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So, in two weeks I'm having a minor brain surgery. I wanted to ask tips for how to manage my hair best around that time. I've gone through this a number of times, but previous times I wasn't into haircare as much as I am now.
Before the surgery I have to wash my hair with hibiscrub, which has a fair amount of chlorohexidine (an antiseptic) in it. Afterwards, my hair always feels dried out and roughed up. After washing with that stuff I'm not allowed to use any other products, but I was wondering if using conditioner in the lengths before washing would protect it and rinse out good enough. Maybe a cone free condish would do the trick?
Afterwards I'll either be up and running or, if the surgery will be more serious than expected, I'll have to take bedrest for a week. What hairstyles would prevent my hair from becoming a matted mess? It's too short for bunning, so maybe braids? Will the roots stay tangle free in that case?