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Thread: Catnip for split ends?

  1. #1651
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    I believe 2 things about catnip and the timing. Its percentage of conditioning constituents require longer timing to be absorbed into hair, and body heat helps that, with bagging.

    At the start of my experimenting, though I saw improvement with my hair, only when I increased the timing and started bagging the treatment, did I get the results I have now.

  2. #1652
    Member KarpatiiSiv's Avatar
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaurelSpring View Post
    I finally did the full hour soak and I am just completely totally impressed! WOW. Up until now I had just been doing rinses with very minimul results and couldnt figure out how it could be so conditioning. I definately saw results after the soak. My hair was so conditioned I didnt need anything other than the catnip and it felt like I gained twice the thickness. Im am absolutely sold on catnip now. I cant believe I waited so long to give it the real go. I wish I hadnt wasted what I did on the rinses.
    Pleased to hear we have another convert. As already said its the timing and bagging that does the trick and produces the best results. Once you experience the results you can achieve by using catnip this way you will not want to stop.

    2a/M/iii - 56 inches

  3. #1653
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by KarpatiiSiv View Post
    Pleased to hear we have another convert. As already said its the timing and bagging that does the trick and produces the best results. Once you experience the results you can achieve by using catnip this way you will not want to stop.
    I guess that means I am enabliing catnip conditioning addiction, lol, lol.

  4. #1654
    Member KarpatiiSiv's Avatar
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by ktani View Post
    I guess that means I am enabliing catnip conditioning addiction, lol, lol.

    2a/M/iii - 56 inches

  5. #1655
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    I think the problem before was that I left it on for a half an hour unbagged, and it must have just evaporated as I noticed no results. I'll try it again soon

  6. #1656
    Member kdaniels8811's Avatar
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    You will see results with repeated usage of catnip soaks. At least, that is what worked for me!
    AKA MotoGirl... August 2014 - WAIST! Four years after growing out from bald due to chemo.

  7. #1657
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by kdaniels8811 View Post
    You will see results with repeated usage of catnip soaks. At least, that is what worked for me!
    That is the way it has worked for me. Timing and bagging proved to be key for optimal results.

  8. #1658
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    I have not said that catnip is guaranteed to prevent split ends for anyone. I have only reported what it has done for me and that I know it has prevented split ends for my hair. I have said that catnip use gets better with time and that it can prevent split ends. I stand by that.

    I took issue once (privately) with someone who stated that it was impossible after stating (also privately) that catnip works like silicone. I thought they had misread or misunderstood something I had written (with no reasons given though science was hinted at, along with mysterious experiments they did that were never detailed, and that I should just "trust them"). I edited the Catnip Article to be more clear and thanked them, thinking that if they had misunderstood how catnip works from something I wrote, others may as well.

    They then implied that anyone who claimed that they had no split ends was lying. I considered that to be the height of hubris and said so (again privately). That turned out as I hear but did not read, (I have seen quoted parts of it) into a semi-public issue I want no part of, period. People who use areas of these boards to indirectly attack others and use inaccurate information to do so, are not people I want to deal with for any reason, period. I had said good luck and goodbye in a final pm prior to this, clearly stated as such. I did not contact any mods on this topic nor have I heard from any mod on this issue. There was and is no need, as far as I know. Everything between this person and I was said privately, and ended the day before the issue was raised semi-publicly.

    People who comment on private correspondance with an inaccurate version, make false accusations, and others who make judgments on information with knowing only one side of a story are not those I give any credibility to, whatsoever. I have edited my "friends" list accordingly. I obviously have a different definition of friend, than some people. Oddly enough, those just deleted, remained on my list throughout this. I monitored that from the time I heard about it.
    Last edited by ktani; August 4th, 2009 at 01:16 PM. Reason: added ETA

  9. #1659
    Member saskia_madding's Avatar
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Okay, I'll admit. I was a huge skeptic. I was skeptical while I was making the tea, and even more so while I was sitting around with it on my head for an hour in a shower cap.

    But oh my god, I’m not a skeptic anymore. When I rinsed it out of my hair, my hair felt awesome. I used a tiny, TINY blob of conditioner just because I didn’t yet trust catnip enough to go without, but I don’t think I really needed it. I even went to bed without using a leave-in conditioner.

    In the morning, my hair was still silky smooth. When it finally dried completely it was a bit poofy, so I don’t think I can go without a leave-in, but still. The catnip was really good as a conditioning agent.

    From skeptic to believer – I’m sold! I’ll have to sit down and come up with a chart of hair treatments and how to fit them all into my regimen. But catnip is definitely getting adopted into it.
    Lover of fountain pens and disabled kitties.

    RIP my sweet Jilly-bean. Your momma misses you.

  10. #1660
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by simone_rodrigue View Post
    Okay, I'll admit. I was a huge skeptic. I was skeptical while I was making the tea, and even more so while I was sitting around with it on my head for an hour in a shower cap.

    But oh my god, I’m not a skeptic anymore. When I rinsed it out of my hair, my hair felt awesome. I used a tiny, TINY blob of conditioner just because I didn’t yet trust catnip enough to go without, but I don’t think I really needed it. I even went to bed without using a leave-in conditioner.

    In the morning, my hair was still silky smooth. When it finally dried completely it was a bit poofy, so I don’t think I can go without a leave-in, but still. The catnip was really good as a conditioning agent.

    From skeptic to believer – I’m sold! I’ll have to sit down and come up with a chart of hair treatments and how to fit them all into my regimen. But catnip is definitely getting adopted into it.
    LOL, the "poufy" hair I think is just your hair not being weighed down by conditioner, even a light one. Catnip conditions without weight, from my experience. It sounds from your results, that you did not have enough of any residue on your hair to prevent catnip from being absorbed into your hair. The little leave-in you did use should wash out easily with your next shampoo, I hope.

    I am glad to hear that you are pleased.

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