Vermelha- Thank you for posting those steps, they are very useful, clear & simple points! you covered mostly everything that I wanted to know, I agree with the others, you should write up an article with pics, it would be really good.
Just few more questions, I want to ask

1. What works better to hold the hair, water or mousse? also I know I might sound paranoid but I just need to know, is the serum, mousse used unhealthy for hair like sulfate shampoo's are? do they contain strong chemicals? (Ive never used both before).
Depends on how "stiff" you want the set to be. I can get away without any product, just water, but a little light mousse actually helps smooth the hair, so I recommend the mousse for the smoothest set.
Also, it depends on the serum or mousse you use. I use a setting lotion called Jane Carter Solution Wrap & Roll, but Giovanni makes a natural mousse as well.
If you are worried about using serum, you can use a tidbit of a natural oil, like Olive Oil, to give you a smooth set. And same with the serum, too much will make your set greasy. All of these have worked for me.
2. Can you tell me what my hair type is from looking at this pic? this is how my hair looks when its dry after a wash with shampoo/conditioner. Its wavy but not exactly curly or straight so I don't know what category to put my hair in.
Looks like 2a/2b, which in actuality is on the straight side. Most curlies do this to achieve hair at about your texture or straighter, which is pretty straight for most curlies.
Most wavies can get away with just wrapping their wet hair around their head (like a huge roller) to take out the extra wave. I would actually recommend that to you over the roller set, like I mentioned, with the same products. My mistake for not knowing
3. When you take out the rollers, how straight is your hair, is it the same straightness as using a flat iron and how many hours after the hair gets back to being curly again?
If looks as if I did a blow out with a round brush. It has bend to the ends, but when it's fully brushed out, it looks great and has body. It doesn't come out "limp" but full and with movement.
And with the right setting lotion/mousse/serum, it lasts a few days. My hair doesn't usually go back curly unless I do something careless like exercise and sweat it out. I prevent that by using serum after I remove my set and protecting it at night. Wearing it in a high ponytail helps a whole lot.
4. Im curious to know how these rollers actually work. I can understand rollers curling hair because your wrapping hair around the rollers. But Im confused as to how they make hair straight? would "Jumbo Velcro Rollers" straighten my hair too?
If your hair were curly, it would straighten it, but now knowing your actual hair texture, it would create curl. I would recommend the wrapping around the head for your wavy hair instead.
5. When you used the rollers, how straight was your hair? was it as straight as using a flat iron and how many hours can you hold your hair straight before it goes back to your normal hair type? what size was your rollers in diameter?
My rollers were the largest that they come in (the big grey ones, I only know them by color, close to 2"). Like before, It comes out like a blow out with a round brush. It lasts several days if I take care of it by wearing it up at night and keeping it out of moisture/humidity. On average, about 4 days.
Sorry for so many questions but Im just new to this, I appreciate your answers.

I just buyed 6 magnetic rollers from ebay, should arrive within a week. Im excited to try it out and will post pics of my results, when I use them.