View Full Version : Knee and Beyond
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Dark Queen
July 21st, 2011, 10:18 PM
This might sound like a stupid thing to ask, but how do you braid your own knee length hair?
I mean, human arms can only go so far...
Not quite knee length, but close. I just push the part I'm done braiding back over my shoulder and continue braiding from the front. Alternately, I may wrap part of it around my arm.
July 22nd, 2011, 02:15 AM
I loop the braid over my knee, or use a doorknob, if there is a handy one nearby.
July 22nd, 2011, 03:40 AM
Just dropping in to say~ how nice it is that there are other people who feel the same way I do about people asking why you don't cut your hair and donate it to Locks for Love! I can't count the number of times I've been told that!
Also, I regularly have to clean my fans and remove the hair that's been wrapped around...and around...and around the spinning fan blades!
Me, too, Carrie! I make sure I don't leave a lot of hair on the floor when I comb my hair~ when I'm finished I swipe it all up and put it in the trash can :)
Ah, the joys of being understood! :p
July 22nd, 2011, 08:30 AM
I've been at knee length for a few months now, even without my hair being wet, but I hadn't noticed this thread yet. Time to join the club all official-like :D
I don't kill vacuums often mostly because we don't have much carpet, but I have found my own hair in my knitting. I even found it in a gift someone else knitted me even though I'd only been over once while they were making it! :lol:
I do have the donation thing down pat though. I go into a rant about how horrible it is that LoL is scamming people and describe how most of the hair is sold, yadda yadda. By the time I am done, they are saying for shame at them instead of me. (That or they are just backing away slowly in general, which is still a perfectly fine outcome)
July 22nd, 2011, 09:59 AM
After I am finished and have put my hair up I rub my foot or hand around on the floor in circular motions to make sure that I don't leave hair on the floor.
Same here, I try not to move around while combing and then picking hairs up is pretty easy with such sweeping motions. And I try to comb outside as much as possible (weather permitting !).
About shower drains : since switching to indian herbs, I hardly ever shed when shampooing - one hair is OK, more than two and i wonder what's going on there.
This might sound like a stupid thing to ask, but how do you braid your own knee length hair?
I mean, human arms can only go so far...
I hold the part already braided between my teeth.
July 23rd, 2011, 11:10 PM
I have a question for the longer-haired: How long does one's hair have to be to wrap twice around the head?
I'm rereading a book (Crown Duel) which I always liked because the heroine has knee length hair like me, but upon reading it the second time I realize some glaring inaccuracies in her everyday hairstyle. She always braids her hair and then wraps it twice around her head and tucks the tail in. But I find that difficult to believe, since I have knee length hair and it only goes once and a half around my head. She's also really short, so knee-length on her is shorter than on most people. (That's not even mentioning how amazingly impractical that would be without any hairpins to hold up.) So who here can wrap their hair twice around their head, and would you ever get it to stay without any pins? Just some idle musings...
July 24th, 2011, 11:38 AM
I have a question for the longer-haired: How long does one's hair have to be to wrap twice around the head?
I'm rereading a book (Crown Duel) which I always liked because the heroine has knee length hair like me, but upon reading it the second time I realize some glaring inaccuracies in her everyday hairstyle. She always braids her hair and then wraps it twice around her head and tucks the tail in. But I find that difficult to believe, since I have knee length hair and it only goes once and a half around my head. She's also really short, so knee-length on her is shorter than on most people. (That's not even mentioning how amazingly impractical that would be without any hairpins to hold up.) So who here can wrap their hair twice around their head, and would you ever get it to stay without any pins? Just some idle musings...
Hmmm, I can use clips to hold my false crown braid just fine, but not nothing at all! As to how many wraps, that depends a lot on the exact positioning. I can't wrap twice yet if I put the braid most of the way to the front, but I can if I make a smaller wrap that goes around higher up. It likely also depends on how big your head is!
July 24th, 2011, 11:54 AM
Yeah, I have an enormous head! A braid goes around maybe 1 and 3/4 times.
July 24th, 2011, 04:39 PM
This might sound like a stupid thing to ask, but how do you braid your own knee length hair?
I mean, human arms can only go so far...
I wrap the braid around my neck and then continue to braid
July 24th, 2011, 04:46 PM
Really, though - is there anywhere you wouldn't find hair (in a longhair "habitat" lol)?
I never have my hair down, not even at home, except when I brush my hair (once a day) and when I wash + air dry. I brush over a towel and collect the hairs after finishing (yes I collect my shed hairs :oops:). I never find any hair around the house. :) And I brush before washing so I don't find many hairs in the drain either.
July 24th, 2011, 06:04 PM
The longest parts of my hair go just past my knees but I have a lot of split ends so it's kind of uneven.
July 24th, 2011, 06:15 PM
How long does one's hair have to be to wrap twice around the head?
I'm only at an inch and a half or so short of classic, and I can't wrap my hair once around my head, but I would imagine it would depend on the following things:
- how big your head is (this is pretty important!)
- how thick your hair is; it might not seem like it would matter, but really the distance the braid has to go isn't just the circumference of the head, it's the circumference of the center of the braid around the head, so thicker hair has a little further to go
- the thickness of the hair might also affect how much "shrinkage" there is in the length of the braid vs. how long the hair is down, since the strands of the braid have further to go horizontally the thicker the hair is
July 25th, 2011, 03:56 PM
I have a question for the longer-haired: How long does one's hair have to be to wrap twice around the head?
I tried it out today, I have lower calf length hair and I can wrap my braided hair around my head twice exactly.
July 25th, 2011, 05:11 PM
I have a question for the longer-haired: How long does one's hair have to be to wrap twice around the head?
Well my hair is just past classic and I can only wrap it around my hair once.
July 25th, 2011, 06:11 PM
I have a question for the longer-haired: How long does one's hair have to be to wrap twice around the head?
I'm rereading a book (Crown Duel) which I always liked because the heroine has knee length hair like me, but upon reading it the second time I realize some glaring inaccuracies in her everyday hairstyle. She always braids her hair and then wraps it twice around her head and tucks the tail in. But I find that difficult to believe, since I have knee length hair and it only goes once and a half around my head. She's also really short, so knee-length on her is shorter than on most people. (That's not even mentioning how amazingly impractical that would be without any hairpins to hold up.) So who here can wrap their hair twice around their head, and would you ever get it to stay without any pins? Just some idle musings...
Umm... it's possible that she has a little head. My boyfriend has a tiny head and hats never fit him, even after they're adjusted for his head. Also, is the "knee length" measurement exact? Maybe its a tad longer than knee length, especially if there's a taper that is longer than the bulk of the hair that would allow it to tuck in more easily. Finally, maybe it's a really thin braid? those would go further around the head.
July 25th, 2011, 07:09 PM
Ok, I'm so not in this group yet, I'm going to stay a while and drool if you don't mind! I promise not to get any on the hair!!
July 25th, 2011, 10:05 PM
A gorgeous knee length style. If anyone knows how to do this, please share your knowledge! Thanks!
July 25th, 2011, 10:14 PM
At first I thought it was just a lot of braids. Then I put on my glasses :o
The texture reminds me a lot of basket weaves, I'm not sure how much hair is required to do that, probably a lot. I'll try it tomorrow on my sister's hair.
Found this pic whilee looking for a pattern. It kinda looks the same, only a different do.
July 25th, 2011, 10:24 PM
July 25th, 2011, 10:42 PM
At first I thought it was just a lot of braids. Then I put on my glasses :o
The texture reminds me a lot of basket weaves, I'm not sure how much hair is required to do that, probably a lot. I'll try it tomorrow on my sister's hair.
Found this pic whilee looking for a pattern. It kinda looks the same, only a different do.
Thanks for the beautiful pic, RitaPG. Basketweaving is so gorgeous. There's even a little bit of fishtail (herringbone) at the end of the braid.
July 25th, 2011, 11:08 PM
After looking at it for a while, I am pretty sure that is basket weaving on hair. From the way her roots lay, I'd say it either started with a ponytail, or the same way from the picture I showed you, then weaved, and then "rolled around" her head and pinned (I don't know another way to put it)
It doesn't seem too complicated, actually, but I'm sure that takes a lot of hair :thud:
Where did you find that picture? I'd love to see other views of it.
July 25th, 2011, 11:16 PM
After looking at it for a while, I am pretty sure that is basket weaving on hair. From the way her roots lay, I'd say it either started with a ponytail, or the same way from the picture I showed you, then weaved, and then "rolled around" her head and pinned (I don't know another way to put it)
It doesn't seem too complicated, actually, but I'm sure that takes a lot of hair :thud:
Where did you find that picture? I'd love to see other views of it.
The picture was on the back of a small GM invitation to one of his yearly shows. Luckily, I had a day or two to get it to a copy store and get an 8 x 10 enlargement of it (the ticket had to be surrendered at the door).
Poppy Seed
July 25th, 2011, 11:16 PM
Wow - the patience required to accomplish that weaving!! (Not to mention the quantity of hair.)
Chiming in on the head wrap topic:
My hair is about knee length (just shy), and a single plait wraps all the way around my head once with enough spare (about 3"?) to tie a kind of knot. My head is quite small, I'm 5'3" with quite thin/compressible (fine) hair which tapers.
It holds itself - except when I tip my head back to drain my glass :D - although I tend to use a clip over the knot as decoration.
When I plait it, I get a bit over halfway and then pin the plait between my chin & shoulder (like talking on the phone) to finish.
Carrie Ingalls
July 26th, 2011, 09:25 AM
When I plait it, I get a bit over halfway and then pin the plait between my chin & shoulder (like talking on the phone) to finish.
I have not completely mastered doing a single center braid in my own hair...but my current method involves braiding kind of up and then over the top of my head and when the braid reaches the front hairline I bring it around so that it goes over my left shoulder. At that point I braid to the end of my arm and then I do the same as Poppy Seed and bring part of the braid up and hold it like a phone (except more chin). The other way I sometimes do the end "beyond my reach" part is to have someone who might be watching hold the braid while I finish.
July 26th, 2011, 01:05 PM
The texture reminds me a lot of basket weaves, I'm not sure how much hair is required to do that, probably a lot. I'll try it tomorrow on my sister's hair.
Found this pic whilee looking for a pattern. It kinda looks the same, only a different do.
OMG how do you DO that???? I wanna try, but I'm pretty sure I don't have anything near the right number of hands (or amount of hair). Are there any instructions anywhere? Maybe i could convince my mother to take an hour or 2 out of her day for me... :) That is amazing. And the first one too. wow. just wow.
July 26th, 2011, 02:07 PM
OMG how do you DO that???? I wanna try, but I'm pretty sure I don't have anything near the right number of hands (or amount of hair). Are there any instructions anywhere? Maybe i could convince my mother to take an hour or 2 out of her day for me... :) That is amazing. And the first one too. wow. just wow.
I think it's quite possible to do it with your amount of hair. It does require at least 4 hands, especially if you have slippery hair. You can hold the sections while your mom "braids".
I'm trying this on my sister's hair this evening or maybe tomorrow (she has bsl-midback-ish hair, not enough to go around her head, but enough to try the braid).
The only tutorial I found was this the end result isn't the most impressive and starts lower, but it's very clear, I think
July 26th, 2011, 02:29 PM
I haven't read the whole thread. I've been here for a while, but haven't been as active. Maybe I'll try to post (or at least read) a little more often :)
I've been at knee length for a little while. I'm honestly not sure how long my hair is currently since I very rarely check it. I keep it up most of the time. It used to be mid to lower calf, but then I cut back to mid-thigh to thicken the ends up. I really don't track the growth like I used to, so I can't remember how long ago that was.
Best wishes, everyone!
All Natural Mom
July 29th, 2011, 03:44 PM
This might sound like a stupid thing to ask, but how do you braid your own knee length hair?
I mean, human arms can only go so far...
I wrap the braid around my neck and keep going to the end!
All Natural Mom
July 29th, 2011, 03:50 PM
Just curious! :?: What tool does everyone use to brush/comb their hair (i.e. wooden/plastic comb, paddle brush, BBB, etc)? How often do you brush and when? Wet/dry?
July 29th, 2011, 04:42 PM
I use 2 wood combs : one with very wide teeth, then the less-wide teethed one :D .
I comb my hair once a day, at night after unbraiding and before braiding for the night + next day. When I shampoo (once a week at most) I comb my hair damp using my butters mix on the ends and lengths.
July 29th, 2011, 05:28 PM
I use a wide tooth plastic comb in the shower for detangling, a different wide tooth plastic comb for after shower and for everyday use, a finer tooth wood comb for when I want the top to look smooth, and a BBB for the ends on days when I have time for pampering.
I comb/brush in the morning when I fix my hair for the day and whenever it looks "rough". My hair needs combing a lot less now that I condition more (thanks to what I've learned on LHC). It's wet on days that I wash and dry on "off" days. Though sometimes, when it's dry, I'll spray some very diluted conditioner in it to dampen it again so that it's easier to comb and style.
July 30th, 2011, 04:20 AM
I have a question for the longer-haired: How long does one's hair have to be to wrap twice around the head?
I'm rereading a book (Crown Duel) which I always liked because the heroine has knee length hair like me, but upon reading it the second time I realize some glaring inaccuracies in her everyday hairstyle. She always braids her hair and then wraps it twice around her head and tucks the tail in. But I find that difficult to believe, since I have knee length hair and it only goes once and a half around my head. She's also really short, so knee-length on her is shorter than on most people. (That's not even mentioning how amazingly impractical that would be without any hairpins to hold up.) So who here can wrap their hair twice around their head, and would you ever get it to stay without any pins? Just some idle musings...
Hmm... I'm approaching fingertip and I've been able to do a crown-type wrap like that once around my head since about classic. I'm now at about 1 and 1/5 wraps around. But... I have quite thick hair (nearly a iii) but some serious taper going on. Also, I plait exceedingly tight, which makes the plait shorter for whatever length of hair you start with. Just to make things clear, for this style (I've heard it called a 'coronet braid') the plait wraps so that it is perpendicular to the floor and looks like an Alice band - so, it takes up less hair than if it was in a more horizontal-laying circle that sat more like a crown/tiara sits.
However, doing Heidi braids (i.e. same style but with two plaits, one starting behind each ear) I get more like 1 and 1/4 twists around - and this is doing circles that sit more horizontally, like a tiara, not the vertically-arranged circle I make with one plait.
My coronet plait needs approx. 6 bobby pins for a secure hold, 8 if I'm being extra-safe. My Heidi plaits will stay for a little while unpinned but I have to keep my head pretty still. However, I only really need 2 bobby pins for a secure hold ... maybe 4 if I was doing something like jogging.
(But... never mind all that. Crown Duel is an absolutely awesome book, hair mistakes or not. Also, did you know that Sherwood Smith has some short stories about those characters up on her website that you can read for free?)
August 2nd, 2011, 12:44 AM
Just curious! :?: What tool does everyone use to brush/comb their hair (i.e. wooden/plastic comb, paddle brush, BBB, etc)? How often do you brush and when? Wet/dry?
I brush once every day. I do use a brush, no comb. My hair is never down except when brushing or washing, so it's never really tangled. I do fingercomb first to be sure, then brush with my brush with wooden pins without knobs. You can't use those plastic brushes with knobs at the end of the pins if you have extremely long hair.
August 2nd, 2011, 05:29 PM
I do! I use a plastic brush on long hair because it's the only thing I've found that works. Combs aren't any better than fingers for me, and I tried a wooden brush but it was so ineffective and inefficient I just got frustrated. I'm gentle with my hair though, and only brush once a day unless I'm being hairstyle-schizophrenic.
SLZ, you braid at NIGHT? for the next day? how does that not get messed up as you sleep? and why do you do it at night? It never crossed my mind that one could braid not in the morning before breakfast... my mind is now thoroughly boggled.
All Natural Mom
August 3rd, 2011, 08:31 PM
SLZ[/B], you braid at NIGHT? for the next day? how does that not get messed up as you sleep? and why do you do it at night? It never crossed my mind that one could braid not in the morning before breakfast... my mind is now thoroughly boggled.
I agree, I always braid before bed, but in the morning you can definitely tell I have been sleeping. maybe SLZ meant after unbraiding at night she combs and rebraids, then unbraids in the morning combs and braids again?
August 4th, 2011, 05:04 PM
I have to sleep in a braid or a bun. I toss too much and then it's just unmanageable. I do restyle in the morning, though!
I'd like to pose a new question for the "beyonders" - how about fully rolled sock buns? Now that my ends are *just* escaping fingertips (no matter how high the ponytail is to eat length) when I start the sock I have a hard time getting enough tension to wrap the hair. I can't maneuver the tail too much like wrapping around my arm/neck/whatever - it would just get tangled. Braids go root to tip, but styling tip to root is totally different! Suggestions?
August 4th, 2011, 10:22 PM
Sock buns are possible but very, very big:
I think it might be possible to do it tighter, but I haven't managed it yet.
My method for reaching the ends is to wrap the hair around the sock for the first few rounds and then start wrapping the sock once I have some tension. I also spiral the hair around the sock (instead of spreading it evenly) at first because, heck, I've got enough hair, it'll even out eventually.
Poppy Seed
August 4th, 2011, 10:39 PM
I have a horn comb - fairly fine teeth which I use most of the time. If my hair is extra tangly I'll begin with my fingers.
I can't comb my hair when it's wet because that just rips out way too much! I have a wide tooth wooden comb for for doing slightly damp hair.
My ancient BBB is reserved for the very rare occasions when I try to do styles requiring no parting...I need it to smooth over the rough bumps.
October 22nd, 2011, 10:37 PM
BUMP! How are things going out there in knee+ land? I'm practicing a strict (haha) regimen of benign neglect at the moment and am surprised by the amount of length I've gained while ignoring most hair related matters.
The socks are above knee, actually. At this point I'm about two inches below mid-knee, I think. Properly at bottom of knee, now.
October 23rd, 2011, 03:30 PM
The socks are above knee, actually. At this point I'm about two inches below mid-knee, I think. Properly at bottom of knee, now.You have thudworthy hair, gossamer! :thud:
October 24th, 2011, 04:11 PM
-temporary delurk-
Oh, wow, gossamer! Only on LHC will you read about hair lengths like "below mid-knee, I think. Properly at bottom of knee, now." Love it! Congratulations. Your hair is stunning.
October 24th, 2011, 06:37 PM
Only on LHC will you read about hair lengths like "below mid-knee, I think. Properly at bottom of knee, now."
Haha, you're so right! I honestly don't think of it as weirdly long anymore now that I hang around here. It surprises me when people are surprised by it! :D
hanne jensen
October 25th, 2011, 03:29 AM
I don't belong here, but I have a few questions so I can someday get here. (Blushes beet red)
Have any of you experienced your hair becoming impossible once you reached a milestone? Such as extreme dryness, brittleness and breakage? Stalling? How did you overcome this?
It seems that every milestone I've reached, my hair just stands still for 6 months or so. At this rate, I'll never be able to join you. (Sob)
Thank you for your indulgence towards this uninvited guest at this thread. (Slinks out the door)
October 25th, 2011, 06:32 AM
My original goal was TB but now I'm looking at these gorgeous pictures you guys posted....I might just go the extra mile. Some extra inspiration for the wannabe's lurking in here (myself included :D), found this pic online a while ago: (
Man, to have hair that long.....:eek::cool:
October 25th, 2011, 07:18 AM
I've been holding at just knee for a couple of months now. My taper was starting to make my braids too thin at the bottom, so I have trimmed a couple of inches off. Now I am going for mid calf.
I generally will grow to a milestone spot, then let it grow a little beyond before trimming back. That lets me keep the warm fuzzy feeling of having "made it" to a certain point.
Going to henna again today or tomorrow, which should help my scalp itchies and restore more thickness as well. The last time I did henna I was just beyond classic so I am guessing this is going to be a little messy!
October 25th, 2011, 09:42 AM
I don't belong here, but I have a few questions so I can someday get here. (Blushes beet red)
Have any of you experienced your hair becoming impossible once you reached a milestone? Such as extreme dryness, brittleness and breakage? Stalling? How did you overcome this?
It seems that every milestone I've reached, my hair just stands still for 6 months or so. At this rate, I'll never be able to join you. (Sob)
Thank you for your indulgence towards this uninvited guest at this thread. (Slinks out the door)
When my hair was 47 inches, the only thing that was a pain was washing it.
October 25th, 2011, 10:23 AM
I thought I had long hair until I found this site. Now hip~tailbone length seems rather short! I'm hoping eventually I can get my hair down to somewhere between knees and ankles, my great-grandmother's hair was that long, but hers was also coarse and thick, and mine isn't, so we'll see. I might have to 'settle' for classic to knee.
Browsing these threads, I expected to find at least some people complaining that they get headaches from having such long hair, but I haven't seen any yet, is that not as common as a lot of people think it is?
October 25th, 2011, 10:38 AM
Browsing these threads, I expected to find at least some people complaining that they get headaches from having such long hair, but I haven't seen any yet, is that not as common as a lot of people think it is?
I'm pretty sure this question is one of those in the LHC drinking game thread! :P
Do you get headaches from your hair at TB length? I think people assume that it's the weight of long hair that causes neck strain and headaches, right? But it's not like that weight is attached to your head all of a sudden. It adds up ever so gradually, as we all know from waiting so long to have hair grow out.
The first time I wore my hair up, I got a headache from improperly using the claw clip and from the different weight distribution, but that's when I was 12. At this point, if I already have a headache and my head/neck area is sore, the pressure or tension from having it up might make the headache worse, but it's not the root cause. Oh, if I pull it back really tightly I'll give myself one, but I think that would be true even if it were APL or waist length!
Hope that answers your question!
October 25th, 2011, 10:57 AM
I'm pretty sure this question is one of those in the LHC drinking game thread! :P
Do you get headaches from your hair at TB length? I think people assume that it's the weight of long hair that causes neck strain and headaches, right? But it's not like that weight is attached to your head all of a sudden. It adds up ever so gradually, as we all know from waiting so long to have hair grow out.
The first time I wore my hair up, I got a headache from improperly using the claw clip and from the different weight distribution, but that's when I was 12. At this point, if I already have a headache and my head/neck area is sore, the pressure or tension from having it up might make the headache worse, but it's not the root cause. Oh, if I pull it back really tightly I'll give myself one, but I think that would be true even if it were APL or waist length!
Hope that answers your question!
I thought to google it with this site name right after i posted this and found a couple. (I know, brilliant of me! :rolleyes:) I've given myself headaches from putting mine up too tight, as well.
October 25th, 2011, 11:55 AM
I thought I had long hair until I found this site. Now hip~tailbone length seems rather short! I'm hoping eventually I can get my hair down to somewhere between knees and ankles, my great-grandmother's hair was that long, but hers was also coarse and thick, and mine isn't, so we'll see. I might have to 'settle' for classic to knee.
Browsing these threads, I expected to find at least some people complaining that they get headaches from having such long hair, but I haven't seen any yet, is that not as common as a lot of people think it is?
Maraz, the trick to wearing long hair comfortably, is to section it when you do updos. Also, where you place the bun or braids makes a world of difference.
October 25th, 2011, 12:24 PM
I don't belong here, but I have a few questions so I can someday get here. (Blushes beet red)
Have any of you experienced your hair becoming impossible once you reached a milestone? Such as extreme dryness, brittleness and breakage? Stalling? How did you overcome this?
Well, I don't belong here either (I'm hopping over from the classic-to-knee thread) but, yes, I have experienced this. Specifically, growing TB to classic the first time took me at least 5 years and by the point I finally reached classic the last 6" or so were hideously split, damaged and thinned with a significant increase in taper. Then, I used to wear my hair loose nearly every day and when it wasn't down it was in a low ponytail or an english plait (not bunned).
So, I trimmed it back to TB using Feye's self-trim method, stopped using metal-containing elastics (well, pretty much stopped using elastics), stopped 'angry' combing, started wearing a silk sleep cap (most of the time...) and, most crucially I think, started wearing my hair up off the collar every day (unless drying my hair or suffering from a headache).
In 12 months from then, I gained 10" in length (with little increase in taper, damage, splits, etc.) and also gained 3/8" in circumference. I'm currently growing slowly but surely towards knee.
So, for me at least, yes I had the problem you describe and yes, there was a solution - updos. My hair is fine. Evidently it cannot cope with the mechanical damage associated with being sat on.
Browsing these threads, I expected to find at least some people complaining that they get headaches from having such long hair, but I haven't seen any yet, is that not as common as a lot of people think it is?
From lurking about LHC, I think headaches are not really related to long hair / thick hair per say. Instead, as gossamer and Madora say, it is related to not knowing how to do a good updo. Certain lengths/thicknesses may need additional hairtoys, sectioning or use of multiple buns to distribute the weight. However, once you figure out what works for you headaches aren't really an issue. (Equally, those who never figure it out chop their hair ... sad but true).
For me, if I have a headache a bun will often make it worse. But then, so will other things that I'm normally fine with, e.g. using a computer or watching TV.
The other thing that will often give me headaches is a high bun. I suspect this is because a high bun doesn't balance against the neck like a low bun. Also, I'm rubbish at high buns, which is probably a big contributor!
November 6th, 2011, 10:47 PM
Hi! :) Having reached knee length, I'm hopping into this thread now. :D
I will still post in the classic to knee thread, since my goal is to technically maintain at knee for a couple of years to let my thickness move down my length (if it's going to do so).
November 7th, 2011, 03:03 PM
I have lurked and read EVERY post in this thread !
I am in awe of how many lovely knee length + are out there - beautiful
Hope I am fortunate to have half the hair you all have.
I am just below BSL (thanks to TLHC) - If I get to waist I will be like :) :) because I've never had hair past APL in my life!
You are all an inspiration :)
PS... A question -- Would you advise not to cut/trim for me to reach waist, then perhaps have a trim to even hemline?
Thank you (in advance)
November 7th, 2011, 04:20 PM
A question -- Would you advise not to cut/trim for me to reach waist, then perhaps have a trim to even hemline?
Really, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this one : some people prefer to start of "clean" before going for their goals, others prefer length first and then maintain to thicken, and you also have the option of micro trimming regularly which isn't frankly noticeable at first one way or another (takes very little length, very little damage off) but achieves both goals (ends' health and length) at the same time.
And if you're anything like me you can change your ways on the journey : I had decided to reach floor before doing any sort of trimming, but I did trim anyway in a fit of rage aghainst my velcro ends :D. I took a few inches off last month (or was it in september ?), I'm still somewhere in the calf vincinity, but since I don't monitor my growth very closely (measure once in a blue moon, mostly never look the back of my head in a mirror except if bunned) I'm not very aware of what goes on exactly down there, I have to ask my BF and he's too accurate to be of any help :D - as in, he'll tell me how many hairs reach which length, and getting him to tell about the general visual effect of a hemline is near impossible. I'll eventually end up reaching my goal without noticing, as usual. :D .
November 7th, 2011, 04:48 PM
Pictures here (
Routine videos pt1 ( and pt2 ( Growth journey here. (
The two main ingredients are gentle hair care and lots of patience.
Your hair is awesome, Cinnamon Hair!! And so is this thread, I'm going to keep an eye on it :). Since joining LHC, I've considered trying to get to knee length (I'm now a bit past classic), and you've given me great hope when I read that 'the thin ends travel along your length' in your growth journey. That means I might get to knee length with a moderately even hemline, if I'm patient enough! :cheese:
November 7th, 2011, 05:06 PM
I was wondering, yesterday, while plaiting my hair for this ( braided bun - what do you all do when you want to plait past your arms' reach? I solved the problem by pulling my plait up a bit and tucking it under my chin while I finished the end of it. But what do you do?
November 7th, 2011, 05:09 PM
BUMP! How are things going out there in knee+ land? I'm practicing a strict (haha) regimen of benign neglect at the moment and am surprised by the amount of length I've gained while ignoring most hair related matters.
The socks are above knee, actually. At this point I'm about two inches below mid-knee, I think. Properly at bottom of knee, now.
:thudpile: Wow! I am only at TB, so I'm lurking too. So much lovely hair in this thread!
November 7th, 2011, 05:14 PM
@teazel : I used to do like you but as it got longer it wasn't very comfortable to hold this pose for a bit, so now I just bite it - yep, hold my braid between my teeth :D.
SLZ, you braid at NIGHT? for the next day? how does that not get messed up as you sleep? and why do you do it at night? It never crossed my mind that one could braid not in the morning before breakfast... my mind is now thoroughly boggled.
I'm sorry Lunnafindel I somehow missed your question ! never to late.
So, yes, I comb and braid at night and next morning I go out with my "slept on" braid. And when I feel particularly lazy I can go for another day with the same braid. The point is mainly to gain some sleep time - I can braid at night while chatting with my SO. Yes , the end result is not as smooth as some would prefer, personnally since I bun it up anyway, I don't care really. Sometimes I'd smooth it out a bit with oil or aloe vera gel before bunning, but mostly not, just with my hands.
Here's the end result, these braided buns have been up all day, and the braid was done the night before :
Best case :
Worst case : maybe this one was 24 hours older, I don't remember, in any case the roots had been heavily oiled (I never get hair that greasy !) :
I'm well aware this is not polished enough looking for some people, but it's quite OK for me :D .
November 7th, 2011, 07:29 PM
I think those look awesome, slz!! :crush: If I was worried about whether my braids were too messy to go outside with, I'd never wear a braid. :lol: I heavily oil with coconut oil the night before a wash day, and sleep in it to let it soak in all night and all day before washing. So once or twice a week, I also sleep in a braid and wear it out the next day. Usually in a bun of some sort, but when it's oiled that much, it sometimes doesn't look half bad as a stand-alone braid the next day.
As for the how do you braid question? I've been past my arm's reach for a few months now, so I either wrap the braid around my right elbow and continue with the length, or I just stop when I hit the end of my reach and leave an extra-long tassel. (Mostly the second scenario) :p
November 7th, 2011, 08:37 PM
I was wondering, yesterday, while plaiting my hair for this ( braided bun - what do you all do when you want to plait past your arms' reach? I solved the problem by pulling my plait up a bit and tucking it under my chin while I finished the end of it. But what do you do?
I wrap it around my neck like a scarf to finish braiding. Works a treat!
November 7th, 2011, 11:32 PM
If I'm sitting down, I wrap my braid around my knee to finish the braid. If I'm standing I use a doorknob.
November 7th, 2011, 11:35 PM
Doorknobs... knees... necks... teeth - I'd no idea there would be so many inventive ways of dealing with the problem! Love it. :D
ETA: Not forgetting JamieLeigh's elbow! :rockerdud
November 8th, 2011, 08:35 AM
That is so funny! When I do hand spinning demonstrations and am winding yarn I sometimes need to use elbows, knees, whatever as well, and tell the audience that it's a full body sport. I guess when hair gets long enough braiding it is a full body sport as well! :)
November 8th, 2011, 03:02 PM
Really, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this one : some people prefer to start of "clean" before going for their goals, others prefer length first and then maintain to thicken, and you also have the option of micro trimming regularly which isn't frankly noticeable at first one way or another (takes very little length, very little damage off) but achieves both goals (ends' health and length) at the same time.
And if you're anything like me you can change your ways on the journey : I had decided to reach floor before doing any sort of trimming, but I did trim anyway in a fit of rage aghainst my velcro ends :D. I took a few inches off last month (or was it in september ?), I'm still somewhere in the calf vincinity, but since I don't monitor my growth very closely (measure once in a blue moon, mostly never look the back of my head in a mirror except if bunned) I'm not very aware of what goes on exactly down there, I have to ask my BF and he's too accurate to be of any help :D - as in, he'll tell me how many hairs reach which length, and getting him to tell about the general visual effect of a hemline is near impossible. I'll eventually end up reaching my goal without noticing, as usual. :D .
slz Thank you for answering my question :D
I have NEVER grown my hair past APL in all my 50+ years - so long hair is very new to me. I still have my L plate on :)
My hair has started to taper, when straight-ish (on wash day it's curly/wurly) that's why I asked.
I think i'm going to get to my goal of waist - 5 inches to go - then maintain from then on. Any growth after that will be a bonus! :D
I might even make this thread one day!!!
Your hair is gorgeous.
November 11th, 2011, 03:12 AM
I was wondering, yesterday, while plaiting my hair for this ( braided bun - what do you all do when you want to plait past your arms' reach? I solved the problem by pulling my plait up a bit and tucking it under my chin while I finished the end of it. But what do you do?
I wrap the braid around my neck. I'm at a point where I could wrap it twice if I want to braid to the very tips. ;)
December 3rd, 2011, 06:28 AM
I'll put another vote in for the around-the-neck method. My friends always laugh when I do it and make hanging/strangling jokes. But then I whip them with my now-finished braid and they shut up :P
December 3rd, 2011, 10:51 AM
I'll put another vote in for the around-the-neck method. My friends always laugh when I do it and make hanging/strangling jokes. But then I whip them with my now-finished braid and they shut up :PHee, hee! Never make fun of a knee-length. :whip:
December 3rd, 2011, 10:56 AM
I whip them with my now-finished braid and they shut up :P
Where else but LHC, huh? Love it!
December 3rd, 2011, 12:52 PM
I wonder how often do the long hairers trim.
I used to trim every 3 months at hairdresser, before LHC. My hair always stayed BSL, not longer. After 3-4 months, my hair losts shape. Ends look not even as freshly trimmed.
But now I admire longer hair, so should I trim less frequently?
December 3rd, 2011, 01:19 PM
I wonder how often do the long hairers trim.
I used to trim every 3 months at hairdresser, before LHC. My hair always stayed BSL, not longer. After 3-4 months, my hair losts shape. Ends look not even as freshly trimmed.
But now I admire longer hair, so should I trim less frequently?
Every 3 months is fine. Some members trim even less frequently. As long as your hair looks good you can extend your trimming time as you wish.
Because each individual hair grows at a different rate, your hair will eventually lose the even shape it had when you trimmed it. So, if you wish to keep an even (blunt) hairline, then you might have to trim more often.
In any event, giving your ends a small trim every 3 or 4 months is an ideal way of keeping your hair healthy, especially if you wish to grow it very long.
December 3rd, 2011, 01:47 PM
Thank you Madora. You recommend slow but healthy growing, I have the same opinion :)
December 3rd, 2011, 10:16 PM
I don't find that trims are needed to keep the ends of my hair feeling healthy anymore, just to maintain an even hem. I have not trimmed for 3 years or so, I think, but am planning to do a bit of a trim in the spring to even it up. I did trim frequently when I first starting growing long, to remove damaged hair, but I think that all of it is now intentionally grown long, so there is not much damage at all.
I also have a question for my fellow knee length and beyonders. Is anyone approaching a length that will touch the ground when you lean your head back? I am at about mid to lower calf now, and I am starting to worry about what I will do in the shower to keep my ends from brushing the floor when it gets long enough for that. Stand on a stool or something when I wash it? Or should I just not worry about it? The though of it kind of makes me squirm, my hair on the floor of the shower, but maybe it is not really a big deal?
December 4th, 2011, 06:03 AM
I wouldn't worry as long as it's in my own shower, that I keep in a reasonnable enough state of cleanliness so it doesn't bother me one bit. However no way in hell that any other part of my body than my feet touches the floor of any other shower, hair included.
But then, since I wash my hair in my bath to rinse mermaid-style, I don't have this issue : my hair touches the floor necessarily, but of course I would never wash my hair somewhere else than at home, at my parents', or in any other bathtub that I didn't thoroughly wash/scrub myself beforehand (not gonna happen except in extreme circumstances :P ).
Makes me think that I should be closer to this "touches the floor when leaning" stade that I had reached this summer but then trimmed out in september. I will have to check. And take length pics ! I'm so bad at keeping up with this.
December 4th, 2011, 09:26 AM
Thanks slz! You are right, I should be ok at home. I haven't washed my hair mermaid style for a long time, but I used to, so it shouldn't be a big deal. I won't want to wash my hair at the gym anymore though, but I could always do a scalp wash. And I will try and take some length pics, it has been a little while, again.
Beatnik Guy
December 4th, 2011, 10:16 AM
And take length pics ! I'm so bad at keeping up with this.
TAnd I will try and take some length pics, it has been a little while, again.
Waits patiently. :drama:
December 4th, 2011, 10:26 AM
Don't hold your breath though, we wouldn't want to be the cause of your death then decomposition then re-incarnation then death again - of old age :lol: .
Yeah, I'm that bad sometimes :o. Although if I wanted I could shift the responsibility to my SO who doesn't always readily indulge into my AWing ways :p.
December 4th, 2011, 10:32 AM
I also have a question for my fellow knee length and beyonders. Is anyone approaching a length that will touch the ground when you lean your head back? I am at about mid to lower calf now, and I am starting to worry about what I will do in the shower to keep my ends from brushing the floor when it gets long enough for that. Stand on a stool or something when I wash it? Or should I just not worry about it? The though of it kind of makes me squirm, my hair on the floor of the shower, but maybe it is not really a big deal?Julya, your hair is now much longer than mine, but I have found the biggest problem is accidentally stepping on my ends when reaching down to get something. Ouch! Please be careful. :)
Beatnik Guy
December 4th, 2011, 10:32 AM
Don't hold your breath though, we wouldn't want to be the cause of your death then decomposition then re-incarnation then death again - of old age :lol: .
Yeah, I'm that bad sometimes :o. Although if I wanted I could shift the responsibility to my SO who doesn't always readily indulge into my AWing ways :p.
Yeah, yeah. :wigtongue
Carrie Ingalls
December 4th, 2011, 02:43 PM
I also have a question for my fellow knee length and beyonders. Is anyone approaching a length that will touch the ground when you lean your head back? I am at about mid to lower calf now, and I am starting to worry about what I will do in the shower to keep my ends from brushing the floor when it gets long enough for that. Stand on a stool or something when I wash it? Or should I just not worry about it? The though of it kind of makes me squirm, my hair on the floor of the shower, but maybe it is not really a big deal?
Thanks slz! You are right, I should be ok at home. I haven't washed my hair mermaid style for a long time, but I used to, so it shouldn't be a big deal. I won't want to wash my hair at the gym anymore though, but I could always do a scalp wash. And I will try and take some length pics, it has been a little while, again.
slz's point is a good one, some place that you know the cleanliness standards should not be a problem. Also, I'd just like to say that it is still possible to wash your hair safely in a public (ie gym or pool locker room). I have done this many times, usually my hair is braided when I get in so I am careful as I unbraid it (standing up straight) then once the it is all loose I just hold the bottom 12"-18" in one hand and wash like that. Most recently I have rinsed out the pool water, slathered full of conditioner, put in an updo, covered with a shower cap, covered with a buff, and gone home to finish washing my hair/detangling.
I have also often explained to nonlonghairs that part of why I keep my hair trimmed to ankle is that I do swim from time to time (sometimes on a regular basis) and "I don't want athletes foot in my hair."
December 5th, 2011, 12:00 AM
But then I whip them with my now-finished braid and they shut up :P
I wonder how often do the long hairers trim.
I'm trying to get every bit of growth I can, so I haven't bothered to trim in over a year. If I cared about the way my hemline looks I would, but I don't at present.
Julya, my hair is getting pretty close to the shower floor these days - it stretches when wet and I wash with my head bent forward - so thanks for asking that question! I'm sort of in the habit of taking care of my ends so I didn't like the thought of them sluicing around there.
December 5th, 2011, 10:10 AM
Hello. I belong here. My hair is knee length.
December 5th, 2011, 07:05 PM
Hello. I belong here. My hair is knee length.
Hello! Welcome! We're a mostly quiet bunch here in knee-land, but we're glad to have another here. :)
December 5th, 2011, 08:15 PM
Waits patiently. :drama:
I will be taking some length photos at Disneyland later on in the month, so there is that. I rarely take length photos at home, only on vacation, more interesting that way I think.
Julya, your hair is now much longer than mine, but I have found the biggest problem is accidentally stepping on my ends when reaching down to get something. Ouch! Please be careful. :)
Ed, you are totally right about that. I've stepped on the ends a couple of times, and it is very ouchie!
slz's point is a good one, some place that you know the cleanliness standards should not be a problem. Also, I'd just like to say that it is still possible to wash your hair safely in a public (ie gym or pool locker room). I have done this many times, usually my hair is braided when I get in so I am careful as I unbraid it (standing up straight) then once the it is all loose I just hold the bottom 12"-18" in one hand and wash like that. Most recently I have rinsed out the pool water, slathered full of conditioner, put in an updo, covered with a shower cap, covered with a buff, and gone home to finish washing my hair/detangling.
I have also often explained to nonlonghairs that part of why I keep my hair trimmed to ankle is that I do swim from time to time (sometimes on a regular basis) and "I don't want athletes foot in my hair."
That is a good idea about how to wash at the gym, just holding onto the ends. I will give that a try next time!
I'm trying to get every bit of growth I can, so I haven't bothered to trim in over a year. If I cared about the way my hemline looks I would, but I don't at present.
Julya, my hair is getting pretty close to the shower floor these days - it stretches when wet and I wash with my head bent forward - so thanks for asking that question! I'm sort of in the habit of taking care of my ends so I didn't like the thought of them sluicing around there.
Teazel, I feel the same way about my ends, I want to keep them safe! The bottom of my tub is kind of rough, it has an anti slip coating on it, and I don't want my ends touching it! Or just generally swishing around in there. I was also thinking that I have a pair of flip flops that have a thick sole, and I could wear those in the shower to give me an extra couple of inches to think about what to do.
December 6th, 2011, 05:43 AM
Welcome, Ladyshep! I look forward to hearing more from you soon :)
To answer the trimming question, I generally trim about once a year - or when my ends go from fairy tale to horror novel ;)
December 6th, 2011, 01:09 PM
Thanks everyone!
Could anyone tell me what is your favorite comb to use or suggest ones that work really well? I am having trouble in this department. Thanks!!
December 6th, 2011, 02:31 PM
Ladyshep, I love my creative brand combs, I have a few different ones, but my favorite is a medium toothed one. I got mine from here: I use the C8 in the shower, and I use the C7S the rest of the time. I have tried a lot of different combs, both horn and wood, but I prefer the smooth plastic of the creative brand combs.
December 6th, 2011, 03:15 PM
Thanks! THose combs look great!:eye:
December 6th, 2011, 03:42 PM
I have these ( two ( combs.
December 6th, 2011, 05:28 PM
I have these ( two ( combs.
Oh my, slz, that etsy shop is full of gorgeous wooden things! Must resist.....
December 6th, 2011, 06:26 PM
I too like the Creative 8L. It's a big comb for people with a lot of hair. :D
December 9th, 2011, 04:04 PM
I wonder how often do the long hairers trim.
I used to trim every 3 months at hairdresser, before LHC. My hair always stayed BSL, not longer. After 3-4 months, my hair losts shape. Ends look not even as freshly trimmed.
But now I admire longer hair, so should I trim less frequently?
I haven't trimmed in years. I don't mind having fairy tale ends and my hair rarely splits so no danger of damage climbing upwards. So it's just a matter of choice. As long as your hair is not too much damaged you don't need to trim at all. Only if it is, or if you want an even hemline you should trim
December 9th, 2011, 04:12 PM
I also have a question for my fellow knee length and beyonders. Is anyone approaching a length that will touch the ground when you lean your head back? I am at about mid to lower calf now, and I am starting to worry about what I will do in the shower to keep my ends from brushing the floor when it gets long enough for that. Stand on a stool or something when I wash it? Or should I just not worry about it? The though of it kind of makes me squirm, my hair on the floor of the shower, but maybe it is not really a big deal?
My hair is at ankle length and it reaches the floor when I lean my head back. I just don't want my ends to hang in the shampoo-water, I don't even want shampoo in my lengths at all. So I keep them lifted with my hand while rinsing and as long as the water on the floor of the shower isn't clear. Apart from that, I don't see what could be the problem of the ends touching the floor! :)
December 9th, 2011, 06:08 PM
*comes in to drool at all the heavenly long hair that is around her dream goal* ok, I'm going now. See you... in a bazillion years or whenever my hair reaches knee!
December 9th, 2011, 09:56 PM
ArienEllariel, just keep browsing the board and you'll be at knee-length before you know it. ;)
December 10th, 2011, 12:44 AM
Thanks for telling me about your wash method, Hairfreaky. I hold onto the ends when I'm doing a scalp wash, so it does make sense to just hold them in this situation too.
December 10th, 2011, 06:07 AM
I haven't trimmed in years. I don't mind having fairy tale ends and my hair rarely splits so no danger of damage climbing upwards. So it's just a matter of choice. As long as your hair is not too much damaged you don't need to trim at all. Only if it is, or if you want an even hemline you should trim
Thanks for the replies. My hair is too fragile that I should trim more frequently than you. But every 3 months at hairdersser I can't gain length. I decided self trimming, and try stretching the trims for a while
December 10th, 2011, 09:15 AM
Curious for those who are washing your scalp and not the length, are you still conditioning the length, trying to keep it dry or just getting it wet?
December 10th, 2011, 10:29 AM
Curious for those who are washing your scalp and not the length, are you still conditioning the length, trying to keep it dry or just getting it wet?
I still condition my length every time I wash. Not sure about those with longer hair, however. In general, I wet my hair, apply conditioner to the length, and then wash my scalp with baking soda/vinegar. About every two months I'll clarify everything, so that involves washing the length. Otherwise, it's CO for everything below about the base of my neck.
December 10th, 2011, 11:29 AM
ArienEllariel, just keep browsing the board and you'll be at knee-length before you know it. ;)
I heart you for that one :D
December 10th, 2011, 11:56 AM
Curious for those who are washing your scalp and not the length, are you still conditioning the length, trying to keep it dry or just getting it wet?
I do exactly like gossamer, except for using shampoo at the scalp. Below shoulder length it's CO for me. I do use two different conditioners though, a mild one for everything above shoulder (it gets greasy quickly enough!), and a more moisturizing one for the lengths.
December 10th, 2011, 05:02 PM
I do use two different conditioners though, a mild one for everything above shoulder (it gets greasy quickly enough!), and a more moisturizing one for the lengths. I never thought of that- good idea!
*Bows out of thread, hopefully to join it officially in a couple years
December 10th, 2011, 05:05 PM
ArienEllariel, just keep browsing the board and you'll be at knee-length before you know it. ;)
That's the plan! hehe :p
December 10th, 2011, 05:45 PM
I'm a person who doesn't really belong here. (not even waist yet.) sigh... maybe someday. Still seeing all the:thudpile: worthy hair really inspires me.
December 11th, 2011, 01:04 PM
I use conditioner on the length, shampoo on the scalp, and then after rinsing use my final conditioner on the length. While rinsing, I get a bit of the final conditioner on my scalp area hair to help keep it lightly conditioned.
I have variations, depending on what my hair needs, but that's my main washing style. I will also sometimes oil my ends and some of the length with jojoba oil before I wash.
Carrie Ingalls
December 11th, 2011, 09:31 PM
I thought I might post here first before starting a thread, to get your opinions first. This coming fall (if everything works out) I will be entering a rigorous and extremely time consuming academic program, and I will need to be far more presentable (probably not wearing buffs almost all the time to cover the roots of oiled hair) most of the week. I want to be able to more frequently clean my hair without it taking a lot as well as doing my hair more quickly, possibly with a routine of styles that I can do consistently and quickly.
So, I have been contemplating (for quite a while, since at least April) cutting my hair. :disbelief Not a ton, though anything beyond my normal trims seems like a lot. I was originally thinking about cutting to knee (turns out to be about 18" from floor, which is about where I am again since it is time to trim), because I thought it would grow back in about 2-3 years without trimming. But the more I have thought about it the more I'm thinking that I would probably trim to upper calf about 12-14" from floor (about 11" from ankle), it would still grow back in about 2-3 years (with some trimming).
Part of my reasoning in thinking about going to this length would so I could braid it more easily since loose it would only be about a foot longer than fingertip length (hopefully reducing the reverse braid at the bottom that has a tendency to slow me down).
I am somewhat concerned about the potential learning curve to hairstyles at the shorter length, since my hair has been at ankle for about the last 3 years. So I would probably cut sometime this spring (after I know for sure if I get in to the program and exactly where). It would be the biggest cut that I have ever had, I would probably just have my mom do it (as cool as it would be to go to a long hair salon, I don't have the funds).
I'm looking for some input, feedback, thoughts, comments, opinions, etc. I really wasn't paying attention to my hair when it was growing out, consequently I don't remember what it was like (I reached knee around 2005-2006). Any input is welcome, I am well aware of the fact that in the end it is my decision and I will be the one having to live with it.
December 11th, 2011, 10:18 PM
Carrie, if you do cut look at locks of love.... They got mine when I cut from my knees to just below my shoulders. I had the person who cut it braid it and we got 4 nice donations out of it.
I'm hoping to get my hair back down to my knees in 2012
December 11th, 2011, 10:33 PM
Carrie, if you do cut look at locks of love....
I'd recommend that you read up on Locks of Love some more before you go suggesting it to people around here (and unintentionally invite some upset replies!). There is very little love for that organization on these boards due to the way they misrepresent how they operate and the purpose for which they collect hair.
This article in the NY Times ( is a good place to start.
December 11th, 2011, 10:41 PM
Carrie Ingalls, my hair is at about the length you are thinking of cutting back to, and I still have to do some of that reverse braiding you are talking about. Is the hardest part of the braiding doing the last foot of the braid? If it is, then the cut may help.
I also think that you may end up with blunt ends that could be hard to tuck in. I find that the taper in my hair makes it easier to put up. If you need to have clean looking, presentable hair all the time, it might be a good idea to start doing scalp washes more often. Those are faster for me, in terms of detangling post wash and drying time. I'm not sure why I don't do them more often. You might be able to cover up your oily roots with the buff folded into more of a headband style. I've worn my buffs to school that way, and I think it looks ok.
But like you said, it is up to you. Going shorter for a while could be fun, and it will grow back if you do end up deciding to grow it back after you cut. Good luck! And I hope you get into the program you are applying for!
Carrie Ingalls
December 11th, 2011, 11:11 PM
I'd recommend that you read up on Locks of Love some more before you go suggesting it to people around here (and unintentionally invite some upset replies!). There is very little love for that organization on these boards due to the way they misrepresent how they operate and the purpose for which they collect hair.
This article in the NY Times ( is a good place to start.
gossamer, thanks for posting the link, saved me looking it up (since I don't have it bookmarked on this computer).
gboneske, Thank you for the input, though honestly I must say that I have no intentions of ever giving anything to that organization in particular.
I have not decided what I will do with the hair if I cut it, but do not plan on donating it for a number of reasons (including, but not limited to):
1. I have grow to greatly dislike hair donation because that is about all I ever hear when people see my hair or find out how long it is. Something like this: "Your hair is sooo long! Have you ever heard of Locks of Love?/You should donate it!" I don't think I should not be made to feel guilty for having long well cared for hair.
2. As aptly put by a woman on youtube hair donation doesn't cure cancer/alopicia research does.
3. Blood donation makes a greater impact.
4. I'm not sure that any place would want my ends. Yes, they look good but I still see a fair amount of damage. (You must remember that I never really paid any attention to my hair until a few years ago.)
Thanks julya, your comments are really helpful since that is about your current length. Yes, I was/am aware that I would have blunt ends to tuck (I have to deal with them on a smaller scale every time I trim). Yes, I should try scalp washes...maybe I'll try that over winter break. I'm not sure exactly how strict the dress code is when it comes to hair and wearing fabric headbands (it varies by school). I guess I also use my buffs to cover up less than perfect styling, that way the only things I worry about are how the bun looks and how secure it is (I can be kinda lazy). I wear my buffs to school all the time as an extra wide (the whole thing scrunched) headband.
December 11th, 2011, 11:17 PM
I wish I had known that before I had mine cut and donated a few years ago. As a cancer survivor I wasn't aware that they were selling to cover overhead or that grey hair wasn't allowed. Charities misrepresenting themselves really upset me - the Represenatitive who cut my hair and was there told me 100% of the hair went to cancer victims.
Knowing its a crock of BS I won't be donating money or hair to them again.
Locks of love was not why I had my hair cut, they just happened to be there doing a donation drive.
December 11th, 2011, 11:23 PM
1. I have grow to greatly dislike hair donation because that is about all I ever hear when people see my hair or find out how long it is. Something like this: "Your hair is sooo long! Have you ever heard of Locks of Love?/You should donate it!" I don't think I should not be made to feel guilty for having long well cared for hair.
I forgot to address this - I can't stand people like that. I usually respond with asking why they felt the need to inquire about my charitable givings- I don't ask about theirs.
December 12th, 2011, 08:28 AM
Carrie - At knee and even at mid-calf I still had the reverse braiding problem. I braid every night and simply have to smooth the hair as I go with each bump. For me, that is much faster than having to untangle a rat's nest at the bottom when I don't.
December 12th, 2011, 09:17 AM
I definitely have a backbraid problem at just-past-knee. It's what prevents me from doing french/dutch braids very often because I feel like it results in a lot of stress on my ends.
One solution is to braid my hair while seated, throwing my braid as it grows over my shoulder to bring my ends closer to my working hands, enabling me to detangle as I go.
December 12th, 2011, 10:57 AM
I don't get what you mean by ""backbraid" or "reverse braiding" problem ?? Please explain to the dense ones :D .
December 12th, 2011, 11:18 AM
I'm curious about that too! Is it a tangle problem? It doesn't sound recognizable to me what you guys wrote.
December 12th, 2011, 11:55 AM
If I am reading correctly, she is talking about (or at least I am lol) when you braid and your ends magically braid themselves at the bottom if you don't keep pausing to detangle them.
December 12th, 2011, 02:25 PM
Haaaa thx Chromis I get it now - so, yeah, same as you : I don't have this problem since I smooth along down to the ends each time I cross over as I braid, it's a habit I've taken on for so long that it's just the way I braid.
December 12th, 2011, 02:55 PM
If I am reading correctly, she is talking about (or at least I am lol) when you braid and your ends magically braid themselves at the bottom if you don't keep pausing to detangle them.
That sounds recognizable ;)
I do like slz, especially at the beginning. Further down the problem is less since the strands become shorter
December 12th, 2011, 09:51 PM
Just chiming in, even though I still have a good half a foot until I belong here, that at fingertip, I also have back-braiding issues. :)
Carrie Ingalls
December 13th, 2011, 12:08 AM
Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think that a cut would solve back/reverse braiding. When I braid my hair I smooth/separate frequently as I go (no letting the reverse braid really form, though I know it would). The problem is when I am starting the braid (before I can take up the braided part to pin against my shoulder with my chin) I can smooth and separate all the way down the length, my fingers end and there are still about two more feet of hair. So, my current strategy is to smooth as far down as possible with my hand and then lift my knee and use it to finish separating the rest of the way down.
If I were to cut to the proposed length it would only be about one foot longer than I could reach, and that is before braiding (as we know that length would shorten as I braid).
I guess another reason that cutting it a bit seems like it might be a good idea is that I will be in healthcare settings and if I had to redo my hair for some reason I would not want it getting close to the floor in a hospital or similar setting.
Thank you for all the feedback, I am loving it!
December 13th, 2011, 08:16 AM
To people with very long hair I would usually say to keep it since we are so few. In your case, I'm not so sure. Nobody told you to cut, so it's completely your own feeling. If you gain two minutes a day at braiding and other stuff, and you think that's worth the loss of length, then maybe you should go for it. I personally wouldn't think it's worth it, and I wouldn't worry about hospital floors etc. until I know from experience what it's like to work there. But it's up to you.
December 13th, 2011, 01:20 PM
At my current hair length, I don't very often redo it in public, it causes a bit of a reaction! I can't imagine that you will be redoing your hair while you are in with patients, but I suppose that anywhere in the hospital is full of germs, and getting your ends all germy is not appealing.
December 14th, 2011, 02:48 AM
Coming from a weaving perspective, would it be possible to do it like one does sprang weaving. Now, I can't find any decent diagrams, so I'll attempt to explain. Basically, sprang weaving uses the 'backbraiding' as a technique to create two pieces of fabric at once, on from the top down and one from the bottom up, which eventually meet in the middle. So, for hair purposes you'd just do a 3-strand sprang instead of a 40+ strand one:
1. Secure the hair at the nape with a ponytail (at least for learning)
2. Put in a second ponytail band and slide it to the bottom, leaving a tail the size of a normal plait tail. Ensure the second band is nice and tight and secure (you can always loosen it off at the end, but you really don't want it slipping off while you're plaiting).
3. Start plaiting, using the bottom band to prevent the 'backbraid' from unravelling into nothing. Regularly press downwards against the 'backbraid' so it is kept at a reasonable tension.
4. When the 'proper' plait and the 'backbraid' meet in the middle, take a piece of ribbon and weave it in-and-out between the three sections of the plait. This will prevent the plait(s) from unravelling.
The main issue I can see with it is that it would be hard to keep the 'backbraid' under the same tension as the 'proper' one. The main benefit is that if it works you could plait your hair in half the time. It would probably only work very well on classic+ people, better still on knee+ people.
It'd be great if someone is willing to try to put the theory into practice.
December 14th, 2011, 09:16 AM
ArienEllariel, just keep browsing the board and you'll be at knee-length before you know it. ;)
I must say, this is definitely true. :D It always grows faster when you aren't looking!
Well...I never did trim back to knee-crease length when my year was up. I decided to push it to January 1, to see what happens. Part of the reason for this was not being able to get a good length shot yet. I have to take them outdoors so that my ends are visible (I refuse to use fluorescent bulbs, due to anxiety issues) and it's either been too rainy, too windy (though I did get a fun wind-swept shot the other day that I may post somewhere) or life has been too busy to pause for it. I'd like to get a clear length marker so that I can do a double-sided photo if possible of my length difference from my last trim until now.
Re: the backbraiding? I get it BAD. I just assumed it was from not trimming my ends, because even with careful oiling and conditioning and S&D, I still have velcro-y ends that are bugging the crap out of me. This is the main reason I want to trim after I get a good length shot. The look of the hemline isn't bothering me, as I wear it up or braided back 100% of the time, it's just the feel of it. I CO, so it's not shampoo dryness that's affecting it. :(
@Carrie - the main issue I could see from cutting so much would be the ease of updos...a thicker, freshly cut hemline makes for more difficulty in putting the ends around a bun. Though Chromis made a good point elsewhere, by pointing out that when there is so much taper in your length that you're winding and winding and winding and winding and WINDING the ends around after you've already created the basic shape of the bun, it's really not much of a trade-off. :p I can't really see that your wash routine or anything else would change that much, with only a foot cut off. Mine hasn't changed since I was above classic length, and my ends are just past knee. Keep us posted on what you decide. :flower:
And....I'm joining Beatnikguy with a fresh tub of popcorn. :drama: Pics!!!!
Beatnik Guy
December 14th, 2011, 04:30 PM
And....I'm joining Beatnikguy with a fresh tub of popcorn. :drama: Pics!!!![/SIZE][/FONT]
Have some :sushi: and :chocolate: while we wait, Jamie.
Carrie Ingalls
December 14th, 2011, 08:51 PM
Coming from a weaving perspective, would it be possible to do it like one does sprang weaving. Now, I can't find any decent diagrams, so I'll attempt to explain. Basically, sprang weaving uses the 'backbraiding' as a technique to create two pieces of fabric at once, on from the top down and one from the bottom up, which eventually meet in the middle. So, for hair purposes you'd just do a 3-strand sprang instead of a 40+ strand one:
1. Secure the hair at the nape with a ponytail (at least for learning)
2. Put in a second ponytail band and slide it to the bottom, leaving a tail the size of a normal plait tail. Ensure the second band is nice and tight and secure (you can always loosen it off at the end, but you really don't want it slipping off while you're plaiting).
3. Start plaiting, using the bottom band to prevent the 'backbraid' from unravelling into nothing. Regularly press downwards against the 'backbraid' so it is kept at a reasonable tension.
4. When the 'proper' plait and the 'backbraid' meet in the middle, take a piece of ribbon and weave it in-and-out between the three sections of the plait. This will prevent the plait(s) from unravelling.
The main issue I can see with it is that it would be hard to keep the 'backbraid' under the same tension as the 'proper' one. The main benefit is that if it works you could plait your hair in half the time. It would probably only work very well on classic+ people, better still on knee+ people.
It'd be great if someone is willing to try to put the theory into practice.
It sounded fun to try so I just did (without an elastic at the top and I just stuck a pen through the middle to keep it from coming undone). It was difficult to push the backbraid all the way down to the end, particularly when starting the braid. Then it ended up being much looser than the top half and a lot less smooth. When I finished the first time I held the fingers of one hand in the middle and used the other to start form the bottom and push the backbraid down again, at which point I had a little farther to braid in the middle. I can't decide if some of the problems are because maybe I didn't get the bottom elastic placed well. I think that this style may hold promise, but I also think it will work better with some hair types (I'm thinking really straight and slippery).
It was okay for a first attempt, but that is what it was and I'm not as talented or practiced as many on these boards so I still think there is potential for this style. Also, I can't say that at this stage it saved any time, but maybe if you get the hang of it. I did not take any pictures, sorry.
I am starting to think that some hair types my have more of an issue with backbraiding. I was talking with Grace the other night and she said she doesn't have that much of a problem, she said that once she has sectioned her hair it stays pretty well separate.
I realize that if I cut I will have a thicker, more blunt hemline that will have its own challenges. If I do cut it will be sometime in the spring and the earliest that I might start my program would be July, but most likely September. So, I would have some time to get used to the new length and the ends wouldn't be quite as blunt as "just cut." The reality is that each length has its own challenges. As far as time save in wash routine, etc I don't expect dramatic changes, but I think that the logistics of some of it would be simplified. I would be able to tip my head back without my hair starting to pile on the floor (shower or otherwise).
I don't plan on keeping my hair that short (haha, only on the LHC), I would grow start right out growing it back with periodic trims, and I predict that I would be pretty much back to my current length by the time I earn my next degree. At that point I would start maintaining again.
I am still mulling it over...
The feedback and input is wonderful! You all are great! :)
December 15th, 2011, 02:37 AM
It sounded fun to try so I just did (without an elastic at the top and I just stuck a pen through the middle to keep it from coming undone). It was difficult to push the backbraid all the way down to the end, particularly when starting the braid. Then it ended up being much looser than the top half and a lot less smooth. When I finished the first time I held the fingers of one hand in the middle and used the other to start form the bottom and push the backbraid down again, at which point I had a little farther to braid in the middle. I can't decide if some of the problems are because maybe I didn't get the bottom elastic placed well. I think that this style may hold promise, but I also think it will work better with some hair types (I'm thinking really straight and slippery).
It was okay for a first attempt, but that is what it was and I'm not as talented or practiced as many on these boards so I still think there is potential for this style. Also, I can't say that at this stage it saved any time, but maybe if you get the hang of it. I did not take any pictures, sorry.
I am starting to think that some hair types my have more of an issue with backbraiding. I was talking with Grace the other night and she said she doesn't have that much of a problem, she said that once she has sectioned her hair it stays pretty well separate.
I'm glad you gave it a go! (As for the issue of differing tension between the top and bottom halves, that's an issue with the weaving too - even the historic examples by experts).
I too think it may be an issue of hairtype. I'm a 1b/F/ii-iii and I had issues with backbraiding since... oh, about waist maybe?
December 16th, 2011, 11:53 AM
I just tried the backbraiding technique too, and I had the same issues (looser, messier bottom) as Carrie. I think though, with a little practice, it could work. I LOVE the concept!
Carrie, I think that my length (just below the knees) or really upper calf in general is perfect (for really long hair, that is) because it's only slightly longer than my arms and still manageable, but I get the delicious feeling of my hair brushing my calves as I walk :)
If you do decide to cut it, I think calf-length would be perfect - no issues with hitting the ground, but plenty of hair still to go around (and around and around and around ;) ).
PS plus if you cut it to calf, then I won't have to be envious of your beautiful length anymore! :P
Carrie Ingalls
January 27th, 2012, 09:52 PM
To people with very long hair I would usually say to keep it since we are so few. In your case, I'm not so sure. Nobody told you to cut, so it's completely your own feeling. If you gain two minutes a day at braiding and other stuff, and you think that's worth the loss of length, then maybe you should go for it. I personally wouldn't think it's worth it, and I wouldn't worry about hospital floors etc. until I know from experience what it's like to work there. But it's up to you.
But that is bart of the problem, I wont know what it is like at the school/clinical sites until I get there and then if I decide to get it cut I'll be hours away from anyone I would trust to cut my hair. I would not want to walk into a salon somewhere and say "I just want you to take of 9inches" or something like that. I realize that self trimming is an option, but since I've never done it before I wouldn't want to be trying the first time with a cut like that.
Carrie, I think that my length (just below the knees) or really upper calf in general is perfect (for really long hair, that is) because it's only slightly longer than my arms and still manageable, but I get the delicious feeling of my hair brushing my calves as I walk :)
If you do decide to cut it, I think calf-length would be perfect - no issues with hitting the ground, but plenty of hair still to go around (and around and around and around ;) ).
PS plus if you cut it to calf, then I won't have to be envious of your beautiful length anymore! :P
I certainly don't think I would go any shorter, and the more I'm thinking seriously about cutting it the more I 'm leaning towards cutting a bit less initially and then getting more substantial (more than dustings) trims until I graduate...if that made sense.
I'll also be spending my summer basically in the woods...and not collecting underbrush in my ends would be a little plus.
February 5th, 2012, 04:17 PM
Sadly I just can't seem to find time to make my way onto LHC very often the past several years, but I realized my hair was knee-length the other day and had to come share! :D A new picture is in my album, but it doesn't look knee-length when it's dry because of the curls. Still, a bit exciting, and certainly very challenging!
February 5th, 2012, 09:38 PM
Im new here and i loove LHC!! Im also proud to say that i have been at knee length for a few months:D. I told myself that when i got to knee length i would cut my hair to mid-back, but when it came down to it i just didn't have the heart to chop it! When i found this sight i decided that i don't want to cut it for a while!:)
February 6th, 2012, 10:51 PM
Welcome, WhiteBengal! You've got company - this place is full of people who don't have the heart to chop, I'm proud to say I'm one of them. Be warned though, once you spend time here, you'll NEVER want to cut your hair. There are just so many lengths to dream of!
February 8th, 2012, 09:37 PM
Welcome, WhiteBengal! You've got company - this place is full of people who don't have the heart to chop, I'm proud to say I'm one of them. Be warned though, once you spend time here, you'll NEVER want to cut your hair. There are just so many lengths to dream of!
Thanks for the warning Lunnafindel ;)! Haha! And you're right there are so many lengths to dream of! :agree:
February 9th, 2012, 08:47 AM
February 9th, 2012, 10:19 AM
I can't see any pictures yet. But wow. I never thought that hair could even grow to knee length. I have never seen anyone with hair that long. I knew a girl in grade school her hair was down to her butt. All the other kids bullied her and teased her though, told her to cut her hair. She did cut her hair to shoulder when we were in 6th grade.
February 9th, 2012, 01:41 PM
I don't usually post in this thread because I don't "belong" yet, but I wanted to say that I have had the reverse braiding issue since waist or so. Using it as a technique sounds interesting and as I have the straight/silky hair mentioned, I am most curious how it would turn out. Braiding is not my strength in the hair-realm, I do better with buns. But I may give this a try.
Carrie, I am not really qualified to comment on your recent topic here but I would mention that pinned braids may be convenient. Sometimes I sleep with a braid and then come morning I just twist it into a braided bun of some kind and secure it, removing the end elastic because I don't like elastics in my buns, regardless of how they are secured. But sometimes my braids frizz out too bad overnight to pull this quick-do off. What about doubling the length over and doing a bun that way? The "ends" may be hard to secure.
Also, it may not be your style, but there is a woman I see from time to time who works in a place I have frequented (professional environment) and she does her hair in a way I have never seen anyone do it. I asked her once how long her hair was and she indicated with her hand somewhere between classic and knee (this 3+ years ago, I am curious how long it is now). Anyway, she pulls it all in a high pony (think a bit higher than crown, but not quite top of head) then folds the hair over so there is a loop close to the pony, say about 12" worth of hair, then wraps what is left around and around and around until she runs out, tucking and pinning the ends. The result is a floppy loop wrapped in hair that she fans out to look neat and uniform. This was before LHC and I tried it and it turned my DH off so bad I have never done it again. LOL. Apparently it looks great on her, awful on me. Her hair type and color were the same as mine, too, though her thickness was definitely more. Anyway, I can hardly wear anything secured that high due to headaches but she was used to it, every time I saw her over the years, she wore the same style every day. I haven't been there in years now, and I am curious if she still has long hair and if she kows about TLHC!
Sorry to ramble.
February 10th, 2012, 04:06 PM
My goodness! I had no idea this thread existed! I only knew about the one in the Social Groups. What a lovely surprise!
I haven't been around here in a long time but it is nice to come back and see so many familiar folks.
As of this March (next month) I will have been at knee for 2 years. Right now, I'm an inch below knee. Finally, the maintaining is beginning to show a fuller hemline. I don't know what will happen in the future but I'll probably stay here for a while, although calf looks enticing...hahaha!
February 10th, 2012, 09:53 PM
Welcome back, harpgal! :)
February 10th, 2012, 10:22 PM
Thanks Ed. It's really good to see you, too.
February 11th, 2012, 01:16 AM
J, my 6 yo has now past fingertip when wet and curly, mid rear dry, so I suspect pulled straight, she is at knee or so. For braiding, I divide her hair then put a loose band in about 2/3 the way down. Braids nicely, and the ends stay easy to keep apart.
February 19th, 2012, 12:27 PM
This is the result of the braid/reverse braid I tried. No matter how I did it, it came out very sloppy on the bottom/reversed part. I would think curly and thicker hair would disguise this issue better than my type.
February 27th, 2012, 08:41 AM
Hello everybody, now I'm a proud member of your gorgeous club! My hair is knee length again! :hollie:
February 28th, 2012, 06:18 AM
I'm no where near being a member of this thread... yet, but I have a question.
At what length were you able to wrap your braid around your neck and drape it over your shoulder and have it sit there?
I've had a look through this thread and I'm really beginning to lean more towards trying to get to just past knee. What's another 5 years? :D
February 28th, 2012, 08:24 AM
Gorgeous hair!!!!
heidi w.
February 28th, 2012, 09:21 AM
Hello everybody, now I'm a proud member of your gorgeous club! My hair is knee length again! :hollie:
Olga-Freya: You have absolutely gorgeous hair. Somewhat like mine, only you possess more body than my hair has. The profile photo of you sitting on the couch is what I look like when my hair is down. You also possess more volume than I do, presently. I'm getting old so volume is waning a bit. To be expected. Keep up the good work. It's Beautiful!!
heidi w.
February 29th, 2012, 01:16 AM
At what length were you able to wrap your braid around your neck and drape it over your shoulder and have it sit there?
I don't remember when my hair became long enough, but now I'm just reach knee and able to wrap my braid around my neck 1,5 times.
heidi w., thank for your nice comment! You know that one but big advantage of your hair is its gorgeous length :)
March 2nd, 2012, 09:37 AM
I'm overdue for a trim (about 1", I think) but now I'm wondering - if you trim, do you do it on wet hair or dry hair?
My approach for years has been to do it on the day after I wash, preferably when it's as straight as possible without braid waves. This is because I never touch it with a brush or comb when wet, but I realize now that others approach this aspect of maintenance very differently!
March 2nd, 2012, 11:26 AM
Dr. Michael always cut when the hair was dry. Wet hair is slightly stretched hair.
March 2nd, 2012, 11:38 AM
I'm overdue for a trim (about 1", I think) but now I'm wondering - if you trim, do you do it on wet hair or dry hair?
Dry, pre-wash for me. Not wet because to me it's less precise, *and* cut wet hair sticks to everything.
March 2nd, 2012, 12:50 PM
I can't trim my own hair so my husband gets down on the floor for me haha. (or I step on a chair ;))
He prefers cutting it wet, he says he has more control that way.
I've never noticed any difference between wet or dry cut.
akka naeda
March 2nd, 2012, 01:13 PM
I'm overdue for a trim (about 1", I think) but now I'm wondering - if you trim, do you do it on wet hair or dry hair?
My approach for years has been to do it on the day after I wash, preferably when it's as straight as possible without braid waves. This is because I never touch it with a brush or comb when wet, but I realize now that others approach this aspect of maintenance very differently!
Dry, for the same reason as you!
March 2nd, 2012, 02:31 PM
I can't trim my own hair so my husband gets down on the floor for me haha. (or I step on a chair ;))
He prefers cutting it wet, he says he has more control that way.
I've never noticed any difference between wet or dry cut.
Oh, yes I'm not cutting it myself. BF helps me take off the ends while I stand in the bathtub. The first time I asked him for help I had to make clear to him what this said about how much I trust him!
March 2nd, 2012, 03:16 PM
I trim J's hair dry, but her hair is curly so if we cut wet, her hair winds up too short. She's back to waist dry, knees pulled straight.
March 2nd, 2012, 04:01 PM
My hubby trims my hair will it is dry. He says that he can see the hem better that way. If I ever trimmed my own hair, it would be while it is dry. However, I think trying it both ways would be good.
Carrie Ingalls
March 2nd, 2012, 09:40 PM
This is the result of the braid/reverse braid I tried. No matter how I did it, it came out very sloppy on the bottom/reversed part. I would think curly and thicker hair would disguise this issue better than my type.
Your's still looks way better than mine did! While in theory it sounds like a wonderful time saver, I'm not convinced with the results in practice. How long did it take you to do the reverse braiding technique and how long does it usually take you to do the whole length? I think that your braid would look fine in a braided updo and no one would really be any the wiser.
Hello everybody, now I'm a proud member of your gorgeous club! My hair is knee length again! :hollie:
Welcome back to knee!
I thought I should update briefly on my potential hair cut situation. First the good news, I have been accepted to two very good schools, one of which is my first choice (and where I will be going). Huzzah! I skipped my usual December trim and my hair is back at floor length.
So, no cut yet, but I think it will still happen sometime this spring and then a little dusting in Aug before the start of the semester. I keep changing my mind about just how much to cut, everywhere from one years growth to two or a little more.
In other news the other day I was thinking about where the "damage line" --my length before I really started to pay attention to my hair--is and how much of my length is growth from after I started to pay more attention to how I took care of it and this is sort of the breakdown (from my recolection):
2005: hit knee length
2006: got a trim of maybe 1.5 inches in the spring
2007: had another tiny trim
2008: stated swimming at a pool, didn't really have a good idea of how to protect my hair, learned some from ladies in the locker room (wet hair in shower before going in pool). Late November ditched my hair brush (interesting factoid when it was new it had the little balls on the ends of the bristles, but I didn't like them so I had long before pulled them all off, kinda like a tangle teazer) in favor of a wide tooth comb. I'm not sure I had a trim this year.
2009: Jan-I found the LHC and started lurking, May- I joined the LHC and had a trim back to ankle. Summer I had my hair very heavily oiled pretty much all the time and covered by a UV Buff anytime I was in the sun for a prolonged period (at least 40 hours a week), washing only about every 3ish weeks. The spring had once again been spent in a pool
The rest of the exact trimming history is in my profile somewhere.
Other things that changed in my hair care over the years, I became much more gentle when combing out tangles. I started to put my hair up in the shower for several minutes with conditioner in it. I occasionally S&D. In the last year I started using a satin sleep cap almost every night.
I think that about sums it up. So given my growth rate is about 6in a year I think that growth from 2005 on (aprox 36in) is at about half my length at this point given that when I am at floor it is about 72in (from front hairline). I had never thought about where my care/growth line was. So, I think if I were to shave my head (not going to happen ever) it would take 12 years with no trims to get where I am. That is of course assuming my growth rate does not change.
How long would it take you to get to your current length with no trims? Just given your growth rate.
March 3rd, 2012, 06:00 PM
Braid/reverse, I won't dare try it on J. The curls would hide the wonky, but all I can picture is knots, knots and more knots.
March 5th, 2012, 11:48 AM
I trim J's hair dry, but her hair is curly so if we cut wet, her hair winds up too short. She's back to waist dry, knees pulled straight.
WOW that is some kind of shrinkage. I suspect it is gorgeous though.
March 12th, 2012, 04:44 PM
Hello everybody, now I'm a proud member of your gorgeous club! My hair is knee length again! :hollie:
You're hair is GORGEOUS!!! I love the thick ends!!:cheese:I wish mine were that thick. Hopefully soon!:)
March 20th, 2012, 06:47 AM
Carrie Ingalls, thank!
Thank you whitebengal, I hope your dream will soon be executed :)
Whenever I trim my hair myself or with my granny's help, I do it after a wash, but when my hair already dry, combed neatly and naturally straight.
March 29th, 2012, 10:48 PM
Yes I'm 'bumping' this thread but also to say that this thread gives me such inspiration to keep growing.
My hair has been just kinda blah lately, so I really needed some inspiration.;)
Thank-you to everyone who's posted in this's been awesome looking at the pictures!:grouphug:
March 30th, 2012, 01:39 AM
I'm glad you bumped this thread. I haven't been knee length since I was in elementary school, but I am working back toward it now. Seeing everyone's gorgeous (and handsome) heads of hair is so inspiring.
April 1st, 2012, 01:30 AM
I've recently added a few more recent pics to my album, if anyone is interested.
April 1st, 2012, 07:03 PM
Those are lovely photos, Eryka. You do indeed, have beautiful hair! :flower:
April 1st, 2012, 08:59 PM
Wow, your photos are gorgeous!
April 1st, 2012, 09:54 PM
I've recently added a few more recent pics to my album, if anyone is interested.
Very pretty Eryka!
Love the recent pictures, especially the one where you are feeding the little ducks.:D
April 22nd, 2012, 12:48 AM
According to my DH (no pictures yet) I'm officially here. :D My longest ends just reached knee length, despite last year's fire, and am hoping the rest of it will catch up eventually.
Being here has cheered me considerably, and I plan to reinvest in my ultimate goal of anklebone. I've been neglectful because I was so depressed about the damage done, but I think I can put it behind me now and just look forward again. :D
April 23rd, 2012, 04:34 PM
What are some of y'alls go-to updos? I'm bored with my standard braided bun and alot of the updos I see around just won't work on knee + length hair. Thanks!
Carrie Ingalls
April 23rd, 2012, 05:02 PM
Congratulations DragonLady!
ladyfey, my go to everyday updo is a "failed" figure eight (I call it that because I never bother trying to balance it so the mound of hair is in the middle of the 8 ). I really like it because it is so fast and simple.
Past everyday updos: the inside out bun, and the log roll.
All of these buns can be held with a variety of hair toys, my favorites are keylo 2 prong forks, ketylo hair sticks, 60th Street 4 prong forks, and bunheads hairpins. Pictures of all these updos can also be seen in my albums.
I totally understand wanting to change things up every once in a while.
April 23rd, 2012, 05:12 PM
Thank you, Carrie Ingalls! I need to look at the log roll, so I am off to do that. Thanks again!
April 23rd, 2012, 06:08 PM
Well done, DragonLady! Do you have any pictures yet?
What are some of y'alls go-to updos? I'm bored with my standard braided bun and alot of the updos I see around just won't work on knee + length hair. Thanks!
My favourite everyday styles are the nautilus (or inside-out) bun, celtic knot bun and the Gibraltar bun. All of these are quick to do and only need one stick to hold them.
April 24th, 2012, 01:06 AM
Braided log roll for me
April 24th, 2012, 03:37 AM
Well done, DragonLady! Do you have any pictures yet?
I'm still too self-concious of the damage to have pictures taken, I think.
For those who don't know, a year ago I was burning weeds, and a gust of wind fanned flames into my face. It burned my bunned hair all around my hairline, took off a huge section of the bun itself, and even burned off my eyelashes. My hair is an uneven, raggedy mess...but it is recovering slowly.
April 24th, 2012, 05:42 AM
I'm still too self-concious of the damage to have pictures taken, I think.
For those who don't know, a year ago I was burning weeds, and a gust of wind fanned flames into my face. It burned my bunned hair all around my hairline, took off a huge section of the bun itself, and even burned off my eyelashes. My hair is an uneven, raggedy mess...but it is recovering slowly.
Oh, that must have been awful. :(
April 24th, 2012, 10:14 AM
Off to look up some of the suggestions for updos, thanks all!
April 24th, 2012, 11:20 AM
I'm still too self-concious of the damage to have pictures taken, I think.
For those who don't know, a year ago I was burning weeds, and a gust of wind fanned flames into my face. It burned my bunned hair all around my hairline, took off a huge section of the bun itself, and even burned off my eyelashes. My hair is an uneven, raggedy mess...but it is recovering slowly.
Awww, my heart goes out to you there. I hope it recovers quickly for you. I am so glad you are alright!
April 26th, 2012, 01:56 PM
I'm still too self-concious of the damage to have pictures taken, I think.
For those who don't know, a year ago I was burning weeds, and a gust of wind fanned flames into my face. It burned my bunned hair all around my hairline, took off a huge section of the bun itself, and even burned off my eyelashes. My hair is an uneven, raggedy mess...but it is recovering slowly.
DragonLady, I am so sorry to hear this! My heart goes out to you and I imagine it was a very scary experience. But, I'm so glad to hear that your hair is recovering. That is the wonderful thing about it grows. *big hug*
I am so happy this thread has come alive again. I don't spend much time here (the LHC) but I do check in on this thread often.
My regular updo is a braided bun, but it is getting harder to wear a hat with it. I think I need something that goes more side to side, kind of like a sideways figure eight. Do any of you have any ideas about updos that are compatible with wearing hats?
On another note, I am at a cross road. When last I measured, I was at 58 inches. I have maintained at knee (or just below) for 2 years and now I'm not sure if I should get a trim back to knee (55.5 inches) or carry on to 60 inches. There is a taper, but by wearing updos it isn't noticable. I'm in a quandary. :)
April 26th, 2012, 04:43 PM
Having knee length and now having lower calf length, I am coming that the conclusion that I like knee length better! Today my hair is 65" and I will grow 3" more to ankle. I hear knee length calling in the future. Knee is 54-56" on me.
April 26th, 2012, 05:28 PM
Having knee length and now having lower calf length, I am coming that the conclusion that I like knee length better! Today my hair is 65" and I will grow 3" more to ankle. I hear knee length calling in the future. Knee is 54-56" on me.
What makes the big difference between knee and calf for you?
Carrie Ingalls
April 26th, 2012, 11:35 PM
Having knee length and now having lower calf length, I am coming that the conclusion that I like knee length better! Today my hair is 65" and I will grow 3" more to ankle.
But then floor length will be so close... ;)
heidi w.
April 27th, 2012, 10:34 AM
What makes the big difference between knee and calf for you?
I know you didn't ask me, but for me, it's mostly an overall look of the health of the hair. My hair when it was ankle length was more weedy or raggedy looking, and the hemline wasn't very thick in volume.
Also, for me, it was a wee bit harder to handle because I experienced a LOT more tangling issues at this length. In particular I was getting what I call tiny little gnarls that simply would not come out, no matter how I tried, and eventually, a lot of times, I simply had to rip it out, which upset me.
I have at my current length (mid-calf) better looking hair, a LOT less tangling, and a lot less of those pin knots that simply would not come out.
It's just better looking and a little bit easier to handle.
heidi w.
ETA: My hair tapers rather dramatically at knee length to calf length. It tapers at this length. It is somewhat dramatic, but I can keep a healthy hemline and get away with it, especially since I wear my hair up almost all the time. END ETA
heidi w.
April 27th, 2012, 10:40 AM
I'm still too self-concious of the damage to have pictures taken, I think.
For those who don't know, a year ago I was burning weeds, and a gust of wind fanned flames into my face. It burned my bunned hair all around my hairline, took off a huge section of the bun itself, and even burned off my eyelashes. My hair is an uneven, raggedy mess...but it is recovering slowly.
Many moons ago, I had a similar experience. I tried lighting a gas broiler with a matchstick, and the thing huffed and finally puffed and made a booming sound. I was very lucky that nothing worse than a brush with the burn didn't happen. It took off eyebrow hair, eyelashes, hair on my hands, but nothing actually burned.
I'm sorry this happened to you. I can't emphasize enough to others that long hair can be a safety hazard. Seriously. And to wear it up, which you were. Thank God you were. Hair burns really fast.
heidi w.
April 27th, 2012, 04:38 PM
I hear ya, Heidi. After passing knee, I have had a terrible time with tangles. But I think after a trim, things will be better. It's always tempting to stay at the "crease" but those distant lengths are continuously calling. :D
April 27th, 2012, 11:08 PM
I'm sorry this happened to you. I can't emphasize enough to others that long hair can be a safety hazard. Seriously. And to wear it up, which you were. Thank God you were. Hair burns really fast.
Yes; I was amazed how fast & how it seemed like my whole head was on fire. :(
There was not a single breeze that day -nothing. I was in long sleeves, good garden gloves, and a hat over my bun. I had soaked the whole area around the fire, and the fire itself was very small because I was working alone. I suddenly realized how hot I was in all those clothes, and decided to take off the hat. Not 60 seconds later I put a new forkful of weeds on the flames, and the wind suddenly came up and blew the flames straight into my face. :(
For about 1/10 of a second, I really thought I was on fire all over, before I realize it was my hair -and in that fraction, the damage was done. I could not believe how bad it was when I took out my hair stick and starting combing it. Huge gobs of fried hair (and oh, I can't describe the terrible smell) from all over my head, a good handful of my full length just gone.
I was crying for days. I kept waking in the middle of the night, too, thinking it had been a nightmare. But it was not. :(
April 27th, 2012, 11:11 PM
:grouphug: DragonLady.
April 27th, 2012, 11:13 PM
:grouphug: DragonLady.
Thank-you :D
May 2nd, 2012, 04:16 PM
*'pup leaps over the knee high chain*
Sometime in the last month my ends made it past the crease at the back of the knee! I'm still mystified why I started gaining length again after years at apparent terminal (53"), but I'm not turning down the growth!
May 2nd, 2012, 04:50 PM
*'pup leaps over the knee high chain*
Sometime in the last month my ends made it past the crease at the back of the knee! I'm still mystified why I started gaining length again after years at apparent terminal (53"), but I'm not turning down the growth!
Yay! I'm not knee length yet but I was stalled for awhile too and seem to be getting a bit of a growth spurt too! :cheer:
May 2nd, 2012, 07:40 PM
Congratulations, trolleypup! :hifive:
May 2nd, 2012, 08:12 PM
Wow, I was really close to knee length and can't wait to be at that point. I am so encouraged with all or you. Seeing so many calf and ankle and even floor. Thank you all.
May 2nd, 2012, 09:34 PM
*'pup leaps over the knee high chain*
Sometime in the last month my ends made it past the crease at the back of the knee! I'm still mystified why I started gaining length again after years at apparent terminal (53"), but I'm not turning down the growth!
Awesome! We can grow together to calf-length, okay?
May 2nd, 2012, 09:45 PM
My hair has about 4.5-6 inches to reach knee length (it's currently 45 inches long). So I really hope I'll be able to join this thread soon :D
I was thinking, does it take longer for taller people to reach knee length than it would someone shorter?
May 3rd, 2012, 07:13 AM
Trolleypup, I find your recent growth very inspiring! If/when I ever hit terminal, I will not give up! I had a stall last winter that totally dragged me down and am happy to be growing again. I can only imagine how elated you are!
May 3rd, 2012, 08:12 AM
My regular updo is a braided bun, but it is getting harder to wear a hat with it. I think I need something that goes more side to side, kind of like a sideways figure eight. Do any of you have any ideas about updos that are compatible with wearing hats?
On another note, I am at a cross road. When last I measured, I was at 58 inches. I have maintained at knee (or just below) for 2 years and now I'm not sure if I should get a trim back to knee (55.5 inches) or carry on to 60 inches. There is a taper, but by wearing updos it isn't noticable. I'm in a quandary. :)
Having just checked out your latest pictures, dear harpgal, I think your hair could definitely stand to grow longer. :wink: :D
Hats and buns are a difficult mix, aren't they? So far I've found your pinless braided bun to work pretty well, as long as it's slung low. Maybe someone else has another style....
Having knee length and now having lower calf length, I am coming that the conclusion that I like knee length better! Today my hair is 65" and I will grow 3" more to ankle. I hear knee length calling in the future. Knee is 54-56" on me.
Ooh, the thought of your hair at ankle has me all :thud: In fact, the thought of you and harpgal growing to longer lengths makes me absurdly happy. :o
Congratulations, trolleypup and Xandergrammy! Yay for growth spurts! :hollie:
My hair is still creeping down slowly, with a few hardy racers out the front taking fairytale ends to new... well, lengths. I'm going to have to think seriously about a trim, because ankle is still a good 6 inches away (if I ever get there!) and I don't think I can stand my raggedy hem for much longer.
May 3rd, 2012, 01:26 PM
Thanks Teazel, but my taper has gotten more extreme at these lengths. Having fine hair has its challenges. I doubt if I can get much more length...perhaps 60 inches. It seems pretty cool to have 5 feet of hair. These very old ends get more tangle prone and trims help so much. I do think I will go for an inch trim and just see what happens.
About my braided bun...I have discovered that if I do another wrap up and over the hairstick, like doing a figure eight, it seems to hold better. It's either that or adding one hairpin to the left side, just above the stick. But the most comfy updo is a single braid wrapped around my head. I can't wear a hat but it sure distributes the weight well.
TP, congratulations on gaining a bit more length. When last I saw you, I knew you could get more length. You definitely have the right texture for extreme lengths. I too, have had those stalls.
May 3rd, 2012, 04:15 PM
*'pup leaps over the knee high chain*
Sometime in the last month my ends made it past the crease at the back of the knee! I'm still mystified why I started gaining length again after years at apparent terminal (53"), but I'm not turning down the growth!
Information like this gives me hope. Thank you and congrats on getting your hair train moving again.
May 3rd, 2012, 06:24 PM
After the recommendations for different updos here, my new favorite is the gibralter bun, so thanks! For hats, I wear a sun bonnet, like Little House on the Prairie. It is the only hat that works for me, as I do not like my hair low on my neck and am starting out with a pretty ginormous head even before all the hair! The bonnet covers any of my buns and protects my face, head and hair from the sun. It may look a bit funny, but I'll take function over form!
May 4th, 2012, 05:31 AM
Congrats, Trollypup! I also find it inspiring that a stall can last that long, and still begin growing again. :D
I hope to make it to anklebone. But if growth stops somewhere along the way, I won't give up. :)
May 7th, 2012, 02:53 PM
Does anyone else make their own hairsticks? I made my first pair yesterday and am wearing them right now! :D
May 7th, 2012, 02:58 PM
Does anyone else make their own hairsticks? I made my first pair yesterday and am wearing them right now! :D
Good for you, white bengal!
You might also want to ask this question over on the Conventional Products and Hair Accessories forum.
May 7th, 2012, 10:48 PM
Does anyone else make their own hairsticks? I made my first pair yesterday and am wearing them right now! :D
Yes; I have been. :D I'm even working on opening an Etsy shop to sell a few now and then, so I can keep buying supplies to make myself more.
Now my hair is so long, it's getting harder and harder to buy them in sizes that work. And since I wear it up every single day now, I get bored with them just as quick as I get bored with my clothes and am always wanting new ones.
May 8th, 2012, 12:33 PM
Does anyone else make their own hairsticks? I made my first pair yesterday and am wearing them right now! :D
Yup. There's a whole thread full of people (
May 19th, 2012, 10:21 AM
I'm due for a trim soon, but the last time I trimmed my hubby helped. It wasn't a fun experience for him and I lost more length than we'd originally intended because he had to keep evening it up.
I've looked at the Feye's self-trimming method for years and attempted the steps, but it won't work for me on my own -- my hair is way too long (around mid-calf) and the taper is too much for the ties to work. In order to get them where I need them, they would loosen up way too much and risk falling out.
So, how do you knee length and beyond folks trim your hair? I'm hoping to remove about an inch, no more if even that much, and although I used to want a perfectly straight across cut I think I want it softened up, somewhere between straight across and vaguely u-shaped.
I will probably require my husband's help regardless what technique we use, but I want to have more options to help him keep things even so I don't lose more length.
I have seen Creaclips mentioned, but I don't really have it in my budget to buy one right now.
Thanks in advance for any help!
May 19th, 2012, 10:42 AM
I'm due for a trim soon, but the last time I trimmed my hubby helped. It wasn't a fun experience for him and I lost more length than we'd originally intended because he had to keep evening it up.
I've looked at the Feye's self-trimming method for years and attempted the steps, but it won't work for me on my own -- my hair is way too long (around mid-calf) and the taper is too much for the ties to work. In order to get them where I need them, they would loosen up way too much and risk falling out.
So, how do you knee length and beyond folks trim your hair? I'm hoping to remove about an inch, no more if even that much, and although I used to want a perfectly straight across cut I think I want it softened up, somewhere between straight across and vaguely u-shaped.
I will probably require my husband's help regardless what technique we use, but I want to have more options to help him keep things even so I don't lose more length.
I have seen Creaclips mentioned, but I don't really have it in my budget to buy one right now.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I do not have knee length but that is my goal so I research it alot and have seen these:
They may help. Good luck
May 19th, 2012, 11:34 AM
Thanks for the links!
May 19th, 2012, 12:15 PM
I just wanted to thank you again! I'd been searching and looking for more longer length specific variants and it was difficult for me to find these videos.
I just finished trimming my hair on my own, putting the ponytail tie lower behind me, and then pulling it in front of me, laid across a towel, using my fingers and a comb to smooth and get to the edge. I did this on both sides (work from left, start over and re-tie then work from right), and did two trims. My husband was amazed at what a difference it made and it's even enough for now!
I will keep up with my trims more often now, taking off only very small amounts (I mainly focused on the faster growing stragglers) until I get used to this and make sure I'm doing everything possible to keep everything even (I'm not sure yet if I'll use another hair tie at my nape as well -- I think I was having a little shifting at my hair roots as I worked).
Now, the only thing my hubby has to help with is getting some photos or checking to make sure I got it evenly.
Thanks again! My ends feel so soft, and I had not taken a photograph of my hair in so long, I didn't realize how much it had actually grown. My hemline wasn't as thin as I expected!
May 19th, 2012, 04:13 PM
So nice to see so many people with similar lengths of hair. :)
I never really think of my own hair as really long, but every time I forget to put it up before heading into public (or sometimes despite putting it up) I get the obvious comments of, "Wow, you're hair is so long!" "How long is it?" Or my personal favorite, "You're hair is really long, did you know that?"--'nope, didn't notice.'
Does anyone else ever get the odd amirers that insist on either:
a) touching your hair :bigeyes:
b) taking a picture:shrug:
c) asking you how much you want for it:run:
Granted I love the compliments, especially from children, but some people get down right creepy.
May 19th, 2012, 05:07 PM
On the rare day when I wear it in two braids instead of bunned up, someone will always pick up the braids and act like they are reins. I always think:" Yes, how original, no one has EVER done that before."
May 19th, 2012, 05:50 PM
My hubby trimmed 1 inch off for me last weekend. He said that it looked the best it ever has at this length (1 inch below the crease), so maintaining seems to be working for me. It does take many years to see change at this length, though.
It humors me to think that when I was trying to get to classic, trimming even as much as 1/2 an inch seemed like a lot. However, at this length, trimming 1 inch seems like hardly any all. I know, I know...I'm easily amused. :)
OilPaint, one time a gal asked me if she could touch my braided bun. She asked if it was real. Ummm, yeah.... No one has taken photos of it without my knowledge...well, that I know of. But I wear it up all the time, so no one really knows how long it is. In fact, I don't get bugged about it much at all. It must have something to do with that mean, old lady look. :eyebrows:
May 19th, 2012, 11:23 PM
On the rare day when I wear it in two braids instead of bunned up, someone will always pick up the braids and act like they are reins. I always think:" Yes, how original, no one has EVER done that before."
Ha ha! I have had children do that to me before! :D Once a child grabbed my two braids and said giddy up pony!
May 20th, 2012, 04:53 PM
No one has taken photos of it without my knowledge...well, that I know of.
hahaha :D
I was just told by a guy with bleached, punk-styled hair that I have amazing hair and that as a stylist he would love to get his hands on it. I jokingly backed away and said "oh no, stay away!" and he laughed and said he wouldn't trust stylists either if he were me :)
I love the compliments, even if they get repetitive. They're always fun. and an easy way to start a conversation.
May 27th, 2012, 06:20 PM
I love it when people compliment my hair :) I have been given many different nicknames like: Rapunzel, Ponytails, and even Phony(for Phony Ponytail) haha! I like it when im recognized by random people because they have seen me once before and remembered my hair heehee!:D I find funny when i have a soccer game or something and i hear a little kid say "Hey, Mom! It's a real life Rapunzel!!" :D haha! If only i was!!:wannabe:
June 23rd, 2012, 05:15 PM
Back before I hit knee, I thought it was tough to judge length against the seemingly never-ending expanse of my thighs. Now that I'm past knee, it feels like calf length is just as tough.
I think it's easier for me to see me growth from the side now, actually, rather than from behind.
Measured my hair this morning, while slightly damp still (as the picture shows) and came up with 58". Really?! I think it's time to get help with measuring, that seems like ridiculous growth from my trim back in March.
At this stage, how do you gauge your growth?
June 23rd, 2012, 05:18 PM
Wow, that's amazing hair, gossamer!
June 23rd, 2012, 05:19 PM
I love your hair, gossamer! :rolling: Hopefully mine makes it that far.. still a LONG ways to go.. must.. have.. patience! :disco:
June 23rd, 2012, 05:38 PM
Back before I hit knee, I thought it was tough to judge length against the seemingly never-ending expanse of my thighs. Now that I'm past knee, it feels like calf length is just as tough.
I think it's easier for me to see me growth from the side now, actually, rather than from behind.
Measured my hair this morning, while slightly damp still (as the picture shows) and came up with 58". Really?! I think it's time to get help with measuring, that seems like ridiculous growth from my trim back in March.
At this stage, how do you gauge your growth?
Your hair is so very lovely, Gossamer! Truly inspiring!
June 23rd, 2012, 06:07 PM
So nice to see so many people with similar lengths of hair. :)
I never really think of my own hair as really long, but every time I forget to put it up before heading into public (or sometimes despite putting it up) I get the obvious comments of, "Wow, you're hair is so long!" "How long is it?" Or my personal favorite, "You're hair is really long, did you know that?"--'nope, didn't notice.'
Does anyone else ever get the odd amirers that insist on either:
a) touching your hair :bigeyes:
b) taking a picture:shrug:
c) asking you how much you want for it:run:
Granted I love the compliments, especially from children, but some people get down right creepy.
Yup! Weirdly, I've caught at least two people surreptitiously taking pictures of my hair with their phones. It kind of makes me wonder if there are other people in the world with pictures of the back of my head.
But thankfully, the weirdos are rare and the genuine compliments are really lovely to hear.
On the hair progress front, my hair seems determined to continue flirting with knee-- I really like having an even hemline, so I trim twice a year or so, which keeps me right at or just above knee length-- I always have to cut off as much as I gain to keep my ends looking healthy. I think I might be at terminal. :meditate: I'll try to take pics this week if anyone's curious.
June 23rd, 2012, 07:48 PM
Back before I hit knee, I thought it was tough to judge length against the seemingly never-ending expanse of my thighs. Now that I'm past knee, it feels like calf length is just as tough.
I think it's easier for me to see me growth from the side now, actually, rather than from behind.
Measured my hair this morning, while slightly damp still (as the picture shows) and came up with 58". Really?! I think it's time to get help with measuring, that seems like ridiculous growth from my trim back in March.
At this stage, how do you gauge your growth?
Simply amazing. I have a quick question and I hope it's ok. Is there much of a taper happening now at this length? I know at terminal it occurs but I can't really see one here. It makes me think you'll hit floor sometime in the future. Anyway, thank you for sharing. Your hair is beautiful.
June 24th, 2012, 01:07 AM
At this stage, how do you gauge your growth?Your hair is amazing.
At these lengths, it is easier to use body parts for reference. You are at the stage when the hair brushes the calves - a built-in measurement. :cheese:
June 24th, 2012, 01:40 AM
Gorgeous hair, gossamer! Wish I had your thick hemline. I agree with Silverbrumby; it looks like you won't have any trouble getting to floorlength if you want to. :)
At this stage, how do you gauge your growth?
I wait until my hair is freshly washed and dried (therefore not too curly from being in updos) and get DH to poke my legs where the hem reaches. :silly: It's been years since I last used a measuring tape.
Dragon Faery
June 24th, 2012, 03:12 AM
Just poking my head in to admire and say thank you to everyone for all you've unwittingly taught me just by conversing on this thread. Thank you, and thank you also, all of you, for sharing your wonderful heads of hair! :flower:
June 24th, 2012, 10:11 AM
At this stage, how do you gauge your growth?
gossamer, your hair is stunning! Congratulations for having so little taper. I'm afraid that taper is the bane of us all.
At knee length, I used the crease at the back of my knee to gauge growth and have been trimming back to an inch below the crease for a year. But, surprisingly, I have reached that thigh-like length of calf, so I imagine it goes something like:
upper calf
lower calf
Something has happened this summer and my hair is uncharactistically growing faster than normal, albeit, without the same fullness of hemline I had at classic. I am due for a trim in August, so I may decided to trim back to knee, but I am undecided at this point. However, it's pretty cool to have a knee length braid.
June 24th, 2012, 02:13 PM
Hey everybody! The ends of my hair have been getting kinda dry and not soft at all. Does anyone know what i can do to make it softer and healthier without cutting off that many inches?? I reeeaaally don't want to cut that much off!! So I would love to hear your suggestions! Thanks!:)
June 24th, 2012, 02:15 PM
Mineral oil (aka baby oil) is very light. You only need 2 or 3 drops (on damp hair). Johnson and Johnson baby oil (containing only mineral oil and fragrance) seems to work best.
June 24th, 2012, 03:14 PM
I use coconut oil everyday and I mist the entire braid with distilled water before I wrap it up. My ends stay very soft and I don't have any split ends.
June 24th, 2012, 04:05 PM
Wow, that's amazing hair, gossamer!
I love your hair, gossamer! :rolling: Hopefully mine makes it that far.. still a LONG ways to go.. must.. have.. patience! :disco:
Your hair is so very lovely, Gossamer! Truly inspiring!
Thank you so much! Your kind words are very special to me.
Simply amazing. I have a quick question and I hope it's ok. Is there much of a taper happening now at this length? I know at terminal it occurs but I can't really see one here. It makes me think you'll hit floor sometime in the future. Anyway, thank you for sharing. Your hair is beautiful.
I definitely have a taper! Can you see how my dress's fabric becomes clearer the further down you go in my hair? It's thinner from about classic on downwards. I'm not sure if this is a result of the hair there being from a stressful period in my life when I wasn't eating as well or taking care of it, so my hair was just thinner in general, or that it's the natural taper I'm going to have no matter how well I care for it. My hair is about 4" around at the base of my ponytail, but down to about 1" at the end of my braid.
Your hair is amazing.
At these lengths, it is easier to use body parts for reference. You are at the stage when the hair brushes the calves - a built-in measurement. :cheese:
Yes, but only if you can see it! I have to get the camera out, because turning my head to look in a mirror behind me changes where it falls against my legs. What a bother. :p
Gorgeous hair, gossamer! Wish I had your thick hemline. I agree with Silverbrumby; it looks like you won't have any trouble getting to floorlength if you want to. :)
I wait until my hair is freshly washed and dried (therefore not too curly from being in updos) and get DH to poke my legs where the hem reaches. :silly: It's been years since I last used a measuring tape.
Thanks, Teazel. It's really not that thick - an inch or less circumference down at the ends. I can't even begin to imagine myself with floor length hair!
At lengths like ours, I think you're absolutely right - measuring is ideally a two person job!!
June 24th, 2012, 04:08 PM
gossamer, your hair is stunning! Congratulations for having so little taper. I'm afraid that taper is the bane of us all.
At knee length, I used the crease at the back of my knee to gauge growth and have been trimming back to an inch below the crease for a year. But, surprisingly, I have reached that thigh-like length of calf, so I imagine it goes something like:
upper calf
lower calf
Something has happened this summer and my hair is uncharactistically growing faster than normal, albeit, without the same fullness of hemline I had at classic. I am due for a trim in August, so I may decided to trim back to knee, but I am undecided at this point. However, it's pretty cool to have a knee length braid.
Having a knee length braid is definitely cool. :D
I have do taper, it's just disguised by the slight wave that's also there. Not fairytale ends because I trim it straight across a couple times a year, but my ends are certainly much thinner than up at the start of my braid.
I should probably maintain at knee-ish like you are for more thickness, eventually, but it's so much fun to see progress instead. :)
June 24th, 2012, 05:31 PM
gossamer your hair is lovely! ! ! There is so much hair inspiration here! I wish my hair would grow faster. :p
June 26th, 2012, 07:39 PM
Thank you very much Madora and Harpgal!! :)
June 27th, 2012, 07:24 PM
I'm a LOOOOONNNGGGG way from this, but seeing this is very inspiring and seeing all the long hair is awesome! Keep up the good work people!!!
June 27th, 2012, 11:00 PM
I read this thread and especially lately because I am really fighting the urge to chop back to waist at least and I need to see knee or longer. I would like to call for a round of fresh pictures from the qualifying members of this thread, if they feel like it :)
June 27th, 2012, 11:22 PM
Yeah I want to see some more pictures also! Pretty please :)
June 27th, 2012, 11:33 PM
Blame Gossamer...she posted her new pics and I just WANT MORE MORE MORE. ;)
June 30th, 2012, 12:16 AM
Blame Gossamer...she posted her new pics and I just WANT MORE MORE MORE. ;)
Well, not more of me! That would be boring. :p More of everyone else!
June 30th, 2012, 02:00 AM
I would like to call for a round of fresh pictures from the qualifying members of this thread, if they feel like it :)
Hm, well I might try and take some pics tomorrow. Depends on the weather! :)
Meanwhile, I'm keen to see everyone else's photos, too! :D
June 30th, 2012, 05:30 AM
Back before I hit knee, I thought it was tough to judge length against the seemingly never-ending expanse of my thighs. Now that I'm past knee, it feels like calf length is just as tough.
I think it's easier for me to see me growth from the side now, actually, rather than from behind.
Measured my hair this morning, while slightly damp still (as the picture shows) and came up with 58". Really?! I think it's time to get help with measuring, that seems like ridiculous growth from my trim back in March.
At this stage, how do you gauge your growth?
Amazing langth and colour gossamer! I am truly in awe.
June 30th, 2012, 06:01 PM
Amazing langth and colour gossamer! I am truly in awe.
Aw, thanks!
Last night I met a woman with shoulder-length hair who'd once had it down to nearly her ankles. It was really interesting because she talked about not knowing how to keep it up in a bun without excessive hairpins and having to get special permission at her military hospital job to keep it in a braid rather than up. It was an interesting look into a pre-internet long hair experience, where there wasn't a handy list of updos and a bunch of people excitedly sharing ways to have long hair and not have it interfere with your life.
She said the biggest thing that she noticed when she cut up to mid-back was that she still had the habit of bringing her braid around to the front when she sat down or swinging her head in such a way that she wouldn't sit on it.
It was such an interesting conversation and we got to immediately bond over knee+ length hair. :D
July 4th, 2012, 06:46 PM
Ok I'll add more pictures. These aren't new (they're in my albums) but they're my favorites:
July 5th, 2012, 01:13 AM
Aw, thanks!
Last night I met a woman with shoulder-length hair who'd once had it down to nearly her ankles. It was really interesting because she talked about not knowing how to keep it up in a bun without excessive hairpins and having to get special permission at her military hospital job to keep it in a braid rather than up. It was an interesting look into a pre-internet long hair experience, where there wasn't a handy list of updos and a bunch of people excitedly sharing ways to have long hair and not have it interfere with your life.
She said the biggest thing that she noticed when she cut up to mid-back was that she still had the habit of bringing her braid around to the front when she sat down or swinging her head in such a way that she wouldn't sit on it.
It was such an interesting conversation and we got to immediately bond over knee+ length hair. :D
Aw, that is so neat! I used to have a hard time keeping buns up in my hair until I found some great stuff online, including from a lot of the great people here on LHC.
Also, I wouldn't get bored seeing more pics of your beautiful hair! It is very inspiring! :flower:
Ok I'll add more pictures. These aren't new (they're in my albums) but they're my favorites:
Wow, you have beautiful long hair! ! ! :thud:
July 5th, 2012, 01:32 AM
This is such a neat thread! ^^ It's really cool to see people here who have such amazingly long, healthy hair!
Question: did any of you guys originally set out to grow knee-length and lomger hair, or did you originally have different goals and change your mind? I'm wondering if I would ever change my mind and decide to grow longer than my goal length. Do you ever have any problems with people being rude and telling you to cut your hair or that it's too long?
July 5th, 2012, 06:58 AM
The pictures are so lovely. Lunna you look so good in blue. I look terrible in blue!
July 5th, 2012, 07:10 AM
I didn't realize there was a thread for these lengths. Awesome! I hope to learn how to put my hair up in more different ways other than my usual way of doing so!
July 5th, 2012, 07:18 AM
I was going for classic at first, and then once my hair got past waist it was suddenly much easier to deal with and I decided to see how long it could grow instead.
July 5th, 2012, 02:33 PM
Question: did any of you guys originally set out to grow knee-length and longer hair, or did you originally have different goals and change your mind?
When I jumped into the internet long hair forums, I was at tailbone (or pretty near it). I thought TB was sooo very long. Haha! Little did I know. I thought classic length was so romantic and decided to grow to that length, if possible. When I passed 40 inches, I was so excited and I was a total maniac 'til I reached classic.
I loved classic length, but thought to myself, can I reach finger tip? Well, you guessed it...onward I went. I did maintain at the crease at the back of my knee for a couple of years. Now, I am 3 inches below that crease. BTW, now I trim an inch every 3 months.
Do you ever have any problems with people being rude and telling you to cut your hair or that it's too long?LOL! Oh But my hair is NOT open for discussion, so that pretty much nips it in the bud.
July 5th, 2012, 03:16 PM
I have to laugh when random strangers give me a hard time asking "Have you ever considered giving to locks of love." And not only that but pressuring to do so. I just say, "I don't trust locks of love." "Really? Why?" "Go on the internet and do some research. Besides,I give to charity in monetary ways." That gets them off my back. LOL
Anyway, I don't belong on this thread anymore. My dry, fragile ends have broken off so much in the past few months. Oh well!
July 7th, 2012, 08:31 PM
Question: did any of you guys originally set out to grow knee-length and lomger hair, or did you originally have different goals and change your mind?
As I can remember, all my life my hair was really long, so I hadn't any special goal. Now I'm challenged myself to grow a knee length braid just for fun. After I reach that goal I probably will cut off my hair back to my fave lenght - somewhere on the half way between knees and fingertips.
July 7th, 2012, 09:43 PM
Olga---Oh my WOW...that hemline... :thudpile:
Miss. Pilar
July 9th, 2012, 06:08 PM
:luke: :run;
July 10th, 2012, 07:26 PM
As I can remember, all my life my hair was really long, so I hadn't any special goal. Now I'm challenged myself to grow a knee length braid just for fun. After I reach that goal I probably will cut off my hair back to my fave lenght - somewhere on the half way between knees and fingertips.
Beautiful hair! Wow!
My hair used to be at knee now it is at fingertip due to a lot of breakage. (Doesn't look too bad, though, thank goodness.) Yep, fingertip is a nice length to be at. Although, I miss being at classic and wouldn't mind being where WaitingSoLong is at with classic once again.
July 17th, 2012, 10:31 PM
I just found out, with some help from a bemused boyfriend (he's new, I'm sure he'll get used to my LHC ways soon :afro: ), that my hair is now mid-calf! I thought for sure it was stuck at knee, but I guess not. Hooray!
The question is now, do I cut it back to knee where it's healthier & thicker? or enjoy the length and deal with the split ends?
Also, how do you guys determine if some method is making your hair healthier or not? I feel like by the time a particular oil or method of brushing or wash routine had an effect on the thickness/health of my ends it'll be like 10 years later and I'll have lost interest in the experiment long ago. Do you just have one routine you stick to? or do you vary it up, and if so, how do you know if it worked?
heidi w.
July 18th, 2012, 02:26 PM
I just found out, with some help from a bemused boyfriend (he's new, I'm sure he'll get used to my LHC ways soon :afro: ), that my hair is now mid-calf! I thought for sure it was stuck at knee, but I guess not. Hooray!
The question is now, do I cut it back to knee where it's healthier & thicker? or enjoy the length and deal with the split ends?
Also, how do you guys determine if some method is making your hair healthier or not? I feel like by the time a particular oil or method of brushing or wash routine had an effect on the thickness/health of my ends it'll be like 10 years later and I'll have lost interest in the experiment long ago. Do you just have one routine you stick to? or do you vary it up, and if so, how do you know if it worked?
I have stuck to my given routine for around 16 years now. I just have never changed much. The only change I made is that I found a better shampoo product that doesn't encourage Seborrheic Dermatitus outbreaks. If anything the only change I've made is that I've streamlined by routine to bare minimum. Shampoo, conditioner, air dry, and oil length only. That's it.
And it's true that hair can arrive at a certain length and seem to stop growing, but often, if you wait long enough it starts growing again. If you're older, this can take a really long time as growth rate can absolutely slow down somewhat the older we are.
heidi w.
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