This year I am doing quite a bit of travelling, mostly short flights of about 1.5 hours but I am also doing one long haul flight to america. I generally have quite dry hair that does dry out very easily, especially when I fly. When I went to Thailand, my hair was dried out from the flight despite the fact I had deep conditioned the night before the flight. When I came back from Thailand, the combination of the heat and the sea water, combined with the fact my hair was already dried out, I had straw like hair. It had ever been that dry. Admittedly part of that was my own fault as I didn’t really take care of my hair. However even when I’ve flown to Europe, I’ve come away from the flight with dry hair. My skin dries out like crazy of flights too because of the recycled air, so I moisturise regularly to combat this.

Is there a way I can prevent my hair drying out from flying? Especially when it comes to my long haul flight, I don’t want to have dry, frizzy hair in my holiday pictures.