So, I've been trying different buns now that my hair is long enough, and the weather has finally turned hot here in PA.
I dont always want to wear a hair toy to work since Im running all over the office prepping for our big show in Miami in a couple weeks, so Ive been using bobby pins to secure with.
By the end of the day, my scalp is tender and I had some itchies, so I thought I was pulling any rubber bands too tight, or twisting too tight, but no that wasnt it!
Yesterday, I finally got to Sally's and bought some hair pins, because I was getting tired of stretching out my bobby pins.
This morning, I put in my rope bun, and decided to use my new hair pins... and well... let me tell you! I only used two, and I cannot feel them in my hair!
DUH!!!! it was the bobby pins that were making my scalp hurt!!!
I had all these memories of my childhood come flooding back to when my mother used to ram them into my scalp to the point it felt like she was pinning them straight into my brain! My father was the one who said to use the hair pins instead!!!

Dear Ole' Da' was right again!!! I had to chuckle, but its just one of those "Aha!" moments!!!