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Thread: Should we restructure the Length-Specific Threads?

  1. #251
    Lagging behind life MusicalSpoons's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should we restructure the Length-Specific Threads?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bat View Post
    Oh missing threads are major mile stone thread
    Seasonal length thread
    I wasn't aware we had one of those I thought major milestones are generally celebrated in the relevant length thread, or in the random thoughts if people want to celebrate them more widely - or even sometimes people create their own thread to celebrate a major milestone. I've not seen that for a while, but nothing wrong with it.

    neko I echo the thanks for all your hard work with this!
    Length goal well and truly met, now just seeing how it grows ...
    Picky scalp but easygoing hair, thank goodness

  2. #252
    floating waves baanoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should we restructure the Length-Specific Threads?

    Neko, thank you for spending so much time moving and renaming all these threads ❤️

  3. #253
    The Little Mermaid SandyBottom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should we restructure the Length-Specific Threads?

    Thank you neko for all your work on restructuring these threads! Also, I appreciate the tip about the search box being Google and only searching the public parts of the forum. I never realized that! It certainly explains why I haven't been able to find stuff on occasion that I know is here-haha
    I pray for inner peace, family peace, world peace...Imagine whirled peas
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  4. #254
    Member Vara La Fey's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should we restructure the Length-Specific Threads?

    Quote Originally Posted by neko_kawaii View Post
    Sheesh. Life.
    I finally had a chance to make a sub-forum, move threads into it, and clearly rename everything. I updated the Index To Important Threads so it now reads:
    Length-specific and Milestone Threads
    A whole sub-forum! Pick the thread that fits your progress/goal/question.
    The arguments for why to merge or why not to merge the overlapping Waist through Tailbone threads had no clear solution.
    If I missed any threads that belong in the sub-forum, please point them out and I'll get them moved.
    Thanks for all your work on this. It's better than what we had, seems pretty complete now.

  5. #255
    Member Vara La Fey's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should we restructure the Length-Specific Threads?

    Quote Originally Posted by pisinoe View Post
    I find it quite inconvenient because I mostly use the forum on mobile but oh well, I guess it is what it is. Hope it's easier for others then.
    If it helps, I mostly use the Subscriptions list, and sometimes scan Mane for interesting new threads. If I like, I add to Subscriptions.

  6. #256
    Member luxurioushair's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should we restructure the Length-Specific Threads?

    The restructuring is very nice, I like how the threads have been placed into a subforum so they're easy to find. And they're clearly labelled.
    Started: 13/11/2014.Elapsed
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  7. #257
    Endearing weirdo truepeacenik's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should we restructure the Length-Specific Threads?

    Quote Originally Posted by MusicalSpoons View Post
    Oh also, for classic to knee, some people have a big distance between FTL and mid-thigh, some have little or no gap, and some people reach FTL after mid-thigh. Bodies can be fascinatingly unique. If the concensus does turn out to be to split the thigh abyss, then really it needs to split at FTL or MTL, separate threads for both won't work for everyone.

    The thigh abyss is when you most need the motivation of people already at knee, though, and the same with the calf abyss. And especially in the calf abyss it's unusual for growers to have to change things up and learn new styles/new ways of doing styles, so there's usually really much less to talk about than at the shorter lengths when people are still finding their routine and adapting to ever longer hair. Yes there are some unique experiences and challenges that only come with hair past knee/calf/etc. but people encounter those at all different lengths depending on how thick their hair is, their texture, their existing routine, etc. Splitting into separate threads after knee would be utterly pointless, I think. The Floor+ thread is pretty dormant most of the time, it's a valuable thread but just doesn't have the activity. I fear splitting the knee+ thread into milestones between knee and floor would result in similarly dormant threads.

    [Sorry for the double post but I think these points were too important to edit in and risk getting missed.]

    Edit: also knee to calf is literally 2-3 inches. By the time you've grown to knee, six months to the next milestone is kind of … nothing. Same with ankle to floor, although by then those extra few months really are nothing, for some the least certain part there can be whether your hair will actually reach it floor or not (and those few months will fly by whether you get there or not), and for others who are certain they'll be able to grow then those 4-6months are almost irrelevant in terms of hair growing. It can take longer than that to decide to trim!
    Co signing so much of this.

    As one who was knee, made a couple less than stellar decisions, and am now just back at classic, I’m happy to be staring the Long Dark Teatime if the Thigh, again.

    While I am a mid thigh is close to FTL sort, many other people here are not. Long legs are a thing. T-Rex arms are a thing. Long arms, shorter legs are a thing.

    I’ll add that the people who seem to support additional threads appear to be newer to the site, coming from much shorter lengths that are already covered by existing threads.

    What need are you trying to fulfill? Finding of information? The feeling of graduation? Something else?

    Long ago, we had debates around what a real measurement was: cm/inches or landmarks, and the general consensus was people did what was either easier, or made them feel their growth was happening.

    I’m in landmark is lazy and good enough for me camp. I’ll occasionally break out a measuring tape if I suspect a stall.

    Adding more length threads will steal the dynamism of posting.
    Last edited by truepeacenik; June 11th, 2023 at 08:01 AM.
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  8. #258
    LHC FairyGodMum lapushka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should we restructure the Length-Specific Threads?

    Quote Originally Posted by truepeacenik View Post
    Co signing so much of this.

    As one who was knee, made a couple less than stellar decisions, and am now just back at classic, I’m happy to be staring the Long Dark Teatime if the Thigh, again.

    While I am a mid thigh is close to FTL sort, many other people here are not. Long legs are a thing. T-Rex arms are a thing. Long arms, shorter legs are a thing.

    I’ll add that the people who seem to support additional threads appear to be newer to the site, coming from much shorter lengths that are already covered by existing threads.

    What need are you trying to fulfill? Finding of information? The feeling of graduation? Something else?

    Long ago, we had debates around what a real measurement was: cm/inches or landmarks, and the general consensus was people did what was either easier, or made them feel their growth was happening.

    I’m in landmark is lazy and good enough for me camp. I’ll occasionally break out a measuring tape if I suspect a stall.

    Adding more length threads will steal the dynamism of posting.
    True. Agree 100%!
    WCC method (washing) --- Rinse-out oil (MO) --- LOC/LCO method (styling)

  9. #259

    Default Re: Should we restructure the Length-Specific Threads?

    Quote Originally Posted by truepeacenik View Post

    Adding more length threads will steal the dynamism of posting.
    Totally agree with this, albeit a bit late, sorry. Last few years mostly I've noticed more typing vs. posting on this site. And other sites as well, to be fair. I am glad to see these length extravaganzas in their own "room." It's kept me from being more active here, honestly, because they tend to clog up the board.

    Personal opinion only, don't hurt the Murph.

  10. #260
    shapenote singer embee's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should we restructure the Length-Specific Threads?

    Quote Originally Posted by truepeacenik View Post
    Adding more length threads will steal the dynamism of posting.
    I agree with this also. It will be like graduating from Kindergarten, then graduating from 1st grade, then graduating from 2nd grade... after a while it stops meaning much.
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