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Thread: What inspired long hair for you?

  1. #451
    New Member
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    Jul 2009

    Default Re: What inspired long hair for you?

    I lost my hair to chemo in 2016. Makes me never want to cut my hair

  2. #452
    Member Braided Lady's Avatar
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    Default Re: What inspired long hair for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by happymommy View Post
    Laura Ingalls Wilder. Not from the TV show though. The Little House on the Prairie books were my favorite treasures as a young girl. I distinctly remember reading about how her mother's braids were long enough for her to sit on. And all the different ribbons and bonnets I insisted my mom make me a calico dress and bonnet to play dress up in

    As I got older I discovered Little Women and Ann of Green Gables who also inspired me. I am such a bookworm. I seriously can't wait for my DD to learn to read so I can read all of them with her.
    I thought for sure there would be more Caroline Ingalls inspirations in here, but this was the only one I saw. I loved the description of her having hair long enough to sit on when she got married, and I immediately knew I wanted hair that long. So I got my mom to stop cutting it, and while I still haven't reached my goal, because of a big cut in the middle of growing it, I'm still super happy with my long hair! And 'Ma' Ingalls is why my current goal is classic.

  3. #453
    Member Ada-banana's Avatar
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    Default Re: What inspired long hair for you?

    It was a lady who lived in the neighbourhood. She had a very tight bun, she was beautiful and so was het daughter. One day I was walking around (i was 8 years old) and she had taken her hair down after swimming. It was braided, but came to her ankles. I never forgot that. And maybe the aunt's from Practical Magic. I wanted to become just like those aunt's
    BSL - WL - Hip - Classic (dec25)
    Last trim: 31 jan 23 h Tailbone september 23 (unstretched decmbr)- low porosity hair

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