). But we got it done!

    Yeah, thanks for the well wishes, because we need 'em. She had to be off the foot completely for over 1 week, could not keep her balance on crutches, so we rolled (well dad) her around on a walker because I have the one wheelchair in the house. Now she is (thank God) in a walking cast + booty, and has been for 3 weeks now. Another 2/3 weeks and then new x-rays and hopefully a brace.

    But yeah, more stress & pressure for me, for sure. I can't not help my mom where I can. I can't.
    WCC method (washing) --- Rinse-out oil (MO) --- LOC/LCO method (styling)

  8. #8
    Lullaby of Obliteration
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    Default Re: Project use-it-up for 2023!

    Quote Originally Posted by lithostoic View Post
    Yayyy new thread! Lapushka I'm saddened to hear of your mom's broken foot, hope she heals soon <3

    Here's my list!

    (×) Shea Moisture JBCO shampoo
    (×) Shea Moisture JBCO conditioner

    Scalp/Hair Care
    (×) amika scalp cleansing oil
    (×) sweet almond oil

    Styling Products
    (×) Shea Moisture miracle leave in detangler
    It's still 22! 🤣 Unless you are in the future

  9. #9
    Member angel-baby's Avatar
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    Default Re: Project use-it-up for 2023!





    Hair Brushes/Toys
    Didn't expect to add this category, but my bamboo brush fell apart this morning
    Last edited by angel-baby; January 14th, 2023 at 02:18 PM.
    long hair is self care
    Chin ♡ Collarbone ♡ APL ♡ BSL ♡ Mermaid ♡ Waist ♡ Hip ♡ TBL ♡

  10. #10

    Default Re: Project use-it-up for 2023!

    Quote Originally Posted by lapushka View Post
    pisinoe, you don't need any approval (of course you don't); hey, it's just a fun thread / challenge.

    lithostoic & pisinoe, thanks so much. Yep. November 30, it was a Wednesday, sorry to go OT, my mom at night thought she heard a noise, went downstairs in the dark (absolute pitch black) to see what was up. I told her, smart ma, what if that had been a burglar, at least you put on all the lights and don't go down there in the dark (to join them). What was she thinking. But anyway, she missed the last step of the stairs, so thinking she was ground level and still having one more step to go, twisted the ankle and fell down. She broke the "os cuboideum", which I think is a metatarsal? Or at the end of them. Anyway it's towards the pinky toe more than anything, in the middle of the foot in front of the heel bone.

    I told her 10AM we were going straight to the ER, arrived there at noon (had to get her ready and all), and were there until 5PM. Yeah. One person only with her, so I went, which was odd, having a walker (me) and a wheelchair (mom). But we got it done!

    Yeah, thanks for the well wishes, because we need 'em. She had to be off the foot completely for over 1 week, could not keep her balance on crutches, so we rolled (well dad) her around on a walker because I have the one wheelchair in the house. Now she is (thank God) in a walking cast + booty, and has been for 3 weeks now. Another 2/3 weeks and then new x-rays and hopefully a brace.

    But yeah, more stress & pressure for me, for sure. I can't not help my mom where I can. I can't.
    I am truly sorry to hear that, lapushka. I know you are struggling to do whatever needs to be done in the house, but you are strong and you'll push through it. I hope your mother's recovery is fast and everything will get back to normal.

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