Hard to say. There have not been any reports to indicate that it would and the recipe is so diluted. I have the same concerns re my catnip stain which is even more delicate.
I plan on using 1/2 teaspoon to about 300 ml of water. You can always err on the side of more water and strand test.
My hair is still recovering from my catnip buds experiment. I did not report this but there was something about all of that that left my hair weird. It is complicated. I am not sure what happened. There may have been organic pesticide on the buds or there was cat pee on the buds. They smelled very odd. I had phoned the company about the smell and they had said that it was normal and that there was no pesticide use or cat pee. However, it did not say that on the label (no pesticides). No catnip I have ever used smelled like cat pee.
My scalp and skin felt fine. However, during the third wash after 2 weeks of the buds, my hair knotted badly at the nape on one side (never happened before in 5 years of catnip use), I had a huge shed that one wash (also never happened before) and the ends did not feel as conditioned with the Hagen catnip the way they usually do, at first.
I think it was more the buds than any possible pesticide reaction. My hair and scalp must have been more coated. I did use more of the buds the second time. That supports both the fact that the buds contain more of the oil than the leaves do and the fact that in my intial report on the buds, I reported that my hair was drier than it is with a mix of leaves and buds. Several washes and Hagen catnips later and my hair is just about as it was before the buds.
It is almost back to normal now. I saw no point in trying mariika's recipe if I would not be able to judge the results properly and my hair has not been frizzy lately at all. My hair can frizz with catnip though. It just does that rarely. I do want to try this recipe soon though and I may just go ahead and try it anyway.
I did ask my mom about rinsing my hair with lemon juice when I was very young. She does not remember it at all.