I notice you have a fringe/bangs. Maybe still style your fringe?
I still heat style my fringe (doesn't count IMO as I won't be growing them long anytime soon) and if the rest of my hair isn't behaving (which it usually isn't because it's curly and I don't use heat at all) I put it in a bun. My hair isn't long enough to do all the fancy buns on here, but I can do a few. If my bangs are perfect it helps me feel "polished" and it doesn't matter as much that I can't use heat/styling tools on the rest of my hair.
I have also learned to embrace my hair's natural texture- Something I couldn't do the last time I attempted long hair hence why I failed- I only heat styled once a week/fortnight/month but it was enough to do a considerable amount of damage.
I do get discouraged by how far I have to go sometimes and it doesn't help that BSL is the longest my hair has ever been, I wonder if I can even make it to waist?? So you're definitely not alone

Good luck!