Hello everyone! I'll be joining this thread and I think I'll stay quite a bit around here

There are a few things at the moment that are bothering me about my hair, and these will make my journey to waist somewhat longer. First, I have some breakage around my layers. Secondly, I have a love-hate relationship with layers, and I don't know if I want to keep them or not. What I really know is that I'm very fond of this length and will certainly not cut it shorter than what length I am now. So I will either microtrim only the longest layer until my shorter ones catch up (and then my hair will be all in one length), or I'll microtrim everything to get rid of the split ends (so my hair will have the same haircut, it'll just be healthier).
I really don't know what to do. I keep changing my mind every other day

. Anyways, I won't touch scissors until at least the end of September, because I have my graduation then and I want longer hair for the pictures. Until then, I still have time to decide.
