Sooo, I've been using Pureology shampoo for almost a year now (seems to last forever, haha) and now a Redken conditioner. I tried a Pureology conditioner too, but I think this brand was too "weak" for me. I mainly use the shampoo cause other brands give me some sort of sebum build up i think. (like i can scratch off big chunks of sebum right after washing) anyyyway, My pureology shampoo is almost empty now and I will be using a Burt's bees baby shampo/shower gel (just to rinse the lenghts a bit), however, instead of Redken I've gotten a Fructis conditioner.

I see a of you people mention Fructis, and I looove the smell!! I checked the ingredients and at first, it seemed Fructis and Redken share the main ingredients, but then it just goes into a blur of chemical names, haha. Is Fructis any "harshes" on the hair than, say Redken or other supposedly "good" brands? I've still got some Redken left, and I'm a bit wary of Fructis, I dunno why...maybe I've spoiled myself. But then I see all you guys with faboulous hair, and I see Fructis is mentioned often.

What are your experiences on the Fructis conditioner?