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Thread: Weirdest stuff/ product you put in your hair?

  1. #101
    Member Rainbouu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weirdest stuff/ product you put in your hair?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bat View Post
    I hear onion juice is used to speed up hair growth but I'm not sure if that is true
    Quote Originally Posted by angel-baby View Post
    I've heard the same things but it seems like way too much, even in my weirdest DIY haircare phase. The onion smell alone makes it a hard no.
    Yeah, it's certainly interesting. I figured, there is only one way to find out if it's true for me. But I won't keep it up forever unless the results are as amazing as they say a pretty tall order. But not much weirder than Monistat or caffeine rinses? Curiosity got the better of me and I had to try it, I guess 😛

    It does make my scalp and hair feel great like a caffeine rinse--invigorated, thick, and super clean without irritation--but without the headaches I swear caffine rinses give me. As for the smell, I smell like onions according to 70% of people but the smell diminishes sharply over the course of three days until it's gone completely. Back when I did henndigo, I thought that smell was way worse because it smelled like gasoline to me!

  2. #102
    LHC FairyGodMum lapushka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weirdest stuff/ product you put in your hair?

    Let's see... this was waaay back on this board where I was new and willing to try absolutely anything and everything. An egg. Milk (which: NO! just no!). Honey. Beer. Yep, that's about it but it's enough You know?

    My goodness, the lengths we go to. These days I have embraced it all, any product goes. Only the styling I pay attention to, really. Mousse + gel and I'm set. I can oomph my barely there waves into full 3a hair right now. I just tried one of the Yari mousses and I can say? Yep! I will re-order that stuff as soon as it near-runs out. Just one use and it's visibly the best it's ever been. I have yet to try the avocado one. I have mousses here stacked up to high heaven. got2b, andrélon, l'oréal, syoss, you name it, if it's got curly mousse, I got it. Oh, and Kruidvat (the drugstore) own brand had a curly mousse, but they no longer do it. It is/was fantabulous!
    WCC method (washing) --- Rinse-out oil (MO) --- LOC/LCO method (styling)

  3. #103
    Member shayna's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weirdest stuff/ product you put in your hair?

    I have remembered another odd thing I put in my hair ... I was always very interested in historical beauty and hair care recipes and once I made some Victorian Hair Pomade. It consisted of lard and some citronella oil for scent. Despite the essential oil it still smelt piggy. The sad thing was that it actually worked really well. At the time I had a fairly short platinum bob, and I liked to wear it like a silent movie actress.
    The Citronella Pomade worked well as hair grease for styling, I have photos of it, and I was sure it helped with the condition of the hair, which as you'd imagine was a bit compromised. But, no, the porky smell was always going to be its downfall. A shame, really.

  4. #104
    Learn more. Know less. foreveryours's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weirdest stuff/ product you put in your hair?

    While on the subject on animal greases (bears and pigs at least), I once tried sheep grease (lanolin). I meant ONCE. Like beer, it was supposed to be good for hair. Sheep use it. They're pretty woolly. But it's really sticky. ANd does have an "off" smell
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  5. #105
    Member Hairy-Fairy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weirdest stuff/ product you put in your hair?

    I've airways wanted to try lard or tallow in my hair. I'm a sucker for anything all natural and/or historic. But I really don't NEED to. I mean, it doesn't do anything different then shea butter, right?
    Onward, Downward, and Outward to Body Swallowing Lengths!!

  6. #106
    Born Zippy Fethenwen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weirdest stuff/ product you put in your hair?

    Haha, I had to think hard because I have tried so many things out of curiosity.

    Eggs in hair is pretty weird, it worked actually really well as a pre-shampoo protein treatment.
    What else... did chickpea flour once for washing, works - sort of.
    Fermented rice water was a no-no for my hair for some reason.

    Lets see how long this little lump can get. Viva la natural!
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  7. #107
    Member shayna's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weirdest stuff/ product you put in your hair?

    Quote Originally Posted by foreveryours View Post
    While on the subject on animal greases (bears and pigs at least), I once tried sheep grease (lanolin). I meant ONCE. Like beer, it was supposed to be good for hair. Sheep use it. They're pretty woolly. But it's really sticky. ANd does have an "off" smell
    Quote Originally Posted by Hairy-Fairy View Post
    I've airways wanted to try lard or tallow in my hair. I'm a sucker for anything all natural and/or historic. But I really don't NEED to. I mean, it doesn't do anything different then shea butter, right?
    I'm wondering if we perhaps used less of the lard/lanolin/bear parts, and put some into an emulsified water and oil type lotion or cream, we could get the shiny conditioning animal goodness without the smell?
    Perhaps even just rub a dab of pure lanolin with a dab of leave-conditioner and apply it?
    Probably the purpose of this thread wasn't to encourage us in the use of overly creative ingredients, but animal fat sounds like it would have useful hair friendly properties.

  8. #108
    Member Hairy-Fairy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weirdest stuff/ product you put in your hair?

    Quote Originally Posted by shayna View Post
    I'm wondering if we perhaps used less of the lard/lanolin/bear parts, and put some into an emulsified water and oil type lotion or cream, we could get the shiny conditioning animal goodness without the smell?
    Perhaps even just rub a dab of pure lanolin with a dab of leave-conditioner and apply it?
    Probably the purpose of this thread wasn't to encourage us in the use of overly creative ingredients, but animal fat sounds like it would have useful hair friendly properties.
    Some people do make emulsified creams for their body with things like tallow. I don't see why you couldn't put it on your hair.
    As I recall, tallow and other animal fats are high in saturated fats that can penetrate the hair shaft similar to coconut oil. So that's one benefit.
    Onward, Downward, and Outward to Body Swallowing Lengths!!

  9. #109
    Member shayna's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weirdest stuff/ product you put in your hair?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hairy-Fairy View Post
    Some people do make emulsified creams for their body with things like tallow. I don't see why you couldn't put it on your hair.
    As I recall, tallow and other animal fats are high in saturated fats that can penetrate the hair shaft similar to coconut oil. So that's one benefit.
    I have just been looking up about products made with tallow or lard for hair and skin, and I was rather surprised how many there are. Queen Helene Cholesterol Hair Conditioning Cream has both cholesterol and lanolin in the ingredients list. Mmmmm, very interesting!

  10. #110
    The Little Mermaid SandyBottom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weirdest stuff/ product you put in your hair?

    Nothing weird by LHC standards since pretty much anything goes, but here are some off the top of my head (pun intended). Banana, egg, avocado, fermented rice water, ginger, soy sauce, cayenne, sour cream, honey, molasses, numerous oils, aloe... These days I put most of the food items in my mouth so they can nourish the body as well as the hair. It's been fun experimenting!
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