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Thread: Extremely sad - take 2

  1. #1
    Eyes on the prize! Little_Bird's Avatar
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    Default Extremely sad - take 2

    You can't imagine how much I cried today.

    I realizes it would happen a long time ago, but I didn't think my sister would ask me to do it. New people on the forum won't remember that my sister had the most amazing classic lenght hair, thick all the way down to her hands, really straight shiny and beautyfull as silk. Her braid was past tailbone lenght, also very thick all the way down to the very ends...

    Today she asked me to cut it back to waist lenght, about 2 years of growth. I just braided her hair to sleep and it's about mid-back when braided, with massive ends that I could hardly put in the elastic.

    She told me she didn't want to have the same hair forever, and needed it to change. She told me she loved her hair while it was growing and wasn't feeling that anymore. I understood her position but I asked her to ask someone else to do it but she kept asking me so I decided to do it.

    I cried so much while I did it. Just remembering all these 5 years where she grown her hair with me, taking pictures every month, which she hasn't took for a while now...

    I feel terrible. It's stupid because it's not my hair and I know I did the right thing to do what she asked me to do. But I really loved her hair and it was my greated isnpiration. I really think that with my love for my hair and long hair in general I make everyone around me want to get theirs cut...

    Oh well... life's like this...
    And for what it's worth... I'll treasure her hair that was cut with my shedings braid and with another 4 inches I cutted of her hair some months ago.

    I just want my hair to grow...
    Little Bird... Where will the future lead my hair?...
    Growing long hair since September 2004
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  2. #2
    Member apynip's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extremely sad - take 2

    thats so sad! I'm sorry you had to do that but she is happy with her hair now right?
    Her happyness is what matters. She sounds like she has beautiful hair and maybe she'll grow it out again you never know.

    -sends lots of hugs-

  3. #3
    has left the building
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    Default Re: Extremely sad - take 2

    Oh gosh, I bet that's gotta be painful to do. But if her hair is in good shape, it should grow back if she wants it: /.

    If she feels the need to donate it, she can send it over here :P

  4. #4
    has left the building
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    Default Re: Extremely sad - take 2

    Oh wait, I just looked at your siggy. If her hair is anything like yours, I bet it's a sight to behold

  5. #5
    Account Closed by Member Request
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    Default Re: Extremely sad - take 2

    I think this was something that bonded you with little sissy and made you feel close.

    She still has long hair really, she just cut it back a bit, maybe she was not able to manage it.

    It will grow and so will yours, don't be sad.

  6. #6
    Eyes on the prize! Little_Bird's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extremely sad - take 2

    I can't even sleep, and it's 4:15 in the morning. I feel I mutilated the most beautyfull hair I've ever seen. I feel sick. And I couldn't even realise how she feels about it because I just sent her away from me after I did it. I regret it a lot that I've done it, but at least I can prove to everyone around me that my sister had long hair for as longas she wanted to. Everyone around us always tought I was the one forcing my sister having long hair.

    Still... It's very hard for me. And yes, our hair was a bond, and a pact we had for 5 years. I knew she was gonna have it cut sooner or later. She's almost 15, she's very young and I knew it wouldn't last long and that she needed to try new things.

    Anyways, it's not just the lenght. It's hard to see our flowers growing away from us. I feel like a mother... Actually, I was the one who washed, brushes, treated her hair untill last year, when she wouldn't want me to be in the bathroom while she was in the bath. All these things are very normal, but for me, I always saw her as a companion, as I'm so childish and very likely to Peter Pan... she's now mich "older" than me in lots of aspects. And I think that the fantasy of beaing a faery with very long hair got lost in her way somehow, I don't know.

    Not everybody has to like the same things, and we long hairs know this very well as we have to deal with lots of social pressure, and for teenagers I imagine and know it's twice as hard. At least I can say my sister knew how to be independent so far, and I think she did what she wanted. I just hope that it wasn't the last time I saw her hair that lenght. You can't imagine the grandness of her braid. It was the longest hair in all the family. My cousin used Carina used to be, but she's about waist lenght now (she had been more than a classic lenght). My sister was once past classic too. Now I'm the longest... and I realy tought it was a good thing but it's not. I was so proud of my sister's hair and my cousin's too. I feel like it's partially my fault that they started feeling tired about their hair.

    I hope I don't sound obssessive and crazy to you, I think we all know the magic of long hair and how it can matter for people. It's been 5 years, 4 of them I shared a lot of things with my sister, and we lived great moments with our hair, taking pictures, doing long detangling sessions, braiding it... Growing older is being tough for me, I don't want to let go of certain moments that are shared with people that want to experience new things. It's happened about 4 times with diferent people. It's very harsh on me...

    I think you get the idea... so sorry for this big rant, but I was needing it a lot. Thank you for reading so far...
    Little Bird... Where will the future lead my hair?...
    Growing long hair since September 2004
    My Hair Site - My Pictures - My Songs

  7. #7
    aka Elektros Alun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extremely sad - take 2

    Hey man, it's OK. Her hair is still long. It's not really so sad. Cheer up

  8. #8
    Silverado EdG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extremely sad - take 2

    Your sister had the best hair cutter in the world.

    Waist-length is still long. She'll be fine.

    As for your hair, I think you're also doing fine. Give it some time to see if it gets longer. Even if your hair has reached terminal, it's still long.
    If there's something strange with your long hair / Who you gonna call? / L-H-C! (sung to the tune of Ghostbusters)

  9. #9
    Spoonbill Roseate's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extremely sad - take 2

    I'm sure she'll always have good memories of how you helped her with her hair, and how you cut it perfectly for her when she was ready to cut it. She is still so young, I know she has many happy longhaired years ahead of her, and so do you!

  10. #10
    Member Bereft's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extremely sad - take 2

    Hey, I know kind of how you feel. Not quite the same emotional bond as between sisters, but a dear friend of mine had the most gorgeous knee length wavy hair, and one day, decided she was not living up to her role as a lesbian, and had the WHOLE lot of it cut off. She wanted to look more like a boy, but the irony was she looked even more girly with 2 inch long curls. I was so upset, I almost cried when I saw her. I'm pretty sure a tear leaked out. She was going to let me keep the braid they cut off, but, her mom wouldnt let me have it. She gave me a lock of it to keep instead.

    Anyway, sorry for the hijack, but her hair is still long by most standards, and she's still your sister, she will always have those memories just like you will. I hope you feel better soon.

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