View Full Version : Putting up hair when sleeping

November 7th, 2008, 08:06 PM
What are some good ways of tying/putting-up your hair when going to bed, other than a basic ponytail?

With a ponytail I find that the elastic just comes off by morning, or moves down the length of my hair, both of which probably cause a fair bit of damage.
When I leave my hair loose, it gets caught/pulled regularly when I turn (I'm a fairly restless sleeper :)) and takes ages to untangle after I get up.

So, what are some other simple/easy ways of tying my hair up at bedtime? (bonus for anything that still looks ok to wear in the morning)

November 7th, 2008, 08:13 PM
I bun my hair usually, or braid. When I bun it, I use 2 hair scrunchies. I put the first one over 2 times, the second scrunchie goes over once and the second time I only pull it over half way. This holds really well and doesn't fall out. And sometimes it does look decent in the morning.

November 7th, 2008, 08:43 PM
I braid mine in a single English braid, started loosely at the nape, and I leave the end unfastened. I can't tell how long your hair is; it definitely requires some degree of length for it to work unfastened. Also, some folks find 2 braids--one on each side--more comfortable than a single one.

November 7th, 2008, 08:45 PM
I usually do either a braid or a bun. Either a single english braid at the nape, or a cinnamon bun held with small hairsticks.

November 7th, 2008, 08:47 PM
I use a top-of-the-head scrunchie bun for sleeping most nights, and it works really well. I have to buy new scrunchies periodically as my hair gets longer because the right amount of tension is critical for keeping the updo secure but not uncomfortably tight, but it's the most comfortable way I've found to wear my hair to bed.

November 7th, 2008, 08:51 PM
I was putting mine up in a ponytail. But recently it has been getting long enough to get pulled by hubby and atrociously tangled anyway.
So I discovered the sleep bun!
I lay down, hair loose, and flip it up over the pillow. Then gather it, because it will conveniently center on the top of my head. Make something more like a bee butt bun than anything else, and add two mini jaw clips. The clips hold a couple coils together, clipping on to scalp hair only seems to work a little, and mostly pulls. I position the clips at the front of my head to keep them as far away as possible from "rolling on them" position.
This has been my new sleep-do all week! Comfy! :D

November 7th, 2008, 08:52 PM
Loose English braid, I don't have to tie it.

November 7th, 2008, 08:53 PM
I second the braid. It's what I go to sleep in every night.

You could also try a snood, but I'm not sure if that would work too well, since you said pony tails slide down your length.

A bun on the very top of your head might be your best bet, if you change positions while you sleep. That way, unless you start sleeping on top of you head, it'll be mostly undisturbed :p

November 7th, 2008, 09:01 PM
I sleep in braids most of the time. Either a loose braid starting at the nape of my neck, or a french braid. Lol, doing the french braid to sleep in is great practice, if you're not already proficient at it. No one has to see it if you don't do it well.

Doing two braids, either from nape or french braided, seems to look much better than a single braid, come morning. I guess more of the little hairs are confined with 2 braids and don't come loose with all the tossing and turning.

Also, if you have a significant other, or pets, braids don't hurt as much when someone else rolls over onto your hair. :D

November 7th, 2008, 09:02 PM
I do braid or bun wrapped in turban while I sleep and my hairs are very good in the morning

Cinnamon Hair
November 7th, 2008, 09:13 PM
I use a sleep cap. It has elastic around the edge so all I have to do is wrap my hair around one hand then toss it into the cap and it stays put all night. Not the most attractive thing to wear, but it beats trying to make a braid when you're tired and in a hurry to get to bed. You can find them at Walmart, Walgreen's, CVS, Sally's Beauty Supply, all those types of stores. Usually in the ethnic haircare section or next to the hairnets, rollers, etc.

November 7th, 2008, 09:51 PM
I put it in a sleeping cap most nights, but it usually comes off by morning... my hair doesn't get too tangled though. And some nights, when it's not been washed recently I put it in a bun with a scrunchie.

November 7th, 2008, 09:56 PM
I use a sleep cap. It has elastic around the edge so all I have to do is wrap my hair around one hand then toss it into the cap and it stays put all night. Not the most attractive thing to wear, but it beats trying to make a braid when you're tired and in a hurry to get to bed. You can find them at Walmart, Walgreen's, CVS, Sally's Beauty Supply, all those types of stores. Usually in the ethnic haircare section or next to the hairnets, rollers, etc.

I've seen those but didn't know if they would really hold long hair very well.

On nights when I do not wanna wear my hair loose I prefer a braid for sleeping.

November 7th, 2008, 11:24 PM
I wear it in a loose bun almost on top of my head so I don't feel it when I lay on my back or sides. I also wear a cheap little sleeping cap.
I've always thought that if a fireman had to break in to rescue me in the middle of the night, he'd just run out screaming. :D

November 7th, 2008, 11:25 PM
Oh and I forgot - I secure it with two big jaw clips.

Sorry - newbie here and I'm not allowed to edit my posts yet

November 8th, 2008, 12:25 AM
Before I used to do a high bun with a scrunchie all the time, but lately that's been really straining on my scalp. An English braid works well, but I don't always want the waves that come with it.

I remember reading a post at the Long Hair Loom by, I believe, PurpleBubba. What he had done was to gather the hair into a ponytail at the nape of the neck and secure it with a scrunchie 1/3 of the ways down. Then you tied another scrunchie 2/3 of the ways down. Maybe this ponytail style would be more secure?

November 8th, 2008, 12:37 AM
A single braid for me. Bunning my hair on top of my head = ouchie scalp! :scared:

Can't see any benefit in a ponytail, just lots of damage.

November 8th, 2008, 02:34 AM
I stand up,tip my head over,and then do a braid.Once I'm in bed,the tail of the braid hangs of the back of the bed (hope that made sense).That way,I don't get the pain that usually affects me if its just in a top-of-the-head bun.

November 8th, 2008, 02:48 AM
Loose english braid. (Fastened with a non-ouchie snood)

November 8th, 2008, 02:59 AM
I mostly braid it, one braid and sometimes two. Or I bun it.

November 8th, 2008, 04:58 AM
What are some good ways of tying/putting-up your hair when going to bed, other than a basic ponytail?

With a ponytail I find that the elastic just comes off by morning, or moves down the length of my hair, both of which probably cause a fair bit of damage.
When I leave my hair loose, it gets caught/pulled regularly when I turn (I'm a fairly restless sleeper :)) and takes ages to untangle after I get up.

So, what are some other simple/easy ways of tying my hair up at bedtime? (bonus for anything that still looks ok to wear in the morning)

I would not recommend a ponytail since tying the elastic in the same place night after night results with some nasty mechanical damage and unwelcomed breakage. Since we are talking a ponytail it also means that the breakage happens in the middle of your hair, and ruins the rest of you length as it growths out.
A simple English briad or rope braid is better, because you tying the elastic at your the end of your hair, which could be easily trimmed if damaged.
I myself have curly hair, and I braid it without tying it at the end. The braid comes undone only at the end in the morning, so it works for me.

November 8th, 2008, 09:28 AM
I'm not sure how long my hair is exactly, I'd say somewhere between shoulder length and mid back (I think that's BSL, but not quite applicable here :));
so it should be long enough to do a number of things.

I think I'll try out a braid first, as that sounds least damaging, but it may take me a while to get it right, as I haven't done much other than put my hair in a ponytail up 'till now.
A bun sounds like it would be in the way less though so I may try that sometime, but if it starts pulling at roots on my scalp, that may not work out.

Thanks for the replies :)