- Recently found 500 g's of Henna in a shop in town for only 25 swedish kronor which is ~2 pounds, and I decided to buy it and try !

Only thing is, I mixed it all, put it in 4 batches, thought I can do once a day and that will be good for my hair [maybe that's too much though] because I'm leaving Sweden in less than a week .

I should have Not mixed at least half, but I did it on a whim :P

Well now to my problem, I have 200 grams of it in my hair and I ofc froze all of it, better for the dye release etc, but I was just wondering, how long can one let the rest stay in the freezer without going bad ?
I wont come back to Sweden until maybe December or next July and I keep asking friends if they want Henna but nobody needs, heh . so hm . What would you do in my situation ?

Is it a bad idea of putting henna in hair once a day for several days ?
Maybe 3 days in a row.
Will it give a good effect ?

I usually do it once a month, depending on how busy I am, while wanting to do it more often .

Hope you lovelies can help me <3