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Thread: Panicking, lots a of split ends!

  1. #11
    Henna Seeress Nightshade's Avatar
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    Default Re: Panicking, lots a of split ends!

    I used to do this way back when I first came here and my hair was super-damaged. I did S&D, but also did a micro-trim of 1/4 inch a month. Just treat it as a way to relax in a sunbeam and be meditative about it. Progress is slow, but it's progress!

  2. #12
    Member miss_donya's Avatar
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    Default Re: Panicking, lots a of split ends!

    Quote Originally Posted by Anje View Post
    It takes a lot of S&Ding to get them all, so don't freak out about it.

    Think of it this way: If you've got 100,000 hairs on your head (a bit of a round number, but roughly average) and only 1% of them have splits (barely enough to notice), you've got 1000 hairs to find and snip. Did you S&D 1000 hairs last time? Probably not, maybe a few hundred. These things take time. Thankfully, hair also takes time to split, and more time as it gets healthier, so you can make progress. Don't get down on yourself because your efforts haven't fixed it yet.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cg View Post
    When I started, I had lots of splits too. I never tried to get them all in the beginning. Instead I just went after a few every day until finally they surrendered and ran out. You might find many small sessions less depressing than a few huge ones.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kat-Rinnč Naido View Post
    I set out an hour yesterday to do an S&D and was shocked to see more split ends just below the crown of my hair at the back. I was almost cross-eyed before the end of the hour but I persisted. I have scheduled to do an S&D more frequently. My next due date is 2 weeks from yesterday. Also I found it is best to alternate example if I started the first S&D from myou RHS front the next time I start from the left, another time I start at my crown. In this way I hope to remove as much as I can see with each sitting and avoid a trim. As before I joined TLHC I had a big cut from just below waist to BSL. Had I the knowledge that I recently gained I could have maybe save some length. However I am so happy my hair is softer, smoother and healthier looking
    Quote Originally Posted by Johannah View Post
    Oh I have this as well. Especially when I put it up in a ponytail because then you see the split ends you forgot while S&D'ing with your hair down. Guess that's life, I wouldn't freak out because of it!
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade View Post
    I used to do this way back when I first came here and my hair was super-damaged. I did S&D, but also did a micro-trim of 1/4 inch a month. Just treat it as a way to relax in a sunbeam and be meditative about it. Progress is slow, but it's progress!
    Thank you all for your comforting words! It truly made me feel better about my hair. I definitely haven’t been S&Ding as frequently as I used to or spent as much time as I used to. Two days after I saw those split I spent a while S&Ding and like Kat I felt cross eyed by the end of it. I’m going to dedicate an hour a week for S&Ding from now on

  3. #13
    Member Kajzh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Panicking, lots a of split ends!

    Another thing worth mentioning is that one time I S&Ded with dull shears, and the splits came back rapidly. So if you're gnawing at your ends with low-quality scissors, it might be time to invest in quality ones that won't encourage the splits to come back.

  4. #14
    Keeper of the Kraken animetor7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Panicking, lots a of split ends!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kajzh View Post
    Another thing worth mentioning is that one time I S&Ded with dull shears, and the splits came back rapidly. So if you're gnawing at your ends with low-quality scissors, it might be time to invest in quality ones that won't encourage the splits to come back.
    I would extend this checking to all of your tools. Are they hair friendly? Do they have seams that could rip or snag hair? This could be causing your splits. I would also take a look at your habits, do you wear your hair up in the same way every day? Do you split your ponytail in half and pull to "tighten"? Do you wear your hair loose with a purse strap or seatbelt present? These things can all contribute to splits.

    Finally wear your hair up most of the time if you aren't already. You mentioned struggling with updos here are some tutorials that are easy and keep hair protected:

    Finally, a coney serum can help stop splits from forming if you aren't anti-cones.

    All of these things can help prevent splits from forming in the first place and that will make the S&D sessions be more effective, because you won't need to do them as often as you won't be forming as many splits!! Sorry for the long post, good luck!!
    Lady Ambarussa of the Sunlit Forest in the Order of the Long Haired Knights!
    animetor7, or Ani Currently: Hip at 80 cm Next Goal: Tailbone at 102 cm

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Panicking, lots a of split ends!

    Wow! You ladies have so much to look out for, I am thankful I have short hair. I can suggest one product - I trim my own hair with the help of my hubby and I invested in Saki Makoto Student Hairdressing Shears / Scissors Set, might be worth looking at. I live way out in the sticks and my hairdresser only comes once every few months so I trim my own hair in between times.

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