I have decided to grow out my natural hair and have been sticking to it for the last two years, and I think I have some progress. Last July I dot 95% of my bleached hair hair cut off and started hrowing from this:

Now I'm about shoulder lenght, and looking like this. First two pictures are how it falls an clumps if I wash, lightly condition pat dry and let it airdry without further manipulation.

And the nect two are after vombing, showing my outgrown fringe and the invertness of the whole cut.

I wouldn't say that my hair is high maintenance, it does reasonably well on a sulfate free shampoo and silicone free conditioner (I use Mediceuticals, because, well, got my hands on two massive salon packagings but they are about to run out, and I won't be paying that price for them again, will look for something cheaper) and nothing else with every third day washing, I don't get excessive tangles except for the ratty little bits that still remain from the bleached hair, but I wouldn't say it's awesome either. It feels dry-ish and is somewhat prone to frizzing (not super bad compared to when it was bleached and fried and all cotton wooly)

I have used coconut oil and shea butter when it was fried, to keep that in control, I almost think shea or a mix of both worked better, but my hair gets the greasy look really fast, if I use little enough to not feel greasy, I'm not sure if my hair has gotten any or has it just absorbed in my hands but maybe less is more really, in this case. I haven't tried it in months though

I tried SMT once and loved it, haven't had the chance to do it the second time (somehow I tend to push my showers so late into night I would zonk if I had to sit up an extra hour).

I generally like doing things withm y hair like trying new products or treatments, I could probably grow decently with just my shampoo and conditioner, but I just like to mess with it and see what comes out of it.

What suggestions can you offer, mostly to reduce the frizz and protect the hair from elements (it really does not like sun and wind)

Also, updo suggestions are welcome!