Stephanie, we are so fortunate to have you and that you would take the time to rebuild our HOME, many hugs and flowers for you!
Unfortunately, we're still working on getting them back to a functioning, READABLE level, but until then, you can at least log in and review old private messages and profiles. Once I'm finished working on these boards, I'll resume efforts to reclaim the archived information.
The Long Hair Community Archives
You all have no idea how much your patience over the past month is appreciated. Without it, this endeavor would have been far more frustrating, so thank you.
Stephanie, we are so fortunate to have you and that you would take the time to rebuild our HOME, many hugs and flowers for you!
Callie sez *meep*
justgreen judiciously journals
Lady Emeralde Justyce in the Order of the Long Hair Knights
Aww, thanks.
I'm just so grateful that we're back home. I know how busy you are, young lady, so I'm all that much more appreciative of all that you're doing for us.
Thanks, frannyg.
Thank you, Steph! You work way too hard, but we're ever so grateful!
No, thankYOU Stephanie! Your hard work means alot to so many people here xxxxx
And thanks for letting us know how to read the old stuff, when i first saw the boards i thought all that valuable information had been completely lost
The heart would have no rainbow, had the eyes no tears.
Thanks so much for rebuilding this place.
I might have been a TBB member almost as long as I was an LHC member, but I still miss this place. ^_^ Thanks again!
(Lord Caswallawn of the Crushing Blow in the Order of Longhaired Knights)
While I have been absent for a while, I could not have picked a
better time to come back.
Things are looking better all the time!
Congrats, and so good to see you!
Karen Marie
It is more important to have self-respect than to gain respect from others.
--Madeleine de Scudéry (1607-1701)
Thank you Stephanie for all your hard work getting us up and running.