View Full Version : The CO (conditioner only) washing thread

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January 19th, 2009, 03:20 PM
so you don't really wash your length then? Just condition?

It sounds like she washes in a CO sense - "I use about a handful of the "scrubby" conditioner, only to wash/scrub my scalp, and then when I'm rinsing that out, I squeeze it along the length." - the "scrubby" one being the CO washing one. :)

January 19th, 2009, 03:43 PM
ok i think i get it. Instead of saturating hair from head to ends. Use water to bring conditioner from scalp down the length cleansing as it's being rinsed out. do I have that right?

January 19th, 2009, 04:04 PM
Um, I'm guessing that Nyia wets all of her hair before she commences the rest of her routine...

Nyia, come in please! :laugh: Only Nyia can shed light on this one now!

January 19th, 2009, 08:41 PM
:o sorry! LOL I just keep imagining myself with long hair and going through abottle of conditioner a wash and I just want to hear that that's not necessarily true. ;)

January 20th, 2009, 10:31 AM
:o sorry! LOL I just keep imagining myself with long hair and going through abottle of conditioner a wash and I just want to hear that that's not necessarily true. ;)

Don't worry, ask all the questions you like, that's what we're all here for!

Personally I don't get through anywhere near that amount (assuming that you're thinking of a 500ml bottle ;) ) and I'm halfway between BSL and waist. I use about 3 handfuls, as much as my cupped palm will hold! Does that help?

January 20th, 2009, 09:55 PM
yes, thanks! I don't use an entire hand full. I just put several big dollops, so maybe it feels like i'm using more than I am. I use about 5-7 dollops

January 21st, 2009, 10:27 AM
*radio noise* Nyia here! *radio noise*

Sorry to cause so much confusion!

The first, "scrubby" conditioner, I use on my scalp, work it all the way down to the scalp skin, and I often use a vented brush to make sure it gets all the way in. I DO work it along the length, but not as vigorously as I do the scalp, as it's not usually very dirty (I keep it braided about 99% of the time). Then I rinse it as thoroughly as possible - I have one of those hand-held shower thingys, set it on pulse, and hold it right against my head to rinse. Sometimes, if I've been doing stuff, sweating, etc., I'll do this step twice, or do it once, then use the diluted shampoo mix to wash, then do a scrubby condition again. THEN I'll use the "good stuff" - but I rarely work that to my scalp, as it does tend to leave a bit behind.

I guess my point was (in the original confusing post) that I'm very careful about rinsing the stuff away from my scalp. As I've mentioned, and you're probably sick of hearing about it, I have psoriasis, and have had it since I was 2 years old. Leaving anything close to my scalp produces an outbreak - HOWEVER, since I started doing CO, and pretty much NOT putting shampoo or soap on my scalp or skin, I haven't had a major outbreak, and for the first time in my life, I have only two stubborn spots of it. NONE in my scalp, with a small spot at my hairline behind my ear. I can't tell you what an amazing thing this is, as I've always looked like I had terminal dandruff. I had to change doctors last year when I moved, and told this to both the old doctor and the new one, and they've shared the whole CO idea with a lot of patients with psoriasis and other skin disorders. I've had emails from both of them, saying that a majority of the patients who've tried this have had good results, with plaques and lesions decreasing in a dramatic way. It may be that people with these type of skin diseases might have a built-in allergy to detergents or soaps.

I know my routine isn't the same as most others. YOURS should be whatever works for you! Experiment, till you find the hair care routine you're most comfortable with, that fits you and your hair.

January 21st, 2009, 01:07 PM
*radio noise* Nyia here! *radio noise*

Sorry to cause so much confusion!

The first, "scrubby" conditioner, I use on my scalp, work it all the way down to the scalp skin, and I often use a vented brush to make sure it gets all the way in. I DO work it along the length, but not as vigorously as I do the scalp, as it's not usually very dirty (I keep it braided about 99% of the time). Then I rinse it as thoroughly as possible - I have one of those hand-held shower thingys, set it on pulse, and hold it right against my head to rinse. Sometimes, if I've been doing stuff, sweating, etc., I'll do this step twice, or do it once, then use the diluted shampoo mix to wash, then do a scrubby condition again. THEN I'll use the "good stuff" - but I rarely work that to my scalp, as it does tend to leave a bit behind.

I guess my point was (in the original confusing post) that I'm very careful about rinsing the stuff away from my scalp. As I've mentioned, and you're probably sick of hearing about it, I have psoriasis, and have had it since I was 2 years old. Leaving anything close to my scalp produces an outbreak - HOWEVER, since I started doing CO, and pretty much NOT putting shampoo or soap on my scalp or skin, I haven't had a major outbreak, and for the first time in my life, I have only two stubborn spots of it. NONE in my scalp, with a small spot at my hairline behind my ear. I can't tell you what an amazing thing this is, as I've always looked like I had terminal dandruff. I had to change doctors last year when I moved, and told this to both the old doctor and the new one, and they've shared the whole CO idea with a lot of patients with psoriasis and other skin disorders. I've had emails from both of them, saying that a majority of the patients who've tried this have had good results, with plaques and lesions decreasing in a dramatic way. It may be that people with these type of skin diseases might have a built-in allergy to detergents or soaps.

I know my routine isn't the same as most others. YOURS should be whatever works for you! Experiment, till you find the hair care routine you're most comfortable with, that fits you and your hair.


*static* Roger that, mission complete. *static*


January 23rd, 2009, 01:03 PM
Update on my scalp issues - since the last wash there's been an enormous improvement! It must have been the shampoo that was causing the problem, but I really was only using a few drops mixed in with handfuls of my CO conditioner. I think it's incredible that such a tiny amount could make such a difference. Ho hum. :shrug: At least the itching has stopped! :redgrin:

January 23rd, 2009, 01:42 PM
thanks nyia!

So i've found that my hair dries much prettier while doing CO. I love that. BUT for some reason this past week my hair near my forehead has been getting greasier much faster. And i've been getting white flakes. I get those every once in a while when it's dry in winter and a good shampoo gets rid of them. I don't really want to have to shampoo on a regular basis since my hair doesn't dry so pretty. but i also don't want white flakes and greasy hair. the rest of my hair is fine, just up near my face and forehead.

January 23rd, 2009, 02:02 PM
The greasiness is usual for those switching to CO and should stop after a couple of weeks or so, depending on your hair. We've all been there I'm afraid!

The flakes could be an indication that you need to rinse a little more thoroughly. When I started CO I found I had flakes in the same place that you've described. I made sure I rinsed that area a little more and sure enough, the flakes vanished.

I'm glad you like the way your hair is drying! :D I was overjoyed with the improved appearance of my hair after I started CO. I hope you can bear the transition phase - I know the greasiness isn't nice, but it will calm down after your scalp adjusts!

Out of curiosity, which conditioner are you using?

January 23rd, 2009, 02:06 PM
right now i'm using V05 strawberries & cream.

Thanks, it's good to know the greasies will go away. i'll tough it out then. It's worth it for the hair i've been having. I actually let my hair dry on it's own yesterday and no 'fro like i would have had I let it dry down a month ago. I'll make sure i rinse really good also, see if that helps. It might just be winter so it's flaking, but still if I rinse better it should get the flakes out of my hair at least.

January 23rd, 2009, 02:11 PM
That really is great news. :) If you don't feel that the greasies start to clear up after a few weeks it might be worth trying a different conditioner. I gather there are lots of VO5s to choose from! :lol:

Don't forget to shower us with questions if you have any problems with the new routine, and GOOD LUCK! Since switching to CO I've been able to wash once a week on average, instead of once every other day as I had to with shampoo and conditioner. My hair looks and feels so much better. It's really worked for me.

Catch you later. :flower:

January 23rd, 2009, 02:13 PM
yeah i'd love it if i could go longer without washing because it takes almost 1/2 the day for my hair to dry. i'd like more days with dry hair to style than with wet! and it will only take longer to dry the longer my hair gets.

January 24th, 2009, 01:50 AM
right now i'm using V05 strawberries & cream.

Thanks, it's good to know the greasies will go away. i'll tough it out then. It's worth it for the hair i've been having. I actually let my hair dry on it's own yesterday and no 'fro like i would have had I let it dry down a month ago. I'll make sure i rinse really good also, see if that helps. It might just be winter so it's flaking, but still if I rinse better it should get the flakes out of my hair at least.

If your hair stays greasy, definitely try a different conditioner to wash. VO5 Strawberries & Cream is one of only two conditioners I've ever used for CO (and I've tried a lot, product junkie that I am) that left me feeling greasy.

January 24th, 2009, 01:58 AM
Hiya, I've been reading this thread and see everyone seems to love CO, but I'm still a newbie to this, and was wondering if anyone could please help me pick a decent conditioner to use for a CO wash that could be bought in the UK? :p

Sorry if this is a silly question :(

January 24th, 2009, 02:47 AM
Aldi do a good one, its called 5 stars and its about £2 for a litre!
I need to get back to COing, I still have itchy issues with my scalp but I think maybe a few drops of tea tree in each CO may help.

January 24th, 2009, 06:23 AM
Hiya, I've been reading this thread and see everyone seems to love CO, but I'm still a newbie to this, and was wondering if anyone could please help me pick a decent conditioner to use for a CO wash that could be bought in the UK? :p

Sorry if this is a silly question :(

Are you going cone-free? And how do you feel about mineral oil? :)

January 24th, 2009, 12:09 PM
Has anyone here tried combining CO with herbal washes? I've been using shikakai to wash my hair for about 6 months, with pre-oiling and ACV rinses, but my hair has gotten very dry and greasy (odd combination). Yesterday I mixed shikakai powder with cone-free conditioner and used that to wash. Today, my hair feels great! Very soft and shiny and not at all greasy, and I had done a very heavy oiling before I washed. Has anyone tried this long term? I wonder if it might help stave off some of the build up associated with CO?

January 24th, 2009, 01:09 PM
I wanna give cone-free a try and see if it works out for me :p Also after about 2 days on this forum I bought some coconut oil and Shea Butter (website called Akoma, they were really good :) ), but I have no idea what mineral oil is, sorry :(

Also, thank you to the lady who suggested the Aldi conditioner, I'll go in next time I'm in town :)

January 24th, 2009, 03:04 PM
I wanna give cone-free a try and see if it works out for me :p Also after about 2 days on this forum I bought some coconut oil and Shea Butter (website called Akoma, they were really good :) ), but I have no idea what mineral oil is, sorry :(

Also, thank you to the lady who suggested the Aldi conditioner, I'll go in next time I'm in town :)

I bought some shea butter from Akoma and love it! They do seem like a good little company.

Some people don't like using mineral oil (a.k.a. liquid paraffin, paraffin oil, petrolatum... and baby oil!) and lots of the cheap cone-free conditioners on sale in the UK contain it. I don't like using it and had to hunt high and low for an alternative CO conditioner but got there in the end.

You're probably not as fussy as I am, so you won't struggle too much ;) Check out all the supermarket/chemist own brands. They're usually cone free and superbly cheap. Good luck with CO!

January 24th, 2009, 03:46 PM
Thank you loads! :p How comes some people don't like mineral oil? Does it do something to the hair? :)

January 24th, 2009, 03:52 PM
*Cracks fingers, preparing to launch into post*

Well, I'm glad you asked me that... :lol:

There are two reasons why people often don't like it.

The first is that it's a by-product of the process required to produce gasoline and other petroleum based products from crude oil, so there's an ecological perspective.

The second is that mineral oil isn't really absorbed by your skin the way vegetable oils are. It just... "sits" on the surface of the skin, and it sits on top of your hair in the same way, sometimes leading to build up. The fact that it sits on top of the skin makes it a useful barrier oil if that's what you're after and granted, the build up on your hair (if it appears) is easy to remove... but some people would rather just avoid it. :)

There might be other reasons but I'm not aware of them.

January 24th, 2009, 03:58 PM
I washed tonight, omitting the second conditioner on my length. It's still drying so I can't tell you exactly how it's going to look and feel once it's dry, but I can post a little feedback. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that my hair wasn't any more difficult to detangle after I'd washed it! I always detangle while the conditioner is in and then run my fingers through as I'm rinsing. After that it rarely gets combed whether it's wet or dry.

I did add a little shea butter and AGO mix after removing the towel turban. My wurls seem to be forming nicely. Hopefully it won't feel like a brillo pad when I wake up! Ugh. The agony of being wurly and curly. You never know what you're going to wake up with... :laugh:

January 24th, 2009, 04:30 PM

Your hair should be fine. I NEVER use a second conditioner. I don't think it is necessary, and can easily lead to greasy hair. Many who think that CO does not work for them, as it leaves them greasy, cause it themselves by using yet more conditioner to 'condition' already clean and conditioned hair.

January 25th, 2009, 04:21 AM

Your hair should be fine. I NEVER use a second conditioner. I don't think it is necessary, and can easily lead to greasy hair. Many who think that CO does not work for them, as it leaves them greasy, cause it themselves by using yet more conditioner to 'condition' already clean and conditioned hair.

Hi Deborah :D

It did turn out fine. My hair was a little fluffy this morning but it didn't feel at all coarse, and a little shea butter got rid of the fluffiness. I was worried because my wurly hair feels dry so easily it seems, but I think the addition of shea butter to my arsenal will keep that under control. ;)

I'll keep the other conditioners in a cupboard somewhere in case I need them, but I hope I won't. They're the only things I use on my hair that are choc full of synthetic ingredients, even though they are cone- and sulfate-free. Even the CO conditioner I use has the most basic ingredients. I've streamlined! :eyebrows:

January 26th, 2009, 10:36 AM
Do any of you use an acid rinse after your CO? I was just wondering if that would help build up at all. I loved CO but I also love my poo bars so I am debating on whether or not to combine their use in some way (like using poo bars once a week with CO in between or something like that.)

January 26th, 2009, 04:35 PM
Ok CO is new to me. I tried it today I used VO5 then I used Sauve on my ends. My Q is...Do you Co every Day? I was washing with shampoo every other day. I am thinking on the days I don't shampoo to CO. Or Just CO everyday?? I have fine hair that can get oily. I am worried Co with out shampoo every other day will make it greasy. Any other fine hair Ladies Just Co with out getting greasy?

January 26th, 2009, 04:49 PM
I've only just this month started CO. I tiptoed around it, and would try it for a couple of days a week before, but now I'm in full swing! :D And my hair is loving it! My tangles are virtually eliminated, even though I sleep with my hair loose and I toss and turn all over it at night, LOL.

I've started out using the Suave Naturals tropical coconut, and so far it seems to be working well. My scalp feels every bit as clean as if I had shampooed, and there is none of that frizziness at the top of my head that I had just chalked up to my fine hair type, and had gotten used to over the years. Now it's just sleek, all the way down, and so shiny!

I'm super-happy; this was one of my hair goals for 2009! :cheese:

January 26th, 2009, 04:52 PM
Ok CO is new to me. I tried it today I used VO5 then I used Sauve on my ends. My Q is...Do you Co every Day? I was washing with shampoo every other day. I am thinking on the days I don't shampoo to CO. Or Just CO everyday?? I have fine hair that can get oily. I am worried Co with out shampoo every other day will make it greasy. Any other fine hair Ladies Just Co with out getting greasy?

Actually, mine is really fine, and I'm doing great so far. I use the method outlined in one of the articles on LHC, to rub the cone-free conditioner into your scalp, and all the way down the length until your hair feels coated...and that works well for me. I can usually make it two or three days between washings, depending on how active I am, and I'm sure the seasonal changing into warm weather will affect the frequency as well. (I'm in Alabama...and I've only just now started CO...so we'll see what happens with 100+F temps out:rolleyes:) I clarify once a week, but I feel like I might be able to make it to one-and-1/2 or two weeks easily.

January 26th, 2009, 04:55 PM

Yay! I found it...more easily than I thought I would...how embarrassing! :o This is the way I CO, and it's working VERY well so far. (For almost a month, anyway)

January 26th, 2009, 05:00 PM
Ok CO is new to me. I tried it today I used VO5 then I used Sauve on my ends. My Q is...Do you Co every Day? I was washing with shampoo every other day. I am thinking on the days I don't shampoo to CO. Or Just CO everyday?? I have fine hair that can get oily. I am worried Co with out shampoo every other day will make it greasy. Any other fine hair Ladies Just Co with out getting greasy?

Although I don't have fine hair, I venture the opinion that it might be a case of trial and error! Even other people with fine hair won't necessarily need the same routine as you, so you need to do what works... and that's where the trial and error comes in! :wink:

When I was shampooing I had to wash my hair every 2-3 days. Now I wash every 4-6 days and no greasiness in between, just clean, soft hair! You might be surprised at how your hair reacts. :) You'll very likely have an adjustment period, when your hair may seem to get dirtier than usual, but this passes within the first couple of weeks for most people.

January 26th, 2009, 05:44 PM
My hair is extremely fine (think baby or toddler hair) and I CO quite successfully. I wash exactly the same number of times per week that I did when using shampoo (once or twice per week, depending on my mood and whatever else I am up to.) If you wash thoroughly, and rinse very, very well, you should do fine. Some just put the conditioner on, let it sit, then rinse. I scrub it in just as one would with shampoo, then rinse the heck out of it. This works well.

Good luck! I hope you enjoy CO'ing! :)

January 26th, 2009, 05:49 PM

I always end with an acidic rinse. I have terribly hard water, and the rinse apparently helps remove the minerals and excess conditioner, leaving the hair cleaner and shinier. I used to think one had to rinse the vinegar or citric acid out with water. In fact, I don't need to. I just pour that final rinse (made with really cold water) on, and I'm done.

January 26th, 2009, 10:22 PM
Thanks for the info.
I guess I will try every other day wash and on my days off of work try co for all the days off of work. I'll see how that goes. I going to read the page Jamieleigh found.

February 4th, 2009, 08:24 PM
okayy. i'm a guyy and i use to have shoulder length hair. a little past my mid-neck. and it was emo considering the banes were alwayys longer. well no one told me to protect my hair when i straightened it. so it got fried. and i had to cutt all of it off. my banes are still the longest. but i was wondering would this CO stuff help along with protectants in the future. and should i start now?

February 4th, 2009, 10:34 PM
I was looking at some old photos from backpacking trips and realized how fantastic my hair and skin would look after not washing with soap or shampoo for days or weeks. I usually would wash every day by just jumping in a freezing lake and massage my scalp and rinse my body with cold water. My scalp and hair roots would be a bit greasy by the end of the trip, but not as much as I would have expected.

So after this trip down memory lane, I started wondering if soaps and shampoos could be contributing to or even causing my current problems. Or maybe it's the long hot showers that I like to take.

So I'm going to do an experiment and give up soap and shampoo and just wash my hair with conditioner and my body with cold water only (well, as cool as I can stand it). I'm a little worried about how my scalp will react to this, but I want to try it. I decided to try CO hopefully to avoid getting the greasy roots that would happen after a week on the trail.

My question are: Is there a list somewhere of the favorite conditioners for this purpose? I have been using Burt's Bees Grapefruit and Sugar Beet, and I think it's a great product for me. The only problem is the cost. Using it for CO washing could get expensive. I used to use Trader Joe's Nurishing Spa conditioner, and I still have a bottle of that (I think it's about $3, but that price is still a bit high for this purpose I think). Any other suggestions? And has anyone ever tried something like this before? Not just the CO, but washing in cold water and not using soap?

February 5th, 2009, 12:49 AM
Co washes saved my hair! There are no more dryness or tangles. I just love this feeling.

February 6th, 2009, 09:43 AM
***snip*** My question are: Is there a list somewhere of the favorite conditioners for this purpose? ***snip*** Any other suggestions? And has anyone ever tried something like this before? Not just the CO, but washing in cold water and not using soap?

People on this forum are probably tired of hearing from me on this subject, but here goes, once again!

I'm one of the people here that haven't used shampoo for a long time. In my case, it worked out great, because I've had psoriasis from the time I was 2 years old. When I stopped using shampoo, the patches that had been in my scalp for decades pretty much went away. About six months ago, I stopped using soap on my skin, with one exception - I sometimes use one of the transparent glycerin bars if I'm really sweaty. My patches of psoriasis on my body, also here for decades, are also receding. Just to emphasize this, one of the patches has been there for so long it's left scar tissue behind as it recedes. I'll take the scar tissue every day!

Shampoos, soaps, conditioners, lotions, makeup, etc. - in fact almost every product in the personal care industry - are some of the most highly engineered products on the planet. Interactions are NOT rare, they occur all the time. Many people have difficulties with allergies to these products. Soap is a particularly problematic object, since several of the ingredients used in the soap-making process are highly caustic. It's no wonder so many people have problems with it!

So, that said, use the products you feel are best for you. For instance, a lot of people here swear by the products from Suave and VO5. I'm one of those people - I'm currently using the Tangerine (from Suave) conditioner, sometimes exclusively, sometimes with an second conditioner, usually Mane n' Tale or Aussie Moist. Suave's products are less pricey than most of the others, I get a big bottle of it for about $2. I've tried other conditioners, but my hair seems to like the slightly astringent qualities of the conditioners that have some kind of citrus element.

As for the cold-water wash/rinse of hair and body - NOT for me! My skin just tries to crawl away at the thought. It works for a lot of people, but I take my showers as hot as I can handle.

February 6th, 2009, 11:15 PM
Thanks for the input, Nya. I also have been dealing with skin issues for most of my life. I have had seborrheic dermatitis since about age 11-12. It's mostly on my scalp, forehead and ears. I've learned how to keep it under control, but it always comes back. Daily shampooing has been the only thing that stops it from getting unbearable. The weird thing is that when I've been on backbacking trips, living outdoors and not using soaps and shampoos, my symptoms always improve.

I found a 22.5 oz bottle of Suave Naturals Citrus Smoothie at Target today for $1.50. I can't believe how inexpensive this stuff is. I used a lot of it on my hair and scalp, let it soak there for a long time, and then rinsed in cool-ish water. If this works for me, I'm going to be kicking myself over all the money I've wasted over the years on expensive hair products.

Anyway, thanks for the advice. My hair took forever to dry, but it feels very soft and my scalp feels great. I'll try this for awhile and see how it continues to do for me.

February 8th, 2009, 02:29 PM
So, I've been CO for a couple of weeks now, and I'm really liking it. However, I do feel like the roots of my hair (the only part that ever really gets greasy) are getting greasy more quickly, which is meaning I'm now a definite 2x a week washer rather than 1 or 2. Has anyone else noticed this? Is there anything I can do?

February 8th, 2009, 03:09 PM
So, I've been CO for a couple of weeks now, and I'm really liking it. However, I do feel like the roots of my hair (the only part that ever really gets greasy) are getting greasy more quickly, which is meaning I'm now a definite 2x a week washer rather than 1 or 2. Has anyone else noticed this? Is there anything I can do?

Yes, of course. Nothing drastic however. My case is kinda similar to yours. Back when I was using shampoo, I washed once and now I wash twice a week. Sometimes even less like every 4 days.. My washings are a bit more frequent, yes, but the condition of my hair has improved A LOT.

IMO, unless you actually have a problem with washing 2x a week, there's nothing wrong with that. Personally, I'd rather wash more frequently then have straw-like hair from using sulphate shampoo.


February 9th, 2009, 03:09 PM
For the last few days, I've been washing my hair with Suave naturals conditioner. My scalp has been feeling fine, but my hair felt strange to me. Almost dry and frizzier than usual.

Before CO, I was using Burts Bees Grapefruit and Sugar Beet shampoo, Dr Bronner's citrus hair rinse (basically a concentrate with citric acid that you dilute in water. I used to use vinegar, but I like this better), and then a little of the matching Burt's Bees conditioner on my length and ends.

Any ideas of what I should try to fix the odd texture? Using the Dr Bronner's acidifying rinse after the CO wash? Or maybe use a second conditioner as conditioner after the CO wash (maybe my Burt's Bees stuff again). Or should I just wait it out a while longer?

I like the way my scalp feels (it hasn't been itchy or greasy at all), but the hair itself is wierd. I'd have expected it to be greasy-ish, but it seems drier.

February 9th, 2009, 04:07 PM
Sunshine, check to see if your bottle is one of the protein ones. Taht can make hair feel like straw at times.

Oh, and the naturals coconut does have protein, by the way, it's just not emblazoned on the front. It's in the back listed as 'silk amino acids'.

February 9th, 2009, 04:26 PM
I'm wondering how often do you all use shampoo, if ever. I CO quite often, every day mostly, but I am hoping to get back to every other day soon. I S&C once a week, does that sound too often?

February 9th, 2009, 04:41 PM
Sunshine, check to see if your bottle is one of the protein ones. Taht can make hair feel like straw at times.

Oh, and the naturals coconut does have protein, by the way, it's just not emblazoned on the front. It's in the back listed as 'silk amino acids'.

Thanks for the suggestion, Glasseyes. Yes, I was using the Suave tropical coconut, and I just checked the ingredients label and saw "silk amino acids". I'm not really sure what amino acids in conditioner would do for the hair, but I think they would help hold moisture in. Who knows. Coconut was the fragrance that I liked the best. I have a couple other cheap conditioners that don't have any added proteins or amino acids (a VO5 mandarin grapefruit and a Suave naturals juicy apple). I'll try one next time and hope that helps my problem.

February 9th, 2009, 04:44 PM
Juicy apple is okay.

The Tropicall Cocnut is one of the few protein conditioners that I can use USUALLY without a problem, but every once in a while it'll make my hair freak out. ): It's sad, becasue ti's the thickest Suave Conditioner.

If I were you, I'd try the new Blackberry and Sage Tea from V05 and Suave's Aloe and Waterlily. Besides the coconut, those are my two favorite cheapish conditioners.

February 9th, 2009, 08:32 PM
Lamb, I S&C once a week at the moment too- this works fine for me and I think it's perfectly alright. With fine hair I find repeated CO weighs it down and the weekly wash keeps things happy! You are still COing 6 days a week so it really shouldn't adversely affect your hair.

February 10th, 2009, 09:29 AM
Hiya, I've been CO'ing for coming up to a week, and I've noticed my ends are getting drier but shampoo really does damage my hair..Could someone please suggest something to help with the dryness and get me through this rough phase lol? :p :D

February 10th, 2009, 09:45 AM
Hiya, I've been CO'ing for coming up to a week, and I've noticed my ends are getting drier but shampoo really does damage my hair..Could someone please suggest something to help with the dryness and get me through this rough phase lol? :p :DYou could try oiling your ends. Coconut oil is one of the most common ones to use on here.

February 10th, 2009, 09:50 AM
I'm wondering how often do you all use shampoo, if ever. I CO quite often, every day mostly, but I am hoping to get back to every other day soon. I S&C once a week, does that sound too often?

Lamb, I CO about every 2-3 days depending on my mood. I think it comes down to your comfort level and whether your hair is enjoying the routine (staying healthy/looking good). Also, if you've found your CO conditioner and you like it, then I'd say it wouldn't hurt at all.

I'm using a variety of VO5 conditioners and it's going very well. Can't use Suave as they made my scalp itch.

February 12th, 2009, 04:51 AM
Anyone here tried a catnip rinse/treatment after CO-wash? I would like to try catnip, it sounds like my hair might like it, but I've also read that the waxy things in conditioners might stop the catnip from working. What is your experience, might it work together?

February 12th, 2009, 05:01 AM
Hiya, I've been CO'ing for coming up to a week, and I've noticed my ends are getting drier but shampoo really does damage my hair..Could someone please suggest something to help with the dryness and get me through this rough phase lol? :p :D

Hmmmm. Could it be due to some kind of build up? What conditioner are you using?
I agree that oiling might help, but if it doesn't, it might be worth clarifying the whole length and following it up with a nice deeeep moisture treatment... something like SMT maybe? Have you ever had any luck with deep treatments before? There is a lot of info on various moisture treatments floating around. :)

If not that, then a thorough ACV rinse maybe - an ACV rinse (or sometimes a soak in my case... not sure I should recommend that though! My hair is really quite porous.) every week has been really helping my ends. But that's just me. It's hard to know what will work for someone else. But there are lots of thing you could try.

February 12th, 2009, 05:18 AM
Anyone here tried a catnip rinse/treatment after CO-wash? I would like to try catnip, it sounds like my hair might like it, but I've also read that the waxy things in conditioners might stop the catnip from working. What is your experience, might it work together?

Scalawaggirl has been experimenting with combining catnip and CO. Her lastest thread explains what she's been doing: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=20120

From reading through the catnip thread, it looks like catnip and CO might work if you do the catnip first followed by the CO, though some have done it the other way around. It seems to really depend on how much your conditioner coats your hair or builds up on it.

I'm going to start experimenting with catnip as well, starting this weekend. All of my results will be recorded in my blog, under the "Catnip" category, and I'll post summaries on this thread or the catnip thread, depending on where it's most relevant.

February 12th, 2009, 10:43 AM
KaeleyAnne: Thanks for the link and I'll keep an eye on your blog to see your results. :) I will read up a bit more before I try it myself though...

February 12th, 2009, 11:07 AM
Anyone here tried a catnip rinse/treatment after CO-wash? I would like to try catnip, it sounds like my hair might like it, but I've also read that the waxy things in conditioners might stop the catnip from working. What is your experience, might it work together?

Yep, I am experiencing w/just this very thing (KaeleyAnne is right). I should note that I heavily oiled my hair last night and did my normal routine today. However, the oils did not want to come out w/only using my Clarifying CO (VO5 Vanilla Mint Tea) so I used my extremely diluted shampoo to gently rinse the length. Then, I followed with catnip and a final CO.

Now, I do agree w/ktani that catnip won't absorb very well over build up that could be left w/conditioner or oils. I've been fine, though, getting past my leave-in because it's long since absorbed by the time I next "wash".

February 12th, 2009, 11:14 AM
I washed my hair with Flex balsam & protein conditioner last night, and my hair has never felt this soft or looked so shiny. I love the smell! It brings back memories because my mom used to buy this when I was a kid. I'm thinking the protein might start to make my hair funky, but I'm going to use this for awhile and see how it goes. The Suave conditioners seemed to make my hair frizzy or dry. The VO5 mandarin grapefruit was better, but the kiwi clarifying conditioner was terrible.

Re: split ends and catnip. Is it supposed to prevent them? Or make existing splits less noticeable?

February 12th, 2009, 11:21 AM

I do not use any shampoo at all. I don't find it necessary. My hair gets clean with CO. If I feel it needs to be clarified I just add some baking soda into the conditioner I wash with (just a few times a year). That takes care of any build up I may have gotten. Baking soda is much milder than the strong detergents and other chemicals used in shampoo, like SLS, etc., so I feel better about using the baking soda, and my hair is left soft and shiny. YMMV. :)

February 12th, 2009, 12:34 PM
Hmmmm. Could it be due to some kind of build up? What conditioner are you using?
I agree that oiling might help, but if it doesn't, it might be worth clarifying the whole length and following it up with a nice deeeep moisture treatment... something like SMT maybe? Have you ever had any luck with deep treatments before? There is a lot of info on various moisture treatments floating around. :)

If not that, then a thorough ACV rinse maybe - an ACV rinse (or sometimes a soak in my case... not sure I should recommend that though! My hair is really quite porous.) every week has been really helping my ends. But that's just me. It's hard to know what will work for someone else. But there are lots of thing you could try.

Definitly not build up, I used 26p Sainsburys conditioner, no cones :p And I could actually get a decent lather with it, I was shocked! :p

I'm relying on coconut oil at the moment, problem is I'm hopeless at telling how much to use, sometimes my hair feels too dry, others too oily. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the suggestions with ACV, I'm gonna have to buy some!! :D

February 12th, 2009, 12:39 PM
Yesterday I CO washed with White Rain water blossom, and I have some buildup. Anyone else had this problem with White Rain?

February 12th, 2009, 06:29 PM
I'm relying on coconut oil at the moment, problem is I'm hopeless at telling how much to use, sometimes my hair feels too dry, others too oily. :rolleyes:

I had problems with trying to figure out how much coconut oil to add to my hair as well. I usually apply the oil to wet hair, but I tried applying it to dry hair and it helped me to figure out how much to use. Now I'm trying to determine if my hair likes it better when I apply coconut oil to wet hair or to dry hair. :)

February 12th, 2009, 06:35 PM
Yesterday I CO washed with White Rain water blossom, and I have some buildup. Anyone else had this problem with White Rain?

Honestly? I tried my first week of CO with White Rain, and was not impressed. My hair felt flat, and seemed a little gross, so I went to Suave. I'm super-loving the tropical coconut Suave. :)

That said, I'm not sure if it was just my "transition period" where my hair was trying to adjust to no shampoo, or if it was the White Rain product itself. :confused:

February 12th, 2009, 07:39 PM
My hair is usually coarse and crackly, tends to stick out and hang stiffly instead of flowing over my shoulders. I despaired that my hair would never be soft and lovely like so many of yours.:shrug:

I had been CO-ing to use up bunch of old (no cone) conditioners that came with my L'Oreal hair color that I had lying around here. Finally, yesterday I went ahead and bought some VO5 Tea therapy Chamomile Conditioner at $.96 at Big Lots.

I'm shocked at what a difference it has made in my hair tonight. Soft and silky--moves beautifully! Shiny!! :magic:

Who knew that using the right cheap no cone conditioner could make my hair so amazing.

Thanks to all for your input here to get me the hair I've always wanted!!!! I'm staying to learn all I can from you!



February 12th, 2009, 09:50 PM
Honestly? I tried my first week of CO with White Rain, and was not impressed. My hair felt flat, and seemed a little gross, so I went to Suave. I'm super-loving the tropical coconut Suave. :)

That said, I'm not sure if it was just my "transition period" where my hair was trying to adjust to no shampoo, or if it was the White Rain product itself. :confused:

Yeah, I guess my hair just prefers V05 or Suave. Which is fine with me! :)

February 13th, 2009, 09:25 PM
I just used the VO5 Tea Therapy Chamomile, and this is by far my favorite conditioner for CO washing so far. It didn't make my hair frizzy the way the Suave ones did, and it didn't make it lank and weighed down the way some of the richer conditioners I tried did to my hair. I let my hair air-dry, and it's very soft and forming soft curls. I'm definitely going to be using this again for washing, and them maybe use up some of the other more conditioning conditioners by using a bit of them after CO and only on the ends. The smell of the VO5 Chamomile conditioner is great, too.

February 13th, 2009, 11:40 PM
Heehee, it sounds like the people in the USA have a big choice of cone free conditioners :p I changed from sainsburys value conditioner to superdrugs natural chamomile conditioner for blonde hair, cause I noticed the really cheap conditioners don't have any smell :( CO is still looking good for me but I'm getting some split ends even though I trimmed not even 2 weeks ago, but due to my bleached hair I do suffer splits, any advice for a CO newbie? :D

February 14th, 2009, 10:51 AM
I've been alternating CO with CWC for the past few weeks, slowly incorporating more CO than CWC. Pre-LHC I would shampoo and condition every day, since my scalp becomes so greasy. Well, the CO (still every day, though) with Suave Naturals tropical coconut is going very well! My hair gets clean, and is very easy to detangle. When I add shampoo in, I use a very diluted Suave... I know it's filled with harsh detergents, but that doesn't seem to really bother my scalp, as I get the same amount of greasiness whatever I do.

Today, though, I decided I want to try stretching my washes. My sebum is impossible to move with just a BBB, or even my fingers. Sure, a little will move, but I end up looking like a total greaseball. So I decided to try a WO, putting conditioner on the length and ends. It was a total success! I couldn't believe that my hair would dry so clean and soft just using water on the scalp! I think I'll start doing CO every other day, with WO in between, and hopefully the grease will eventually start to go down. Just wanted to share my success!

Also, I've been oiling with sweet almond oil, and my hair is in love :crush: It's so lovely to have nice hair with relatively inexpensive products!

February 16th, 2009, 04:22 PM
I'm wondering how often do you all use shampoo, if ever. I CO quite often, every day mostly, but I am hoping to get back to every other day soon. I S&C once a week, does that sound too often?
In the past four months, I've used shampoo once. And that was only because I had a horrible experience with using WAY too much oil and CO would not get it out.
I CO no more than once a week. And sometimes when I do, it's out of pure boredom :o
My scalp just doesn't seem to produce oils anymore... but I love the feeling of a nice conditioner wash. Go figure :rolleyes:

I don't think using shampoo once a week is too often if you are COing every day.
Unless the conditioner you're using causes too much buildup, when you switch to every other day, I would recommend shampooing maybe once every two weeks instead. But YMMV.
Shampooing once a week is definitely WAY less damaging than everyday, regardless of how often you CO, but I don't think your hair will need it once you switch to every other day. But you know your hair better than I do. :)

Hiya, I've been CO'ing for coming up to a week, and I've noticed my ends are getting drier but shampoo really does damage my hair..Could someone please suggest something to help with the dryness and get me through this rough phase lol? :p :D
I ditto the coconut oil suggestion.
The ends of my hair seemed to be more dry when I switched to CO, and coconut oil saved them. I like applying it to dry hair so I can see how much I need, and dry hair seems to absorb the oil more than wet/damp hair to me.

February 18th, 2009, 11:41 AM
My hair is usually coarse and crackly, tends to stick out and hang stiffly instead of flowing over my shoulders. I despaired that my hair would never be soft and lovely like so many of yours.:shrug:

I had been CO-ing to use up bunch of old (no cone) conditioners that came with my L'Oreal hair color that I had lying around here. Finally, yesterday I went ahead and bought some VO5 Tea therapy Chamomile Conditioner at $.96 at Big Lots.

I'm shocked at what a difference it has made in my hair tonight. Soft and silky--moves beautifully! Shiny!! :magic:

Who knew that using the right cheap no cone conditioner could make my hair so amazing.

Thanks to all for your input here to get me the hair I've always wanted!!!! I'm staying to learn all I can from you!



L'Oreal hair dye conditioners have cones in them, or at least the ones I've seen. The one I like to use a lot, L'Oreal Feria, has amodimethicone. Many people do not have build-up issues with that, so maybe it seems cone-less ???

February 18th, 2009, 01:30 PM
I went to the Vet recently and was given a very, very gentle shampoo for my cat.

The Dr. said some people used the shampoo on themselves, it was so gentle.

I'm a CO only, but am being tempted by this shampoo.. just to see what it would do :)

February 19th, 2009, 03:15 PM
Our of pure curiosity, I used shampoo two nights ago to see how my scalp/hair would react.

It BURNED soooo badly. Ever since, my scalp seems much more sensitive than it usually is. It even hurt to have my hair pulled back in a loose halfup bun with a hairstick :(
Not sure if that's related to the shampoo use, but it has me wondering...

I'm sticking with CO. :agree:

February 20th, 2009, 08:59 PM
I normally CO every 3-5 days, and last Sunday I decided I would start only CO'ing my scalp and leaving the length dry. I hadn't wet the length for much longer than usual, and my hair felt amazing. It looked better than ever, and even though my scalp was a bit oily, it was by no means itchy or dirty.

Then 2 days ago I used shampoo... bad idea. My scalp is itchy again. The itching started the day after washing. Back when I shampooed every 4 days, the itching would start on day 3. Whoops. :p

I'm sticking with CO for a while now! :cheese:

February 20th, 2009, 09:20 PM
I've been CO for about a year, on and off. For some reason I always end up shampooing again sooner or later, and it's always disastrous. :o Shampoo turns my hair into a sad frizzy mess. Now I'm on my third straight week of CO (again) and I'm sticking with it.

My weapon of choice is VO5/Alberto Moisture Milks Strawberry & Cream. Suave Green Apple has also worked for me in the past.

On occasion I get a randomly flaky scalp, then I mix white vinegar and water about 40/60 and let it sit on my scalp for a few minutes before washing. Happy scalp, happy hair. ;)

February 20th, 2009, 09:31 PM
For those ending up with dry ends:

Some may be like me and find that coconut oil is a bit too much for dry ends. Shea nut butter works better for me if I've over-washed and dried out the ends. It seems like it would be greasier, but the hair seems to absorb it or something. I don't know. But for me it works. I just offer the idea as an alternative if extra conditioner or other oils are too heavy for you. :)

February 20th, 2009, 09:39 PM
For those ending up with dry ends:

Some may be like me and find that coconut oil is a bit too much for dry ends. Shea nut butter works better for me if I've over-washed and dried out the ends. It seems like it would be greasier, but the hair seems to absorb it or something. I don't know. But for me it works. I just offer the idea as an alternative if extra conditioner or other oils are too heavy for you. :)

Deborah, I have been putting Fox's conditioning cream on my ends before washing my hair, and that seems to really help keep the ends from getting dry or frizzy and it doesn't feel heavy or oily when my hair is dry.

February 26th, 2009, 07:43 PM
About 6 months ago I started doing CO, and my hair, after an initial adjustment period, reacted wonderfully. I was COing every day with a cone-free conditioner, and occasionally putting a bit of jojoba oil in it. About a month ago I noticed that my hair was looking really greasy and dull, so I broke down and washed it. I got some of the volume and curl back, but it looked frizzy to me. Since then I've tried doing CO again and my hair is FREAKING OUT. Greasy, dull, crunchy...And I haven't changed to conditioner I use either! It's the same one that gave me great results 6 months earlier. Any ideas?

February 26th, 2009, 09:30 PM
About 6 months ago I started doing CO, and my hair, after an initial adjustment period, reacted wonderfully. I was COing every day with a cone-free conditioner, and occasionally putting a bit of jojoba oil in it. About a month ago I noticed that my hair was looking really greasy and dull, so I broke down and washed it. I got some of the volume and curl back, but it looked frizzy to me. Since then I've tried doing CO again and my hair is FREAKING OUT. Greasy, dull, crunchy...And I haven't changed to conditioner I use either! It's the same one that gave me great results 6 months earlier. Any ideas?My first thought would be to switch your CO conditioner. Even if it worked before it might stop working for some reason. You could also clarify and start over fresh.

February 26th, 2009, 11:34 PM
I occasionally have conditioners stop working for me, too. Suave coconut used to work fine, and now... ehhn, not so much. It might have something to do with the protein in it.

Anyway, I found a new one, and with a bit of honey, my scalp is happy again.

February 27th, 2009, 03:00 AM
I second the build-up suspicion. I have had some horrible patches with super frizzy hair cropping up after LHC experiments with poo bars and CO even though I would have gotten good results for a while.

I have recently had good results with cutting out conditioner for a while (I use dairy whip to wash) and my frizz is now gone and the shine back, so I must have had build-up remaining on my hair even though I had supposedly clarified occasionally by washing with a sulfate poo. I think that a single wash with a poo may just not be enough to get the build up off but that you may need to experiment with either a few more washes, different conditioners or something like a few baking soda washes and/or acid rinses to get stuff off your hair.

Hopefully once you have clarified properly, CO should work again!

February 27th, 2009, 02:13 PM
My first thought would be to switch your CO conditioner. Even if it worked before it might stop working for some reason. You could also clarify and start over fresh.
Hmmm...That's a thought. I hadn't realized conditioners could just poop out like that. Thanks!

February 27th, 2009, 02:15 PM
I second the build-up suspicion. I have had some horrible patches with super frizzy hair cropping up after LHC experiments with poo bars and CO even though I would have gotten good results for a while.

I have recently had good results with cutting out conditioner for a while (I use dairy whip to wash) and my frizz is now gone and the shine back, so I must have had build-up remaining on my hair even though I had supposedly clarified occasionally by washing with a sulfate poo. I think that a single wash with a poo may just not be enough to get the build up off but that you may need to experiment with either a few more washes, different conditioners or something like a few baking soda washes and/or acid rinses to get stuff off your hair.

Hopefully once you have clarified properly, CO should work again!
Dairy Whip? What's that?
Yeah, when I was first starting CO, as my hair adjusted I would do baking soda rinses and so on, so it may be a case of the buildup not being completely removed. I think I'll try to remove all the build-up first before I try to switch conditioners, because I really love the conditioner I'm using. It's Lavender by the Pure Life Soap Co.

February 27th, 2009, 07:58 PM
I did a search and couldn't find any posts about this... has anyone tried the Suave Natures Fusion (I think that's the name) conditioners?

Also, anyone used and liked Suave's clarifying conditioner? Wondering if that would be sort of like shampooing once in a blue moon? Or maybe I should just stick with DevaCurl Low Poo for that purpose. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

March 12th, 2009, 10:00 PM
So, my mom bought me a revitalizing lotion that prevents hairloss and makes the scalp happy :) BUT, it has some cone called simethicone. I had never heard of this cone, so I don't know if it's water solluble or not?
Besides, it's waaaay down the list, so probably there's not much of this cone in the lotion, AND I will only be using it on my scalp.

I think it would be ok to use this, and it shouldn't cause buildup. But since I dont know this cone, I'm not sure. What are your opinions?

March 12th, 2009, 11:29 PM
I'm trying CO again, mainly because I've been needing to wash more often recently and I don't want to dry it out with too much shampooing. I'm really liking V05 mandarin grapefruit splash.

March 15th, 2009, 09:16 AM
So yesterday I was browsing the hair care aisles trying to decide what to get (I ended up using my suave coupon). Anyways this young girl with pretty blonde straightish hair with the ends curled walks up and picks up a couple of bottles and then leaves the hair aisles. My guy friend I was with said hey she had kinda longish hair and just came in this aisle got 2 bottles of infusium 23 and left so it must be a good product ( I have never tried those). Well then when we were coming out of the aisle we saw this girl with another girl and I was like well her hair is pretty. SO then my friend stops her and says my friend and I saw you pick up the infusium 23 so is it a good hair product. And get this she says well actually I don't use shampoo on my hair cause it stops working after awhile and strips your hair. She then said she uses the infusium 23 conditioner to wash her hair , she rubs it in her hair and then clips it up while she finishes her shower and then rinses it out.

So I may have to give co a try once I use up all my current shampoos. Last year I tried it for a short bit , not really a long time ( probably cause I thought it was weird). I am normally a cone user so can you use cones and still co? I thought co was mainly for curly hairs, but today I did a google search and have found that it is good if you have dry or damaged hair. I am gonna be going through and reading this thread now.

March 15th, 2009, 09:24 AM
So yesterday I was browsing the hair care aisles trying to decide what to get (I ended up using my suave coupon). Anyways this young girl with pretty blonde straightish hair with the ends curled walks up and picks up a couple of bottles and then leaves the hair aisles. My guy friend I was with said hey she had kinda longish hair and just came in this aisle got 2 bottles of infusium 23 and left so it must be a good product ( I have never tried those). Well then when we were coming out of the aisle we saw this girl with another girl and I was like well her hair is pretty. SO then my friend stops her and says my friend and I saw you pick up the infusium 23 so is it a good hair product. And get this she says well actually I don't use shampoo on my hair cause it stops working after awhile and strips your hair. She then said she uses the infusium 23 conditioner to wash her hair , she rubs it in her hair and then clips it up while she finishes her shower and then rinses it out.

So I may have to give co a try once I use up all my current shampoos. Last year I tried it for a short bit , not really a long time ( probably cause I thought it was weird). I am normally a cone user so can you use cones and still co? I thought co was mainly for curly hairs, but today I did a google search and have found that it is good if you have dry or damaged hair. I am gonna be going through and reading this thread now.

It depends on what cones you will be using. Some are water solluble and some are not. The water solluble ones, you can use those, but the others will cause build up in your hair :)

March 15th, 2009, 09:29 AM
So I may have to give co a try once I use up all my current shampoos. Last year I tried it for a short bit , not really a long time ( probably cause I thought it was weird). I am normally a cone user so can you use cones and still co? I thought co was mainly for curly hairs, but today I did a google search and have found that it is good if you have dry or damaged hair. I am gonna be going through and reading this thread now.

I use CO with silicones. I just shampoo with sulphates once a week to avoid build-up. I also shampoo with a sulphate-free shampoo once a week, but that's just to deal with my greasies.

No harm in giving it a shot!

March 15th, 2009, 09:33 AM
Thanks for your input.
How do I know which cones are water soluable.....is there a list somewhere?
If nothing else works then even the washing with a shampoo once a week would be less harsh on my hair compared to using it 3-4 times a week.

March 15th, 2009, 09:45 AM
Here's a list of ingredients commonly found on hair products, go down till you find Silicones :)ETA: Ooops, I forgot to post the link, silly me! :D Here it is:http://www.naturallycurly.com/curlreading/curl-products/ingredients-commonly-found-in-hair-care-products

March 15th, 2009, 11:34 AM
I just found a great conditioner! Burt's Bee's Raspberry conditioner is FANTASTIC. It wasn't great for going down the length of my hair, but for washing was great! No silicone, and it smells really good too!

March 16th, 2009, 07:30 AM
Did anyone have an adjustment period with CO...or with reducing sulphates in general?

I went and got a bunch of Trader Joe's shampoo and conditioner this weekend. I tried one CO wash, using the Nourish Spa, and left it on for a while...when I rinsed it out, my hair didn't feel exactly silky-smooth, but when it dried, it looked fantastic!

But less than 24 hours later, it looked REALLY greasy again (just along the scalp...my length never gets greasy)! I postponed the wash as long as I could, but it was only a little past 24 hours when I washed again. I decided this time to condition my length (using a very coney Neutrogena cond.) and use a little of the diluted Nourish Spa shampoo on my scalp...my thought is that this would extend the wash time a little longer, and then I could go back to CO. I've been scrubbing at my scalp to dislodge dirt, so I don't think I'm not cleaning thoroughly enough.

Well, again it looked fantastic just after the wash, but 16 hours later (albeit after sleeping on it) my bangs look greasy...the rest of my hair looks okay, but I can feel gathering grease close to my scalp, and by the end of the day it's going to be a nightmare.

Using sulfate shampoos, I used to be able to wash every other day for the most part.

So...is there an adjustment period I just have to settle in for, while my sebum production readjusts? If so, do I need to train my scalp by only washing every two-three days, or can I wash daily until it adjusts? Or do I need to rinse my scalp more thoroughly? It looked and felt pretty clean after I did it the first time.

Thanks for any help you guys can give. I've read the articles on CO but they don't mention a whole lot about adjustment...and some of you are posting as if your hair loved it immediately!

March 16th, 2009, 08:23 AM
LiraelQ-Give your scalp a chance to adjust. It takes some getting used to. I would try to stay away from coney conditioners with CO. The cones will build up without regular shampooing to clarify. oh, did you clarify before you started? If not, and you've been using cones, it might help to wash with a sulfate shampoo (suave, vo5, white rain) to get a clean slate.

It took about 2 weeks of daily CO for my scalp to adjust & not over produce sebum. Now I CO every 7-10 days and I scrub with water only every other day to get the sebum moved down my hair. Since I have dry hair and dry scalp, CO works perfect for me. Everyone is different, though. Listen to your hair & scalp & give it what it needs. :)

March 16th, 2009, 10:21 AM
I have co washed a few times before, although soon I was thinking about co washing for a whole month to see if this would help my hair as I have been getting quite a few split ends recently :(

What conditioner do you guys use to wash your hair?

March 16th, 2009, 02:19 PM
It took about 2 weeks of daily CO for my scalp to adjust & not over produce sebum.

Thanks--good to hear. I'll just settle in and wait for it to blow over.

My hair tends to do well with cone conditioner, and I never use it on my scalp, just on my length...but I'll definitely keep it in mind if my hair starts to rebel!

March 16th, 2009, 03:56 PM
Did anyone have an adjustment period with CO...or with reducing sulphates in general?

I went and got a bunch of Trader Joe's shampoo and conditioner this weekend. I tried one CO wash, using the Nourish Spa, and left it on for a while...when I rinsed it out, my hair didn't feel exactly silky-smooth, but when it dried, it looked fantastic!

But less than 24 hours later, it looked REALLY greasy again (just along the scalp...my length never gets greasy)! I postponed the wash as long as I could, but it was only a little past 24 hours when I washed again. I decided this time to condition my length (using a very coney Neutrogena cond.) and use a little of the diluted Nourish Spa shampoo on my scalp...my thought is that this would extend the wash time a little longer, and then I could go back to CO. I've been scrubbing at my scalp to dislodge dirt, so I don't think I'm not cleaning thoroughly enough.

Well, again it looked fantastic just after the wash, but 16 hours later (albeit after sleeping on it) my bangs look greasy...the rest of my hair looks okay, but I can feel gathering grease close to my scalp, and by the end of the day it's going to be a nightmare.

Using sulfate shampoos, I used to be able to wash every other day for the most part.

So...is there an adjustment period I just have to settle in for, while my sebum production readjusts? If so, do I need to train my scalp by only washing every two-three days, or can I wash daily until it adjusts? Or do I need to rinse my scalp more thoroughly? It looked and felt pretty clean after I did it the first time.

Thanks for any help you guys can give. I've read the articles on CO but they don't mention a whole lot about adjustment...and some of you are posting as if your hair loved it immediately!

My hair took to it straightaway, once I had figured out the 'correct' technique; which was to treat it like I was washing my hair and scalp with conditioner, rather than conditioning it, if that makes sense.

I wonder if C-W-C would help you? I'm not entirely sure how it works, but I think you put conditioner on the length and a very diluted shampoo on the scalp - that might get you the best of both worlds????

March 17th, 2009, 02:07 PM
Okay, I did another CO wash last night, this time using Trader Joe's Tea Tree conditioner. I think this conditioner is a bit more drying because I'm not so greasy today...although I also didn't wet my hair that thoroughly before starting, so that might have something to do with it. The Tea Tree also got rid of these icky flakes I was experiencing yesterday...tiny and white and loose and unlike anything I've experienced since way way back when I used Pantene shampoos. Not sure where those came from. Anyway, I might try it in combination with the Nourish Spa, with the Tea Tree on my scalp/bangs and the Nourish Spa on my length.

Still anxious to get beyond this daily washing...but my hair has never felt softer, that's for sure!

March 17th, 2009, 02:26 PM
Just another random YaY!! for CO washing from me.. :D

March 18th, 2009, 12:18 AM
Can someone exactly explain how you Co and what are cones??? Sorry I am a newbie as of yesterday and trying to learn all I can but the wording can be confusing??!

Heavenly Locks
March 18th, 2009, 01:26 AM
Can someone exactly explain how you Co and what are cones??? Sorry I am a newbie as of yesterday and trying to learn all I can but the wording can be confusing??!

I am relatively new too. :)

'cones is an abbreviation for a lot of different chemicals in hair & beauty products that end with "cone'' such as silicone, dimethicone etc...

The way that "I" CO is to get my hair wet in the shower and slather on about 3 palms full of conditioner making sure to really saturate the roots. I clip it up with a claw clip and finish up my shower. Washing, shaving all that. At the end, I unclip and massage the heck out of my scalp and roots. (pads of fingers only) I do this for maybe 2 full minutes. Then I rinse rinse rinse...and rinse some more. I finish with a cool water rinse.

The reason you let it sit on the hair is so that the conditioner has plenty of time to break up the oils in your hair that you are trying to get out.

March 18th, 2009, 09:16 AM
Thanks Heavenly Locks!

March 18th, 2009, 09:23 AM
Okay, that Tea Tree conditioner must have done a lot of clarifying, because I made it past the 24-hour mark without washing again! I've got my bangs pushed back with a headband, but my hair is presentable! And it's so soft, getting a real shine! DEFINITELY need to wash as soon as work is over, though.

Forgive me if I squeal a little bit...but my hair hasn't felt this good since before I was in high school!

March 23rd, 2009, 06:00 PM
I have co washed a few times before, although soon I was thinking about co washing for a whole month to see if this would help my hair as I have been getting quite a few split ends recently :(

What conditioner do you guys use to wash your hair?

Found this from a quick search:

(Find a cheap conditioner like Suave, VO5, white rain, or something similar. )

I'm a newbie so not sure why a cheap conditioner?

March 23rd, 2009, 10:35 PM
Found this from a quick search:

(Find a cheap conditioner like Suave, VO5, white rain, or something similar. )

I'm a newbie so not sure why a cheap conditioner?

Well, one reason is you use a LOT of conditioner this way! Another is that the cheap brands named offer a lot of "cone"-free conditioners and are thus generally better for avoiding buildup which would need shampoo, maybe clarifying shampoo, to remove.

March 23rd, 2009, 11:30 PM
Found this from a quick search:

(Find a cheap conditioner like Suave, VO5, white rain, or something similar. )

I'm a newbie so not sure why a cheap conditioner?

It's because the cheap conditioners have mild cleaning agents in them and little or no oily ingredients, especially the volumizing or clarifying conditioners. And many of them are cone-free, which makes them even lighter.

March 26th, 2009, 11:44 AM
I want to try this method again. I tried it for 3 weeks before and my hair was soft but looked dull without any shiny :(

March 26th, 2009, 11:52 AM
I want to try this method again. I tried it for 3 weeks before and my hair was soft but looked dull without any shiny :(

Good luck!

If you want help from us you can tell us what you did last time (what conditioner did you use? did you use one for washing and one for conditioning? etc) and we might be able to give some good advice. :)

March 26th, 2009, 02:30 PM
I want to try this method again. I tried it for 3 weeks before and my hair was soft but looked dull without any shiny :(
That's odd. I've gotten a lot more shine with CO. It's amazing how different everyone's hair can react to something.

March 26th, 2009, 09:55 PM
OK...so I almost tried a CO tonight... and ended up doing a reverse CWC I'll explain.

I wet my hair and conditioned with Suave Coconut, then let it soak in with my hair in a bun with my octopus clip. While it was "soaking" I sat in the bath and read for about 20 minutes. Put down the book and turned on the shower and rinsed and rinsed and rinsed... I didn't have a timer, but it HAD to be well into the 3-4 minute mark. My hair felt...well, still greasy. Very much like after the fiasco I had with the coconut milk a week or so ago! So I flipped out and put some Pantene shampoo on my scalp and washed it through really quick. I rinsed some more, then thought I should re-add at least a little condish to at least the length (that was the backward part I conditioned length only last, and whole head first).

I ran my length through my fingers, and it squeaked...so I *thought* I had rinsed everything out, and maybe even washed out too much sebum. But after letting it sit in a towel for about 10 minutes, it still doesn't feel like usual. Granted, I wasn't rough with the towel like usual (I'm trying to break the habit), but I'm wondering if I am going to have limp, over-conditioned hair tomorrow, or if I'm just not used to the way things are supposed to feel, since it is a change to the routine--even though I really didn't change it that much because I really didn't CO!

Any ideas???

March 27th, 2009, 01:30 AM
OK...so I almost tried a CO tonight... and ended up doing a reverse CWC I'll explain.

I wet my hair and conditioned with Suave Coconut, then let it soak in with my hair in a bun with my octopus clip. While it was "soaking" I sat in the bath and read for about 20 minutes. Put down the book and turned on the shower and rinsed and rinsed and rinsed... I didn't have a timer, but it HAD to be well into the 3-4 minute mark. My hair felt...well, still greasy.
Any ideas???

Just to say that CO washing doesn't work for me unless I actually WASH the hair; so after letting it sit for five minutes, I add a splash of water and then really wash my hair, "lather" it up with the conditioner and massage my hair and scalp thoroughly, and THEN rinse.

When I tried it like conditioner - i.e. applied, let it sit, rinse off - it didn't work as a method. For me, it cleans the hair by the 'washing' action; I treat conditioner like shampoo, except I use a LOT of it (about three large handfuls). It will lather up as well, in a strange way, but because it's conditioner there is no feeling of damaging your hair by rubbing/massaging it, there is so much slip!

Heavenly Locks
March 27th, 2009, 02:02 AM
Just to say that CO washing doesn't work for me unless I actually WASH the hair; so after letting it sit for five minutes, I add a splash of water and then really wash my hair, "lather" it up with the conditioner and massage my hair and scalp thoroughly, and THEN rinse.

When I tried it like conditioner - i.e. applied, let it sit, rinse off - it didn't work as a method. For me, it cleans the hair by the 'washing' action; I treat conditioner like shampoo, except I use a LOT of it (about three large handfuls). It will lather up as well, in a strange way, but because it's conditioner there is no feeling of damaging your hair by rubbing/massaging it, there is so much slip!

Ditto for me on everything you said! :) (I also let mine sit on clipped up until the end of my shower...then I do the 'washing' last)

March 27th, 2009, 03:40 AM
I CO washed again on Monday for the first time in over a year...I guess I had always thought Co washers only exclusively use conditioner, and that hadn't worked for me - after several months my hair got dull, tangly, and icky on the ends. However, I'm thinking occasional CO washes (as I do with WO) might be the solution to keeping my baby hairs tamed. Next wash will be with sulfates, then maybe I will CO or even WO again...

March 27th, 2009, 05:38 AM
I have tried CO wash for 6 weeks and had to switch to non-sulfate shampoo. I think the 'getting it clean' was not a problem for me, I washed every 4 days, so it was cleansing as good as it could.
However I felt my hair doesn't like conditioner that much at all, mu curls were completely pulled out by day 2, and volume much decreased.
Back on shampoo the problems above were fixed, but it felt dryish. So I miss the feeling of not having so 'stripped' hair, that CO has given me.

I used cheap local brand conefree condishioner, and recently discovered they contain liquid paraffin. I am thinking of trying with paraffin-free conditioner. Anybody had more success with CO switching to paraffin free?

If my hair doesn't like condish at all, I will just give up :)

Sorry if it had been asked before.

March 27th, 2009, 09:21 AM
I have tried CO wash for 6 weeks and had to switch to non-sulfate shampoo. I think the 'getting it clean' was not a problem for me, I washed every 4 days, so it was cleansing as good as it could.
However I felt my hair doesn't like conditioner that much at all, mu curls were completely pulled out by day 2, and volume much decreased.
Back on shampoo the problems above were fixed, but it felt dryish. So I miss the feeling of not having so 'stripped' hair, that CO has given me.

I used cheap local brand conefree condishioner, and recently discovered they contain liquid paraffin. I am thinking of trying with paraffin-free conditioner. Anybody had more success with CO switching to paraffin free?

If my hair doesn't like condish at all, I will just give up :)

Sorry if it had been asked before.

Paraffin is a mineral oil and won't work with only CO. Mineral oil, as cones, causes build up. Try another condish and you might have a different result. :)

March 27th, 2009, 10:59 AM
Thanks for the reply! I will definitely give it a try.

April 2nd, 2009, 10:21 AM
i don't think i would ever do CO long term. my hair really loves poo bars - but i have done CO for occasions when my hair was very dry and it works good for that. it virtually stopped the breaking from dryness in its tracks. that was with suave tropical coconut.
i tried vo5 and was allergic to it and white rain and i also tried giovanni tttt and liked it - but it would work great one time and the next time suck. i also tried burt's bees grapefruit cond. but it really is too strongly scented for me to tolerate and it dried out my hair.
of all the conditioners i've tried i like suave tropical coconut the best - which is annoying - because it is tested on animals and that really bothers me - but i do keep it around for emergencies ;)

April 2nd, 2009, 11:34 AM
i also tried giovanni tttt and liked it - but it would work great one time and the next time suck. i also tried burt's bees grapefruit cond. but it really is too strongly scented for me to tolerate and it dried out my hair.
of all the conditioners i've tried i like suave tropical coconut the best - which is annoying - because it is tested on animals and that really bothers me - but i do keep it around for emergencies ;)

Hahaha, that sounds like me. i'm not allergic to VO5 or white rain (though i HATED white rain somewhat), but GTTT had pretty random results, and Burt's Bees really sucked.

Suave coconut isn't te best for me, but it's really close. :P I prefer the Aloe Vera and Waterlily, because it doesn't have protein, but Tropical Coconut works really well.

April 2nd, 2009, 12:17 PM
Thank you for this post! Did my first CO and I loved it... I will work it into my routine.

April 2nd, 2009, 12:55 PM
Hahaha, that sounds like me. i'm not allergic to VO5 or white rain (though i HATED white rain somewhat), but GTTT had pretty random results, and Burt's Bees really sucked.

Suave coconut isn't te best for me, but it's really close. :P I prefer the Aloe Vera and Waterlily, because it doesn't have protein, but Tropical Coconut works really well.

Burt's Bees grapefruit worked ok for me - but it smelled SO much! i couldn't believe how strong the scent is. it did seem to make my hair dry though if i left it on for more than a minute or so. GTTTT smell was so much better - and my hair would usually really like it - but then sometimes it would look great for the first day and then look drier and drier... when i saw a post here from someone who had used it for a while for CO and had thinner ends from using it - i quit.

actually, i got tired of trying to find a conditioner that was not tested on animals and didn't contain silicone or protein. that is what keeps me doing CO for an extended time... if i could use vo5 i would - i had sort of good results from the strawberry moisture milk - but it smelled so much! can you tell i am sensitive to scents??? LOL

i think the suave tropical coconut smells really good - and i'm not allergic to the fragrance - which is amazing - because i am allergic to most of the suave fragrances. i may actually be allergic to something in BB grapefruit - because just smelling it makes me feel weird - but i never had any problems other than my throat hurting a little when i used it - and my glands would get a little swollen.
suprisingly, suave TC doesn't do that to me - and it is full of chemicals!!!

i decided to do a CO today with suave TC and my hair even though i rinsed and rinsed and rinsed feels a little coated. it does seem to build up on me pretty quick. for some reason lately my hair is really prone to build up. even amla powder made into packs built up on my hair... i guess it is porous or something. i find that if i do CO for more than a few times i will need to clarify and i hate that.

April 7th, 2009, 07:24 AM
It's amazing what different experiences everyone has with some of the same conditioners!

The scent thing is a big issue for a lot of people - just shows us, I guess, how close we are to our prehistoric ancestors, when the sense of smell was pretty much the most important. For instance, the coconut scent smells very strong to me, but the citrus scents smell milder - I don't even get into the berry scents at all, as they make me just feel itchy. I know that is mostly psychological, as I'm allergic to a lot of berries, not to mention falling into a berry prickle patch when I was a kid, but there it is!

I'm always looking for new conditioners to try, as I've been doing CO for more than two years now. My hair and scalp love it. I recently tried the Pantene hair mask for curly hair - my hair felt amazing but it's not an every time thing. I generally stick with either VO5 or Suave in the citrus scents, or the Herbal Essense in the citrus, for the initial "wash" conditioning scrub, then finish with Aussie Moist. I also use the Aussie Deeeeep 3 Minute Miracle about every third time - it seems to help with tangles, etc. I use shampoo once in a while, usually during the summer, in a VERY diluted solution, about a tablespoon of shampoo, two of the Suave or VO5, then fill up the rest of the bottle (a 24 oz bottle) with water and shake like mad. I have it in a bottle with a squirty top, so I can get the shampoo close to the roots without affecting the ends too much if they don't need washing, otherwise they tangle.

And, there you have the whole reason I started conditioner only - tangles. My hair tangles at a glance. But I stay with it, not only because of the tangle solution, but because the psoriasis I've had in my scalp since I was 2 (that's over 50 years) is almost totally gone. That alone would be reason enough!

So, I guess what I'm saying, to those who are just starting to try it, everyone has their own routine that works for them. Once you find yours, you'll be happy with the results, but it may take a bit of experiment with different conditioners, shampoos, etc.

April 7th, 2009, 07:36 AM
I am thinking of trying out CO again after 3 1/2 years of not doing it. I am also trying to decide what conditioners to use. I can't use the Sauve Coconut one, the protein in it makes my hair so brittle it's horrid. I may try some different Suave or go back to V05. I don't know. Last time I went through so many conditioners trying to find the right mix and I just couldn't find it. I got frustrated and gave up.

April 7th, 2009, 07:44 AM
I am thinking of trying out CO again after 3 1/2 years of not doing it. I am also trying to decide what conditioners to use. I can't use the Sauve Coconut one, the protein in it makes my hair so brittle it's horrid. I may try some different Suave or go back to V05. I don't know. Last time I went through so many conditioners trying to find the right mix and I just couldn't find it. I got frustrated and gave up.

If you haven't tried it yet, I'd suggest Suave Refreshing Tangerine. It's a pretty good CO conditioner.

April 8th, 2009, 07:15 AM
If you haven't tried it yet, I'd suggest Suave Refreshing Tangerine. It's a pretty good CO conditioner.

Do you use it for both steps of your CO, wash and condition? I was thinking of trying the V05 Sunkissed Raspberry but don't know if it will be moisturizing enough.

April 8th, 2009, 07:31 AM
Do you use it for both steps of your CO, wash and condition? I was thinking of trying the V05 Sunkissed Raspberry but don't know if it will be moisturizing enough.

I just use it to wash. I normally use either Trader Joe's Nourish or Devacurl One Condition as my 2nd conditioner. The VO5's are OK, but I can't use them exclusively as my washing conditioners because they have panthenol in them. Too much of that is not a good thing for my hair.

April 8th, 2009, 08:14 AM
I just use it to wash. I normally use either Trader Joe's Nourish or Devacurl One Condition as my 2nd conditioner. The VO5's are OK, but I can't use them exclusively as my washing conditioners because they have panthenol in them. Too much of that is not a good thing for my hair.

Where do you get the Trader Joe's and Devacurl?

April 8th, 2009, 09:03 AM
Where do you get the Trader Joe's and Devacurl?

The Trader Joe conditioner can only be found at a Trader Joe's store (http://www.traderjoes.com/locations.asp). One Condition can be found at their website (http://store.devachansalon.com/Categories.bok?category=DevaCurl), online salon sites and some beauty supply stores like Ulta.

steph in tx
April 8th, 2009, 09:37 AM
I use the VO5 Sun-Kissed Raspberry and it's become my favorite CO conditioner. I find that my hair really gets moisturized with CO so I don't really need a stronger conditioner. I also like the VO5 Extra Body conditioner. Then I put a small amount of cocoa butter on the ends when my hair is mostly dry. I just haven't felt the need for a more intensive conditioner this way.

I intend to try the Suave conditioner too, if I can find a scent I don't hate. That tangerine one sounds nice.

April 9th, 2009, 06:33 AM
mitabird, thank you for the links. I really wasn't sure where to goet those items. I will have to try them.

steph in tx, I have the V05 Sunkissed Raspberry but it just doesn't seem conditioning enough...at least in the past. I may give it a try again and see how it does since my hair is in better health.

I did use Suave Aloe and Waterlily last night as my wash then used Biolage Balm for my conditioner then my BWC leave in and some camelia oil on ends. My hair was still soaked this morning when I woke up so we'll see how long it takes to dry. This was one problem I did have with CO, the forever dry time no matter the length and thickness of my hair. My hair retains water like nothing else.

April 9th, 2009, 01:39 PM
I am thinking of trying out CO again after 3 1/2 years of not doing it. I am also trying to decide what conditioners to use. I can't use the Sauve Coconut one, the protein in it makes my hair so brittle it's horrid. I may try some different Suave or go back to V05. I don't know. Last time I went through so many conditioners trying to find the right mix and I just couldn't find it. I got frustrated and gave up.

This sounds like what happened to me!!! I tried so many conditioners! Only to find that I am allergic to most VO5 and White Rain - and pretty much ONLY Suave Tropical Coconut worked well for me - but then it seemed to build up fast...

I am debating whether or not I can use Suave Tropical Coconut to CO-wash if i choose to try it again since they still test on animals and I have a hard time rationalizing this because there are so many other conditioners out there who do not test on animals. But I also don't want to start trying out new conditioners again only to find out that I hate them - or am allergic to them.... SIGH :rolleyes:

April 10th, 2009, 09:30 AM
I tried my first CO this morning! My hair feels fabulous. I don't think I scrubbed the under-layers quite well enough, though, since it still feels kind of greasy underneath. Cleaner than it was, but not as clean as the top layers.

Also, my scalp feels a little bit more greasy than it would after a C-W-C or regular shampoo. Is this normal? Does this mean I haven't scrubbed it enough?

April 10th, 2009, 10:44 AM
A lot of people experience a "greasy" feel in their hair when they are first starting out doing CO. It bothers some so much that they just drop the whole CO thing, and others just wait it out to see if it will get better. My personal experience is that my hair took to it right away, but my daughter tried it, and hated the slight greasy feel so much that she gave it up after three days.

You could clarify your hair/scalp, using any of the methods described in this thread, or whatever method you've used successfully in the past, so you're starting with a clean/fresh scalp and hair, then try CO for a while.

Overall, you might find, as so many of us have, that you will have to actually scrub less often - a lot of us are only doing our hair wash (with CO) routine twice a week or less once our hair has settled into not having to fight off the shampoos and soaps. This might also help balance the condition of your hair and scalp.

Experiment till you have a routine that your hair and scalp seem to like. It could take a while, as you may have noticed by all the different ways described in this thread.

My routine: scrub with VO5 or Suave (one of the citrus conditioners works best for me), then slather on Aussie Moist conditioner and leave it there while I wash/shave, etc., rinse in hot water, put a little bit on my hands and run through my hair, rinse again but leave some in, and that's it. I use Aussie Deeeeep 3 Minute Miracle about once every week or two, and I've found that Pantene Hair Mask for curly hair has seemed to do nice things once a month or so.

April 10th, 2009, 10:50 AM
I am debating whether or not I can use Suave Tropical Coconut to CO-wash if i choose to try it again since they still test on animals and I have a hard time rationalizing this because there are so many other conditioners out there who do not test on animals.

Like you, I'm also very concerned whether a product is manufactured by companies who test on animals. A few things have to be fulfilled before I even consider purchasing a product - whether or not it's been tested on sentient beings, whether or not it uses animal by-products and then I decide whether or not I like the smell of the haircare product (assuming you can't test it out in store).

I think that if you have ethical issues concerning animals, definitely follow those before delving into vanity. In the end, it's those decisions that you make that says volumes about a person.

April 10th, 2009, 10:51 AM
One way to avoid oily or over-conditioned hair is to do the CO wash only; do not use any more conditioner. You can use an acid rinse, but nothing more. I never use a 'second conditioner', and my hair responds very well to CO washing. I think the 'second conditioner' is what causes many to have oily hair. It is simply overkill

I tried my first CO this morning! My hair feels fabulous. I don't think I scrubbed the under-layers quite well enough, though, since it still feels kind of greasy underneath. Cleaner than it was, but not as clean as the top layers.

Also, my scalp feels a little bit more greasy than it would after a C-W-C or regular shampoo. Is this normal? Does this mean I haven't scrubbed it enough?

April 11th, 2009, 05:52 PM
I just started CO a few days ago and it's going really well. I love it and my hair seems to love it! I've started thinking about going longer between washes but I'm not sure how to do it. Do you ever do WO on the days you don't CO? I'm just worried about getting greasy.

April 11th, 2009, 08:56 PM
In between COs, I just leave my hair alone. At first, I could go every-other-day when I was Shampoo/conditioner washing, so I did the same with CO. I found that my hair wasn't as greasy at the end of day 2 with CO, as it had been on day2 with S/C washing. So I then added a third day and so on. I have joked for a long time that "you can tell how greasy my hair is by how TIGHT my updo is." This is true. Now, I am fluffy and clean-looking for two days. The third day it's getting a little bit greasy, but not bad, so I can wear a loose-ish updo like a French braid or a French twist. Day four is a greasepit, and it's ALWAYS a high-ponytail day for me. Today: high tight ponytail. This means that it gets washed tonight. Or better yet, tomorrow morning before church. I'll brush it like crazy tonight with my BBB to really get the scalp loosened up, and tomorrow will CO wash. :)

Hope that helps. I just found that updos really helped hide the greasiness as I stretched my washes out, and greasier hair = tighter updos to buy me more time between washes.

April 11th, 2009, 10:24 PM
I did my first successful CO tonight. I mixed the lavender and mango VO5, since that is what I had on hand. The only thing was I had to do a "triple wash" to get my hair clean and I probably should have done it a fourth time because my trouble spots are still slightly greasy. I'm think maybe if I scrub it a little bit more or leave it on longer it might take more of the oil out. I didn't use any thing heavier than the VO5 but my hair feels incredibly soft, is curlier, and is less frizzy. So I am quite pleased.

steph in tx
April 11th, 2009, 10:46 PM
Yes, leaving it on longer and scrubbing a lot were key for me, until I discovered my new mini-wash routine. My routine goes something like this: Wet hair and slather scalp in small amount of conditioner of the day. Work it in and rub. Rinse. Slather whole head in a good amount of conditioner and rub, rub, rub (scrubbing a lot is still key.) Then I leave it while I do all my other showerly duties. Then (and this part is pretty key) I spray my head with a small amount of water and rub, rub, rub again. Then I rinse. And rinse. And rinse some more. I rinse a lot. Then I rinse again. (You get the picture.;) ) Then I follow with my ACV rinse, leave it on for about a minute and rinse again. That's it. I find that the initial mini-wash I do helps me avoid the longer wait time of leaving it on my head. I don't know if that will work for everyone, but it really helps me. Also, I find I tend to not scrub the area right in front of my ears enough if I don't concentrate on it. If that area feels greasy after the long rinse I do them again.

I did have an adjustment period where my hair didn't feel quite as clean after COing as it does now. I'd say it only lasted the first 3 washes or so, though. Now my hair is pretty darned happy.

Anyway, I hope that info helps or at least gives you some ideas to try.

April 11th, 2009, 11:05 PM
I've restarted using CO.

I've been using HE Hydralicious but my hair started looking disgusting. So I bought some clarifying shampoo and scrubbed my hair out three times before it felt clean. I let that air dry and detangled (which wasn't too bad) and my hair looked fabulous. It was soft and the only issue was that it was very fly away and staticy.

Right now I have V05 Moisture Milks in Passion Fruit Smoothie, V05 Blackberry Sage tea conditioner and a V05 Pomegranate one... I think I let my nose do the choosing here.. but they're all cone free.

I just washed yesterday and my hair feels greasy. I know I need to do an ACV rinse (my hair works better when I have used them) but I'm out of ACV - all I have is white and red and I'm not sure I want those on my hair....

April 12th, 2009, 03:47 AM
Like you, I'm also very concerned whether a product is manufactured by companies who test on animals. A few things have to be fulfilled before I even consider purchasing a product - whether or not it's been tested on sentient beings, whether or not it uses animal by-products and then I decide whether or not I like the smell of the haircare product (assuming you can't test it out in store).

I think that if you have ethical issues concerning animals, definitely follow those before delving into vanity. In the end, it's those decisions that you make that says volumes about a person.
That's one of my concerns also, I have a hard time using any chemicals at all nowadays. But at least you could try the Body Shops or Lush products, and I'm sure there are other companies who swear by not using any animal tested chemicals in their products.

I have lately found a fantastic conditioner, which is a bottle I have seen in the shops all my life, but never bought it because it seemed to be too cheap and dull of a product :P A tip to all my Finnish friends! The ultimate CO product is the "erittäin hieno suomalainen hiushoito "
Don't know about it's use of animal testings though :confused:

It has a very short list of quite mild ingredients:
"Aqua, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Stearalkonium Chloride, PEG-20 Distearate, Menthylparaben, Perfum, Lactic Acid"
The only concern is the Menthylparaben :/ I think... if someone has anything else to comment about these chemicals, please do so :D

April 12th, 2009, 09:55 PM
I like washing my hair only once or twice a week, and conditioning only, for the most part. My routine varies alot, but this usually works okay for me. My only problem is my fringe, and I have oily skin, so the fringe looks less clean than the rest, and gets oilier faster...I was wondering if anyone had any advice, on how to keep it cleaner without actually washing it..

steph in tx
April 12th, 2009, 10:04 PM
No real advice there. I have the same problem so right now I'm washing every day usually. If I can manage a second day I will just lean over the sink and wash my bangs alone.

April 14th, 2009, 04:06 AM
I have a slight problem with my CO routine. I'm getting dry ends, even though I put some jojoba oil...I'm also losing my hair's capacity to hold bun waves :( I don't want to go back to poo; I have seen the benefits of CO method, no more frizzies, stretched out washes. So clarifying with poo is not even an option. Any suggestions?

Heavenly Locks
April 14th, 2009, 04:53 AM
I like washing my hair only once or twice a week, and conditioning only, for the most part. My routine varies alot, but this usually works okay for me. My only problem is my fringe, and I have oily skin, so the fringe looks less clean than the rest, and gets oilier faster...I was wondering if anyone had any advice, on how to keep it cleaner without actually washing it..

I dust mine with baby powder and it does great to soak up the oil :) be sparing though or else you'll look grayish ;)

April 14th, 2009, 05:33 AM
nayver, I've been CO-ing for years and I have dry ends too, despite regular trims. When I apply unrefined shea butter to the ends each night, it definitely improves the texture of my ends. They go from feeling like dried leaves/crunchy to being softer and smoother. I've read that coconut oil applied to the ends can give the same benefit and I plan to try cocounut oil when I use up my shea butter.

steph in tx
April 14th, 2009, 05:53 AM
Nayver I wonder if switching conditioners would help? Or trying something different on the ends. Jojoba oil doesn't seem to help my ends much, but coconut oil and cocoa butter work like a dream for me. I'm sorry you're having problems with COing. I wish I had better answers for you.

April 14th, 2009, 06:55 AM
Thank you guys for your answers!!! Well, my dry ends are definitely a problem of old bleaching :S and bad mantainance. The thing is if I apply oil or shea butter, my hair looks oily and I don't seem to notice that hair is absorbing it well. How do you apply the oil? Wet or dry?

steph in tx
April 14th, 2009, 07:10 AM
I find my hair looks less oily if I apply the oil to wet hair, but some people have the opposite result. You can also do a deep oiling overnight and wash it out in the morning. That may help. When your hair gets long enough to put up, you can oil the ends and hide them in an updo. I do that a lot. I oil my ends and tuck them in a french twist. Nobody can see the oily bits like that.

If the dryness is damage from bleaching it may be that you'll just have to trim them off. I would try everything else first, though.

April 14th, 2009, 03:19 PM
Steph, trimming is not an option for me :D It is the last thing I'll do since I'm growing out from a short bob. Tonight I've put some shea butter over misted hair, and I've made a french braid.
Next time I'll be washing my hair is Saturday or Sunday and I will use another cone free conditioner, just to see if it is the cause of my crunchy, dry ends.

April 14th, 2009, 08:18 PM
I have a slight problem with my CO routine. I'm getting dry ends, even though I put some jojoba oil...I'm also losing my hair's capacity to hold bun waves :( I don't want to go back to poo; I have seen the benefits of CO method, no more frizzies, stretched out washes. So clarifying with poo is not even an option. Any suggestions?

Maybe a heavy second conditioner on the ends would help? I get really crunchy ends if I just do the CO wash with no second conditioner on the ends (I'm growing out dye and heat damage).

April 15th, 2009, 03:26 AM
Maybe a heavy second conditioner on the ends would help? I get really crunchy ends if I just do the CO wash with no second conditioner on the ends (I'm growing out dye and heat damage).

Thanks Rohele, I'll try that next time. In fact, I did it the first time I COed, but didn't like it. Today my hair is happier after the shea butter, so maybe I have to try with different methods until I find the one for me.

April 15th, 2009, 03:34 AM
I've started COing about a month ago. I'm surprised by how clean my hair feels without being dry. (I have very dry hair naturally so stripping what little natural oils I have with tons of shampoo was pretty damaging) I seriously didn't think it'd work. lol

I was wondering if a vinegar rinse works well to clarify? I used it a few days ago, not sure if it did anything though.

April 15th, 2009, 05:57 PM
Hope that helps. I just found that updos really helped hide the greasiness as I stretched my washes out, and greasier hair = tighter updos to buy me more time between washes.

Thanks LisaJaney! You really helped a lot, I've been starting to do every-other-day washes and my hair isn't really that bad on the second day so I think I'll be able to stretch it longer once my scalp acclimates.

The only thing I'm really starting to notice and love about longer hair is that I can do updos now. It's never really been long enough for me to do updos until now. I didn't even think that I could just put it up when it was getting close to a wash but now that it's long enough to play with updos I think that will be really helpful! :)

April 16th, 2009, 01:24 AM
Omg, I had sent an email to the company which are making the conditioner I use, and asked them if they test their products on animals. I got actually did get a reply:

"Cederroth ei testaa tuotteita eläimillä ja tarkistamme myös, että raaka-ainetoimittajamme eivät sitä tee. Kosmetiikan eläimillä testaaminen on EU- alueella kiellettyä."

"Cederroth does not test their products on animals, and we also ensure that our manufacturers of raw materials does not do so also. Testing cosmetics on animals in the EU- district is illegal."

Wow, I had no idea, that testing cosmetics on animals is illegal in EU, that's fantastic! :cheese:

April 16th, 2009, 05:52 AM
Does anyone here use White Rain Tropical Coconut for CO washing? I had two bottles of it, and I've used it once... it felt kind weird on my hair in the shower, but it seems to have dried and looks/feels okay, I guess. I know I've not had a good experience with WR before but I thought that perhaps it was the formulation for those varieties... It was the Apple Blossom and the Citrus one, the one with the sugarcane extract which I think my hair hated...

April 17th, 2009, 08:55 AM
Does anyone here use White Rain Tropical Coconut for CO washing? I had two bottles of it, and I've used it once... it felt kind weird on my hair in the shower, but it seems to have dried and looks/feels okay, I guess. I know I've not had a good experience with WR before but I thought that perhaps it was the formulation for those varieties... It was the Apple Blossom and the Citrus one, the one with the sugarcane extract which I think my hair hated...

I have some of the WRTC and I really bought it because it was coconut and because it was NOT tested on animals - but I have had a very hard time using it because of the smell! I actually gave it to my dbf and he has been using it and his hair looks great! I may try it again though... if I can get past the smell... It makes me sad that the only cheap conditioner I have been able to use is Suave Tropical Coconut which is tested on animals (and smells great) and Suave actually has stuff (way on the bottom of the list) like rosemary, and a few other nice sounding ingredients - and WRTC is pretty much all chemicals except for the coconut extract and the B5. SIGH

April 17th, 2009, 08:57 AM
Omg, I had sent an email to the company which are making the conditioner I use, and asked them if they test their products on animals. I got actually did get a reply:

"Cederroth ei testaa tuotteita eläimillä ja tarkistamme myös, että raaka-ainetoimittajamme eivät sitä tee. Kosmetiikan eläimillä testaaminen on EU- alueella kiellettyä."

"Cederroth does not test their products on animals, and we also ensure that our manufacturers of raw materials does not do so also. Testing cosmetics on animals in the EU- district is illegal."

Wow, I had no idea, that testing cosmetics on animals is illegal in EU, that's fantastic! :cheese:

EXCELLENT! I am soooo jealous! I wish we had that rule here :cool:

April 19th, 2009, 01:18 PM
Good news on my dry ends :D I CO washed on Saturday after henna, and I remember to end with some heavy conditioner and IT WORKED. My hair is not tangled, I didn't even had to oil. I'm very happy with my routine. Maybe the shea butter did its work also. Thank guys for your advice.

April 19th, 2009, 02:03 PM
Has anyone heard of simethicone?
My mom bought me something for the scalp that has this, and I can't not use it - it's very expensive and she bought it as a gift- so I was wondering if this cone caused significant build up.

April 19th, 2009, 02:12 PM
Found this posted by a 19 year old guy.

If you would like to Conditioner Wash (co-wash) your hair, this is exactly what I do: (http://forums.myspace.com/t/4462703.aspx?fuseaction=forums.viewthread)

<deleted text and added link to original text to avoid copyright issues>

April 19th, 2009, 02:22 PM
Oops everybody, I did not see the CO washing thread until after I posted.:oops:

April 19th, 2009, 06:15 PM
Lynlora, I merged your thread into this one. I hope this is a good solution! :flowers:

Continue discussing CO, ya'll! :cheese:

April 19th, 2009, 06:40 PM
I just found out that I am VERY allergic to White Rain Tropical Coconut. Actually it was a couple of days ago and I decided to try it instead of my Suave TC - immediately it made me itch and sting and then when I washed it off it got worse - so I had to go back and wash my hair over again to get the residue or whatever off. :(

April 22nd, 2009, 02:19 PM
Hi everyone,
I have a question...what is the difference between a light,mild and heavy conditioner?
I love to CO my hair the kind I use is VO5.
Sometime I notice my ends are a little dry,so I use a conditioner like Dove for my ends only,but that keeps my hair too flat because of the silicones I guess.
Please give some advices,thanks.

April 22nd, 2009, 03:58 PM
Sissi: A light conditioner don't really contain any moisturizing ingredients, which make it very good for washing, but not so good for conditioning. A heavy conditioner on the other hand has lots of moisturizing ingredients, like glycerin and oils. A heavy conditioner can have difficulties to remove the grease from your scalp, having so much oil in itself. But, for some a light conditioner is actually to drying for the scalp, so you might want to try a few ones to find what works best for you. A medium heavy condish works best for my scalp not to itch, but I can go longer between washes with a light condish. A mild conditioner is with less or none perfume or other irritating ingredients, which makes it ideal for sensitive scalps.

I would try a heavy but silicone-free conditioner for the ends if I were you. Or a few drops of oil when hair is still wet. Or boost up the VO5 with some honey/aloe vera gel/oil and use that as a conditioning conditioner. :)

April 22nd, 2009, 06:21 PM
Okay, I have what is probably a hopeless question, but I'll ask anyways! I have tried CO a few times. My problem is, I'm very allergic to many, many fragrances. So far I've been allergic to every Suave and V05 product I've tried except the tropical coconut - and my hair HATES it. It actually comes out drier with it than if I just s/c with my other products.
I've also tried the Cure Care at Sally's with the same result - dry, tangled straw like hair.
Anyone have any suggestions for cheap conditioners that don't have fragrance? Or very mild fragrance? I do have some conditioners I can use, but they are way too expensive to CO with!

April 22nd, 2009, 06:31 PM
Gonna give CO another try (or rather, cut down sulfate use to once per week/on scalp only). My hair has just been far too dry lately. It crackles and shrinks up.

April 23rd, 2009, 08:32 AM
I've been doing CO for a couple of weeks now and my hair absolutely loves it, but my scalp has started going crazy the past few days.

Right after I wash when my scalp is drying, I get itchy white flakes just about everywhere. I don't think it's dandruff. Could I be allergic to something in my Suave TC? I'm definitely rinsing like crazy so I don't think it's build-up.

The strange thing is I don't remember this happening at my apartment at school. I'm on a bit of a vacation at my parent's house and my scalp always seems to get worse here. Maybe it's the water?

I'm starting to get really frustrated. My scalp loved poo bars but my hair felt awful. My hair loves CO but my scalp hates it now? Argh!!! :cry:

April 23rd, 2009, 11:02 AM
Has anyone noticed that her hair dryes slowly with COing?

April 23rd, 2009, 12:36 PM
nayver: Yes, mine takes more than double the time with CO compared to S&C. I think it is because it's more moisturized and not so dry. My hair was really dry with S&C, underneath all the cones.

firenze: I think that you are either sensitive for something in the conditioner you use, or your scalp is dry. If it gets better after a day or two, it could be that. It could also be the water. Trying another, heavier, conditioner or maybe massage a bit of oil in the scalp before or after washing could help. Another guess is that it is because of disturbed ph, caused by the different water. Doing a rinse with diluted vinegar might help, or rinsing with distilled water. I've never tried this myself, but some says that can be really great when the scalp is reacting to the water.

Is it possible to do CWC with poo bars?

April 23rd, 2009, 02:57 PM
firenze: I think that you are either sensitive for something in the conditioner you use, or your scalp is dry. If it gets better after a day or two, it could be that. It could also be the water. Trying another, heavier, conditioner or maybe massage a bit of oil in the scalp before or after washing could help. Another guess is that it is because of disturbed ph, caused by the different water. Doing a rinse with diluted vinegar might help, or rinsing with distilled water. I've never tried this myself, but some says that can be really great when the scalp is reacting to the water.

Is it possible to do CWC with poo bars?

Thanks SolSara! I picked up another conditioner to try CO with and see if it helps at all. My scalp does usually feel better between washes so I'm going to try to stretch them a little bit more. And I definitely need to start oiling more, I've been really lazy about it. Maybe a light oiling of the scalp will help.

I've been doing vinegar rinses at home and it does really seem to help my scalp. I haven't done one at all for over a week now so maybe that's a problem, too.

Actually I think I'll give CWC with poo bars a try when I get home. Good idea. It's worth a try and I like experiments (as long as I know they won't cause damage, of course!)

You gave me a lot things to think about and keep an eye on with this crazy scalp of mine. :)

April 24th, 2009, 01:51 PM
Okay, I have what is probably a hopeless question, but I'll ask anyways! I have tried CO a few times. My problem is, I'm very allergic to many, many fragrances. So far I've been allergic to every Suave and V05 product I've tried except the tropical coconut - and my hair HATES it. It actually comes out drier with it than if I just s/c with my other products.
I've also tried the Cure Care at Sally's with the same result - dry, tangled straw like hair.
Anyone have any suggestions for cheap conditioners that don't have fragrance? Or very mild fragrance? I do have some conditioners I can use, but they are way too expensive to CO with!

Whole foods 365 conditioners are not very expensive, I think I paid around $5 for a liter. They have unscented and other scents too. Don't know if you have tried it. It is kind of medium consistency but you could dilute it or you may like it just as it is. Hope this helps you.

April 24th, 2009, 02:01 PM
Whole foods 365 conditioners are not very expensive, I think I paid around $5 for a liter. They have unscented and other scents too. Don't know if you have tried it. It is kind of medium consistency but you could dilute it or you may like it just as it is. Hope this helps you.

Oh, thanks swirlytresses! Unfortunately, I live in the middle of nowhere and we don't have a Whole Foods. We just got an Earth Fare six months ago - heck we just got a Wal-Mart a few years ago! (and by we, I mean the nearest little town which is still thirty minutes away from my house)
Maybe they have online? I'll go look!

April 24th, 2009, 02:05 PM
Rags, do you ever get to Winston-Salem? They have a WF.

April 24th, 2009, 02:28 PM
Rags, Sally's has an unscented conditioner called Cure Care that works pretty well for CO, which you may want to try.

April 24th, 2009, 02:39 PM
Ok, I am new to this site and still learning, or course. Is there somewhere on the site where I can go to learn all the abbreviations? i.e. CO and BSL etc. I am reading all these posts and trying to figure it out, but can't. Sorry.

April 24th, 2009, 02:43 PM
Ok, I am new to this site and still learning, or course. Is there somewhere on the site where I can go to learn all the abbreviations? i.e. CO and BSL etc. I am reading all these posts and trying to figure it out, but can't. Sorry.


April 24th, 2009, 03:00 PM
:)Thank you s tresses. I feel so stupid for asking, but I couldn't take it anymore. I have racked my brain trying to figure out the codes.

April 25th, 2009, 08:39 AM
Thanks everyone. I don't get to WS, but DH often does. I'll have him pick me some up next time he's down there! (in a month or two)
rhosyn_du: I tried the Cure Care; it didn't work for me at all. I was really hoping it would, as it is so inexpensive! Thank you for the suggestion~

April 27th, 2009, 06:22 PM
Hi all, I only read to page 4 tonight (will read whole thread tomorrow) so apologise if these questions have already been asked...

I've been 'cone-free for about 6 months now and love it. However, even my 'cone free shampoos often leave my facial and neck skin with a strange, sore, dry-burning feeling (actually I can get this all over my body at times). There's no redness or swelling - just discomfort.

I remembered that co washing sorted the sore facial skin problem out some time back..

My questions are:

1) Does anyone else react to shampoo in this way - and was that why you turned to co washing. Did it help?

2) What's the consensus on using Lush conditioners for co washing? Anyone tried them? Any reccs.?

April 28th, 2009, 03:04 AM
Celebrian - I use Lush Veganese as "first" conditioner, that is the one that should wash your hair. Sometimes I use it as second conditioner as well. Works fine for me! I know more people who uses Veganese as first. I mostly used it as both first and second because I didn't know that you were supposed to use two diferent kinds of conditioner. I'm quite new at this! Works fine on my hair with just Veganese, but my hair is pretty short. Maybe longer hair will be more picky.

I also use American Cream (my favv C all times) just the same way as Veganses, just not at the moment. No problems.

There ARE small amounts of SLS in Lush's conditioners, so if you're VERY careful with your hair maybe you should use another product. It has never bothered me, though.

I know that Jungle is used by some who CO, and they seem to like it. I've never tried it myself, though.

April 28th, 2009, 01:21 PM
Celebrian - I use Lush Veganese as "first" conditioner, that is the one that should wash your hair. Sometimes I use it as second conditioner as well. Works fine for me! I know more people who uses Veganese as first. I mostly used it as both first and second because I didn't know that you were supposed to use two diferent kinds of conditioner. I'm quite new at this! Works fine on my hair with just Veganese, but my hair is pretty short. Maybe longer hair will be more picky.

I also use American Cream (my favv C all times) just the same way as Veganses, just not at the moment. No problems.

There ARE small amounts of SLS in Lush's conditioners, so if you're VERY careful with your hair maybe you should use another product. It has never bothered me, though.

I know that Jungle is used by some who CO, and they seem to like it. I've never tried it myself, though.

Thanks FallenAngel for the quick reply (love the name BTW). As Lush is quite expensive, I've just bought myself a drugstore no'cone cheapy to use for the main wash, and will follow that with some Retread/Veganese/Jungle on the ends (these are my favourite conditioners!).

I'll post back how that works... :D

April 28th, 2009, 01:39 PM

1) Does anyone else react to shampoo in this way - and was that why you turned to co washing. Did it help?

I never got soreness or a burning feeling from shampoo but I did get a lot of itchiness. I don't know if that's a problem for you as well, but now that I CO, the itching has gone down a lot.

April 28th, 2009, 04:15 PM
I never got soreness or a burning feeling from shampoo but I did get a lot of itchiness. I don't know if that's a problem for you as well, but now that I CO, the itching has gone down a lot.

Good, I'm glad to hear it. Maybe I'll be lucky as well. :D

April 28th, 2009, 04:19 PM
Oh my goodness, this is revolting! Yuk!

I used a cheapy no'cone called Alberto Balsam. The SMELL is so sickly and artificial. Ugh.

I know Lush can be very pongy, but the shampoos and conditioners I choose from there are lovely and natural smelling somehow. Anyway, I love them. I am not loving this Alberto Balsam stuff one bit. We'll see how it dries... :(

April 30th, 2009, 09:58 AM
Good news is that my skin doesn't burn/tingle with this co wash. Also, I like the way my hair is less tangly.

I think I'll have to select a cond. that is less rich though, because I got greasy too quickly. Once that's sorted, have high hopes for co washing and me!

That Alberto Balsam cond. I used (with sickly, yukky smell) is going to be given away to someone else... :D

May 6th, 2009, 12:43 PM
Good news is that my skin doesn't burn/tingle with this co wash. Also, I like the way my hair is less tangly.

I think I'll have to select a cond. that is less rich though, because I got greasy too quickly. Once that's sorted, have high hopes for co washing and me!

That Alberto Balsam cond. I used (with sickly, yukky smell) is going to be given away to someone else... :D

Are you in the US? The only conditioner I have found that works for me for CO washing is Suave Tropical Coconut. Some people on here thinks it builds up too fast - but if I only CO wash once a week - I have seen no build up.

May 12th, 2009, 04:09 PM
Well, I'm having problems with my CO routine. I don't know what I am doing wrong, but my hair is getting oily after only 2 days of CO washing. Since February I'm not using poo, so I think is not a matter of transition period. Can it be the time I leave the conditioner in? I'm not using the plastic bag recommended or waiting more than 5 minutes. I don't want to go back to poo :( Please help!

May 13th, 2009, 12:31 PM
Has your hair gotten consistently oily after two days, since you first started? or is this something new?

If it's new, it might be the changing in the season - a lot of people experience changes in the condition of their hair and scalp when the weather changes dramatically. I live in a place where the humidity and rainfall are always high, and it rarely gets really hot out, but when it does get hot, my hair/scalp goes right from "normal" to sweaty/greasy feeling.

When this happens, I put about a tablespoon of shampoo (I like Mane n'Tail) into a quart-size bottle, with about four or five tablespoons of conditioner, then fill it with water. I use this as close to the scalp as possible, just rub it in for a few seconds, then rinse completely, and go on with the CO routine. This happens about twice a year, in the summer.

May 13th, 2009, 01:30 PM
Nya, it's been like two weeks since I notice the oily hair :( so maybe it could be the season change. I'm struggling with myself trying not to go back to poos anymore, but it's getting difficult!

Tomorrow I'll CO again. I'll put the bag on my hair and try to wait for more than 5 minutes.

May 15th, 2009, 09:03 PM
[QUOTE=nayver;587392]Nya, it's been like two weeks since I notice the oily hair :( so maybe it could be the season change. I'm struggling with myself trying not to go back to poos anymore, but it's getting difficult!

I have to co every day as of now, its almost my 4th week.
But I don't mind.
I'm used to washing every day anyway.
Don't give up.

When my hair is looking a little oily and I skip a day of co, I just rinse it in the shower scrub at the roots with water only
And that's the day I use a lot of gel, because then the oil gets camoflaged with the wet look.

May 16th, 2009, 05:17 AM
Hi, I'm new here. What is a 'cone' free conditioner? Are you referring to silicone? Tell me more about this..I'm interested:)

May 16th, 2009, 06:08 AM
Yes, cone free is any shampoo or conditioner that has no silicones in it. The silicones can build up & coat the hair preventing moisture from getting into the hair shaft....some say it can dry out the hair.
Cone free conditioning is particularly important for those doing a co routine (conditioner only - no shampoo) because the silicones do not get stripped away.
I co wash every other day & shampoo/condtion once a week. That way I can be sure to get any built up oils off my scalp & start fresh.
There are many who do not shampoo & if you stick with c/o wash, eventually, the scalp will slow down its oil production.

May 16th, 2009, 07:29 AM
@ Celebrian: I agree with ratgirl - suave Tropical Coconut is a very good choice. It does seem to build up on my hair a little, so I switch off with VO5 Kiwi Lime. The Kiwi Lime actually dries my hair a little if I use it too many times in a row, but it is meant to be a clarifying conditioner and it works well that way for me. Recently I discovered VO5 Blackberry Sage Tea conditioner, which I really loved after the first use. I don't know yet what might happen with buildup , etc., over time, but it leaves my fine, dry hair very sleek, shiny, and tangle-free.

@Nayver: I usually CO once a week, but recently seem to need to do it twice a week - it could be the new conditioner, or could be the season (just coming into summer here), or both. I don't use a plastic bag unless I'm doing a henna gloss. For cleaning, I just wet my hair, slap on some conditioner, massage a little at the roots, let it sit for a few minutes - 2 to 5 is long enough, although sometimes I leave it longer - and rinse, then follow with a cold water rinse.

I haven't had shampoo on my head for nearly a year now, and my hair and scalp are in by far the best shape they have ever been.

May 16th, 2009, 07:31 AM

Thank you for your support :) I CO washed last Thursday, and I left the conditioner more than 5 minutes and it went OK. Today I don't feel any greasies yet, I'm quite happy.

I've been tempted to come back to poo, but I've been strong enough to hold on.


One of the reasons that made me start no pooing and COing was the possibility of stretching washes. My hair takes too much time to dry, and while is drying is always in a bad shape, so I decided to wash once a week.
Maybe during the summer I would have to CO twice a week to avoid oiliness.

May 16th, 2009, 01:19 PM

Thank you for your support :)

Anytime! :)
Your welcome.

May 17th, 2009, 06:12 AM
I'm back on the CO wagon after two weeks of good results!:cheese: I have found I really have to leave the conditioner soak at least for five minutes to get my hair properly clean. I was recently in USA and bought so many different cheap brands we don't have here in Finland. I actually prefer Suave to VO5 but I think my favourite is Nature's Gate! It doesn't seem to build up so fast. But I like rotating my products anyway so I don't really mind build up issues...

May 17th, 2009, 10:15 AM

One of the reasons that made me start no pooing and COing was the possibility of stretching washes. My hair takes too much time to dry, and while is drying is always in a bad shape, so I decided to wash once a week.
Maybe during the summer I would have to CO twice a week to avoid oiliness.

I was washing with shampoo every one or two days, but eventually stretched it out to a week. Then I switched to CO, which I prefer because my hair does not go through so much of a dry-oily-dry cycle. It used to just break off a little way past shoulder length - I could not grow it longer. While my hair now is not very long in comparison with many LHCers, it is much longer than I have ever been able to grow it before, and I consider CO a primary factor in that.

May 19th, 2009, 05:32 AM
I'm back on the CO wagon after two weeks of good results!:cheese: I have found I really have to leave the conditioner soak at least for five minutes to get my hair properly clean. I was recently in USA and bought so many different cheap brands we don't have here in Finland. I actually prefer Suave to VO5 but I think my favourite is Nature's Gate! It doesn't seem to build up so fast. But I like rotating my products anyway so I don't really mind build up issues...

I'm glad I read this post....I CO wash all week (usually every other day) & on Sundays I SC to get excess oils off my scalp. Anyway, I didn't realize that letting the conditioner sit on your head for 5 minutes was required to break down the oils. I am going to try this for a while & see if I can stretch the SC days to every 2 weeks.

June 1st, 2009, 03:46 PM
Does co make your hair near the scalp feel funky , similar to the feeling from shampoo bars?

June 1st, 2009, 04:42 PM
Does anyone other than me use thick conditioners occasionally for CO washing? I just added GVP Conditioning Balm and Aura Cherry Almond to my rotation (both from Sally Beauty). They thin out when a bit of water hits them and then I do my scalp massage. I rotate every week, so I figure it's a nice change to work these in every couple of months.

June 1st, 2009, 06:18 PM
Does co make your hair near the scalp feel funky , similar to the feeling from shampoo bars?It doesn't for me. I hated the CV poo bars with a passion and gave mine away. I got the gunky/funkiness :silly: CO was a whole other story. It gets my hair nice and clean and doesn't bother my scalp at all. I use either VO5 or WR for CO'ing.

June 1st, 2009, 08:14 PM
Does co make your hair near the scalp feel funky , similar to the feeling from shampoo bars?

Not at all. CO washing results in soft, silky, shiny hair for me. Soap bars are altogether different, and much more difficult to obtain a good result from.

June 1st, 2009, 08:32 PM
Does anyone other than me use thick conditioners occasionally for CO washing? I just added GVP Conditioning Balm and Aura Cherry Almond to my rotation (both from Sally Beauty). They thin out when a bit of water hits them and then I do my scalp massage. I rotate every week, so I figure it's a nice change to work these in every couple of months.

I've been using AO Honeysuckle Rose conditioner for a while now and it is thick. But I do dilute it at least 1/2 and 1/2 with water.

I found that if I don't dilute it that it is too rich for CO washing. Diluted it is easier to wash off and doesn't leave a film on my hair.

It does take a lot of rinsing though. What I do is rinse until I can see no more bubbles. Even then it still leaves a light smell of honeysuckle in my hair.

Actually, I even took off a heavy overnight VCO oiling today with 2 CO washes with this conditioner!

June 1st, 2009, 09:24 PM
Hi group! :waving:

I'm going to start CO sometime soon this month. I've just come back from the shop with my first 'cone free conditioner! :) 1 litre/34oz at $17AU :surprise:

I'd just like some input if this conditioner is suitable for CO washing.

Here is the ingredients list:

Purified Water, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium Chloride, Vegetable Glycerine, Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate, Lavender Oil, Avocado Oil, Wheatgerm Oil, Citric Acid, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E and Grapeseed Extract, Herbal Extracts: Nettle, Chamomile, Burdock, Rosehip, Horsetail and Lavender.

I notice there are a lot of oils, which doesn't bother me since my hair is dry at the ends but will it rinse out okay? I am willing to do ACV rinses if needed. I plan to wash twice a week as I am now.

Thank-you for any replies! :)

June 1st, 2009, 09:31 PM
I started COing today! My hair feels so soft and smooth! :)

June 1st, 2009, 09:58 PM
I feel kind of stupid for asking this question, but haven't seen an answer to it yet (I might not have read back enough through the thread - if that's the case, I'm sorry!) how do you CO? Is it just substituting shampoo with conditioner?

I stopped using cone and SLS shampoos and conditioners awhile ago so I don't think I have to worry about that. When it comes to clarifying, does distilled white vinegar work? Or would something like baking soda work better? Do you still condition the day you clarify?


June 1st, 2009, 10:15 PM
I feel kind of stupid for asking this question, but haven't seen an answer to it yet (I might not have read back enough through the thread - if that's the case, I'm sorry!) how do you CO? Is it just substituting shampoo with conditioner?

I stopped using cone and SLS shampoos and conditioners awhile ago so I don't think I have to worry about that. When it comes to clarifying, does distilled white vinegar work? Or would something like baking soda work better? Do you still condition the day you clarify?

This should help:

I started doing it this way then adapted it to better suit my hair. I clarify with an SLS-free shampoo whenever my hair starts getting dull, which seems to be every few months. I always do a regular CO wash after clarifying because my scalp gets really itchy otherwise.

June 1st, 2009, 10:17 PM
I don't clarify. I don't use any conditioner with "cones". My hair does take much longer to dry now because it's more coated with oils from my scalp and the contitioners I use, but when it is dry it's so silky and shiny and soft.

I've been doing CO for months and love it. I usually use one of the cheap conditioners (like Suave naturals) for washing, and then put a little higher quality conditioner on the ends. I also wash my hair with homemade sorbolene about once a week, which if I use every day tends to build up quite a lot. But it really helps my scalp.

June 1st, 2009, 10:28 PM
This should help:

I started doing it this way then adapted it to better suit my hair. I clarify with an SLS-free shampoo whenever my hair starts getting dull, which seems to be every few months. I always do a regular CO wash after clarifying because my scalp gets really itchy otherwise.

Thank you so much. :flowers: That article was incredibly helpful. I will be trying CO tonight!

June 2nd, 2009, 01:46 AM
I have just started CO washing. The last week i have used cone free conditioners, but tonight i was at Priceline and bought Garnier Fructis Fortifying Conditioner because the sales woman told me it was cone free. Now i get it home i see it has cones.
Can i still use this to CO wash? Maybe it might be ok if I just use it for the 2nd wash? What do you think? I am in Australia and we don't have the range of cone free products that others have.

June 2nd, 2009, 04:32 AM
Started COing a few weeks ago. Wow. It's almost like shampooing, only without the ugly side effects (overdried hair after air drying, matted when greasy and so on).

Oooooh plus it brings out waves and shine like nothing else :)

CO good. LHC cool. Me happy.

June 2nd, 2009, 07:26 AM
Hi group! :waving:

I'm going to start CO sometime soon this month. I've just come back from the shop with my first 'cone free conditioner! :) 1 litre/34oz at $17AU :surprise:

I'd just like some input if this conditioner is suitable for CO washing.

Here is the ingredients list:

Purified Water, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium Chloride, Vegetable Glycerine, Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate, Lavender Oil, Avocado Oil, Wheatgerm Oil, Citric Acid, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E and Grapeseed Extract, Herbal Extracts: Nettle, Chamomile, Burdock, Rosehip, Horsetail and Lavender.

I notice there are a lot of oils, which doesn't bother me since my hair is dry at the ends but will it rinse out okay? I am willing to do ACV rinses if needed. I plan to wash twice a week as I am now.

Thank-you for any replies! :)

Sounds fine to me - is it a Nature's Gate conditioner by any chance? Or another organic/natural one?
Your only concern might be the thickness, I see two moisturizing agents on the list, cetearyl alcohol and glycerin. But try it and see. :)

June 2nd, 2009, 07:33 AM
I have just started CO washing. The last week i have used cone free conditioners, but tonight i was at Priceline and bought Garnier Fructis Fortifying Conditioner because the sales woman told me it was cone free. Now i get it home i see it has cones.
Can i still use this to CO wash? Maybe it might be ok if I just use it for the 2nd wash? What do you think? I am in Australia and we don't have the range of cone free products that others have.
You can use it, I think, but you'll need to clarify more often because you'll get buildup and your hair will start looking limp and flat. That's what usually happens, as far as I know.. try it out and see.

June 2nd, 2009, 09:12 AM
I tried my very first CO wash last night and WOW! I had been afraid my hair might get a limply greas-ness to it but nothing of the sort happened. My hair is super shiny and soft today, though it is a bit more tangled than usual. My scalp feels a little funky, but I think that might be because I didn't rinse quite long enough.

Anyway, I'm going to keep trying this method. Thank you LHC! :D

June 2nd, 2009, 01:57 PM
I tried my very first CO wash last night and WOW! I had been afraid my hair might get a limply greas-ness to it but nothing of the sort happened. My hair is super shiny and soft today, though it is a bit more tangled than usual. My scalp feels a little funky, but I think that might be because I didn't rinse quite long enough.

Anyway, I'm going to keep trying this method. Thank you LHC! :D

Is the rinsing not long enough what causes the funky feeling near the scalp? Maybe that was what was causing it for me.

June 2nd, 2009, 09:21 PM
Sounds fine to me - is it a Nature's Gate conditioner by any chance? Or another organic/natural one?
Your only concern might be the thickness, I see two moisturizing agents on the list, cetearyl alcohol and glycerin. But try it and see. :)
It is Natural Instinct and yes it's organic. I'll happily welcome any thickness :D Thank-you!

June 3rd, 2009, 03:01 AM
I'm still loving this CO thing.
But lately I gut a bit of a gunky scalp and itchiness, so today I did a sort of hybrid CO to get my scalp more clean. And it really did the trick! I thought I'd share this recipe:

-Light conditioner (I used about three table spoons)
-a few drops of shampoo (very little needed)
-EO, I happened to have both ylang ylang and black pine, so a few drops of that (tea tree might have worked even better and lavender)
-third of a teaspoon of honey

So this proved to be a very soothing treatment, I also leaved it on for a bit longer than usual and massaged it in thoroughly.

This followed with a vinegar rinse added with a drop of black pine EO.

Lovely! :cloud9:

June 3rd, 2009, 04:12 AM
I'm curious if my conditioner is too moisturizing to be using - so far my hair hasn't been lank or greasy, but my scalp still feels funny after spending a good deal of time rinsing it last night.

:S I didn't realize how long the ingredient list was, but here it is:

Certified organic Aloe Vera gel, Behentrimonium Chloride and Aloe Vera Gel, Cetearyl Alcohol and Aloe Vera Gel, Cetrimonium Chloride, Certified Organic Natural Shea Butter, Cetyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol (and) Caprylyl Gylcol (and) Sorbic Acid, Certified Organic AloeSorb, Lemon peel oil, Jojoba oil, Rosemary oil, Potassium Sorbate, DL Panthenol, Chamomile extract, Soybean oil, hybrid Safflower oil, Hydrolyzed wheat protein, Biotin, Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A), Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E). WHOO!

(This is for the Aloe 80 Organices Aloe, Lemon and Rosemary Daily Conditioner)

Is it too rich for a conditioner only wash? Is there a "bad" ingredient that I'm missing?

June 3rd, 2009, 04:26 AM
Is the rinsing not long enough what causes the funky feeling near the scalp? Maybe that was what was causing it for me.

I thought it might be, but after doing a second CO wash where I rinsed for a long time (nearly 15 minutes) my scalp still feels kind of itchy and gunky. I'm not sure why :confused:

June 3rd, 2009, 05:57 AM
For such straight hair, it might be.

Cheap conditioner seems to do the best cleaning for me, and then I like to finish with a thicker one. Maybe try a V05 or a Suave? I -think- and I've said this a few times, that straighter hair types do better with something that has some sort of acid in it, like V05's Key Lime Squeeze. You could always do a doube wash and put the richer one on the length, or just wash the scalp with v05 and then just coat the length with the other conditioner.

A double CO might be too rich for straight hair, but it can't hurt to try. I'd try the second option first though, and see if that works.

On a second note, where'd you get that, because I kind of want to try it. xD

June 3rd, 2009, 06:41 AM
I've been CO'ing for about 2 weeks and love it! I use Suave Naturals Tropical Coconut Conditioner on my dry hair. I leave it on for about an hour. Get in the shower, wet hair, suds up, rinse. Thats it! My hair is full of body, shine and best of all no frizz, and so soft! I tryed V05, but didn't like it as much as the Suave. I'm growing out hair dye, so it was a challenge finding something to work. Shampoo was drying out the dyed part and my virgin hair was getting greasy 2 days after washing. So, I tryed CO and it's working great for me. :D

June 3rd, 2009, 08:33 AM
Thanks to y'all I also went CO, so I'm reporting in!

I tried Nature's Gate, but whooo boy, why didn't you warn me about the SMELL!? EURK!

Then switched to the Suave Tropical Coconut and I haven't looked back. My hair *never* feels like straw. It doesn't look dirty. It feels soft even at the roots. I love it!

My only gripe is it seems to take even LONGER for my hair to air dry this way. For personal reasons I don't ever blow dry (my sister once got a third degree electrical burn while drying her hair--sure it was faulty wiring, but it struck my then teenage self as a risk I never need take when God and his good air could do the same without risk!), so my CO routine might have to switch to doing it at night and sleeping with my hair wet/damp/drying.

Still, I LOVE this technique. Thanks for recommending it and supporting me through it!


June 3rd, 2009, 09:30 AM
My hair takes forever to dry too, and I don't blowdry because a) 'tis a pain and b) I don't care that much.

When I want my hair dry, I use a microfiber towel, as much as I hate admitting I use one.


I don't have that specific one (I just got one from my last curlmart order, but you have straight hair, so not worth it), but I have ordered from the site and can vouch for them.

June 3rd, 2009, 09:42 AM
I switched to CO about 2 months ago, and really like it. For those who are complaining of your roots/scalp still being oily or waxy, here's what worked for me when I had that problem at the beginning:

1) Use a lot of conditioner! Like a crap ton, seriously. And make sure that it's evenly distributed all over your scalp. I have to apply conditioner in three batches (of about a walnut-sized glop each), parting my hair and making sure I really get the middle and back. If you have very thick or curly hair, you might even need to comb it through.

2) After leaving on my hair while I go about my other shower business, I sort of "reactivate" it by putting a cupped hand of water on it and then really scrubbing my scalp with the pads of my fingers until the conditioner sort of foams or creams up. I especially focus on my bangs and my part area, as these tend to show oil more.

3) Then I rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, including a final cool rinse.

The first two things were most important for me, though. I didn't realize at first just how much more conditioner I would need to really coat my scalp. More than the amount of shampoo I had needed, and many many times more than the amount of conditioner I was using when I just shampooed and conditioned.

June 3rd, 2009, 09:56 AM
For such straight hair, it might be.

Cheap conditioner seems to do the best cleaning for me, and then I like to finish with a thicker one. Maybe try a V05 or a Suave? I -think- and I've said this a few times, that straighter hair types do better with something that has some sort of acid in it, like V05's Key Lime Squeeze. You could always do a doube wash and put the richer one on the length, or just wash the scalp with v05 and then just coat the length with the other conditioner.

A double CO might be too rich for straight hair, but it can't hurt to try. I'd try the second option first though, and see if that works.

On a second note, where'd you get that, because I kind of want to try it. xD

I might give that a try - thanks for the advice!! As far as where to get the conditioner, I got it at my local Food Co-op. You can also order it online at http://www.lilyofthedesert.com/aloe_80_organics.html
I absolutely LOVE this stuff. It has a kind of strange scent, but it's not bad. :D

June 3rd, 2009, 11:43 AM
I might give that a try - thanks for the advice!! As far as where to get the conditioner, I got it at my local Food Co-op. You can also order it online at http://www.lilyofthedesert.com/aloe_80_organics.html
I absolutely LOVE this stuff. It has a kind of strange scent, but it's not bad. :D
Aaaaaand I somehow missed the protein. Damnit.

My hair LOATHES protein on a daily basis. The only thing I could seem to use with protein in it has been Nightshade's Panacea. D< UGH. XD;

June 3rd, 2009, 02:06 PM
Beware of the Lily of the Desert gel, it has dimethicone so if you are trying to be conefree, you might consider a different brand.

Drying time - paper towels will save you lots of time. You can scruch or blot your hair with them, no damage, but drying time is reduced considerably.

June 4th, 2009, 02:26 AM
Why hasn't someone from the LHC invented a conditioner that doesn't contain anything us LHC goers don't want ?
I'll buy some for sure!!!


June 4th, 2009, 06:27 AM
I thought it might be, but after doing a second CO wash where I rinsed for a long time (nearly 15 minutes) my scalp still feels kind of itchy and gunky. I'm not sure why :confused:
Seems like it is a bit too moisturizing to be used in the scalp I think. With all the shea butter and the oils it's no wonder your scalp may feel a bit gunky, maybe it's hard to rinse out? I would suggest to use a lighter conditioner on the scalp and use your moisturizing conditioner only on the ends :)

June 4th, 2009, 06:35 AM
Why hasn't someone from the LHC invented a conditioner that doesn't contain anything us LHC goers don't want ?
I'll buy some for sure!!!


You just might get your wish! I cannot use any commercial products but I think CO would be good for my hair, if only to be able to comb it through gently. So I am embarking on an adventure to create a homemade conditioner that has a similar consistancy and result as the commercial product.

Stay tuned!

(It'll probably take a while, but if/when I get it close to being "right" I'll post the recipe. :) )

June 4th, 2009, 05:29 PM
Tried my first CO today. I'm hoping it will help with the itches and flakes on my scalp. ACV hasn't been doing it lately (even though it worked really well in the winter, summer, not so much).

June 4th, 2009, 10:41 PM
Runzel - Sounds exciting!

June 5th, 2009, 02:29 PM
Yesterday I had a heavy oiling in my hair and washed it out with Suave Clarifying Shampoo and it didn't really come out clean so I used some Tresemme Conditioner and scrubbed it on my scalp and my hair came out clean. Then I put on some Herbal Essences Conditioner for dry/damaged/permed/color treated hair(old HE, pink bottle) to the shaft of my hair and kinda on the roots and let that sit for awhile and rinsed. My hair looked pretty good. I didn't really want to use Tresemme but it was lighter than HE. But today I asked my mom to bring me Suave Clarifying Conditioner.So Im going to use that as a wash and put HE on the shaft and clarify with Suave, Tresemme, or Head&Shoulders when needed.

June 5th, 2009, 02:39 PM
I don't know much about CO-ing, mainly because I never thought it would work on my head. Oils galore! My hair tends to run really flat, too. I haven't read much of this thread for that reason.
I'm curious though... are there any really super-oily heads out here using CO? How does it work out for you?

June 5th, 2009, 02:55 PM
Thats the same reason I never entered this thread. I think I did read that there's some who do CO with oily scalps. My scalp will start to get oily by the 3rd day after washing, sometimes by the end of the second day. I haven't actually tried CO but Im going to start today or tomorrow when I get the right conditioner. Im thinking that once in awhile I'll add a bit of diluted shampoo to only my scalp rub that in and then add the conditioner, rub that in and apply a thicker conier 'dish to the shaft of my hair.

June 5th, 2009, 03:00 PM
I tried the co wash the other day. And my hair was way too oily. So I had to rewash it with shampoo to get all of the oil out.

June 5th, 2009, 10:21 PM
I found that my hair responded really well at first, but by the third or fourth day with CO it was getting kind of limp and greasy. I added a tiny amount of shampoo (organic and no SLS) to the conditioner and let that sit like a normal CO wash. It seems to have helped clear things up!

June 6th, 2009, 02:39 AM
I have oily hair. I'm a daily washer, or at least every other day. And CO works great for me, but there are some caveats: 1) the first time I did it, it left my hair greasy, but I realized that was because I wasn't using enough conditioner. All my years of oily-hair thinking made me afraid to use too much, but you *have to* coat your entire scalp and roots for it to work. 2) oily haired people may need to use a lighter conditioner. I'm using something quite heavy right now, and am looking for something lighter. 3) we might have to clarify more often, even when not using cones. Try CWC once a week and CO the rest and see if that helps, and then adjust to see just how often you need to CWC for optimal results.

I found that CO was great for my oily hair because the frequency of washing that I need to keep my roots clean stripped my hair and my length was getting really dry. Now I can wash everyday, have nice clean roots, and still have soft well-conditioned length. And, generally, my scalp is less itchy, too.

June 6th, 2009, 01:25 PM
I found that my hair responded really well at first, but by the third or fourth day with CO it was getting kind of limp and greasy. I added a tiny amount of shampoo (organic and no SLS) to the conditioner and let that sit like a normal CO wash. It seems to have helped clear things up!

Actually that's a pretty good idea!Never thought about that.
Co only didn't work well for me,but I might give it a go this way.

June 7th, 2009, 01:34 AM
Super interesting, thanks guys!
concrescence, that's very interesting... thanks for pointing those things out. My length does get a bit drier than I'd like, so I'll have to test out this CO-ing practice eventually, haha.

June 7th, 2009, 05:35 AM
Finally, I'm giving up :( My hair is not feeling happy with COing. Yes, I've been able to stretch out washes, but my ends are suffering, and I don't feel the fresh sensation of washing with shampoo. I'm sad :(

June 7th, 2009, 07:46 AM
Finally, I'm giving up :( My hair is not feeling happy with COing. Yes, I've been able to stretch out washes, but my ends are suffering, and I don't feel the fresh sensation of washing with shampoo. I'm sad :(

I actually use CO methods because then I feel better about washing everyday! I have semi oily hair/scalp and dandruff. I cannot go more than a day without a shower unless I'm not leaving the house. I'm surprised your ends are suffering though, mine feel better but I also S&D. I find that AVC rinses really help get all the CO off my scalp too, so the back of my head doesn't feel greasy.

Today I'm going to do a heavy oil treatment because I finally found a good jar of extra virgin coconut oil. I think I will have to use a shampoo though on the my scalp so today might be a CWC and AVC rinse day.

June 7th, 2009, 08:34 AM
I have been a CO washer since I joined the LHC back in November last year. It has worked amazingly for me ever since. Recently I have also found myself at the point of actually feeling guilty on every rare opportunity where I have to use shampoo (usually when I find out too late that I'm out of my CO condish :D). The same thing happens when I have to go to salon (also rarely; like when I absolutely have to get my hair fixed by a professional for some fancy occasion or something). Do any of you guys experience the same thing?

June 7th, 2009, 09:16 AM
I actually use CO methods because then I feel better about washing everyday! I have semi oily hair/scalp and dandruff. I cannot go more than a day without a shower unless I'm not leaving the house. I'm surprised your ends are suffering though, mine feel better but I also S&D. I find that AVC rinses really help get all the CO off my scalp too, so the back of my head doesn't feel greasy.

Today I'm going to do a heavy oil treatment because I finally found a good jar of extra virgin coconut oil. I think I will have to use a shampoo though on the my scalp so today might be a CWC and AVC rinse day.

Thanks Longlocks :) The thing is I'm not washing every day, maybe I have to wash more often. I haven't got into the shower yet, so I'll try the AVC; it has given me great results before.

June 7th, 2009, 09:38 AM
Super interesting, thanks guys!
concrescence, that's very interesting... thanks for pointing those things out. My length does get a bit drier than I'd like, so I'll have to test out this CO-ing practice eventually, haha.

No problem. Glad you found it helpful. :)

I just converted a friend of mine who is not a member here but who has lovely, dark hair that is much longer than mine.

June 7th, 2009, 10:35 AM
Well, I didn't give up after all :D I just washed my hair and put a coney mask only on the ends, I think it might help with the dryness.

June 7th, 2009, 02:41 PM
Hey CO people, gurus, experts and apt apprentices!

There's a lot of debate all around LHC about the cool essential oils that supposedly help hair growth (castor, and rosemary maybe, and so on). I normally have quite greasy hair, so using any oils directly on my scalp sounds like a baaad idea. But maybe if i mixed something in my conditioner.... Anyone tried before? Or you have any thoughts and theories on the issue? Please share!

June 7th, 2009, 03:04 PM
Hey CO people, gurus, experts and apt apprentices!

There's a lot of debate all around LHC about the cool essential oils that supposedly help hair growth (castor, and rosemary maybe, and so on). I normally have quite greasy hair, so using any oils directly on my scalp sounds like a baaad idea. But maybe if i mixed something in my conditioner.... Anyone tried before? Or you have any thoughts and theories on the issue? Please share!Essential oils (EO) should be mixed with a carrier oil before using them on the scalp or body. Rosemary EO could be mixed with any oil such as jojoba, sweet almond, camellia. EO's can be potent so do some research before messing around with them. I've used rosemary in a scalp massage oil. I don't know that it did anything but it felt nice and smelled nice.

June 8th, 2009, 05:13 PM
My hair hasn't been this oily since I tried to extend my washes. My hair looked amazing (and not oily) the first time I CO'd but this time not so much. My scalp was pretty happy too. I think I'll be adding a CO to my washing routine instead of only CO.

June 8th, 2009, 07:53 PM
I've been doing CO for about a month now, but I'll CWC once a week/every other week just to be sure all the dust/oil/whatever else is cleaned out. My hair is in much better shape now, I just wish I had more to choose from at the moment.

June 10th, 2009, 08:55 AM
I must say that I've had an epiphany, seemingly in a backwards way from what everyone here has been struggling with.

My hair has still been DRY with CO washing. I've clarified, I've oiled, I've done deep treatments... I've removed all protein from my routine (and the conditioners I was using were not protein heavy, either).

Right now, I've realized I was letting the conditioner sit on my head too long, and I was rinsing too much.

For me, my dry wavy hair, needs about 4 minutes with conditioner on it, and about 1 minute of rinsing.

Also, it now explains why deep treatments involving conditioner never really help either. My hair gets cleaned instead of moisturized! I'm so happy to have finally realized this!

My roots may be a little bit moister/oilier than I'd like, but I might actually mix a tiny tiny bit of shampoo in with the conditioner I put on my scalp. That'll probably do it.