I have to admit, this looks really, really cool. It is a service that will microscopically examines your hair, and will then tailor a shampoo/condish combo for you. Kind of Function of Beauty but on steroids.

Apparently they use "powerful microscopic imaging and molecular analysis to explore protein levels, scalp sebum, hair texture, and cuticle condition"


It costs $60(!) for a kit and custom made poo/condish, and currently operates in the US only.

I can also understand that some people could be very uncomfortable with the idea of sending in what is essentially their DNA to a commericial company, who may not have their best interests at heart.

There's also the question of whether it's really necessary. I have very fussy hair that hates oils, butters, silicones and polyquats, but even I have managed to get nice hair with drugstore products (after doing my own research and meticulously reading labels).

What do you think?