Not sure what I think of the structure of my natural hair. My plan was always to grow out my natural hair to shoulder and then chop off the dye, because the dyed ends split so easily and can look quite damaged at times. However, with the right treatment they can look quite shiny and glossy.
I'm not so sure whether that's the best way to go, as my natural hair seems to be a lot dryer than I expected. This makes me fear that once it gets more length it will split just as much as the dyed ends. It would be so sad to trim off all hair dye to avoid splits, loose length and then keep getting just as many splits.
I guess I was hoping for my natural hair to be shinier? I do think that a huge part of this whole problem is the fact that the different parts of my hair want different haircare. My bleached ends love cones, which seem to make my natural hair lifeless. However, if I cater to the natural parts more, the dyed ones will probably just fall off haha
Sorry about the rant!![]()