Whee, I'm in the exact opposite situation as you, your before picture looks like my after picture lol! I don't have blonde now but I did for most of my life, so I hope I can answer.
These are my things.
- Do not listen to people with darker hair when they tell you things like "Yes, this rinse/Halloween hairspray/shampoo out hair color will shampoo right out!" These things could stain light hair more permanently than that, if not totally permanently.
- If you like vinegar rinse, consider cheapo white vinegar. Works great, cheap, no staining.
- I had to be careful with leave-ins and stylers. Seemed like just about anything could make it appear dark n' dreary. Especially oils. (I'm actually liking my darker color now because I'm able to rock more oil.)
- Avoid the substance known as "protein filler." Not protein treatments, protein FILLER. It's in small bottles at the beauty supply store, and some use it as a protein treatment because it's really cheap. Its main intended use is to temporary fill in damage to help color go on more evenly. It is a bunch of hydrolyzed keratin and stuff. But even the "neutral" can go greenish on blondes.
That is about all I can think of for now!