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Thread: Shoulder | Armpit

  1. #10421
    Daydreamer Estrid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!

    The curls are so pretty! I used to love curling my hair, but for some reason I haven't done it since I left my curling iron to a charity shop.

    I know how difficult it is to not just get rid of all the layers right away, I had some strange layers the last time I grew my hair and I thought I was going to trim those away as early as I could, I ended up never doing it, I just cutting off a large amount of hair at once when I reached waist. By doing that I know that cutting hair to one length at something as short as the shoulders is really hard, it's easy to make a mistake that will show, especially if your hair is on the straight side (my hair is quite forgiving, thankfully). I guess it depends a bit on how thick hair you got as well, but when most of the hair gets to a certain point, feye's trimming guide is a bit hard to follow. Maybe you don't use that trimming method? If you get help from someone else I suppose it could be a bit easier, but beginning to cut all to one length at shoulder length or slightly longer than that meant (for me): a ridiculously thick hemline... And since it was thick to cut, it was very hard to manage to cut it all right, I tried taking sections, but they ended up at different lengths, making me having to cut more than I wanted (I did not really notice my collarbones not being symmetrical before that moment, will never use those as guide again!).

    This is the main reason as to why I am waiting myself, I don't want to start trimming now and have to deal with that every month or so, is was just too much trouble. Since I do have layers that are above the shoulder right now it would probably be easier and definitely not as thick to cut the first few times, but at some point most of the hair strands would reach a point and it would get hard. I personally prefer to wait until I can trim every other month or so, and not now, where I would reach a point where I can't trim easily after just a few months.

    This turned out to be quite a lot of text, I'm sorry, it's just not my best cutting-memory! I did cut my hair blunt to apl before cutting to shoulders, and that wasn't the easiest thing either, but I plan on trimming away the layers slowly, maybe 1-2 cm every 3rd month from the moment I reach apl until I reach bsl or waist (where I will evaluate if there is more I want to cut away).
    Last edited by Estrid; May 21st, 2017 at 11:40 PM.

  2. #10422
    surprised her hair's long Corvana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!

    Quote Originally Posted by Estrid View Post
    The curls are so pretty! I used to love curling my hair, but for some reason I haven't done it since I left my curling iron to a charity shop.

    I know how difficult it is to not just get rid of all the layers right away...

    This turned out to be quite a lot of text, I'm sorry,...
    I use rag curls! I've found them to be the best, since I can both take breaks (just wet the hair again with a spray bottle) and then once it's actually all done I just get to ignore it for several hours and there's no heat damage! And thank you! I really do wish I were less lazy when it came to them. I really love them so much!

    So far cutting at shoulder isn't too hard for me. I do the pigtail method, and then I'm able to just feel the back to be sure it's even. And I do have a bit of wave (not sure how much, though, since I've never cared for my hair as though it were anything but straight) which helps to camouflage it as well. I think trimming it a little bit regularly may actually be harder for me than a bigger chop or two to finish out the underneath! And like I said before, if the shorter parts were on top (I'm growing out a mohawk, so it's just the full sides that were shorter) like your regular layered hairstyle I wouldn't be as bothered. I've had layers a million times and growing them out has never been a problem, including the time I said "long layers" and got some layers that were maybe a couple inches long in my APL hair. But I've never grown out a pixie-turned-bic'd-undercut-turned-bic'd-mohawk, and the awkward stages are really awkward lol.

    If I'm able to wait until it's longer, then I'll probably have to enlist my husband's help with the trim. Or if I'm over at my best friend's, then I'll have her help me! She's wanting me to do something with her hair, too. I may give her one of the hair forks I've got coming if I can get her hair up with it. It's very very thick, though, so I'll need to study up!

    ETA: And it's fine! I don't mind long posts. Mine aren't always very short either :gestures at this exact post: LOL
    Last edited by Corvana; May 22nd, 2017 at 01:22 AM. Reason: Forgot to finish a thought

    Maintaining at Hip-BCL for now.
    Lady Corvana, Keeper of Ravens and Crows in the Order of the Long Haired Knights

  3. #10423
    Daydreamer Estrid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!

    I have seen and saved videos of rag curls before, but never tried them! Maybe it's about time, my hair feels a bit short still, but if you can do it I should be able to do it too.

    I see! I've never grown out anything that is cut like that. I had an asymmetrical hairstyle (short on one side and long on the other) that I poorly evened out with a kitchen scissor a few years ago before I grew my hair out, but the layers were still "on top" and not underneath.

    I wish you luck with the trimming/cut I agree that sometimes a cut is easier, to just cut it all off at once can be a bit less bothersome. I have to say that I really loved that with going from waist to apl, suddenly everything that had bothered me was gone!

  4. #10424
    surprised her hair's long Corvana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!

    Yes! They're SO EASY. I cut strips of extra fabric (I seriously have so much extra fabric it's a little silly. I'm glad to have a use for some that was sent to me by a well-meaning grandmother haha) about 2" wide by 6" long, but that won't last me too long now that I'm really going for WL. But even using longer strips (so you don't really need to make more later) isn't any sort of hassle, as it's soft and doesn't get too in the way (you're usually going to bed when you're done anyway!). I did find that it's better to go tighter with the curls than looser, at shorter lengths. They'll relax eventually anyway, so if they're a little too tight it's still fine!

    Yeah it's really awkward, I don't recommend it LOL. I've only got 3.5" difference left (it was a 10" or so difference when it was last shaved clean), and it hasn't been a year yet. Almost, though! I think my last cut for the sides was either July or August. Maybe June? And I've cut several times now to even up the underneath when it hits my shoulders. Last time was 4/27 (I finally wrote it down LOL). I'm debating just waiting that 3.5" to see if it's bearable then, but if I put it off too long it'll be more difficult to even up alone. Still at least a couple months away, either way though!

    I just did my weekly wash, so once it's dry I'll be taking my first length shot! I should be able to put to rest whether I'm at SL or CBL, and also maybe get some advice about my hair type! I'm thinking I'm barely a 1c, but mostly 1b, but I saw a picture of a 2a with the same kind of frizz I get which made me really wonder! I've always treated my hair as straight, so I honestly have no idea! If my hair is straight, how I deal with it after a wash shouldn't really affect it right? Besides rag curls, or braiding it or whatever. If I just gently pat it until it's damp and then air dry, that shouldn't make it curlier or straighter than how it really is?

    Maintaining at Hip-BCL for now.
    Lady Corvana, Keeper of Ravens and Crows in the Order of the Long Haired Knights

  5. #10425
    Daydreamer Estrid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!

    I guess I could cut up a top that I'm not enjoying enough and see if I can make some nice curls I mostly tend to go for braid waves at this length since my hair isn't looking it's best when it's this short, especially not now when they're just a bit below the shoulders, awkward length deluxe! Curls could be a nice change to have.

    Yeah, 3.5" is not that much! You could have that all gone this year if you focus on trimming/cutting it away, depends on how you go about it though. I can't say what I would have done in your situation, I've found myself to be rather unpredictable, but if it really is that awkward, trimming it away little by little might be the way to go to keep the mind off it. It would feel like you're doing something about it rather than just waiting for the section to grow out (to cut it all off at once). Do what you think would be best

    That's cool! I really love taking lengths shots for some reason. I'm not sure how much manipulation after the wash affects how your hair type shows, brushing it can really throw off the result though, that's about all I've learned. They do recommend you to not touch it at all after you get out of the shower and just let it air dry, squeezing out the water before you get out of the shower I don't think anyone would complain about! haha.

    I had three hair typing threads on here before I was able to type my hair, mine needed quite a bit of length to show the waves.

    Adding my three hair typing threads, haha, it's fun to see how my hair "changed" with length
    First one, when I was a LHC newbie, second one, 7 months after I joined and the third and last one.
    Last edited by Estrid; May 22nd, 2017 at 02:32 AM.

  6. #10426
    Member ghanima's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!

    what is the pigtail method?

    Corvana, I agree with all others that you look really pretty with curly hair. If that hides like you say the differences of length well, and it's not too much a hassle, I'd choose that hairstyle and meanwhile micro-trim the layers out. With longer hair you're softer and more feminine, but you look good with short hair too, so should you decide to chop it all off you wouldn't regret it either imo. I am gonna see some youtubes of this rag curls, I don't 'need' rags as my hair are curly already but for special occasions I could do this method in order to have better defined locks. With shorter hair I did pincurls once and the result was amazing (to me).

    ETA:I checked the rag curl method, I believe the pincurls are way faster to make? so you could try those too, just you know, to speed it all up, if you have to do it each and every time. You basically turn the lock on 2 fingers, as if it was a roll, then when it's all rolled until the root you fix it with one or two pins, either flat or not (I'd suggest flat if you sleep on it). This kind of pins works best. It's a very old school method, I like that! but it doesn't necessarily look retro, unless you style it that way. If you use colored pins it looks really cute too! enough not to scare your husband or boyfriend... or you can also put a scarf over if you prefer.
    Last edited by ghanima; May 22nd, 2017 at 03:37 AM.

  7. #10427
    surprised her hair's long Corvana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!

    Quote Originally Posted by Estrid View Post
    I guess I could cut up a top that I'm not enjoying enough and see if I can make some nice curls I mostly tend to go for braid waves at this length since my hair isn't looking it's best when it's this short, especially not now when they're just a bit below the shoulders, awkward length deluxe! Curls could be a nice change to have.

    Yeah, 3.5" is not that much! You could have that all gone this year if you focus on trimming/cutting it away, depends on how you go about it though. I can't say what I would have done in your situation, I've found myself to be rather unpredictable, but if it really is that awkward, trimming it away little by little might be the way to go to keep the mind off it. It would feel like you're doing something about it rather than just waiting for the section to grow out (to cut it all off at once). Do what you think would be best

    That's cool! I really love taking lengths shots for some reason. I'm not sure how much manipulation after the wash affects how your hair type shows, brushing it can really throw off the result though, that's about all I've learned. They do recommend you to not touch it at all after you get out of the shower and just let it air dry, squeezing out the water before you get out of the shower I don't think anyone would complain about! haha.

    I had three hair typing threads on here before I was able to type my hair, mine needed quite a bit of length to show the waves.

    Adding my three hair typing threads, haha, it's fun to see how my hair "changed" with length
    First one, when I was a LHC newbie, second one, 7 months after I joined and the third and last one.
    Yeah, that's the newest thing I've added to my "you need to wait" arsenal for my trims lol. It lasts (for me) for at least a week, so that's one extra week where I'm not wanting to cut it. I won't be doing either (big trim or little) until next month either way, so I've got about that long to really make up my mind!

    My problem is that I feel like my hair looks like yours from your second round, but I've got a semi-distorted view of my hair LOL. My desire for more wave and curl may be clouding my judgement! I do have a couple photos in my album from about 2011, though, that show maybe some vague wave. Not a lot at all! But I was also brushing my hair much more often then, so that might change something lol. I may just be an extra frizzy 1b/1c!

    Quote Originally Posted by ghanima View Post
    what is the pigtail method?

    Corvana, I agree with all others that you look really pretty with curly hair. If that hides like you say the differences of length well, and it's not too much a hassle, I'd choose that hairstyle and meanwhile micro-trim the layers out. With longer hair you're softer and more feminine, but you look good with short hair too, so should you decide to chop it all off you wouldn't regret it either imo. I am gonna see some youtubes of this rag curls, I don't need rags as my hair are curly already but for special occasions I could do this method in order to have better defined locks. With shorter hair I did pincurls once and the result was amazing (to me).
    Pigtail method is exactly that: split your hair down the middle, put into pigtails, and then put the hair band above where you want to cut but even on both sides. Making them even takes a little bit, but I've had little issue just using my shoulders as a landmark, since that's where I'm cutting to anyway! After I cut it that way, I take the pigtails out and then feel the back for any bits that are longer (as I tend to just go for a straight cut). But since it's just at my shoulders it's really easy to reach to feel it out.

    And thank you! I've wanted to have curly hair pretty much my entire life. The rag curls take me a couple hours to do (including breaks when my arms are tired lol), so they're not difficult, but they're also not something I want to do every week. Which is a bummer, because I love the results so so much.

    I think my hair is pretty firmly straddling 1b/1c, but the part of me that's rather desperate for curls is hoping that I'm a 2a LOL. I'm mentally like "It's not too likely... but WHAT IF! But it's not too likely. BUT WHAT IF!" XD XD XD

    Maintaining at Hip-BCL for now.
    Lady Corvana, Keeper of Ravens and Crows in the Order of the Long Haired Knights

  8. #10428
    Daydreamer Estrid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!

    Quote Originally Posted by Corvana View Post
    Yeah, that's the newest thing I've added to my "you need to wait" arsenal for my trims lol. It lasts (for me) for at least a week, so that's one extra week where I'm not wanting to cut it. I won't be doing either (big trim or little) until next month either way, so I've got about that long to really make up my mind!

    My problem is that I feel like my hair looks like yours from your second round, but I've got a semi-distorted view of my hair LOL. My desire for more wave and curl may be clouding my judgement! I do have a couple photos in my album from about 2011, though, that show maybe some vague wave. Not a lot at all! But I was also brushing my hair much more often then, so that might change something lol. I may just be an extra frizzy 1b/1c!

    I've wanted to have curly hair pretty much my entire life. The rag curls take me a couple hours to do (including breaks when my arms are tired lol), so they're not difficult, but they're also not something I want to do every week. Which is a bummer, because I love the results so so much.

    I think my hair is pretty firmly straddling 1b/1c, but the part of me that's rather desperate for curls is hoping that I'm a 2a LOL. I'm mentally like "It's not too likely... but WHAT IF! But it's not too likely. BUT WHAT IF!" XD XD XD
    I also always wanted wavier and curlier hair than I had, but I was confident that I was a 2a from the start, so when I got told that I was in the 1-territory my brain wouldn't accept it! But I have wavy hair! My hair proved to be 2a in the end, to my delight, but it's silly how much of an identity crises that caused, really. There are ways to bring out curls and waves more, but I haven't tried anything but the plopping myself. My hair is not that obviously wavy at this length, can't wait till it's a little longer

    If your hair looks like my hair in the second hair typing thread at shoulder length you might be wavier than a 1b/1c. Only time can tell for sure, I guess, but feel free to post hair typing photos, they're always fun to see!

  9. #10429
    surprised her hair's long Corvana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!

    Woo! Got it taken.

    Preeeetty sure I've got my typing about right. I may be more in the 1b than the 1c camp, though! I can see a couple S waves in there, but not a whole bunch.

    What I'm wondering now, though, is can I call that CBL? I'm thinking I can! I generally assume it's just SL, but it curls up at the bottom which masks that a little.

    Maintaining at Hip-BCL for now.
    Lady Corvana, Keeper of Ravens and Crows in the Order of the Long Haired Knights

  10. #10430
    Member ghanima's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!

    Thanks, then it's sort of like Feye, the one I do too.
    With pincurls you're done is 5-15 min depending on how practiced you are. So yeah definitely faster.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corvana View Post
    Pigtail method is exactly that: split your hair down the middle, put into pigtails, and then put the hair band above where you want to cut but even on both sides. Making them even takes a little bit, but I've had little issue just using my shoulders as a landmark, since that's where I'm cutting to anyway! After I cut it that way, I take the pigtails out and then feel the back for any bits that are longer (as I tend to just go for a straight cut). But since it's just at my shoulders it's really easy to reach to feel it out.

    And thank you! I've wanted to have curly hair pretty much my entire life. The rag curls take me a couple hours to do (including breaks when my arms are tired lol), so they're not difficult, but they're also not something I want to do every week. Which is a bummer, because I love the results so so much.

    I think my hair is pretty firmly straddling 1b/1c, but the part of me that's rather desperate for curls is hoping that I'm a 2a LOL. I'm mentally like "It's not too likely... but WHAT IF! But it's not too likely. BUT WHAT IF!" XD XD XD

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