Most of us are aware that bioton and MSM can aid in faster hair growth for some people. But...I just found out that taking glucosamine can also help.

Read the purple paragraph below only if bored about how I found out about glucosamine:
I went to my sister's for Christmas dinner and saw that she was taking biotin and glucosamine. A few months back I remember her stating she wanted her hair as long as mine (that's before I cut 3.5" off a couple of months ago). I asked her what she is taking the biotin for (just to see what she'd say!) and she said, "I am taking it for my nails". Than I asked her what the glucosamine was for and she said something else that was similar and misleading. So, being as informed as I am about biotin I added that it is good for hair growth. With a surprised look on her face she said, "well...that's a good side effect". I am not sure why she was hiding the fact that she is trying to rush her hair growth, but I did find it interesting.

The following is copied and pasted from the Internet about biotin, MSM, and glucosamine: Any specialized vitamins taken for fast hair growth should also contain biotin (to thicken hair strands), MSM (to prolong the growth phrase) and glucosamine (for the production of collagen and the collective of proteins). These vitamins can double the normal growth rate of your hair.

Is the above true about glucosamine? I would have never known until I saw this in my sister's kitchen cupboard! It must be a trade secret that she does not want to reveal.