January 18th, 2011, 09:24 PM
Hi, y'all! I'm Nikki! *waves* Well, I am not COMPLETELY new to having long hair. I am for myself. The longest I've ever gotten is just past my shoulders.
Well, I've recently started "no pooing" instead of using shampoo, and well... it's alright. I'm going to keep at it. It does make my hair feel less greasy.
I mentioned that I'm not COMPLETELY new to long hair, and I'm not. My daughter, Julia, has hair to her waist when it's wet in the bath, and it is about mid back when it's curly. She has Rapunzel hair, long curly and blonde! I have never cut it, and honestly don't want to. LOL
I have never tried to grow MY hair out like that because while hers is really thin/fine... mine is thick. It's not *terribly* coarse, but there is just a lot of hair. I'm just curious about how I would look, and I don't know. I'm just up for the challenge of trying to grow it.
So... I thought this might be a neat community to be a member of. 
So... hi! *waves*
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