I started using CV poo bars in October.
I was looking at Lush's vegan products, but the in-store customer service was just hideous. They'll not get my money, ever.
I really like the ease of use on the bars. I have a shipment of full size, but I was used to the samples, so i quartered them all.
I have had some waxies issues, I have hard water and I'm still tweaking the perfect acid rinse.
Despite this, I prefer the texture of my hair with poo bars over my Nature's Gate poo, or any of the liquids I had in rotation.
I have a PH bar sample on the way from a trade.
When I first read about poo bars on the aforementioned mega thread, I had serious concerns.
I'd used liquid castile soap to form dreads.
I wasn't wanting dreads at the time (It is always an option in my mind).
But reading lots of comments of softer hair made me drop Ida a line.
glad I did.