Thanks for adding me to this group! I am super excited about deciding to really grow my hair out for good. I am older (45) and a little afraid that since I am out of my prime it will take me longer or perhaps I will not be able to achieve my goal length at my age (near-waist length). This journey is going to require that I change my exercise habits and eating habits too.

My hair is SO much thinner now compared to when I was younger. I used to be able to pull my hair back in a ponytail and see exactly ZERO scalp. Now when I wear a ponytail I see scalp all OVER and it is so depressing. I am hoping to get some great ideas from each of you on how best to approach this. It may be something I will just have to live with

I just cut my hair back in December I was playing with the idea of going pixie short (I've done this MANY MANY times in my lifetime) but something just kept talking me out of it. Then I started doing some research on hair, best foods, vitamins, products, etc. and came across some interesting articles about the idea that possibly hair could be an extension of our nervous system. For anyone interested, try this article:

If I can figure out how to post pictures here, I will get that done. Starting from pretty short (15 inches from front hairline down the back of my head) so I have an EXTREMELY LONG journey ahead of me!

Looking forward to your advice and suggestions!