View Full Version : "My dog needs an emergency ophthalmologist appointment" SALE
July 8th, 2014, 11:27 AM
Well, my rescue dog (that I rescued a year ago from becoming a backyard breeding dog) went out into the yard a week ago and came back in with a scratch on her cornea that turned into a corneal ulcer overnight. I spent $500 at the vet, but 7 days later it still isn't healing. The next step corneal debridement ( plus a contact lens at an ophthalmologist. I have no idea how much this will cost, but let's just say that even getting in the door is a flat $250 fee. :/ I'm expecting somewhere between $1000 and $2000.
So, I need to sell some stuff. This is not a cash grab, I will not be selling these for more than I paid. Shipping is $9.25 CAD for a small package and $17.75 CAD for a bigger one (UNINSURED - I will retain a copy of my shipping invoice, but I am NOT responsible for a lost package unless you buy insurance). I'm really sorry, but this shipping is at cost. It sucks, but that's what shipping costs in Canada.
If you live in Canada, I can do free shipping, but please note that there is no invoice or insurance that comes with that. If you trust me to send it, and you trust Canada Post not to lose it, that's up to you.
I'll be adding more items to this thread over the next few days, but let's start with these. Please note - all prices are in CAD, and the paypal fee is included (as per the forum and paypal rules).
a) Grahtoe Studio ice katanas
These are expensive. I am not charging *more* than I paid for them, but I am charging what I paid. I was so excited about these and I do love them, but I have never once worn a pair. I brought them to a Toronto meet once to show off, but that's it. They've been sitting on my shelf since then. It pains me to part with these because I love them so, but since I've never once used them in the three years I've had them, it seems like these should just find a new home.
They only made a few pairs of these and they don't intend to make any more, so these are kind of unique items. One blue/silver set PENDING, and one silver/silver set - $155 CAD each katana (ie. $310 for a set of two). The come with their double sword, wooden stand made my GTS as well.
b) Pair Antler Ebony and Purple Heart Wood Topper Hairsticks - $50 (this is less than I paid for them)
these are unworn. They are customs I asked for to replace a set I bought but didn't love. Well, apparently I didn't love these enough to wear them either. <shrug> After 4 years, they should probably find a new home too.
c) [B]Freya's Tears of Blue Amber Stainless 6 Inch Steel Hair Fork - $53 - PENDING
I bought this just before I bought a similar blue/silver fork from the same seller. I haven't used either, but I theorietically prefer the other one, so after 3.5 years of being unused, this one should find a new home.
d) Floral Fascination Hairstick - $20.25
I had this made as a custom because I love the bead, but the stick has always been too long for me. Even now that my hair is longer, 4 years later, I still find that I don't reach for it much. It deserves a better home. Note that it's a painted metal stick, not a wooden one! :)
e) 60th street forks - 5.5" total length - $45 CAD
I bought these even though I knew they were probably going to be too short. Well, they ARE too short, and I've only ever really used the Fuchsia one (just a few times), while the other three have remained on my desk totally unused.
Cahcoal Ruby -
Tulipwood - PENDING -
Lacewood - PENDING -
Fuchsia -
e) Ketylos - $23 CAD per pair - new & unused, the thicker kind
I boguht these as back ups and never ended up using them. Size MEDIUM
July 8th, 2014, 11:32 AM
Poor little dog. I've a ton of scars on my cornea from a scratch that did the same thing. So I sympathise hugely :grouphug: I can't afford the katanas (they are lovely) so I'll keep watching your thread in the hope I can help out with another item when you post more in future like you mentioned.
Best of luck raising funds, I hope we can help your wee hound.
(ETA: if I CAN raise enough for the blue ones, I will let you know!)
July 8th, 2014, 11:33 AM
I'm so sorry about your pup - I hope she heals up quickly!
July 8th, 2014, 11:35 AM
I know first hand how astoundingly expensive animal ophthalmology is :( I'll be watching the thread, too.
Best wishes for your furbeast :blossom:
July 8th, 2014, 11:57 AM
Thanks, guys! I'm worried about her, but I'm lucky that my mom will cover the cost for now or her VISA, then let me pay it off month by month. <whew!> Otherwise I'd really be in trouble.
That's a link to an album with old pictures of Luna, back from when we first got her, all skinny from lack of food. :( Her previous owner fed her crap No Frills food that gave her pancreatitis and colitis (she had her first attack of bloody diarrhea at 5 months of age, two months before we got her), and he never ever took her out - he just sat in his room and played WoW while she slept on the bed - so she is still a super anxious dog with fear aggression. The vet bills getting her up to code were painful, and getting her spayed too. Of course herbal anxiety meds she is on daily cost $25 per week, plus she eats so much now, it's $150 to feed just her, and I try to take her to a trainer to help with fear aggression whenever I can save up the money ($150/hour). I like to joke that she is the most expensive free pet we've ever rescued.
Bonus video of my two feral kitties. They are feral in the sense that I can't do anything to them - give them medication or flea meds, trim their claws, put them in a carrier, take the to a vet, whatever. I still have the scars from when I tricked them into carriers from a Loblaw's parking lot where I had been feeding them for over a year and took them to the vet to get fixed before bringing them home to my basement. Now they time share the house with my other three cats, each set of cats locked up in their own quarters for 12 hours at a time. It's not a perfect system, but it's the best I've got.
Please don't judge my horribly embarrassing animal voice. :P
ps. I'll be posting 5 60th street forks as soon as my camera battery finishes charging.
July 8th, 2014, 12:11 PM
Best of luck with your pup! These are beauties but don't fit my overall style.
I would like to contribute to helping a doggy while getting a new toy, so I am staying tuned also.
July 8th, 2014, 12:12 PM
I'm sorry about your doggie. :( I'll stay tuned to this thread.
July 8th, 2014, 12:12 PM
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry :( I would snap up those katanas if they weren't out of my price range right now. She looked tiny! I'm glad she found such a loving home. And yay for helpful moms!
July 8th, 2014, 12:12 PM
I still have the scars from giving my brother's kitty eye drops when she developed a horrid tumour and glaucoma. :lol: the tumour didn't bother her, the sight issues didn't phase her, but eye drops? Noooo evil *hiss* *claw* *spit* chaos on needle tipped paws.
Luna sounds like she's had a heck of a life til she met you :( off to go look at her photos!
July 8th, 2014, 12:27 PM
Many prayers for sweet Luna! :flowers:
July 8th, 2014, 01:57 PM
Aww, poor doggy. I'll put a link to this thread on my current swap thread in case people are feeling spendy. Those GTS are stunning. Wish I could help you out.
July 8th, 2014, 02:50 PM
Bump for 60th street forks added! Acrylic ketylos coming tomorrow. :)
July 8th, 2014, 03:40 PM
Ack, the 60th Streets are killing me! They're so pretty but I have promised myself I'll stop buying toys that are too short/too small. :wannabe: *sigh*
I hope they find happy homes and (most importantly) Luna gets better.
July 8th, 2014, 03:56 PM
Hi, I can't afford to buy anything, but I'd like to donate a little $ towards Luna's care. I could send it through paypal, but not sure how to send unless you put up a donation page?
July 8th, 2014, 04:08 PM
Thank you for your SUPER kind offer, but I absolutely cannot accept it. I do very much appreciate it, but I'm lucky - I have a job that pays me more than minimum wage, and although things are tight right now, I am not in a position where I might lose my home, like so many people I know that are (one of the benefits of living at home to help care for aging parents!). I would just not feel right taking money from someone without giving them something in return. :) If you'd like to talk to me about something else you could buy, something cheaper, I also make personalized stationery (, and maybe we could barter that way. Feel free to PM me or email me.
ps. I can't thank you enough for even thinking to offer this, though. :flower:
July 8th, 2014, 04:34 PM
Thank you for your SUPER kind offer, but I absolutely cannot accept it. I do very much appreciate it, but I'm lucky - I have a job that pays me more than minimum wage, and although things are tight right now, I am not in a position where I might lose my home, like so many people I know that are (one of the benefits of living at home to help care for aging parents!). I would just not feel right taking money from someone without giving them something in return. :) If you'd like to talk to me about something else you could buy, something cheaper, I also make personalized stationery (, and maybe we could barter that way. Feel free to PM me or email me.
ps. I can't thank you enough for even thinking to offer this, though. :flower:
all done.
I have a mini schnauzer female who had a similar injury last year, an aging cat, a cockatiel and several fish. I've had multiple occasions when I've been faced with unexpected vet bills, so I get how it feels.
I hope I didn't offend you in any way with my offer, I was just remembering how panicked I felt when my cat suddenly got very ill and I was faced with the choice of having to pay up around 1K to keep him alive, or have him put to sleep.
Hope everything goes well with Luna's care. I'll look forward to receiving the stationary, which will go towards a holiday gift :)
July 8th, 2014, 04:38 PM
You didn't offend me AT ALL, I assure you. :) I really appreciated your offer. But even though things are really tight right now, I'm not in the position you mentioned - being forced to pay $1k or put Luna to sleep - and so I wanted you to save your money for someone else who might be in that position in the future, that's all. :) My mom is so nice to let me pay this off a bit at a time, so I didn't want to take potential generosity away from someone without a mom's line of credit to fall back on!
I'll pop some extra stationery into your order as a thank you for such a nice offer! <3 <3 <3
ps. what happened to your kitty? I hope he's okay!
July 8th, 2014, 04:46 PM
You didn't offend me AT ALL, I assure you. :) I really appreciated your offer. But even though things are really tight right now, I'm not in the position you mentioned - being forced to pay $1k or put Luna to sleep - and so I wanted you to save your money for someone else who might be in that position in the future, that's all. :) My mom is so nice to let me pay this off a bit at a time, so I didn't want to take potential generosity away from someone without a mom's line of credit to fall back on!
I'll pop some extra stationery into your order as a thank you for such a nice offer! <3 <3 <3
ps. what happened to your kitty? I hope he's okay!
Oh, thanks for asking, he's fine! It's been several years, he spent a week in the hospital and is right as rain. He's now 12 years old and totally my baby :)
July 8th, 2014, 05:45 PM
If that lacewood falls through, may I be second in line? I am kicking myself for not straight up asking if any would be a 4 prong natural wood. So, any graydogs, or papadonh gonna make it into this sale?, just so I don't have to kick myself..
Wildcat Diva
July 8th, 2014, 08:41 PM
Saskia, you will want to take your
Email address out of the thread, it's not safe to have it posted there.
July 9th, 2014, 07:59 AM
I´m sorry to hear about your Luna. She is so cute. Unfortunately I´m in a bad money situation right now. Otherwise I would have jumped on those katanas. I´ll stay tuned on this thread though.
July 10th, 2014, 10:32 AM
*bumping* for Luna. :)
July 10th, 2014, 10:50 AM
Sorry guys! I've got a few more items to sell, but today and yesterday I'm spending putting drops in Luna's eyes every 10 minutes. I am actually kind of hopeful that the 7 drugs the specialist sent me home with yesterday are working to take away the infection. I don't know if that means the ulcer will heal on it's own once it isn't infected, but that's what I'm hoping for.
I'll post a picture of Luna with her cone and hopefully some more images of stuff to sell tonight or tomorrow. :)
July 10th, 2014, 01:07 PM
Aw! The cone of shame!
July 11th, 2014, 03:00 AM
Please let me be a back-up if the tulipwood 60th street falls through. I've always been curious about their work, and that has to be my absolute favorite wood. It's just got so much POP, in almost every hair color.
BTW, I looked through your etsy store - cute and interesting stuff, but you don't say anywhere how many pieces are in a 'set', on any of the descriptions that I could see. Love the faerie one!
July 13th, 2014, 12:03 PM
Oh no! I really hope sweet Luna will recover very, very soon!
I'm so sorry my financial situation doesn't allow for hair-toys. :oops:
*Bumping* for Luna. Those hair-toys are of excellent quality and absolutely gorgeous!
Many prayers and best wishes for your sweet Luna and a painless recovery for her!:grouphug::blossom:
July 14th, 2014, 12:08 PM
Thanks guys! Sorry for being MIA. the vet stressed how important it was to put 7 different types of medication in her eye at least 4 - 6 times a day. I took a bunch of vacation time and was super diligent about it. The first vet bills I paid with money I had saved up for fountain pen ink ($500), the second round of vet bills (another $500), I have almost covered selling things here. Today I went in for a follow-up, and I was ever so hopeful ...
BUT, no dice. She's now got the equivalent of a scab on her cornea (made of plaque) and if I don't get it removed, her eye will rupture. The cost? Today's visit was $350, and the surgery will be $4500 CAD. And that doesn't cover all the follow-costs. :/
Ugh. No amount of selling stuff will get me out of that hole. My mother has graciously agreed to loan me the money and let me pay it off around $600/month with no interest, so I won't have to put Luna down or anything.
Anyway, that's why I've been busy! But tonight I'm going to send out all the emails I need to send, and even add one pair of green/black acrylic ketylos to the sale. Everyone should have their grand totals tonight.
Thanks for all the support guys, both financially and otherwise. :flower:
July 14th, 2014, 12:23 PM
I am so sorry for the pup! Vet bills are insane, I have been there. Luna is lucky to have family who can and will go all the way for her. I hope she comes through surgery okay, and is able to keep the eye.
I am sorry for this stress on you as well. I know what it is luck to have a sick fur baby, and want to do everything in your power to help them. Please keep us updated on her well-being :flower:
July 14th, 2014, 01:31 PM
Oh gosh, Saskia :( thank goodness for moms.
Poor old Luna, but at least she has you to take care of her. You're a good fur-mommy! Best of luck for her surgery, and that it all goes well.
July 15th, 2014, 11:56 AM
Ugh, I'm so sorry about that :(
Will the surgery save her vision? If not, is it cheaper just to have her eye removed rather than risk rupture?
July 15th, 2014, 12:03 PM
Because she is only two and her other eyes looks good, they think the surgery will restore almost all of her vision. That's why I'm splurging on it. I'd probably just remove the eye if she was going to be blind either way, but it looks like that's not the case.
The graft will remove a bit of vision, but apparently the brain compensates for that tiny bit by substituting the information from her other good eye. They say she won't even notice. They did tell me if she were a human that she wouldn't be able to read books or drive anymore, but for a dog's life, one who doesn't have to hunt for food and shelter, she'll be just fine.
July 15th, 2014, 12:08 PM
Ah, then that's worth it :)
And animals focus differently. I know Tsavo is a little far sighted, but dogs and cats don't use the same focus we do, and it doesn't affect them as much.
:grouphug: You're a good person to do this for her.
July 15th, 2014, 12:51 PM
Wishing your doggie a speedy recovery :) I'm so happy that she has such a wonderful owner.
July 15th, 2014, 01:26 PM
Poor baby. She is very lucky to have you (and you are lucky to have your mom)!
July 15th, 2014, 03:13 PM
Oh yes, what islandboo said, many thanks to your mom!
July 15th, 2014, 03:42 PM
Oh, such good news about how the surgery will help her! :)
July 16th, 2014, 08:49 AM
I offered to use Medicard, this AMAZING organization in both Canada and the USA, that loans money at a low interest rate and with very reasonable monthly payments, for the specific purpose of funding medical procedures. They have a pet/vet care department - Spread the word! This way no one will have to put their pets down due to emergency vet costs. :)
Mom said she thought it was silly to pay ANY interest, and that she'd lend me the money. So, YES, I am lucky to have her, but even without her, Medicard would have helped me get Luna's eye fixed.
Only a few more days to go! I can't wait for all this to just be done. Luna is SO SICK of the cone of shame.
I'll be going to the post office tonight to get shipping quotes and to mail packages out, so expect to hear from me tomorrow morning. :)
July 16th, 2014, 02:57 PM
I need some opinions - do you think I should split up the remaining katana set? I've got someone interested in one of them, and I'm wondering if it will be easier or harder to sell them as singles.
July 16th, 2014, 03:29 PM
I can't speak for others, but I know I'd have been happy with just one of the Katanas if that's all I could get. But I do have hair where just one of those will easily hold anything I put my hair up in. :) I think at this point selling singles might be easier...everyone has had a few days to mull over the set.
July 16th, 2014, 03:40 PM
I'd say why not? Seems a good idea to me. But I'm like Aspen Song and prefer singles!
July 17th, 2014, 02:41 AM
Your poor baby! I hope the surgery goes well and she recovers quickly.
July 23rd, 2014, 09:08 AM
Hey guys! Time for an update. Firstly, everyone who paid for their item, it went out this morning at 9 AM. I've got all the bills, and most of the items said 5 - 10 business days, so please contact me in two weeks if you don't have the package yet!
Also, Luna. She's doing SO well. In fact, she was looking so good by the end of last week that I didn't think she'd need the surgery at all. The opaque white plaque blob on her eyeball had disappeared overnight, sloughed off in the goop that came out with all the drops! I was excited, but I took her to a nearby vet to check it out, since the VEC ophthalmology department was on vacation all last week. The nearby vet said it looked good but that it still hadn't healed, so she would still need surgery. That was Saturday.
I took her in for surgery on Monday morning, and left her there at 7 AM. I got a call a few hours later from the vet who said she had sedated Luna and done the pre-op exam, and that her eye was looking much better. The plaque had indeed sloughed off, and from a deep exam, it appeared that with it went all the other dead tissue. The vet could even see blood vessels running into the wounded area, pumping blood to try to heal it. She said they could still do the surgery, but that she didn't advise it, because often when mother nature (she actually said mother nature, I thought it was cute!) puts a structure in place to heal something, technology can't do a better job. She advised I don't do the surgery and have a recheck in a week. She felt that now that all the dead tissue was gone and the infection had cleared up, that Luna's eye had a good chance to heal on its own.
As of this morning, things are looking better and better. Her eye is still a bit cloudy, but the scratch is gone and the ulcer is much shallower. I think she's going to avoid having the surgery! All told, this still cost me $2300 or so, but at least I won't have to add $4500 ON TOP of that. and thankfully my mom is letting me pay it off $500 per month. :)
Thanks to everyone who helped! I only have $1500 left to pay on my own. I hope everyone enjoys their new toys! And I'll post some silly Luna-in-cone-of-shame shots tonight. :D
July 23rd, 2014, 09:21 AM
Great news!!! I am so happy this had such a good ending.
July 23rd, 2014, 09:25 AM
Oh hooray for healthy young pups with strong bodies that can heal!!! That is such good news, congratulations.
July 23rd, 2014, 09:35 AM
YAY!!! :happydance: Congratulations! I'm so happy for Luna and you! :joy:
It's so much better to avoid the surgery if at all possible! The fact that her eye is healing on its own thanks to mother nature is absolutely amazing! And your vet sounds really awesome!
God bless! And happy fast healing for sweet Luna! :love:
I got a call a few hours later from the vet who said she had sedated Luna and done the pre-op exam, and that her eye was looking much better. The plaque had indeed sloughed off, and from a deep exam, it appeared that with it went all the other dead tissue. The vet could even see blood vessels running into the wounded area, pumping blood to try to heal it. She said they could still do the surgery, but that she didn't advise it, because often when mother nature (she actually said mother nature, I thought it was cute!) puts a structure in place to heal something, technology can't do a better job. She advised I don't do the surgery and have a recheck in a week. She felt that now that all the dead tissue was gone and the infection had cleared up, that Luna's eye had a good chance to heal on its own.
As of this morning, things are looking better and better. Her eye is still a bit cloudy, but the scratch is gone and the ulcer is much shallower. I think she's going to avoid having the surgery!
July 23rd, 2014, 09:55 AM
That's amazingly good news! :D :thumbsup:
July 23rd, 2014, 10:14 AM
Yay for the good news! So happy things are turning out well!! :) *hugs to Luna and mommy!!!*
July 23rd, 2014, 10:15 AM
:cheer: That's so fantastic to hear!
July 23rd, 2014, 10:44 AM
July 23rd, 2014, 10:48 AM
Great news! I'm glad she's doing so much better!
July 23rd, 2014, 10:53 AM
Oh fabulous news! I will laugh gently at the cone of shame. Hugs for Luna!
July 23rd, 2014, 11:31 AM
Glad Luna's doing well. PMed you about splitting the katanas.
July 23rd, 2014, 11:42 AM
Saskia, you write $105 for each katana or $310 for two- you mean $155 each, right?
July 23rd, 2014, 12:03 PM
Ha! Yes, I do. My apologies!
And thank you all for the well wishes! I'll tell Luna that everyone sends extra snout kisses and doggie treats. :)
July 23rd, 2014, 12:32 PM
No worries! Just wanted to make sure nobody gets an undesirable surprise :D
Snout kisses!!!... ***heart explodes***
July 23rd, 2014, 03:40 PM
Great to learn that Luna is recovering so well! Best wishes for speedy healing to you and Luna from me and my old cat.
July 23rd, 2014, 04:13 PM
That's fabulous news! Yay for Luna's good prognosis :)
July 23rd, 2014, 04:20 PM
Yay for healing doggies!
July 23rd, 2014, 06:27 PM
Saskia, you write $105 for each katana or $310 for two- you mean $155 each, right?
Ha! Yes, I do. My apologies!And thank you all for the well wishes! I'll tell Luna that everyone sends extra snout kisses and doggie treats. :)
No worries! Just wanted to make sure nobody gets an undesirable surprise :DSnout kisses!!!... ***heart explodes***Ohhhhhhhhhh, have I misunderstood? I thought that you were not ready to break up the hairtana set? I wanted to by one yesterday... :ponder: if you decided to sell them separately, Yeayyy! Want one :yumm:
July 29th, 2014, 01:42 AM
Do you still have the green-black ketylos?
July 30th, 2014, 11:18 PM
Your inbox is full :flower:
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