Right there with you (well, about an inch or two behind). I think the longest bits are about three inches away from waist.
ETA: Will post pics when I find the USB cable, which has been missing since I moved three months ago....
anyone at this stage? i seem to have been here at this stage since november..
i reached bsl in november and got to waist only to cut it back to bsl(absolutely necessary) so now im still between bsl and waist.. some days my hair really curls up and i look bsl.. but some days its straighter and i look closer to waist..
this is my most recent length shot.. my hair was a bit straighter on that day..
getting from bsl to waist is more difficult for me than any other stage.. (with the exception of when i grew out a short cut and it looked like a mullet for months)
i hope that by the time i get back to waist i wont have to cut off alot of length like i did last time i hit waist.. my hair gets more damaged at this stage than any other stage i think.
today its all curled up and looks bsl
darn waves! i would reach my goals so much faster if i had straight hair!
anyone else care to show their pics and grow from bsl to waist with me?
Mod Note:
Mid Back Length (MBL)=Bra Strap Length (BSL) and is used as a more inclusive term. If you do not wear a bra, you can locate MBL by wrapping a towel, measuring tape, etc around your torso just below your pectoral muscles/above your diaphragm (which ever is easier to identify), this will show you where MBL lands on your back.
Last edited by neko_kawaii; August 4th, 2021 at 10:15 AM. Reason: mod note
can i call this classic length
Right there with you (well, about an inch or two behind). I think the longest bits are about three inches away from waist.
ETA: Will post pics when I find the USB cable, which has been missing since I moved three months ago....
Last edited by Eden Iris; May 17th, 2008 at 06:34 PM.
I'm just hitting bsl and my goal is waist, so I'm in this group.
My hair is straight, and I can't imagine waiting for waist with curly hair. (I'm a really impatient person.)
You're getting close squiggyflop!
Lady Enyo of the Brave Victory in the Order of the Longhaired Knights
My back must be the longest back on the planet. I am STILL 2 inches from waist when blown dry straight. I got that done today at the salon when I got some highlights to see how long it is. I do that about 2 times a year because when I wear mine curly which is almost all the time, it shrinks up anywhere from 2 to 4 inches or more. It is very hard. I have tried to ignore it more and wear it up more lately and it really has helped. Plus it is so thick and now that it is longer it is much harder to wear it down. We'll get there!!!!!
Combing only when wet with CO, Suave conditioner, AG Re:Coil, LA Looks sports gel, EVOO and coconut oil
Seems like I've been at this point for a year! (Possibly an exaggeration.) Almooooost there! I've had 2 biggish trims in that time that set me back, though I'm closer to having no more layers.
It's going to be a while for me. I'm probably 3.5 inches from waist right now, and my plan is I'm going to keep trimming somewhere in this zone (probably waist or closer to it than this) until peroxide is gone, which will be years.
Battle Wench Arvoreen of the Scything Curls in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
Yup! Im about 1/2 inch below bra strap. When I lean back I can feel it on my hips!Eeek! I
never thought Id get this long. Its kinda cool!
I'm about where you are squiggyflop! I agree that this is definitely a difficult stage... I reached BSL about last July, and then my hair stopped growing for several months in the winter. At least it's been growing pretty fast again for the past 6 weeks.
I've been growing out layers, and the longest of them are about 1.5 inches from waist. When my hair is wet in the shower, I actually feel the long pieces at about waist - but of course, when it dries there's shrinkage.
I'm really hoping it gets there in the next month or two, because I really need a trim (layers are getting scraggly), but I wanted to wait until I was at waist.
I'm just getting back into the swing of things on LHC now that I have more time, so I'll try to get pics up soon!
Lady Alyxandra, Virtuosa of Melody in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
I'm right there too! It's so discouraging...I'm waist in the shower, then my hair dries and curls up and I'm back to BSL!
I love how you guys are complaining about being BSL when your hair "shrinks up" -- even if I straightened my hair with a flat iron I'd still be shy of APL! grrrr