After much angst and pondering, I have decided to *heavy sigh* not go blonde again and will let my hair grow out it's natural color (dark ashy blonde/brown)
So now what do I do with the hair that is here?
It is a mish mash of colors that are not at all flattering to my skin. I am very pale and I have rosacea, so pale and red, not good with the orange/red tones that are now in my hair as the brown fades. The top of course is me, about 2 inches of dark ash with a supprising amount of silver, (Egads! was not expecting that!) and gold, in the sun, that is the only time the gold comes out, lol, I am a christmas tree! Silver and gold! The next 6 inches or so is not bleached, but has been dyed with a permenant dye, then a demi on top of that. (all brown) the rest has been through a myriad of bleaching and coloring.
I am OK with the darkness of the hair, even though it is summer soon and I soooooo want to be blonde, but no, no no no , cripsy hair, roots a plenty, just no no no. *more heavy sighs*
I need to get the red out though, is there a gentile way to do this?
An at home thing would be prefered, I dont have the $$$ to go to a salon, and I dont want to go through the lecture of my damaged hair and how they can "fix" it = chopping off about all my hair and adding more chemicals to what remains.