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- FT: Ficcare, TT, GTS
- FS: Flexi-8 (mini, small)
- FS 60th street, tt inlay, ficcare, elymwold plus freebies!!
- FS: CrockettMountainWood Cedar Bass Cleff Claw
- FS: TT resins, EaduardHairsticks chunky, Owl
- FSOT: rajasthani henna, curl junkie, aubrey organics etc... looking for curly stylers
- FT: Ficcare Silky Sea Blue (Medium, no logo)
- Premium GrahToe forks - prices lowered! free shipping worldwide
- RARE! Hanssen Studios art glass/turned wood sticks
- FS: GTS, Ead, flexi, PensandPics fork
- Ficcare Innovation Large Beak Clips Discontinued --Sale
- ISO: older 2 prong 60thstreet forks (ali or daisey) in indigo royalwood
- FOTM Lilla Rose
- ISO Timberstone Turnings
- Grahtoe studio mini lilli fork
- ISO: 4 prong short forks.
- Elymwolds f/s worldwide
- LTB Short Timberstone Turnings sticks
- FT: Large Pink Multi stripe Ficcare
- FS: Timberstone Turnings shamrock and feather resin
- FT/FS Cherrywood Crescent Moon
- FS: ONN - OutNumberedNovelties pair of sticks
- Trade or Sale: small honey marble ficcare.
- FT: Tulipwood Jeterfork
- "Forks Fork Sale!"...Get it? FORKS FORk SALE...GTS, Ravenscroft, Quattro, Mairzydozy
- ISO Petite/Short Lady Idun sticks
- ISO: Oversized Acrylic Ead Sticks
- Bijoux Manoel Large Fairy FT or FS
- ISO Flexi 8 LillaRose
- FSOT 32oz Avalon Organics thickening poo and condish, 16oz castor oil
- Iso: Corian Larks Squiggly
- Sticks for sale: Eaduard, Elymwold, Morgansmane, Flexi, Crockett
- FT: M Border Blue Jewel
- FT: Ficcare Silky Lime
- ISO: Timberstone Turning Pearl sticks
- Various forks FS!
- ISO - TT Sticks
- Timberstone Turnings Sticks
- Timberstone Turnings Inlaid Sticks For Sale
- ISO: Red Raj Henna
- GTS and TT
- ISO Baerreis Finny
- Ketylos for sale
- ISO Mini-Maximas (Enamel)
- For Sale (US only) ~ Mamacat Dymondwood Ribbons + 4 Prong Jeterfork
- ISO Music Lover Flexi
- FS: 60th St., Quattro wood forks, Hanssen Studios stick
- FSOT: Ravenslair steampunk, Jeter, Eaduard, Nightblooming, etc
- FS Flexi-8 Lilla Rose, Crockett Mountain
- ISO: Auburn Ficcare maxima
- Misc items! :)
- Faith Hope Love FOTM
- ISO: primavera ficcare maxima or border innovation clip
- ISO Acrylic fork
- FS or FT: GrahToe - Apple Wood Lilliputian 4 Tine Hairfork
- 60th Street Forks f/s worldwide
- FS: Elemiah Delecto “cyclamens” (small pins)
- FS: Schnitzstube – Hair fork (Olive and Cocobolo)
- FS: GTS sticks and LadyIdun
- FS: TT (Sailor Moon)
- FS France Lux, turn of the century
- FS/FT: Oversize Eaduard stick - Maple!
- Small Ficcare Clips and Headband for trade or sale:
- ISO: ANY large ficcarissimo (silver)
- Ficcare for Sale: Primavera Green Large
- FS: Sticks--crowned Ketylos, Wolfenwood, Graydog, and more
- The great destash revised
- FS: Large ficcare silky opal, wine, and light lavender
- FS: Opal and Creme Silky Ficcare and Sparkle Tangle Teezer
- FT: L Burgundy pearlized maximas
- FS: Various High-Quality Hairsticks and Forks, + henna/indigo
- FT: Large Amethyst Ficcare for Large Wine
- Inexpensive, Quality Hair Sticks - Great for Newbies :)
- ISO: small sample of henna (and indigo)
- FS ficcares: Medium gold/deep blue, large opal
- FSOT: (UK seller) TT, Ficcare, Mamacats, Flexi, Ead~
- FS: Grah-Toe, Elymwold, WoodArtJewelry
- GTS fork and antlers for sale
- FS...a rainbow of Ead sticks!
- FS: Flexi-8 (XS, with dangles)
- FS/FT...Timberstones!
- FS: Schnitzstube - Calla Lily (7”)
- Rare Graydog, Quattro, and Papadohn for sale
- FS: Jeterforks, chevelure, From the Earth, silverdawnjewelry, Eaduard Hairsticks
- ISO 3" or 4" RavensCroft Moon
- FT: Large Auburn Ficcare Super Clip
- FS: Timberstone-Pair, Senza Limiti, Nightblooming & wooden stick
- FS: Timberstone Turnings, Mamacats, Grahtoe. G3 Moon Hair Fork
- looking to buy redken extreme rebuilder
- Lilla Rose Kaleidoscope, Hummingbird, Faith Love Hope
- FS or FT GoodVillageWoodcraft dymondwood fork
- Looking to trade my Ravenscroft 4" Cedar/Purpleheart Moon for a different moon!
- FS: Idun, Quattro, Eaduard, flexi....
- FS: Ficcare, TT
- Iso : tulipwood Jeter, ficcare
- Leather Hair Gloves/Wraps For Sale
- Ravenslair Unicorn Sword
- FS: Lots of pretties!
- Time to destash!!
- FS: RavensLair, Nightblooming, Ficcarissimo + Ficcaritos
- FS: Fork and TTs~!
- FS: ChrisantiGlass stick
- FS ficcare, tt, gts, furnival
- FS/FT: Grah Toe Studio, Ficcare, Flexi8, Rosewood Hairfork
- Fsot: Timberstone Turnings & Auburn Ficcare Super clip L
- Canadian giveaway.
- Tree of Life TT <3
- FS: 60th Street Forks
- FT only: Timberstone Snowflake stick
- Fsot:
- 2 Ficcares (silkies) for sale, EU only (SEPA transfer)
- FS: RavensCroft 3" Moon, Timberstone Turnings, Elymwold, Schnitzstube
- FT: S Ficcare Silky Lavender w/logo
- ISO LadyIdun hairsticks
- Gorgeous Nightblooming Fairytale Stick For Sale; Lovely Silver Crystal Moon Fork Sale
- FS: Jeter, Crockett Mountain, WAJ!!!!
- Destash: Crockett, Ravenslair, 6" and longer, acrylic, Nightblooming, Ead walnut
- ISO: Ketylo fork
- FT: Ficcarissimos
- Elymwold FS
- Do you have a TT resin with roses?
- FS: 60th street forks.
- FS: Quattro U Pins
- FS :Large Modified Ficcare
- FT: Ficcare Glittery Superclip
- FSOT: Poplar and Tulipwood - "Not For Me" Self-Mades
- Destash: Hacksaw007, LadyIdun, Quattro
- FS: 4 inch RavensCroft moon!
- Destash: Ficcares, GTS, Timberstone Turnings, WoodArtJewelry, Big sale!
- FS: TimberstoneTurnings stick – resin and flowers
- FT: Eaduard
- FS Destash II: Corian Ketylo, Graydog, Crockett, Ead, copper
- 2 more Ficcares for sale
- FS: Quattro metal forks and sticks
- Jeterforks and more...
- FS: acrylic sticks
- medium karina clips
- Destashing! :)
- Toys Toys Toys!
- FT: Ficcare Innovation, large.
- Older Toys, New Toys…Oh, my!
- Older Toys, New Toys…Oh, my! (CONTINUED)
- Iso: lime or pink ficcare
- FT: Grahtoe Fork
- FS : Brand new 60th street forks
- FS: Natural wood Mamacats :)
- Suspected to be Frau Köhler Slides
- Pink Ivory Jeterfork for sale
- FS: Morocco Method samples
- FT - Grah-Toe Sticks
- FT: Large & Medium Ficcare Innovations
- Looking for 5 prong Jeterfork
- FT Only: 4 prong tulipwood 60th street
- FT Only: burgundy border Ficcare, L
- FT: Border Opal size S
- 2 Baerreis Wee Shell (small Nautilus) forks FSOT
- FT: Jimfo fork
- FS: 60th street dyamondwood forks
- Destashing: Flexi-8 & hairsticks FS
- Ficcare Maximas with fallen off enamel (for modification or repair) for sale
- FS/FT: 3 prong 60th Street
- FS: TT Resin - Princess Eve Lanai Verbena (US only)
- anyone want to swap Acrylic sticks? (copper & gold fleck)
- Destash continued: Sticks!
- FS/FT: GTS Threnody (Pear/woodburning mountains)
- Gorgeous maple Jeter
- GTS Antlers for sale
- FT: ficcare Carmel lotus
- FS: Ficcares in Need of new home
- TT FT/FS holly with blue/lapis
- FT: Goodvillage Woodcraft fork jadewood
- ISO/LTB Timberstone Turnings
- FS: Jeter forks and 60th St Dymondwood
- FS: Schnitzstube, theancientmuse, Jeterforks
- Lady Idun Stick For Sale
- FS: new burgundy jewel ficcare
- FSOT (worldwide): Ficcare + Innovation, Forks, TT
- FT: Timberstone!
- FS: timberstone turnings "Chloe" moss resin hairstick
- ISO/LTB: innovations (and 2 superclips)
- FS : 6 Gorgeous Timberstone Turnings, brand new
- ISO: Elymwold :)
- FT: red primavera innovation Ficcare
- FS: Ficcare looking for forever home
- FS: All things great and small: GTS, WoodArtJewelry, Chevelure, TempestMoon, ONN, Ead
- ISO Chevelure acrylic forks
- Paypal seller fees
- Iso: 4p gvw
- Big destash! Ficcare, Baerreis, lots of sticks, misc.
- Various hairtoys (GTS, Elymwold, Quecraft, etc.) - brand new
- ISO: Flexi 8 Winter Wonderland and Ruby Bouquet
- Beautiful Pink Ivory GTS for sale!
- Deva Curl/Jessicurl -- Free for shipping
- Ficcare Superclip size S for swap
- ISO Mamacat
- Ignored Hair Toys Seeking Love!
- Forks and sticks! Come look :)
- ISO: GTS Avalon Tusks
- FS GTS, Jeter, Quattro
- FS or FT new Baerreis fork
- FS : Various Jeterforks, 3p/4p & hairsticks, brand new
- ISO: Ficcare Super Clip (L)
- For Trade only; medium chocolate ficcarissimo
- ISO: Timberstone Resins
- ISO: Big Ol' Forks
- Three Ficcare Maximas Clips
- FS: Sirius Toys
- ISO: RavensCroft Moon
- Still ISO Large Opal Border Maximas
- ISO TT sticks!
- FS: Quattro, Ficcare, TT, Senza Limiti
- FS : BIG destash Jeter/TT/60thstreet/EaduardHairtsicks/Furnival/etc. brand new
- ISO red raj henna sample in UK ?
- Jeter forks for sale
- FS: Lady Idun and Timberstone turnings
- Ficcare Faerie
- Ficcare size swap
- Koa wood Jeter FSOT
- ISO Hair Toys!
- Destash cont'd TT, Rasa, 60th, GTS, ONN, Ead, WAJ, Flexi: int'l shipping included
- "My dog needs an emergency ophthalmologist appointment" SALE
- Grainiac's dream -- spalted sycamore and maple burl hair toys
- FSOT Mini Lady Idun and GTS
- Corian Ketylos -- Short
- FS BPAL Hair Gloss and Imps
- Timberstone Petite Holly inlaid stick for TRADE
- Jeterfork. 3 prong Purpleheart wood FS
- FS : TT flower resin brand new 7"
- FS: Timberstone Turnings - 7 sticks
- FT: Jeters!!
- ISO: L Ficcare maxima, upgrading my mediums.
- FSOT: RavensCroft Moons
- FS : TTs brand new : 2 woods, 1 resin
- Mason Pearson Pure Bristle brush for sale
- Fork time: Jeterfork, GTS, Graydog
- FS : MountainCrockett acrylics fork brand new
- FS : TT 7" peacock FWP
- ISO/LTB Ebony Fork (for my birthday)
- FS: Tree of Life TT
- FS: Jeterforks
- FT: GVW Forks
- More Forks! :)..GVWC, jeter and elymwold
- Ficcare for Trade Only
- FSOT: L Blue Jean and B&W Lotus
- LadyIduns, jeter , ficcare!!
- ISO Ficcare gold/silver plain borders
- ISO Ficcares!
- Pay it Forward Swap
- Senzalimiti FS
- FS: GTS, Schnittube, Ead, Sirius and more
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