
Let's see where should I start?! I'm happy to have found this space to support me on my journey, and I look forward to supporting others. After all we are all in this together!

I will turn 40 next year and I'm finally accepting that I really like myself with long hair. Unfortunately it took cutting most of it off the realize this. Well at least I donated it to Locks of Love. I cut my hair because I thought it would make me look more professional and help me get a job I thought I wanted. This was about 8 months ago. I went from waist length to chin. It did not get me the job I thought I wanted. Now I am focusing on being authentically me and things are falling into place beautifully with my career. I have a wonderful family and a great life. My hair will grow back. It's easy to obsess over it though. Right?!?! I know you all understand! My hair is healthy, no dye, and I love my silver highlights, and I'm healthy. I try to focus on the good.