I like pointy bangs <3
Sometimes I wonder if I like the concept of bangs. I don't have them, but I think that in the right style they can add sex-appeal and mystery.
The Cereduin ♫Melody Maker♪ and Bard
in the Order of the Long Haired Knights and CrochetWizardCredit Avatar:LemonJolly 2015 / Credit Siggy: Snuggles, September 2015
I like pointy bangs <3
I like blunt or choppy straight across bangs, but they don't "work" on all face shapes. I just hope they work on me, because I had them for a couple years. Side swept bangs can soften some faces.
Favor side swept, had to compromise for blunt on my hair ^_^
Lady Bellethiel, Sorceress of Endorphins, Seeker of Knowledge|OotLHK|
~Shaved~Pixie~Shaggy Mess~Chin~SL~APL~BSL~WL~
My bangs are blunt cut.
Hurray! I've reached tailbone length! Last trim 1-2-23.Lady Roxanne,Keeper of the Caprines 🐐in the order of the Long Haired Knights.
Side swept, although I ADORE it when people pull off (which is rare to do, in my eyes) the straight across look.
I don't like Bangs so I have non.
A nice bun makes the day.