So when I comb my hair, a lot of times it snaps. Not like a big ''CLIC!'' but little sounds, like...''tic'' or ''tuhk'' and when it happens I start thinking about the fact that a few minutes ago my hair was not snapped, omg, that I just ruined it more, that some hairs lost some length... It always causes me some kind of anxiety. EEK!

I don't HAVE anxiety. It's just when I snap my hair I just get VERY bummed out and down. It's not like I have the thickest hair in the when they snap...I feel like I ruined the bit of thickness even more...I feel insulted by the universe...I think about the months it will take to grow this specific hair back...I think of the difference it makes after a while with all that snapping...

Like..I want all my hair to be super long hair all equal... ugh...