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Thread: lemon rinse defines curls dramatically and fights frizz

  1. #191
    Rat-punzel intothemist1999's Avatar
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    Default Re: lemon rinse defines curls dramatically and fights frizz

    Is the rinse likely to strip or fade the colour I have in? I use Herbatint, which is a permanent colour, but I use their application option to make it more like a temporary.

    I'm about due for an application, but seems suddenly more so.

    Conversely, can it boost the colour (or add its own) if I'm not heating it?

    It's hard to explain...on the one hand the colour seems "chunkier" and at the same time the red tones seem more vivid.
    Lady Myst of the Evanescent Veils OLHK
    Before/after lemon rinse pics

  2. #192
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    Default Re: lemon rinse defines curls dramatically and fights frizz

    Quote Originally Posted by intothemist1999 View Post
    Is the rinse likely to strip or fade the colour I have in? I use Herbatint, which is a permanent colour, but I use their application option to make it more like a temporary.

    I'm about due for an application, but seems suddenly more so.

    Conversely, can it boost the colour (or add its own) if I'm not heating it?

    It's hard to explain...on the one hand the colour seems "chunkier" and at the same time the red tones seem more vivid.
    Hard to say. There have not been any reports to indicate that it would and the recipe is so diluted. I have the same concerns re my catnip stain which is even more delicate.

    I plan on using 1/2 teaspoon to about 300 ml of water. You can always err on the side of more water and strand test.

    My hair is still recovering from my catnip buds experiment. I did not report this but there was something about all of that that left my hair weird. It is complicated. I am not sure what happened. There may have been organic pesticide on the buds or there was cat pee on the buds. They smelled very odd. I had phoned the company about the smell and they had said that it was normal and that there was no pesticide use or cat pee. However, it did not say that on the label (no pesticides). No catnip I have ever used smelled like cat pee.

    My scalp and skin felt fine. However, during the third wash after 2 weeks of the buds, my hair knotted badly at the nape on one side (never happened before in 5 years of catnip use), I had a huge shed that one wash (also never happened before) and the ends did not feel as conditioned with the Hagen catnip the way they usually do, at first.

    I think it was more the buds than any possible pesticide reaction. My hair and scalp must have been more coated. I did use more of the buds the second time. That supports both the fact that the buds contain more of the oil than the leaves do and the fact that in my intial report on the buds, I reported that my hair was drier than it is with a mix of leaves and buds. Several washes and Hagen catnips later and my hair is just about as it was before the buds.

    It is almost back to normal now. I saw no point in trying mariika's recipe if I would not be able to judge the results properly and my hair has not been frizzy lately at all. My hair can frizz with catnip though. It just does that rarely. I do want to try this recipe soon though and I may just go ahead and try it anyway.

    I did ask my mom about rinsing my hair with lemon juice when I was very young. She does not remember it at all.
    Last edited by ktani; September 6th, 2010 at 06:20 AM. Reason: adjust text

  3. #193
    made of sugar and cyanide MandyBeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: lemon rinse defines curls dramatically and fights frizz

    I'm a henna head and daily lemon rinser. I don't see lightening with it. I am trying honey lightening so I do have some change.

  4. #194
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    Default Re: lemon rinse defines curls dramatically and fights frizz

    Quote Originally Posted by MandyBeth View Post
    I'm a henna head and daily lemon rinser. I don't see lightening with it. I am trying honey lightening so I do have some change.
    This is not about lightening. Mariika also had no lightening with the recipe. This is about stripping hair colour. Strong lemon juice rinses could probably strip temporary colour because of the citric acid.

  5. #195
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    Default Re: lemon rinse defines curls dramatically and fights frizz

    I just sent this to another friend in Canada whose hair frizzes. I included thread tips and the link to the thread.

    mariika's recipe

    Original recipe is 50 ml lemon juice to 5 - 6 litres tap water

    1/2 teaspoon lemon juice to 250 - 300 ml tap water

    strain lemon juice through a tea strainer into the water to remove pulp and any seeds or seed bits and stir
    2. pour into washed out shampoo bottle to take into the shower to use on the hair
    3. make sure to cover all of the hair thoroughly

    Use after shampoo and conditioner as a final rinse. Leave in the hair or rinse out lightly.

    The rinse is reported to wash out easily with shampoo and the frizz fighting has been reported to last between shampoos. The rinse has not been reported to be drying to the hair.
    Last edited by ktani; September 6th, 2010 at 06:25 PM. Reason: adjust text

  6. #196
    Rat-punzel intothemist1999's Avatar
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    Default Re: lemon rinse defines curls dramatically and fights frizz

    I'm still not sure what exactly is going on, whether the lemon is affecting the colour. It would probably be easier to tell if the colour were more uniform. I've applied it sort of chunky.

    At first I thought it was fading, but I think I'm must be getting *lighter*...I think. Actually what it's doing is getting "brighter" or more coppery, like when I used Sun-In, or what I ASSUME happens when you use lemon then heat it (which I'm not doing). So maybe it's somehow working on the innate hair colour in spite of there being an applied colour on it...if that makes sense?

    Either that, or I'm just noticing the colour more?

    Either way, I'm not unhappy with it!
    Lady Myst of the Evanescent Veils OLHK
    Before/after lemon rinse pics

  7. #197
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    Default Re: lemon rinse defines curls dramatically and fights frizz

    Quote Originally Posted by intothemist1999 View Post
    I'm still not sure what exactly is going on, whether the lemon is affecting the colour. It would probably be easier to tell if the colour were more uniform. I've applied it sort of chunky.

    At first I thought it was fading, but I think I'm must be getting *lighter*...I think. Actually what it's doing is getting "brighter" or more coppery, like when I used Sun-In, or what I ASSUME happens when you use lemon then heat it (which I'm not doing). So maybe it's somehow working on the innate hair colour in spite of there being an applied colour on it...if that makes sense?

    Either that, or I'm just noticing the colour more?

    Either way, I'm not unhappy with it!
    Temporary colour washes out fairly quickly and the colour changes as it does so. You are using a permanent colour in a different way. It is not designed to last, the way you are using it.

    I cannot see the lemon rinse causing this. It is too weak to lighten in the sense you mean. Herbatint colour. Mariika's recipe did not lighten her hair colour after hours in the sun. I doubt that it is lightening this hair colour. Strip hair colour? I do not think so either for the same reason. I do not know yet how it may affect my catnip stain.
    Last edited by ktani; September 7th, 2010 at 09:30 PM. Reason: adjust text

  8. #198
    made of sugar and cyanide MandyBeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: lemon rinse defines curls dramatically and fights frizz

    I've been in full sun with repeat applications of the rinse and my hair sun bleachs easily. No change, in fact I think it reduced my natural bleaching. My hair is cooler in color now and I spend a LOT of time in the sun.

  9. #199
    Member Luna12345's Avatar
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    Default Re: lemon rinse defines curls dramatically and fights frizz

    Quote Originally Posted by mariika View Post
    manderly, I did try the wurly and curly thread but didn't get very far - I'm in the stage where I HATE MY CURLY HAIR SO FRIGGIN MUCHCHCCHCHCHCH, even today when my curls look stunning I don't like them! I just don't like them! I am so tired I wanna cry. just now I was looking for curly hate thread in our community. no luck yet. it cannot be so that no one here hates their curly hair. and I'm not the iron-them-every-day team.

    maybe vinegar won't make my curls stronger like lemon did. cause that's just frustrating. I can't get them out of my hair without combing and I don't comb - why bother, result is just ugly.
    Hi.....Have you ever heard of Brazilian Keratin treatment???
    I heard of this from my sister (most salons where I live don't have this service) sister had this done and she loves it because she usually likes to wear her hair suppose to be natural and non damaging. Its suppos to make your hair healthy and loosen the curl...above makes frizzy hair more manageble and easier to straighten....Since you're having such a hard time accepting your curls you might want to try this=)

    I personally wouldn't have it done because it's rediculously expensive....I recently started co-washing with cone free conditioners . My hair hardly ever becomes frizzy anymore. It feels super healthy and really much easier to manage.
    =) Goodluck!
    Last edited by Luna12345; September 8th, 2010 at 02:56 PM.

  10. #200
    Rat-punzel intothemist1999's Avatar
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    Default Re: lemon rinse defines curls dramatically and fights frizz

    Quote Originally Posted by ktani View Post
    Temporary colour washes out fairly quickly and the colour changes as it does so. You are using a permanent colour in a different way. It is not designed to last, the way you are using it.

    I cannot see the lemon rinse causing this. It is too weak to lighten in the sense you mean. Herbatint colour. Mariika's recipe did not lighten her hair colour after hours in the sun. I doubt that it is lightening this hair colour. Strip hair colour? I do not think so either for the same reason. I do not know yet how it may affect my catnip stain.

    I think you're right.

    Even if it were, I can always do the colour more often, because I AM NOT giving up the lemon rinses!!
    Lady Myst of the Evanescent Veils OLHK
    Before/after lemon rinse pics

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