I've ordered from them several times with no trouble. I would stay away from anything custom or not in stock though. Keep it to in stock and you should be fine.
i would like to order something from them but i remember people mentioning some problems and delays with orders. any advice?
I've ordered from them several times with no trouble. I would stay away from anything custom or not in stock though. Keep it to in stock and you should be fine.
I don't care what anyone else says. I'm never ordering from them, period. The problems I remember were inexcusably bad, and it's entirely possible to get similar items elsewhere for less money, and apparently less risk.
The owner actually registered here, and asked for advice, which they don't seem to have taken to heart if the continuing stories of trouble are any indication.
well i like the silver fork they have on the website
is there any other place i could get it?
Last edited by helanek; November 21st, 2008 at 01:06 AM.
I have ordered one fork from them, and I didn't have any trouble. In fact, I manage to transfer too much money to them and that was refunded in an hour.
Emerald Green Henna Dragon, Guardian of ALL THINGS GREEN.
I've ordered from them twice, and although the items didn't arrive *quickly* they did arrive both times. The owner seems not to respond to email, though.
They accept paypal. So, you could pay that way, and you could wait up to 45 days and if you still haven't received the item nor heard from them you can proceed with a paypal dispute. If they can't prove they shipped the item, your money will be refunded. You only have 45 days to start the dispute after sending payment.
Ron Quattro (ebay) makes similar hair forks from steel, which is cheaper and more durable. His forks would work better too (bigger space between the prongs)
given the reputation, I'd ring her up and ASK times, etc.
that will put you to the top of the list, since she'll know you will follow up.
Artisans get caught in situations. It's how they handle the contact that makes or breaks a reputation.
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Nevertheless, she persisted.
Personally I wouldn't go for a stick that thin in pure silver. Silver tends to be a bit soft. I have a silver hairstick that's about the thickness of a pencil, and I can bend it if I'm not careful.
I second the recommendation to try steel or titanium instead.
SuperCool Sunglasses generously provided by snowbear!
Lady Wavelengthe of Auburne Waves, Order of Long Haired Knights
I am one of the people who had lots of problems in the past with blueheronwood, being in Germany doesn't make it easier.
But, with my last order I managed to get that fork and it is a nice hairtoy but quite heavy. My hair is to short now to use it but I think I will have problems with it cause of the narrow gap.