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Nadine <3
April 12th, 2014, 10:34 AM
My sleep braid fell out last night and I woke up with a mouthful of the softest, cleanest, prettiest hair I have ever...tasted.;)

April 12th, 2014, 11:02 AM
I'm sitting here with a NEW mask on .. not my HG texture treatment but a macadamia hair repair kinda thing. I really hope my hair likes it and it works well because I bought 2 of them lol it was BOGO.. my hair doesn't dislike much so there should be no problem but I hope there's a noticeable difference

April 12th, 2014, 11:49 AM
Washed my hair this morning. Have washed in the morning the last two washes. That is how my life tends to work in the Spring Summer..hopefully my hair will be okOK with it. Going to try to be in the habit of braiding it while it is wet and then doing buns the rest of the time.
Still trying to figure out how to handle the pool this year. We get a pass and go 3-4 times a week. I try to keep my hair dry (it is a water park with a kids area) but it is right in the full sun.

April 12th, 2014, 11:52 AM
I've back slid I did another s&d I did it outside. My neighbor boys were watching. The oldest one is like it's time for her to dust. The youngest is like and look how long it is. The oldest is like tuna must be working.

April 12th, 2014, 12:17 PM
Washed my hair with the WCC method, plopped my hair and tried out LOC:ing (for the first time) afterwards... My hair surely looks better after this treatment than it does in its natural state with its usual 'half waviness' going on. :thumbsup: I will try my best to not comb/brush my hair as much anymore, it really frizzes it up.

April 12th, 2014, 12:40 PM
Plan of action: Co-wash tomorrow as normal, see if my hair is back to normal after having been clarified. Then at the next wash, I will try co-washing on wet hair and see how that turns out. If I'm not happy I will go ahead and get the Jessicurl HCC.

April 12th, 2014, 12:45 PM
My brother refused to give me his blessing on getting a fringe. When I asked why not, he just shook his head and grumbled, "No short hair. No short hair." :laugh: I guess he's worried it will be a slippery slope and I'll end up chopping it all off. I love the support!

April 12th, 2014, 12:48 PM
My sleep braid fell out last night and I woke up with a mouthful of the softest, cleanest, prettiest hair I have ever...tasted.;)


Be glad of no leave ins?

April 12th, 2014, 12:49 PM
After washing my hair today... shampoo, dc and a quick rinse off I realised something. I don't comb my hair EVER.. The only time I've combed my hair in the past 2 months was cutting my hair last week.. I wonder if that's one reason I have little to no shedding, no breakage, no splits ..hmmm not even when wet or with conditioner I find the knots literally just fall out of my hair they dissolve.. I have no need to even finger detangle at this point

April 12th, 2014, 12:57 PM
With my Nightblooming order expected any day now, I'm debating attempting a more...chemical-free routine for summer (not that cones are foridden, but they should be used less often). My dad points out whenever he visits how long my hair is getting, its not with any tone of compliment or insult so I'll take it as "my LHC habits are working". Does anyone else end up massaging their scalp and thinking to themselves "grow, my pretties!" :P

April 12th, 2014, 01:05 PM
With my Nightblooming order expected any day now, I'm debating attempting a more...chemical-free routine for summer (not that cones are foridden, but they should be used less often). My dad points out whenever he visits how long my hair is getting, its not with any tone of compliment or insult so I'll take it as "my LHC habits are working". Does anyone else end up massaging their scalp and thinking to themselves "grow, my pretties!" :P

Not gonna lie .. I end up massaging and singing soft kitty lol (mostly due to the fact that I get told my hair feels like a cat or rabbit)

April 12th, 2014, 04:06 PM
Sarah, you must be at waist by now, right?

Nope, lindsayhv, it has decided to stop growing right on 31.5" just to annoy me. But I refuse to be annoyed. It HAS to grow sometime... Waist is 32".

April 12th, 2014, 06:18 PM
Well hopefully you are due for a growth spurt!! We have spring/summer coming so I hope I get a nice increase. Not sure what the seasons are like in New Zealand...probably awesome!

April 12th, 2014, 06:23 PM
Well hopefully you are due for a growth spurt!! We have spring/summer coming so I hope I get a nice increase. Not sure what the seasons are like in New Zealand...probably awesome!

We have just begun our autumn here - winter and fires and hot soup coming soon - yay!

April 12th, 2014, 06:24 PM
Well hopefully you are due for a growth spurt!! We have spring/summer coming so I hope I get a nice increase. Not sure what the seasons are like in New Zealand...probably awesome!

We have just begun our autumn here - winter and fires and hot soup coming soon - yay!

April 12th, 2014, 06:47 PM
I don't know if it's the beautiful weather we've having, continued use of Panacea, conditioning twice, misting every morning, or whatever else I'm doing, but my hair has been amazing. I've never really had an issue with retaining volume, but my hair's been becoming a mane instead of a mess. It's so soft and wavier than it's ever been in my life. I'm still getting some frizz, but somehow it seems more romantic and wild than awful. Maybe I'm finally starting to feel good about my hair? Whatever's going on, I like it!

April 12th, 2014, 06:50 PM
We have just begun our autumn here - winter and fires and hot soup coming soon - yay!

:D I want to study abroad in Dunedin next year around this time of year. Super excited.

I think I'll humor my mom and let her trim half an inch or so off when I go home in a month - hopefully that will tide her over at least until August. ;) She's of the hair-needs-trimmed-several-times-a-year camp, and I figure maybe it'll help me keep my ends nice and my hemline thicker.

April 12th, 2014, 07:13 PM
Kina I just recently started squeezing my product into my hair too, it makes so much of a difference! I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere with my quest for the best routine.

April 12th, 2014, 07:14 PM
I am SO surprised by how much my hair likes Fox's Shea Butter treatment. It just drinks it up and my hair is so amazing afterwords.

Makes me tempted to try Panacea...

April 12th, 2014, 07:14 PM
I use the LOC method to get my curls touchably soft, voluminous and defined. First I spray with my leave in / detangler, followed by a coney serum or oil.. then the magic with some conditioner that I squeeze and scrunch into my hair. I do everything while my hair is soaking wet to prevent frizz... I am currently on day 3 hair and no one would know :)

what is loc?

April 12th, 2014, 08:12 PM
I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to need to go back to SLS shampoos. My hair is happy and my scalp is slightly less greasy without them, but I've been having issues with dandruff and itchy scalp, no matter how thoroughly I clean, and whether I use CO or non SLS shampoo.
Well, I'll try SLS for a bit and see how my scalp and hair seem.

April 12th, 2014, 08:44 PM
what is loc?

Liquid followed by and oil then cream ... so liquid (my spray in leave in) oil (my serum or oil) and cream (my conditioner or styling cream). It keeps my hair moisturised for DAYS, I don't have to detangle because the products kind of keep everything in it's own lane, and the best part it leaves me with soft bouncy defined curls

April 13th, 2014, 10:46 AM
Shampooing my hair was so weird - my length looks glossy and not any frizzier than normal, yet my scalp doesnt look as clean as when I co-wash :confused:

April 13th, 2014, 12:17 PM
I just washed my hair yesterday DC and everything ... after doing a full clean today I have no choice but to wash again ... yayyyy :(

April 13th, 2014, 12:23 PM
Liquid followed by and oil then cream ... so liquid (my spray in leave in) oil (my serum or oil) and cream (my conditioner or styling cream). It keeps my hair moisturised for DAYS, I don't have to detangle because the products kind of keep everything in it's own lane, and the best part it leaves me with soft bouncy defined curls

thanks! Trying it today, but my hair is drying soooooo slllloooooowwwwwllllllyyyyyyy

April 13th, 2014, 01:01 PM
thanks! Trying it today, but my hair is drying soooooo slllloooooowwwwwllllllyyyyyyy

Mine does too it take about 5 hours to dry thoroughly... but I found with this method I don't mind it as much though because I only have to wait for it dry twice a week.

April 13th, 2014, 01:53 PM
I was thinking about putting my combs aside for awhile, and see how my hair will like finger combing only. I love my wooden combs, but there's so much splits and every time I comb, all the volume is gone.

April 13th, 2014, 03:07 PM
Generally i'm quite quiet (lol) here... But ever since i found i could take a picture with my ipad or phone, and soon post it here.... I've been a bit more talkative that normal... Still... How is it that some people who joined around the same time i did have like 400 posts now.... I barely have much above 200 ... And i'm here every day... Have yet to miss a day of forum stalking... Admittedly... I am not a very active commenter... Mostly just read for entertainment and really only comment when i feel i really need to say something... Still thou..... Gee...

Ever since i discovered a mix of coconut oil and olive oil... Ive been able to greatly calm down the frizz of brushed out curls... Very happy with my hair lately. Coconut alone makes my hair crunchy.. But diluted with olive oil is just the right amount.

Been experimenting with braids as of late.. Kinda dont want to over handle my hair, but ever since i got the hand of the french and dutch... And my hair reached hip length... Been wanting to try all of torrin paige hairstyles.. And with all the practice.. I can pull off really nice braids fairly fast and with minimal tangles even on my hair... Quite amazing to me really... And now i can post pictures here straight from my tablet... So its like take a picture and post it,..

Trying hard not to flood lhc with my pictures...

Ah ok... Rant over... Its just a happy day at my house today.

April 13th, 2014, 03:11 PM
Good on you Marbid!

April 13th, 2014, 03:55 PM
Ever since i discovered a mix of coconut oil and olive oil... Ive been able to greatly calm down the frizz of brushed out curls... Very happy with my hair lately. Coconut alone makes my hair crunchy.. But diluted with olive oil is just the right amount.

What's the dilution ratio you use? Do you mix it together as you go, or do you keep the combo in a container? Olive and coconut oils are my favorite, but I haven't really tried making a blend, so I'm curious about your method.

April 13th, 2014, 04:09 PM
I walked into the bathroom today to take a shower, and was greeted by the stench of BURNING HAIR. Oh my gosh, this girl was straightening her hair. I can count the times I've straightened my hair on my hands, but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to smell like that! It never did for me!

April 13th, 2014, 04:39 PM
What's the dilution ratio you use? Do you mix it together as you go, or do you keep the combo in a container? Olive and coconut oils are my favorite, but I haven't really tried making a blend, so I'm curious about your method.

You should play around with the ration... I mix 1/3 warm coconut oil to 2/3 olive oil.... Store the concoction in a small baby food jar.. I do it like this because coconut oil is good for my hair but very easy for me to over oil with it and make hair crunchy since my hair has a lot of protein in it already... So its a good ratio for me..

Also if you use warm oil and mix it well first... The coconut oil will not separate from the olive oil and harden... It will all stay liquid at room temperature... Not sure if you freeze it...

April 13th, 2014, 05:15 PM
I over did the s&d I trimmed off my splits. Only problem is I trimmed the splits too well. I had a broken area in the past I just let it grow out. When I s&d my ends I cut off the splits in that area now I have layers. Oh well I should have good growth on freshly s&d ends.

April 13th, 2014, 08:01 PM
My hair was left down for a parade I was in today... freshly cowashed and looking lovely... going through my head half the day: "Ugh, I can't bare to tuck this pretty hair now that it's behaving like itself again up into protective updo's again allll day everrrry day!" Quickly followed by "well, one of the reasons it will keep looking pretty IS the protective updo's most of the time!" Just relieved to have *my* hair back.

Nadine <3
April 13th, 2014, 09:17 PM
My mom (who likes short hair on me and keeps asking when I'm going to cut it :rolleyes:) actually complimented my hair today! I had pretty braid waves :)

April 13th, 2014, 09:34 PM
Can I ask some random n00b questions here? Idk if this is the right place.
Why do certain plants make hair healthy? Like, henna. I know some plants increase circulation to the scalp.

Also does oil go bad? I was going to make this hair growing potion. You take tons of black tea, pepper, etc and mix it with castor oil, bake it for 5 hours, and then strain out the herbs. You use it for the inversion method.

Can you do the inversion method/oil massage every night? If not, how often?

April 13th, 2014, 09:36 PM
Oh I forgot to add, are tea tannins good or bad for hair/scalp? Because that recipe is going to have TOOONNNS of tannins.

April 14th, 2014, 06:00 AM
Word of the day: dry. I washed my hair last night with a deep cleansing shampoo and did a SMT with a cone free hair mask and now my hair looks and feels like hay! Humidity is over 90 % so it can't be that... Just bad product combo I guess :suspect:

April 14th, 2014, 06:26 AM
I'll do my very best to answer these but hopefully someone much more knowledgeable chimes in too!

Can I ask some random n00b questions here? Idk if this is the right place.
Why do certain plants make hair healthy? Like, henna. I know some plants increase circulation to the scalp.

Also does oil go bad? I was going to make this hair growing potion. You take tons of black tea, pepper, etc and mix it with castor oil, bake it for 5 hours, and then strain out the herbs. You use it for the inversion method.

Can you do the inversion method/oil massage every night? If not, how often?

Henna (etc) as far as I know basically does a kind of patch repair, it forms a (permeable) coating on the hair shaft to strengthen it and in doing so it has many side benefits, such an increased shine and smoothness, increased thickness and/or volume, etc. A lot of people find it benefits their scalp, I notice less itching and dry skin, however I'm not sure it has any effect on your scalps circulation.

Oils can go rancid if mixed with water/other products, stored incorrectly or contaminated, some oils are more prone to it than others I think.

The inversion method is meant to be done for 7 days straight then you wait 3 weeks and repeat as desired, so basically you do it daily for 1 week a month, there's a thread for it in the 'mane' forum :)

Oh I forgot to add, are tea tannins good or bad for hair/scalp? Because that recipe is going to have TOOONNNS of tannins.

I can't answer on how tannins specifically affect the hair to be honest, but some people find certain types of tea to be drying, tea is mildly acidic (depending on how strong you brew it?) so it can work similar to an ACV rinse in some aspects (based on what I've read). I'm sure you know, but just in case, if you have light hair then be careful, some members have reported slight colour changes when using black tea! Also if your tea is caffeinated you may want to check out the caffeine rinse thread.

April 14th, 2014, 07:06 AM
Let my hair loose from a bee-butt while bowling yesterday, and I thought it looked okay with the very quick glance I gave it in the mirror... an hour later I take another (longer) look and OH GOODNESS THE HUMANITY! :agape: Frizz! Tentacles! Even more frizz! (There was a 4-5" halo of frizzed out hairs because it was raining that day!)

But I did like the way if felt to have it down for once, so I got that goin' for me, which is nice.

April 14th, 2014, 08:26 AM
Can I ask some random n00b questions here? Idk if this is the right place.
Why do certain plants make hair healthy? Like, henna. I know some plants increase circulation to the scalp.

Also does oil go bad? I was going to make this hair growing potion. You take tons of black tea, pepper, etc and mix it with castor oil, bake it for 5 hours, and then strain out the herbs. You use it for the inversion method.

Can you do the inversion method/oil massage every night? If not, how often?

I assume you are referring to Hairdrenaline because that's how you make it.. you don't have to use it for the inversion method. Many women just use it for their scalp massages (which ranges anywhere from daily to weekly)

The belief behind the inversion method is that the change in position (the inversion) is what causes the hair growth. By doing it every night your body would become accustom to it so it would stop working. That's why it it's only done 1 week per month, massage your scalp for 2 minutes then invert for four minutes.. get back up slowly

Nadine <3
April 14th, 2014, 11:29 AM
Co washed today so my hair is absurdly soft and my waves are more defined than usual. It's so pretty! I'm wearing it down today and it actually feels a lot thicker than it has ever felt!

April 14th, 2014, 12:12 PM
Yesterday (New to having longish bsl length) while doing my first hot oil treatment:

"Oh God this is so weird I look like an greasy gangly grumpy otter why am I doing this?!?*snicker* greasy grumpy gangly otter-ahhh it's in my eye!"

April 14th, 2014, 12:12 PM
Today is the first day I've gotten an infinity bun to stay in. Yay! I'm almost back to where I was when I trimmed two inches off a while back. :)

April 14th, 2014, 12:13 PM
I was washing my hair last night and because of the shrinkage I have no idea what length I am. I looked in the mirror with my wet hair and OMGosh .. 1" or less to APL.. go me :)

April 14th, 2014, 12:40 PM
I might be at waist forever....

April 14th, 2014, 01:12 PM
Sometimes I wonder if my bird has oil that's great for growing hair.
Most birds have these oil glands on their lower back that they rub their beak on, and then spread the oil on their feathers. Sometimes my bird preens my hair like that, as a display of friendship. It's cool to watch him take each little hair and rub his beak on it. He's very detailed with it. Too bad it would take him days to do my whole head. He probably thinks "these are the weirdest feathers I have ever seen".

April 14th, 2014, 01:24 PM
I don't think I'll even be APL by the end of the year. A little disappointed..

April 14th, 2014, 01:42 PM
In the process of bleaching my bangs as we speak..... Just the lil bangs thou... Gonna have to do a second time... This is going to turn out very yellow/orange for sure.. I'll do the second time a month from now... Gots to do some tlc after this..

Will maybe post a picture later...... This is all for the purpose of some colorful manic panic bangs... Wish me luck.. I did the coconut oil soak beforehand.

April 14th, 2014, 02:00 PM
In the process of bleaching my bangs as we speak..... Just the lil bangs thou... Gonna have to do a second time... This is going to turn out very yellow/orange for sure.. I'll do the second time a month from now... Gots to do some tlc after this..

Will maybe post a picture later...... This is all for the purpose of some colorful manic panic bangs... Wish me luck.. I did the coconut oil soak beforehand.

After you started talking about dying your bangs I started thinking about doing my underlayer ... not green though purple still not sure yet though ( if I do I wont be lightening my hair I don't need to)

April 14th, 2014, 02:01 PM
I was wondering that when I use the hairdrenalin, maybe my hair will grow extra fast, since my hair already grows 1.5 - 2 inches a month.

April 14th, 2014, 02:38 PM
I just realised that I haven't taken a pic of my hair yet for my avatar or otherwise simply because I'm not confident with it yet. I think I need about 10" of length then I can have some sort of hair confidence. I don't know it's just that my hair is too short, my layers are too short ... I keep it up, not to protect it but so that I don't have to look at it.

April 14th, 2014, 02:44 PM
Kina I just recently started squeezing my product into my hair too, it makes so much of a difference! I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere with my quest for the best routine.

Willa, your hair in your avatar is lovely.

my hair apparently loves having stuff squeezed into it. head covered in spiral curls. Normally my canopy is 2c while the underlayer is 3A. Today, the canopy is 3A and the underlayer is 3B, at least.

Of course, that shrunk my hair to just under bsl AND my bangs right back into my eyes (growing those out).

I also used more product than I have in the past, but my hair feels less product-y. Less crunchiness, but great hold and softness.

April 14th, 2014, 02:48 PM
I just realised that I haven't taken a pic of my hair yet for my avatar or otherwise simply because I'm not confident with it yet. I think I need about 10" of length then I can have some sort of hair confidence. I don't know it's just that my hair is too short, my layers are too short ... I keep it up, not to protect it but so that I don't have to look at it.

You could think of it this way. If you take a picture (and post it) of the back of your head, who on here will know it's you, other than your online name? People here tend to be very supportive, at worst, no one will comment. And that the WORST that could happen. At best? People will love your hair, which may help you to find a bit of confidence in it.

April 14th, 2014, 03:03 PM
You can also have pictures of your hair progress.... We can see your hair progress with updated avatars. ( i should update mine)

Also.... Lucky you who can play with the colorful dyes without having to bleach the hair.. I cant... But i still want them, and the long healthy hair too.... So compromise with tiny bangs only..

On a side note... My gawd... I never knew my hair was soooo resistant to bleaching.. Been at this all day... It came out just a bit golden brown after 40 minutes of sitting here with bleaching mix in my hair... My hair aint even that dark for it too have sooo much trouble getting lighter... Ive never bleached before.. Had no idea i would need to redoo it to get it lighter.

April 14th, 2014, 03:21 PM
:( I tried to wear a new headband today and it got MAJORLY tangled in my hair. I tried to detangle it forever, and eventually had to resort to cutting it out. :(

April 14th, 2014, 03:22 PM
I just realised that I haven't taken a pic of my hair yet for my avatar or otherwise simply because I'm not confident with it yet. I think I need about 10" of length then I can have some sort of hair confidence. I don't know it's just that my hair is too short, my layers are too short ... I keep it up, not to protect it but so that I don't have to look at it.

I suggest taking a picture now, even if you don't upload it. It'll be nice to be able to look back at how far you've come, once your hair's grown some.

April 14th, 2014, 06:34 PM
I'll do my very best to answer these but hopefully someone much more knowledgeable chimes in too!

Henna (etc) as far as I know basically does a kind of patch repair, it forms a (permeable) coating on the hair shaft to strengthen it and in doing so it has many side benefits, such an increased shine and smoothness, increased thickness and/or volume, etc. A lot of people find it benefits their scalp, I notice less itching and dry skin, however I'm not sure it has any effect on your scalps circulation.


To add to this-- the 'patch repair' happens because the dye molecule in henna (lawsone) bonds with the protein in your hair, which is why henna is so very, very permanent for most people. Henna can actually make some hair stronger. The lawsone-protein bond also accounts for some of the increase in volume and strand thickness that go with henna treatments. Mehandi.com and the henna threads here have a lot more in-depth information on henna, how people use it, and how it works, too, if you're interested.

Also, welcome to LHC, Budgie!

April 14th, 2014, 06:37 PM
I finally did it... Finally finished todays bleaching of bangs... Did it twice.. Turned out a golden blond.. Shall try again next months.... For now.. I must submerge my bangs in moisturizing conditioner... Moisture and more moisture and protein treatments...

I posted pictures.. On post picture here because you want to thread.

April 14th, 2014, 07:05 PM
I see roots, but I don't see length. Why oh why???

April 14th, 2014, 07:12 PM
Its all in your head.... There is length... Just much harder to notice than roots... Its all in your head.

April 14th, 2014, 07:46 PM
Are there any other herbal dyes besides henna?

April 14th, 2014, 08:37 PM
Finally got good enough with the spin pins to put it up without a hair elastic, and it stayed all day!
When i took it down tonight I had forgotten that it was up without an elastic. lol

April 14th, 2014, 08:41 PM
Apparently fishtail braiding my horse's mane gives him awesome "beachy" braid waves. :silly:

April 14th, 2014, 08:46 PM
Conversation I had with my husband on Sunday.
I sat down on our bed to brush my hair before pulling it up.
hubby asked what my spin pins were and I gave a brief description of them. He said they were cool and then said.
Hubby: 'By the way, I cleaned out my truck, and your hair was everywhere. I looked like I had an extremely long haired dog in there!'
He then told me how it was everywhere..in the house, garage, etc.
I told him it was because everyone loses close to 100 hairs a day and he just notices mine more because it is longer.
Hubby: 'Well, you definitely lose 100 hairs a day, but I like it long. You should keep it.'
Me: Good because it is not going anywhere anytime soon. lol

On a side nore though..I'm not sure how it is all over his truck..I normally have it up in a bun when I'm in his truck. *shrugs shoulder*

April 14th, 2014, 09:30 PM
I have two curls at the nape of my neck that spring all the way back to chin length, but can be stretched down to shoulder length. That is over 50% of their total length. This is going to take forever...

April 14th, 2014, 10:16 PM
I have two curls at the nape of my neck that spring all the way back to chin length, but can be stretched down to shoulder length. That is over 50% of their total length. This is going to take forever...

If it makes you feel any better I'm 1" away from APL but my hair bounces back to 1" ABOVE shoulder... I have 5-7" of shrinkage depending on the amount of product I use

April 15th, 2014, 05:53 AM
Are there any other herbal dyes besides henna?

Cassia (gives a golden tone to light hair)
Indigo (used with henna to create shades of brown or black)
Katam (similar to indigo, possibly?)
Amla (sort of - can be used to pull henna a slightly more brown toned red but won't give you a straight up brown like indigo can)

That's it as far as I know but I'm no expert! There are also various plants, spices, teas and vegetables that are supposed to enhance colours, natural or otherwise :)

April 15th, 2014, 02:30 PM
I've been traveling and had two hair mishaps:

(1) left my sleep cap in a hotel (I'm guessing!)

(2) had my first bun-plosion, which dinged my Timberstone Turnings hairstick a bit

Why the hair accidents?

April 15th, 2014, 02:38 PM
I realize my hair type is more wavy when I don't use cones, guess I'm actually 1c/2a, fun.

April 15th, 2014, 02:50 PM
I'm puzzled as to why in a full week my hair is getting compliments it's never drew attention before.

April 15th, 2014, 02:50 PM
"Honey, my hair is gotten crazy long"
"Should I cut it"
"No freaking way"

Gotta love that man

April 15th, 2014, 03:12 PM
I've been washing my hair with bicarbonate and then rinsing with ACV and last time I washed my hair I used cone-free, SLS-free schampoo.. And I noticed my skalp is much more irritated now! It's itchy :( But! That means that the bicarbonate/acv wash is working for me, so that's good news!

I have noticed, that even though I rinse my hair thoroughly with the ACV, it seems that my roots are greasy after it has dried? Does anyone know that i could be that causes this?

April 15th, 2014, 03:19 PM
If I bought hydrolyzed proteins, how would I use them? Do you make a mask after shampooing?

April 15th, 2014, 09:55 PM
If I bought hydrolyzed proteins, how would I use them? Do you make a mask after shampooing?

hydrolyzed proteins are already found within conditioners .. especially those conditioners stating "repair" "strengthen(ing)" or "anti-breakage" you just have to read the ingredients on the back of the container

April 15th, 2014, 10:00 PM
I used my HG (holy grail) leave in today after coming home from the gym (I don't care about my curl pattern etc. for tomorrow because I go the gym almost daily) and I forgot how affective it actually is. My regular shrinkage (5-7") is now around the realm of 9". I literally have a curl that normally sits around shoulder (four inches) that is now about 1.5" long due to my shrinkage. I love the ApHogee curlific line, both products from the line that I've tried immediately turned into HG products. I don't know what I would do if they discontinued them .... those who know me know that now I shall start hoarding the stuff, just in case lol

April 15th, 2014, 10:25 PM
Has anyone else tried to do an S&D mission where it appears that a hair is split really badly, but upon looking closer it's just 2 or 3 separate hairs growing really close together? I mean, I'm happy it isn't a split, but I hate getting so many false alarms.

April 15th, 2014, 10:48 PM
Has anyone else tried to do an S&D mission where it appears that a hair is split really badly, but upon looking closer it's just 2 or 3 separate hairs growing really close together? I mean, I'm happy it isn't a split, but I hate getting so many false alarms.
Yes! This happens to me a lot. :p

Is wavy hair shinier than straight? I have straight hair naturally, but when I have braid waves, it's like WHOA, SHINY!!! It's way less shiny normally, when it's straight.

April 16th, 2014, 03:40 PM
Hair, why are you trolling me?

I am still experiencing the piecey-ness in my length by THE END OF DAY 2. Wtf. Why can I no longer make it to 5 days? :( It's mainly my left side, it looks dull but dirty and stringy. I'm still only applying conditioner from chin level down and I'm still wearing my hair in pigtails overnight which solved this problem before but why not now? It isn't build up as I clarified twice. It isn't due to excessive hair touching, my pillow case is freshly washed and my hair hasn't had the chance to be 'contaminated' with dirty stuff (I haven't left the house!)

April 16th, 2014, 03:47 PM
And soooo... I'm back to my happy buns and brushed out curls.. After i let them curl a la curly girl two days ago... Had to rewet... And damp bun to get rid of them.. Now back to stretching washes and what not... I'm sure my scalp will benefit from sebum after back to back bleaching... Still feels a tad bit sensitive.

April 16th, 2014, 03:49 PM
Maybe as your hair gets longer, it gets heavier too, emphasizing the oiliness.

Nadine <3
April 16th, 2014, 04:07 PM
My hair is soooo soft and shiny. Coconut oil is amazing. I've been at my moms house and I can't bathe here and I don't have a shower cap yet so I've been washing every other day instead of every 4...ruined my wash stretching but I CO every other wash and I do love it. It feels cleaner than shampoo somehow and stays cleaner longer.

April 16th, 2014, 05:26 PM
If it makes you feel any better I'm 1" away from APL but my hair bounces back to 1" ABOVE shoulder... I have 5-7" of shrinkage depending on the amount of product I use

Nooo! That just makes me feel sad for both of us! My hair gets weighed down as it grows longer, does yours?

April 16th, 2014, 08:23 PM
Nooo! That just makes me feel sad for both of us! My hair gets weighed down as it grows longer, does yours?

It does but it takes time. I don't mind the shrinkage too much either, its short and curly everyday and then I wash and its like a surprise. Its an - oh I forgot my hair was this long moment- After all curls are deceiving

swords & roses
April 16th, 2014, 08:56 PM
I'm rewatching Firefly on Netflix. Zoe wears a flexi-8!!! *squee*

April 17th, 2014, 12:38 AM
I'm rewatching Firefly on Netflix. Zoe wears a flexi-8!!! *squee*

Oh my gosh, no way! I've never seen anyone in real life with an LHC hair toy, let alone someone on TV!

April 17th, 2014, 02:10 AM
i'm wondering if i should wash my hair today or tomorrow and if doing a 50/50 henna cassia mix 3 weeks after the last one is too soon....

April 17th, 2014, 04:48 AM
Not really a random hair thought, actually don't know what it is... Anyone else think of the sound of hair snapping when pasta/angel hair noodles break? or am I weird?

Hadn't combed my hair with a comb in a week... am kind of afraid to try it, but, it must be done! It had been behaving though... :shrug: I'll comb it tomorrow...

I are a procrastinator... :oops: also can actually braid again!! yay!

April 17th, 2014, 05:06 AM
I was just in Europe where it is possible to see Ficcares on the street! Three sitings in just a few days. Its impressive!

swords & roses
April 17th, 2014, 05:46 AM
Oh my gosh, no way! I've never seen anyone in real life with an LHC hair toy, let alone someone on TV!

Yep! I was surprised & happy to see it! :D This is the best screen cap I can find (http://s337.photobucket.com/user/serenifly/media/Zoe/Screencaps%20Firefly/Z_OMR_hair.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0), sadly. I noticed it in the ep "Our Mrs. Reynolds." Looks like it may be in "Heart of Gold" (http://serenity.popapostle.com/images/episodes/Heart-of-Gold/set-dressing.JPG) as well.

April 17th, 2014, 06:40 AM
Awkward hair related moment at work today.
My work place hired a new office employee not long ago. I've seen her only few times and never heard her name. Today my work mate said that this girl is gonna come and work with us in the production. My work mate said her name and obviously I had no idea who she was talking about.
"You know, the new girl with long hair", and I instantly started to think someone I've seen with hip long hair because to me hip is long hair. Nope, I couldn't remember her. My work mate then continued describing her and then I figured out who she meant. This new girl has collarbone length hair, that is NOT long to someone who spends their day in LHC! :laugh:

April 17th, 2014, 09:44 AM
Thinking about trying hydratherma naturals ... I just don't like the fact that I cant get it on the ground

**Woke up really really super sore from my workout yesterday (still sore from the day before) and all I can think about is .. this is awesome, I wonder how much that helped my hair lol

Side not - I love Mo Knows hair

Nadine <3
April 17th, 2014, 09:48 AM
A single dutch braid in my hair for sleeping does not stay put whatsoever. It started unraveling from the top and all my stupid layers fell out. I look pretty funny this morning lol

April 17th, 2014, 06:59 PM
I doubled up on leave-in today, I used my usual watermelon-scented one, and then I also used my shower conditioner as a leave-in. Oh my gosh. :eek: SO SOFT. I can't get over it. It looks so much sleeker than usual, too. And my hair smells like this amazing, bizarre combination of watermelon and cookies. Lol.

April 18th, 2014, 12:38 AM
After many months of consideration I finally ordered my first Ficcare the other week. A honey marble... :crush: They told me it was shipped on Monday this week and Im curious to know how long it´ll take for it to get here to my part of the world.

April 18th, 2014, 02:04 AM
After many months of consideration I finally ordered my first Ficcare the other week. A honey marble... :crush: They told me it was shipped on Monday this week and Im curious to know how long it´ll take for it to get here to my part of the world.

Ficcare is a dangerous game. I fell in love with them and just can't help myself! I hope you enjoy it!

April 18th, 2014, 02:42 PM
I'm not loving my hairs taper lately; I may crack and have my mom trim a smidgen off. I hadn't realized how much taper a French braid gave me; way more than a normal braid.

April 18th, 2014, 07:06 PM
That moment when you see a mega flexi8 in real life and you just hide your urge to run up and talk to them about LHC and whatnot.

April 18th, 2014, 07:16 PM
That moment when you see a mega flexi8 in real life and you just hide your urge to run up and talk to them about LHC and whatnot.

yup, been there

Nadine <3
April 18th, 2014, 07:18 PM
I can get all of my hair to stay up in a bun with nothing but one bobby pin... I don't know whether to be impressed or sad...

April 18th, 2014, 07:35 PM
I say be impressed... I can get my hair in a bun with no bobby pins... Lol... The longer.. The less pins... Generrally... Or... Thin and only one boby pin holds it all... Look forward to the no boby pin stange.. Means your hair can hold itself up.. Lol.. How weird..

One boby pin is sad... Lots of boby pins is cool... No boby pin is coolest... Lol.. Work towards less boby pins.. Or more.. But one is not cool.

April 18th, 2014, 07:36 PM
Hmm, Suave juicy green apple smells really good.

April 18th, 2014, 09:27 PM
Ficcare is a dangerous game. I fell in love with them and just can't help myself! I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you!

Its a dangerous game indeed, and theres a chance (risk?) my hair toy addiction reaches a new level after this. Ive been lurking in the Ficcare- thread for a long time and Ive noticed those Ficcares have a tendency to be slightly... addictive :p

swords & roses
April 18th, 2014, 10:02 PM
I trimmed up DH's goatee tonight, by hand. (He owns two trimmers, but we can never find the attachments to do anything besides a complete shave-down.) As soon as I finished grooming him, I reeeeallly wanted to grab my scissors & dive into a Feye's self trim on my own hair. But alas, there's never enough time...

April 18th, 2014, 10:03 PM

April 19th, 2014, 03:55 AM
I did a vinegar rinse when I washed my hair yesterday to see if it would help with scalp itchies/dandruff. Not sure it had much effect on that, but WOW my hair is shiny!!

April 19th, 2014, 04:26 AM
I did a vinegar rinse when I washed my hair yesterday to see if it would help with scalp itchies/dandruff. Not sure it had much effect on that, but WOW my hair is shiny!!

I love vinegar rinses. I find it hard to make my hair shiny (I think its a blonde thing?) and these rinses really help!

April 19th, 2014, 07:36 AM
I'm going to pamper my hair. I'm giving it another deep conditioning treatment.

April 19th, 2014, 09:10 AM
Do I deep condition today or do I deep condition tomorrow????

I have learned that I have to deep condition weekly to keep my curls tip top so I have been deep conditioning on Saturdays ..... just need to figure out if I get to be lazy today or lazy tomorrow?

Sitting here with my DC on my head and wishes it was my favourite ... I really need to get my hands on more of my HG deep conditioner. The only problem is I only have 1 of my HD and 2 of this other one. Plus I really need to finish using up product before I will allow myself to buy more.

April 19th, 2014, 09:13 AM
Another vinegar rinse fan here...! It tames my frizzy mane pretty darn well. :thumbsup: Too bad it doesn't smell like strawberries, though.

I really wonder how many Ead sticks I'm going to buy when I put up my next order... Might be anything between 3-8 pairs. :hmm:

April 19th, 2014, 10:08 AM
Do I deep condition today or do I deep condition tomorrow????

I have learned that I have to deep condition weekly to keep my curls tip top so I have been deep conditioning on Saturdays ..... just need to figure out if I get to be lazy today or lazy tomorrow?

Sitting here with my DC on my head and wishes it was my favourite ... I really need to get my hands on more of my HG deep conditioner. The only problem is I only have 1 of my HD and 2 of this other one. Plus I really need to finish using up product before I will allow myself to buy more.

I don't have curls just dry hair. I think the winter months took a toll on my hair. I did finish my vo5 shampoo and conditioner set Shea butter and vanilla. I do like them but I think it's good that I finished them. I love the use up your stash challenge.

April 19th, 2014, 11:02 AM
I don't have curls just dry hair. I think the winter months took a toll on my hair. I did finish my vo5 shampoo and conditioner set Shea butter and vanilla. I do like them but I think it's good that I finished them. I love the use up your stash challenge.

I was suffering from really bad heat damage so I cut it all off and now plan am doing a personal 25 month no scissor challenge. So deep conditioning for me is vital, my hair isn't super fond of oil treatments and heavy oilings (I use oils for sealing only) instead it would rather have DCs.

I've just done huge hair hauls (buy everything I want and think I might like) then use everything up before I buy anything else. That way I have options, I don't get bored and I can find holy grail products. So for me it's not a use your stash, it's just a cycle I go through every couple months.

April 19th, 2014, 11:49 AM
Sitting with a henna gloss on my head for a few hours....ho hum I'm getting bored...

April 19th, 2014, 12:07 PM
Re vinegar rinses: my scalps not been too itchy today and I don't have much dandruff , so it may have helped a bit with that. And still so shiny! I don't smell of vinegar either, which is a relief. Definitely a fan of vinegar rinses, even if it isn't as much of a cure for scalp as I'd hoped.
Those of you who do them, how often do you recommend?

April 19th, 2014, 12:09 PM
My hair feels soo good. The last time I used this DC I finished with my usual styling products and I don't think I did the conditioner justice.

April 19th, 2014, 12:55 PM
Today is a wash day. I put conditioner through my length, but I can't bring myself to get in the shower. :/ I absolutely HATE HATE HATE washing my hair. It's the worst thing about having hair longer than your shoulders. I like the results of gentle hair practices, and I have no intention of giving them up any time soon, but my post-shower routine was so much quicker back when I used to rip a brush through my hair for a few minutes and then blow dry with burning hot air. Some days I have patience for it, some days I don't. And this is one of those where I don't have the patience days. :(

April 19th, 2014, 02:04 PM
I was suffering from really bad heat damage so I cut it all off and now plan am doing a personal 25 month no scissor challenge. So deep conditioning for me is vital, my hair isn't super fond of oil treatments and heavy oilings (I use oils for sealing only) instead it would rather have DCs.

I've just done huge hair hauls (buy everything I want and think I might like) then use everything up before I buy anything else. That way I have options, I don't get bored and I can find holy grail products. So for me it's not a use your stash, it's just a cycle I go through every couple months.

My hair is being moody today it's not as happy as it has been after deep conditioning. I had to use extra oil on my damp length to seal it and some after it dried. My hair still isn't too soft. It doesn't seem like it's got build up. Oh well my hair and it's moods. I have to use my products up I've ran out of room for new products.

April 19th, 2014, 06:25 PM
Ashke50 -- I do vinegar rinses most washes and I wash once per week...so maybe 3x each month? You could try it out and see. I never had any problems with it. I love them.

I should add though (since you're blonde) that I use white vinegar. ACV darkened my hair a bit.

April 19th, 2014, 06:36 PM
I'm super excited for the cassia, but it won't be here till the 23rd.

April 20th, 2014, 01:40 AM
I should add though (since you're blonde) that I use white vinegar. ACV darkened my hair a bit.

I thought ACV only encouraged a golden tone in one's hair, not that it darkened it. =o I guess it's different for different people; I don't think I ever noticed it darkening my hair.


I miss doing CO and having actual soft hair (it was like magic to me, as I had had dry hair for so long)... Shampoos make my hair so dry and frizz cloud-like. (;~;)

April 20th, 2014, 06:59 AM
Love love my hair after a henna day! The color is so vibrant.

swords & roses
April 20th, 2014, 07:57 AM
My ends are getting wavier! Just wish I knew what to do with them. :/ The wurly-curlies have their thread, as do the wavy-wurlies. Is there a thread for the proper care & feeding of 1b, 1c, & 2a's? I'll have to go hunting later...

That said, once I finally get around to doing a self-trim to ditch the oodles of splits, I'll probably lose all that pretty wavy section. *sigh* Oh well, I *really* love that paintbrush feel of freshly trimmed hair!

I kinda want to henna my hair, both for the glorious conditioning I've heard about & for that amazing color. Buuuut I'm too chicken to do anything with my color. Henna is super-permanent, so if I don't like it, I'm stuck with it until it grows out, & will have to deal with the transition line as it does. I could get a similar color with dye, but my hair is pretty fragile, so it might be too damaging. And I don't dislike my current color. I just find that deep red really fascinating! And I kinda like bragging that I have virgin hair, you know? So I'll just be over here, admiring all you henna-heads' lovely color! :flower:

I'm also super-envious of all y'all with wonderful, fancy hair toys I can't afford, lol!

April 20th, 2014, 08:17 AM
My ends are getting wavier! Just wish I knew what to do with them. :/ The wurly-curlies have their thread, as do the wavy-wurlies. Is there a thread for the proper care & feeding of 1b, 1c, & 2a's? I'll have to go hunting later...

That said, once I finally get around to doing a self-trim to ditch the oodles of splits, I'll probably lose all that pretty wavy section. *sigh* Oh well, I *really* love that paintbrush feel of freshly trimmed hair!

I kinda want to henna my hair, both for the glorious conditioning I've heard about & for that amazing color. Buuuut I'm too chicken to do anything with my color. Henna is super-permanent, so if I don't like it, I'm stuck with it until it grows out, & will have to deal with the transition line as it does. I could get a similar color with dye, but my hair is pretty fragile, so it might be too damaging. And I don't dislike my current color. I just find that deep red really fascinating! And I kinda like bragging that I have virgin hair, you know? So I'll just be over here, admiring all you henna-heads' lovely color! :flower:

I'm also super-envious of all y'all with wonderful, fancy hair toys I can't afford, lol!

Have you considered Cassia instead of Henna? :)

April 20th, 2014, 12:19 PM
Was looking at old family albums, going back 14 years when my hair was a pretty BSL... I hardly paid it any attention. Never had it that length since... Getting there gradually. :)

April 20th, 2014, 01:17 PM
I love U-pins. They are like tiny hair forks...

Nadine <3
April 20th, 2014, 01:25 PM
I wonder if my hair likes all these jelly beans as much as I do...

April 20th, 2014, 01:39 PM
I wonder if my hair likes all these jelly beans as much as I do...

I wonder how sugar affects hair growth. I know it can bind to collagen and cause wrinkles.

April 20th, 2014, 02:16 PM
My bf today commented my hair.
"Your hair looks nice and clean today".
I have my hair oiled up almost all the time so even he noticed it 'clean'.

April 20th, 2014, 02:19 PM
My bf today commented my hair.
"Your hair looks nice and clean today".
I have my hair oiled up almost all the time so even he noticed it 'clean'.

I worry about this sometimes! I am an avid hair-oiler. At least with summer coming, I'll need to do it less. This winter has made me a bit crazy about the oiling!!

April 20th, 2014, 03:05 PM
I wonder if anyone else puts on Iggy Pop to S&D (I mean come on)

April 20th, 2014, 03:38 PM
My bf today commented my hair.
"Your hair looks nice and clean today".
I have my hair oiled up almost all the time so even he noticed it 'clean'.

Lmao! Omg my life. My hair is always oiled, so when it's not, my bf is like "omg! Your hair is so pretty today. You don't have any crap in it!"

swords & roses
April 20th, 2014, 03:38 PM
Have you considered Cassia instead of Henna? :)

From what I've read on Cassia, it would give me the conditioning of henna, but would put a golden tone on my hair, if any color at all, rather than the deep red of henna. Is that correct?

April 20th, 2014, 04:08 PM
From what I've read on Cassia, it would give me the conditioning of henna, but would put a golden tone on my hair, if any color at all, rather than the deep red of henna. Is that correct?

Yes, most dark haired people don't notice the yellow though.

April 20th, 2014, 04:56 PM
I did a cowash with VO5, and my hair it stringy on the sides. This is just because I stood forward in the shower and forgot to turn. :(

April 20th, 2014, 05:16 PM
My bf today commented my hair.

I noticed that most people here mention "bfs" and "husbands"...I think it might have to do with the hair?

Getting hopeful! :agree:

Love your hair höpönasu. That was my envy hair when I was a teenager: Blonde and straight!

April 20th, 2014, 05:41 PM
From what I've read on Cassia, it would give me the conditioning of henna, but would put a golden tone on my hair, if any color at all, rather than the deep red of henna. Is that correct?

Yep that's right :) it also doesn't have the same permanency as henna, most members here seem to find that the effects of cassia last around 4 weeks (maybe up to 6?). Fortunately it's quicker (and imo slightly easier) to do a cassia treatment than it is to henna and with no visible roots you'd not be tied to a strict schedule :)

April 20th, 2014, 06:09 PM
My hair's been looking pretty decent these days, however, I realized all I have in my albumn here are really ancient photos of my hair pre-henna and mega damaged. Me thinks I should remedy that soon.

April 20th, 2014, 06:25 PM
I just noticed that I only have about two inches left until my hair touches my waist while curly! Of course in curly terms, this means I need to grow about 4-5 inches. Sigh......

April 20th, 2014, 07:21 PM
I just noticed that I only have about two inches left until my hair touches my waist while curly! Of course in curly terms, this means I need to grow about 4-5 inches. Sigh......

I´d love to see a picture! :waving:

April 20th, 2014, 07:26 PM
I´d love to see a picture! :waving:

HI!!! I posted one in the Easter hairstyles thread if you'd like to take a look see! :)

April 20th, 2014, 08:44 PM
All of a sudden I am having trouble making buns that are straight and tight and stay in my hair.

I can't figure out why my buns are all slightly to the right and eventually fall out lately.

What a pain. I need some bun troubleshooting.

April 20th, 2014, 09:54 PM
HI!!! I posted one in the Easter hairstyles thread if you'd like to take a look see! :)

Saw it! So nice to see long curly hair! It´s looking great and love the color. Good growing!

swords & roses
April 20th, 2014, 10:01 PM
Yep that's right :) it also doesn't have the same permanency as henna, most members here seem to find that the effects of cassia last around 4 weeks (maybe up to 6?). Fortunately it's quicker (and imo slightly easier) to do a cassia treatment than it is to henna and with no visible roots you'd not be tied to a strict schedule :)

Hmm... I may give it a try, then, one of these days. :) I wouldn't have that glorious red color, but it'd let me see if I like the other benefits of henna, aside from the color, before doing anything permanent/drastic. Thanks!

All of a sudden I am having trouble making buns that are straight and tight and stay in my hair.

I can't figure out why my buns are all slightly to the right and eventually fall out lately.

What a pain. I need some bun troubleshooting.

Mine always seem to be off center for some odd reason. All I can think of there is maybe it's time to get a quick tune-up at your chiropractor's office? As for the buns falling out, have you changed anything in your daily routine lately? Different products, detangling procedure, oil treatments, etc?

April 20th, 2014, 10:37 PM
Mine always seem to be off center for some odd reason. All I can think of there is maybe it's time to get a quick tune-up at your chiropractor's office? As for the buns falling out, have you changed anything in your daily routine lately? Different products, detangling procedure, oil treatments, etc?

I did realize I have started coating my hair in http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=409745&catid=183385&aid=338666&aparam=409745 that while it is wet, which makes it much slippier, so I have to twist it tighter. I've always used it I just have started using more. And yes, I'm sure it is more cone than oil but I don't worry about cones so yeah... :D

The slightly off center thing will continue to drive me nuts until I figure it out (or until I quit worrying about it, lol).

I guess detangling has only changed because I've quit brushing or combing it entirely. Except to smooth down my scalp if I do a bun/ponytail since I dislike those curly shark fins that I get otherwise.

April 20th, 2014, 11:51 PM
Taking care of my hair (detangling, braiding, applying oil/leave-in, etc) has become such a ritual for me, I love it. :)

April 21st, 2014, 02:14 AM
Detangling tonight was a nightmare. I really need to oil the ends and maybe the length after washing.

April 21st, 2014, 06:53 AM
Blerg! I did a whole head henna because I've been looking washed out lately since I've been growing out 1 hour henna instead of 6 hour henna (application time). My hair (and hair/face combo) look much prettier to me now, but I wish I didn't have to have this pink undertoned henna! I really want the bright orangey coppery color that I got from my old henna, but I have 10+lbs of this pink stuff and no money... I guess I'll have a haircolor that isn't quite what I want until I can afford to buy more henna (or I finally run out of this stuff... but that's years away).

On a side note, if anyone is looking for a lot of high-lawsone henna that gives a cherry red color on white hair and a pink undertoned red on blonde hair... PM me! :lol:

I just noticed that I only have about two inches left until my hair touches my waist while curly! Of course in curly terms, this means I need to grow about 4-5 inches. Sigh......

Oh goodness, the only thing I don't envy about curly hair! It's like the store is a mile away, but you gotta circle each block as you go!

April 21st, 2014, 06:58 AM
I feel like I have more split ends since I've started to wear my hair in a high bun at nights :(

April 21st, 2014, 07:03 AM
I finally got most of my hair (but not all) in ponytail, so I could measure it. I thought I would have ii hair, but it's 10 cm already, and there's not even all my hair, so I would say it's more like iii O.O I mean, I knew I have lot's of hair. One hairdresser once started to mutter, while dyeing my hair, that she already made double amount of dye, and she had dyed maybe 3/5 of my hair :D

April 21st, 2014, 10:37 AM
I think I've found a new recipe for my hair oil. Same ingredients smaller pump bottle. Not as much water so it's not diluted. This might help my dry hair.

April 21st, 2014, 11:05 AM
Damien has a thought on why my hair had stopped growing when I first joined here I oiled my hair and scalp daily. My cat bobby would smell my oil mix then sneeze in my hair. He thinks the sneeze and cat breath acted like methane to grass made it grow. When we get a new cat I need one to sneeze in my hair.

April 21st, 2014, 11:12 AM
Damien has a thought on why my hair had stopped growing when I first joined here I oiled my hair and scalp daily. My cat bobby would smell my oil mix then sneeze in my hair. He thinks the sneeze and cat breath acted like methane to grass made it grow. When we get a new cat I need one to sneeze in my hair.

Haha! I wish dog sneezes worked like that.

Nadine <3
April 21st, 2014, 01:37 PM
I need to shower so I can get the smoke smell out of my hair from my moms house...but I feel so lazy after a day of sitting in the car and moving my crap around. I just don't want to have wet hair for an hour...

April 21st, 2014, 02:10 PM
Hi guys,

Sorry about this picture shudder: But is this a lot of shed?


I´m getting worried. I´ve been trying everything (dandruff shampoo, vitamins, inverted massage, no co-wash) and still I lose about this much with every shower. Plus I only have shoulder length hair.

Is this what you guys shed?


April 21st, 2014, 02:28 PM
Hi guys,

Sorry about this picture shudder: But is this a lot of shed?


I´m getting worried. I´ve been trying everything (dandruff shampoo, vitamins, inverted massage, no co-wash) and still I lose about this much with every shower. Plus I only have shoulder length hair.

Is this what you guys shed?


For *me* that would be a lot but my hair is fine. Your stats say that yours is medium. Everyone's shed rate is different. is this an increase for you? If it is a dramatic increase and you are not post partum or under a significant amount of stress, my recommendation would be to make an appointment to see your doctor. Think about if there have been any other changes for you, are you more fatigued? Is your appetite changed? Have you radically changed your diet? How's your sleep?

Catalog changes, make a list with a comparison and see if you can pinpoint when they changed and bring this with you to your medical appointment.

If there have not been significant changes, the stressing over the loss could make it worse. We're in the time of year (in the Western Hemisphere) spring has sprung and we're shedding, so it might just be seasonal.

I found that black camphor oil helped my shedding quite a bit, at least before the seasonal stuff showed up. Good luck!

April 21st, 2014, 02:33 PM
A thought...I tried Feye's self-trim method and failed a while ago. I was thinking, would it work well if I divided my hair in half (like I was going to do pigtails) over each shoulder and trimmed each half separately? When I tried Feye's method I ended up with a huge chunk of the left side being two inches shorter than everything else. :(

April 21st, 2014, 02:37 PM
I wish there was some type of device that could calculate how many times I think about hair/hair-related things in a day. O.o (It would be A LOT.)

April 21st, 2014, 02:43 PM
For *me* that would be a lot....
my recommendation would be to make an appointment to see your doctor. Think about if there have been any other changes for you, are you more fatigued? Is your appetite changed? Have you radically changed your diet? How's your sleep?

Nooooo, not the doctor! :couch: :chillpill:

I don´t know about any significant change. I was wondering if other people sheded that much.

Thank you so much!!!!!! :flower:

Nadine <3
April 21st, 2014, 02:48 PM
I bit the bullet and washed. It actually felt nice, since it's very muggy and warm today. Not a fan of this soggy hair though...

April 21st, 2014, 02:54 PM
Nooooo, not the doctor! :couch: :chillpill:

I don´t know about any significant change. I was wondering if other people sheded that much.

Thank you so much!!!!!! :flower:

Well, I do (actually I'd say I take that much off my comb 2-4 times every time I comb it out), but I'm also at classic, so it's a bit different for me.

April 21st, 2014, 02:58 PM
Nooooo, not the doctor! :couch: :chillpill:

I don´t know about any significant change. I was wondering if other people sheded that much.

Thank you so much!!!!!! :flower:

lol! As I said, for me, that would be a lot, but another poster said that she takes off that much from her comb several times daily. Maybe it's just seasonal?

April 21st, 2014, 03:01 PM
Hi guys,

Sorry about this picture shudder: But is this a lot of shed?


I´m getting worried. I´ve been trying everything (dandruff shampoo, vitamins, inverted massage, no co-wash) and still I lose about this much with every shower. Plus I only have shoulder length hair.

Is this what you guys shed?

That looks like it would be about two weeks' worth of shedding for me, but I have fine hair.

April 21st, 2014, 04:12 PM
Thanks so much guys!

And where I´m at it´s the Fall season now.

Ack! :-(

April 21st, 2014, 04:58 PM
Haha! I wish dog sneezes worked like that.

I got to thinking this might work. If it doesn't grow at least it's something neat to talk about.

April 21st, 2014, 06:19 PM
Hi guys,

Sorry about this picture shudder: But is this a lot of shed?


I´m getting worried. I´ve been trying everything (dandruff shampoo, vitamins, inverted massage, no co-wash) and still I lose about this much with every shower. Plus I only have shoulder length hair.

Is this what you guys shed?


I shed about this much, maybe a little more on wash day. I only lightly comb or finger comb in between washes so it's harder to the shed hairs. i If it's only happening when you wash, maybe the scalp massage is loosening hairs that would shed in the next day or two?

April 21st, 2014, 06:43 PM
My scalp is itchy. I think I didn't get all the henna out yesterday. woops.

Nadine <3
April 21st, 2014, 06:59 PM
Hi guys,

Sorry about this picture shudder: But is this a lot of shed?


I´m getting worried. I´ve been trying everything (dandruff shampoo, vitamins, inverted massage, no co-wash) and still I lose about this much with every shower. Plus I only have shoulder length hair.

Is this what you guys shed?


That looks like a years worth for me. Unless I'm having a bad seasonal shed, I loose very little hair.

April 21st, 2014, 07:16 PM
I shed about this much, maybe a little more on wash day. I only lightly comb or finger comb in between washes so it's harder to the shed hairs. i If it's only happening when you wash, maybe the scalp massage is loosening hairs that would shed in the next day or two?

Thank you! Yeah, I don´t really comb my hair unless I´m in the shower so maybe that´s it, although when I remove my hair clips or bands I notice a bunch of strands also. Yikes!

That looks like a years worth for me. Unless I'm having a bad seasonal shed, I loose very little hair.

Oh no! :cry: Ommm :meditate: Thanks for sharing!

April 21st, 2014, 09:27 PM

April 22nd, 2014, 12:40 AM
I got lots of compliments on my hair at Coachella this weekend!! Soo happy my hard work is showing :D

April 22nd, 2014, 12:42 AM
New avatar! Because I noticed I hadn't updated it since, what, MBL?

Rosa Harris
April 22nd, 2014, 02:11 AM
ordered this beautiful Viking hairpin based on an archeological find in Ireland.


Can't wait! I'm an archeology geek. I already have some of his work and it is awesome in detail and exactness. Really hope he stays true to himself and doesn't start selling his wares as fakes on ebay for an arm and a leg.

April 22nd, 2014, 05:17 AM
Blerg, I hate/love this henna color! I did a whole head treatment to bring my color from strawberry on top to real red (only took two hours, fricken strong henna!) and now I don't want it anymore and I'm doing hot oil treatments! :lol:
It's gorgeous, and it looks great on me, but I want my old flaming orange back! This henna I've been using for the past few years is so dark-staining that I get to true red very quickly.

Gonna stop complaining and keep thinking lol!

April 22nd, 2014, 05:34 AM
Hi guys,

Sorry about this picture shudder: But is this a lot of shed?


I´m getting worried. I´ve been trying everything (dandruff shampoo, vitamins, inverted massage, no co-wash) and still I lose about this much with every shower. Plus I only have shoulder length hair.

Is this what you guys shed?


How often d you wash? I don't think I shed that much during a wash and I co-wash every 5 days.

April 22nd, 2014, 06:04 AM
ordered this beautiful Viking hairpin based on an archeological find in Ireland.


Can't wait! I'm an archeology geek. I already have some of his work and it is awesome in detail and exactness. Really hope he stays true to himself and doesn't start selling his wares as fakes on ebay for an arm and a leg.

That's freaking cool. I'm so tempted!

April 22nd, 2014, 07:17 AM
Jennah} If you seldom comb your hair and don't wash it very frequently, then a lot of the shed hairs are being gathered in your hair until you wash it. If so, there's no cause for concern. :flowers:

On the other hand, if you've noticed a big increase of shedding, you might want to get a health check-up.

April 22nd, 2014, 08:20 AM
Hey guys, wanna see something gross? Here's almost a month's worth of sheds for me, missing only a couple showers where I didn't pre-comb.
It's not huge, but it is dense, it makes a thud when I drop it.

April 22nd, 2014, 08:28 AM
I'm excited to go to the doctor's tomorrow and have a blood test! Want to find out if I am low in anything that my hair needs! It does grow, but I wish it grew faster and stronger...

April 22nd, 2014, 09:54 AM
I noticed the shampoo I use is based on smell ... the fact that it doesn't strip or dry my hair out is a plus.

Side note- I can't wait to get my hands on Herbal Essences Totally Conditioner, I love the smell, I love how it works in my hair. I just need to empty out some of my hair products first. Maybe for my birthday my Dh will surprise me with a bottle of conditioner

my mom is also sending me another care package tomorrow ... I can't wait to get my hands on it and see whats in there. She even sent some things for DH.. so next Tuesday I have to stay in the house because I can't miss the mailman

*****Making a HUGE batch of my leave in conditioner .... as well as a toner. Pretty much just want to throw out bottles so making a bit of everything does that for me. Means ill have about 3 bottles gone if not more

Nadine <3
April 22nd, 2014, 10:29 AM
I just did a sock bun for my first time! Took a few tries to get it rolled and spread evenly but I did it! It looks HUGE! :D

April 22nd, 2014, 10:29 AM
Jennah} If you seldom comb your hair and don't wash it very frequently, then a lot of the shed hairs are being gathered in your hair until you wash it. If so, there's no cause for concern. :flowers:

On the other hand, if you've noticed a big increase of shedding, you might want to get a health check-up.

It started in February.

How often d you wash? I don't think I shed that much during a wash and I co-wash every 5 days.

Every 3 to 4 days.

Thank you guys. I´m going to try and forget this subject now.


April 22nd, 2014, 02:11 PM
I'm not sure what to do with my hair any more, do I want to chop? Surely not! I just wish my bangs would behave, then I wouldn't be so tempted to change something.

I can feel my hair brushing against my lower back, further than waist. Maybe I'm at hip? It certainly feels different, kind of nice... but different.

April 22nd, 2014, 02:36 PM
I feel like shaving my head just so I have one less thing to worry about.

April 22nd, 2014, 03:32 PM
grroooowww hair grooowww

April 22nd, 2014, 05:58 PM
What's the opposite of growing? Because that's what I feel my hair is doing.

April 22nd, 2014, 06:22 PM
What's the opposite of growing? Because that's what I feel my hair is doing.

I've been feeling like that for the past week or so. Whyyyyyyy?

Random Hair Thought: I got a massage today (amazing -- its been ages and my back was in agonies). I had my hair in a braid and the massage woman asked me to 'open my hair'. She was Chinese so it may have been a literal translation from her dialect. Whatever it was, I loved the expression. Also, she loves long hair so we kind of bonded.


April 22nd, 2014, 06:34 PM
Finally back to where I was before I trimmed a couple inches off a couple of months ago!!! Yay! Now on to longer lengths! I hope. Soon. Please?

April 22nd, 2014, 09:18 PM
Random thought my hair oil recipe trying to figure out the ounces of my bottle. How to divide up my three oils into equil parts. I'm at work unable to see the ounces of my bottle. My next issue is why my one section of hair mats up there aren't any visible splits doesn't need clarified. I'm using cone oil cerium. Wearing the same jacket as I wore last week. Wondering if it's a moisture issue.

April 22nd, 2014, 09:40 PM
that quote is so true Jacqueline101!

April 23rd, 2014, 02:00 AM
How can I do the perfect French braid at night before I go to bed, but as soon as I try to do it to go out in public it never seems to look decent!?

April 23rd, 2014, 06:17 AM
that quote is so true Jacqueline101!
I just hope I can resolve it.

April 23rd, 2014, 06:39 AM
I've been feeling like that for the past week or so. Whyyyyyyy?

Random Hair Thought: I got a massage today (amazing -- its been ages and my back was in agonies). I had my hair in a braid and the massage woman asked me to 'open my hair'. She was Chinese so it may have been a literal translation from her dialect. Whatever it was, I loved the expression. Also, she loves long hair so we kind of bonded.


Oh that's so cool! I've heard the term "open" for loose hair before, usually from foreigners, but also from older Americans. I like it, it's kind of a good way to describe how I feel when I leave my hair down (although "loose" is really nice, too). :)

April 23rd, 2014, 07:12 AM
Often said and now acknowledged as fact: splits magically appear when my S&D shears are packed.

April 23rd, 2014, 07:37 AM
When combing, I occassionally hear a pop. Is this a hair breaking or coming out of the follicle?

April 23rd, 2014, 07:38 AM
I want my hair to be intrinsically beautiful

April 23rd, 2014, 07:59 AM
I just googled "hair in art" and realised that I am quite freaked out by hair that isn't actually attached to someone's head!? Wonder what that's about... I also recall a video that someone posted in this forum about ladies lying on their back and hair sort of cascading down a wall. It was eerie...

April 23rd, 2014, 09:08 AM
I wonder how being vegan will affect my hair growth ... I mean I plan a pizza and cake for my birthday (non vegan) but I wonder what it will do. I mean my DH already sees how great my skin is getting, I see how fast my nails are growing (I eat AT LEAST 3,500 calories a day).

As well as switching to veganism I am also losing weight and adding muscle. So detoxing and exerting all this energy while building muscle. No wonder I'm this tired

April 23rd, 2014, 12:09 PM
I just googled "hair in art" and realised that I am quite freaked out by hair that isn't actually attached to someone's head!? Wonder what that's about... I also recall a video that someone posted in this forum about ladies lying on their back and hair sort of cascading down a wall. It was eerie...

Hair is something that people view as an "extension of the self" I think. I'm reading Mary Roach's Gulp right now, and there's a section about how spit is one of those things we view as part of ourselves or other people until it leaves the body, like you don't worry about your partner's spit when you're kissing, but anyone would be grossed out if that person spit on your face. I think hair is the same way. When it's removed from the person, it becomes its own weird thing, and something happens in our brains where we're repulsed at the idea of something that should be attached but isn't. There's a evolutionary imperative for this repulsion, mainly to protect ourselves from disease.

April 23rd, 2014, 03:05 PM
I got a new comb yesterday. All the combs (including my favorite one) vanished recently.
So I bought a pack for the kids and one just for me. Used it last night. Love it!

April 23rd, 2014, 03:43 PM
I just googled "hair in art" and realised that I am quite freaked out by hair that isn't actually attached to someone's head!? Wonder what that's about... I also recall a video that someone posted in this forum about ladies lying on their back and hair sort of cascading down a wall. It was eerie...

That also creeps me out!! Hair on head? no problems! Hair not on head?? GET IT AWAY I DON'T WANT TO SEE IT LEST I LOSE MY APPETITE! Makes me feel like part of a horror movie.

April 23rd, 2014, 03:46 PM
My stepmother was getting ready to leave the house to go to work. She comes downstairs, had just gotten out of the shower (her hair was very damp), she grabs a brush, and starts vigorously brushing her hair. I could hear the hair snapping and knots getting ripped out from across the room..

I'm literally just sitting here like ':tmi:'. I have told her several times how horrible this is for hair. She hasn't listened to me, though. :s This is definitely one of my biggest pet-peeves and really made me cringe!

April 23rd, 2014, 05:59 PM
My hair is starting to feel heavier....weird.

Nadine <3
April 23rd, 2014, 08:28 PM
I put coconut oil on my sleep braids. Now my cat is trying to eat them...

April 24th, 2014, 12:14 AM
When I became determined to quit wearing my hair in a ponytail I really didn't mean to develop a liking for wearing my hair DOWN...

But I do. Especially with Day 1 hair where my waves and wurls are at their finest. Days after that wearing in a bun is fine, but it just seems like such a waste to hide nice waves and almost curls.

April 24th, 2014, 12:34 AM
I am in the yucky doldrums. My best friend won't say that she doesn't like my hair, but every time I wear it up, she says, hopefully, "oh, you cut your hair!" And then I say, "no, I didn't." I think I will be in this abyss for one or maybe two years, and even then I may not like my hair, but if I don't try, how will I ever know?

April 24th, 2014, 01:50 AM
Just got off the phone with my sister. She has the same fine, damage-prone hair as me. We discussed the futility of S&D and the frustrations of microtrimming. It's nice to not feel so alone....

swords & roses
April 24th, 2014, 05:00 AM
I am in the yucky doldrums. My best friend won't say that she doesn't like my hair, but every time I wear it up, she says, hopefully, "oh, you cut your hair!" And then I say, "no, I didn't." I think I will be in this abyss for one or maybe two years, and even then I may not like my hair, but if I don't try, how will I ever know?

Hang in there! It gets better! :) All that matters is that you're doing what makes you (and your hair, which is a part of you) happy. It's never fun when a friend doesn't like something you're doing, but they should love you just the same. Maybe let her know that a little less pressure to chop and a bit more support for your efforts would be appreciated? :flower:

April 24th, 2014, 05:27 AM
Doesn't matter how intricate the bun, with curly hair it's still gonna look like a blob in a bun.

April 24th, 2014, 05:57 AM
I love henna. I love coconut oil. Nuff said.

April 24th, 2014, 06:46 AM
I love henna. I love coconut oil. Nuff said.

I'm with you! I hennaed this weekend and had coconut oil on my head for 24 hours. Just co washed it out last night. Happy hair!

April 24th, 2014, 06:47 AM
Damien was right god wants me to make oil. I found a 1.7 ounce pump bottle and now I'm going to work on my oil blend.

April 24th, 2014, 07:00 AM
I had a coconut oil and olive oil mix overnight treatment before my (premature) wash yesterday. Happy, happy hair!

April 24th, 2014, 10:26 AM
I will be so excited when I can make a proper beard out of my hair :P or be Cousin It!

April 24th, 2014, 11:26 AM
I love how well my hair holds a curl. I curled my hair yesterday (cocoon curls) and braided it last night, going in the opposite direction as the curls, which should've flattened them out, but today I still have a few loose curls.

April 24th, 2014, 12:16 PM
Happy hair tonight. I washed it with Dr organics aloe conditioner. Now wondering whether I need to bite the bullet and get a trim. Been holding off from doing that for months.

April 24th, 2014, 03:10 PM
Hair is like a tea kettle if you watch it- it won't grow. You watch a tea kettle it won't boil.

I totally agree. Now that my hair is at hip length I find myself being very impatient to grow to Classic Length. It's like it has been at hip forever! I am truly learning to have patients. :D

April 24th, 2014, 03:26 PM
I'm very happy with my hair today. I wish I felt like this all of the time!

April 24th, 2014, 04:15 PM
Can't wait to wash my hair tomorrow. I'm still sticking to my 'wash every 5 days' thing but my hair now has to be up as it's so piece-y. I hope my hair can go back to normal.

swords & roses
April 24th, 2014, 06:00 PM
What exactly does the great LHC community classify as the hip when referring to hip length hair? Top of the pelvis? (aka iliac crest.) Hip socket/joint? Greater trochanter? (the widest part of yourself, below the waist.)

April 24th, 2014, 06:03 PM
I'm scared I might jinx it, but my hair is soo happy lately. Very soft and easy to manage. I now have about six inches of LHC growth that has not seen hardly any heat and no conventional hair dye. It feels amazing. I also have tons of new growth, especially in my bangs area. :)

April 24th, 2014, 06:14 PM
I totally agree. Now that my hair is at hip length I find myself being very impatient to grow to Classic Length. It's like it has been at hip forever! I am truly learning to have patients. :D

Thank you. I understand the lack of patients and wanting to hurry with goals.

April 24th, 2014, 06:15 PM
I totally agree. Now that my hair is at hip length I find myself being very impatient to grow to Classic Length. It's like it has been at hip forever! I am truly learning to have patients. :D

Thank you. I understand the lack of patients and wanting to hurry with goals.

April 24th, 2014, 07:48 PM
I was sort of sad to notice a 3rd grade girl has started flat ironing her hair. I didn't expect to see that stuff start so soon. Her hair has always been beautiful too...super thick and with a slight wave.

April 24th, 2014, 07:53 PM
^ I definitely saw a first grader with bleached hair and I was sad too. I'm not one to judge but I would not bleach my daughters hair in first grade!

Nadine <3
April 24th, 2014, 08:06 PM
Sticking my hair in braids and not messing with it for a few months. I'm become to obsessed and driving myself nuts lol

April 24th, 2014, 08:26 PM
Put a bunch of conditioner in my hair and then braided it into pigtail braids earlier today. I intended to wash it out, but I got distracted and I'm not feeling too well today, so it's still in my hair. You can't even tell that I put conditioner in it which is probably why I let it go for so long. I'm surprised at how my ends almost completely absorbed the conditioner, and now feel super soft! I don't know about the rest of my hair, though. I'm a little worried about what this day of laziness might yield. Has anyone else just left conditioner on dry hair?

April 24th, 2014, 11:23 PM
Put a bunch of conditioner in my hair and then braided it into pigtail braids earlier today. I intended to wash it out, but I got distracted and I'm not feeling too well today, so it's still in my hair. You can't even tell that I put conditioner in it which is probably why I let it go for so long. I'm surprised at how my ends almost completely absorbed the conditioner, and now feel super soft! I don't know about the rest of my hair, though. I'm a little worried about what this day of laziness might yield. Has anyone else just left conditioner on dry hair?
Yes, I've been using my regular shower conditioner as a leave-in the last week or so. No problems whatsoever - no even added greasiness, which is amazing because my hair/scalp is oily and the longest I can stretch washes is every other day. It basically just makes my hair a lot softer and more moisturized-feeling.

April 24th, 2014, 11:34 PM
Yes, I've been using my regular shower conditioner as a leave-in the last week or so. No problems whatsoever - no even added greasiness, which is amazing because my hair/scalp is oily and the longest I can stretch washes is every other day. It basically just makes my hair a lot softer and more moisturized-feeling.

Awesome :) This is good news, because I don't intend to wash it out tonight! :P

April 24th, 2014, 11:39 PM
When I was still using conventional products I'd squish gel & regular conditioner into my super-wet hair and then wrap in the towel after washing. I'd take it down and let it air-dry to fat ringlets. It was super-shiny.

April 25th, 2014, 12:15 AM
I made two small buns for sleeping tonight and for each half of my hair I took a dime sized amount of regular conditioner and put it on the hair and even if I went out right now I doubt anyone would notice.

I believe this will be a neat new trick for braiding or bunning for me to keep hair shiny and soft. Plus I really just love the smell of this Shea Moisture conditioner when normally I hate anything strongly scented. I want to just bathe in this scent basically. Even though bathing in it would give me a terrible headache.

April 25th, 2014, 01:59 AM
Lmao! Omg my life. My hair is always oiled, so when it's not, my bf is like "omg! Your hair is so pretty today. You don't have any crap in it!"

Heh, strange! For some reason, mine likes it better when I've got crap in it! Bahaha :D Guess it's shinier that way...

April 25th, 2014, 04:44 AM
Put a bunch of conditioner in my hair and then braided it into pigtail braids earlier today. I intended to wash it out, but I got distracted and I'm not feeling too well today, so it's still in my hair. You can't even tell that I put conditioner in it which is probably why I let it go for so long. I'm surprised at how my ends almost completely absorbed the conditioner, and now feel super soft! I don't know about the rest of my hair, though. I'm a little worried about what this day of laziness might yield. Has anyone else just left conditioner on dry hair?

Yup, curlies do it all the time. I haven't found one I like yet, so don't tend to do it often.

April 25th, 2014, 06:32 AM
Riddle me this, LHC: Why is it that when my hair is slightly dirty I feel like a slob with greasy stringy hair, but if I add in more oil to the ends and braid it, it magically looks like shiny pretty protected hair? Surely by adding oil I'm making it greasier! Is this some form of longhair logic I'm only now stumbling on to? :hmm:

April 25th, 2014, 11:45 AM
Riddle me this, LHC: Why is it that when my hair is slightly dirty I feel like a slob with greasy stringy hair, but if I add in more oil to the ends and braid it, it magically looks like shiny pretty protected hair? Surely by adding oil I'm making it greasier! Is this some form of longhair logic I'm only now stumbling on to? :hmm:

Hahaha, this is me! My roots are just a bit greasy? "I'M A GROSS SLOB MONSTER!" Slathering on oils? "MY HAIR IS BEING NOURISHED, I AM A RADIANT NYMPH"

April 25th, 2014, 02:10 PM
Hahaha, this is me! My roots are just a bit greasy? "I'M A GROSS SLOB MONSTER!" Slathering on oils? "MY HAIR IS BEING NOURISHED, I AM A RADIANT NYMPH"

Mine used to do that and now it's dry. When my hair had this issue I could never figure it out.

Nadine <3
April 25th, 2014, 05:46 PM
Hahaha, this is me! My roots are just a bit greasy? "I'M A GROSS SLOB MONSTER!" Slathering on oils? "MY HAIR IS BEING NOURISHED, I AM A RADIANT NYMPH"

HA! This is how I think too XD

I went for a walk by the lake today. It felt awesome to get some sun on my head! I had to take off my jacket it was so nice! :)

April 25th, 2014, 06:24 PM
Hahaha, this is me! My roots are just a bit greasy? "I'M A GROSS SLOB MONSTER!" Slathering on oils? "MY HAIR IS BEING NOURISHED, I AM A RADIANT NYMPH"

Yes! This is so me!!!

April 25th, 2014, 06:26 PM
Just looked at some pics from seven years ago when I had my hair at a pixie. Wow....what a difference.

April 25th, 2014, 06:28 PM
My roots are just a bit greasy? "I'M A GROSS SLOB MONSTER!" Slathering on oils? "MY HAIR IS BEING NOURISHED, I AM A RADIANT NYMPH"

HA! This made me laugh from the honesty; it truly is like that, isn't it?.

My daughters flu moved on to me, and reminded my how much shedding increases when I'm not properly hydrated.

Nadine <3
April 25th, 2014, 06:43 PM
HA! This made me laugh from the honesty; it truly is like that, isn't it?.

My daughters flu moved on to me, and reminded my how much shedding increases when I'm not properly hydrated.

Get well soon! :blossom:

April 25th, 2014, 08:13 PM
Maybe the oiling magic is because the oil isn't evenly spread on the hair, and adding more oil makes it more even.

My hair texture has improved a ton since only 2 weeks of good hair care! My friend was studying hard on adderal, and he kept touchin my hair and saying "oh my god it's like mermaid hair, I love it!". It might have been the adderal but my hair does look prettier.

April 25th, 2014, 10:25 PM
Maybe the oiling magic is because the oil isn't evenly spread on the hair, and adding more oil makes it more even.

My hair texture has improved a ton since only 2 weeks of good hair care! My friend was studying hard on adderal, and he kept touchin my hair and saying "oh my god it's like mermaid hair, I love it!". It might have been the adderal but my hair does look prettier.

That's great, budgie!

April 26th, 2014, 12:15 AM
I gave my mom an SMT today and she absolutely loved it :)
Its great when you can share LHC habits with others.
Sidenote I measured in at 26.5 inches now (just past the bra strap, treading MBL soon). By my calculation it should take me about a 8 months to a year (assuming a similar trimming schedule) to reach WL

April 26th, 2014, 01:52 AM
Did I just place an order for 3 shampoos, 7 conditioners and 2 leave-ins!? :redgrin: :oops: :crazyq:

April 26th, 2014, 05:35 PM
Sometimes when I pull my scrunchie out, I have a few broken hairs wrapped around it. I need to start unravelling it instead of just pulling it down.

April 26th, 2014, 07:31 PM
When I take ponytails out, I pull my hair out but keep the ponytail holder right next to my head so I can carefully untangle any snagged hairs.

April 26th, 2014, 07:41 PM
I feel like playing with my hair but I can't decide what style to do. :wacko:

April 26th, 2014, 08:48 PM
Yay, another week of hoping that the conditioner I bought is actually moisturizing and not proteinating, because every time I go to the store they're out of every one I've tried and liked in the past. (This time: L'Oreal EverPure moisture conditioner)

April 26th, 2014, 08:54 PM
I need to learn NOT to just tuck the ends sowhat unter the bun, but neatly twist them so they wont frizzzzz!:silly:

April 26th, 2014, 09:52 PM
My hair has decided to tangle up at the nape on the underside near my root line, I'm still puzzled on why.