I started graying at the age of 18.
I put 20-30, because while I found one on my 18th birthday, I pulled it out then and didn't see any more for ages.
But occasionally when I take a picture of my hairstyles I find what appears to be a white or silver hair or two. But I can never find them in the mirror or anything, so I don't know if they're actually there but real good at hiding, or if it's just a trick of the light.
Maintaining at Hip-BCL for now.
Lady Corvana, Keeper of Ravens and Crows in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
I started graying at the age of 18.
I was 42 when I first got some silver hairs, and it was many years later before I had more of those than dark hairs. Of course, it's mainly grey now, but I dye it with herbal dyes.
OTOH, I used to work with a girl who was completely grey in her 20s. She still had nice legs though, LOL!
First saw 4-6 inch silver strands at age 14 here.
Lady Flilipina Aderyn Orea, Keeper of the Enchanted Mountains in The Order of The Long Haired Knights
I was under 25. It's not usually noticeable with my hair colour but sometimes it looks very obvious. I am happy about it because I am 29 years old and I look like a teenager.
I noticed my first silver at 19, women in my family tend to grey early. After 2 kids, I've got them coming in everywhere! But I don't mind them so much, they help my see how much my hair has grown.
Mini goals: BSL braid ~ WL braid ~ HL braid ~ Crown braid
I starting getting silvers when I was mid-30's. A lot of women cover their silver/grays... but not me. I like them!
Currently at waist... and still growing!
I said "15-20," since I noticed one lonely little silver strand when I was fifteen, but I didn't really have any significant quantity of gray hairs until I was in my mid-30's.
Now, at almost 42, I have one good solid streak that I really wish would make its way down to the front of my hairline (it's heading that way, but move it, will ya!), because I'll probably stop putting henna on the streak at least once it is at my hairline and not about an inch "into" my hair, if that makes any sense.
ETA: I also have a light sprinkling of gray hair throughout the rest of my hair. I'd guess I'm probably somewhere around 20%-25% silver overall.
I wonder how many people who noticed silvers before they were, say, 35 or so, have dark hair? I would think that blond(e) folks might not be able to see them as soon, just because the contrast is lower.
Not quite APL -> APL -> BSL -> Mid-Back with compact-cut layers and holding a while-> ???
Same for me. I discovered my first white hair age 20, or so. And I have about 3 to 4% "grays" now at age 45, so it goes slow, people, don't panic when you discover that first hair. I have a tiny sprinkling throughout my hair, like a salt shaker has gone through; all my grays are white, though, which is odd, but it's how my dad turned gray, he's got nothing but white hairs in his black hair (but he's in his 70s and is about 60% gray if I were to put a number on it).
I thought I only started going gray recently, but then I found a gray hair whose length says I started going gray at 23. Then again, a buddy of mine started going gray at 16 so blessings = counted.