Well last night I brewed my catnip tea (I used Cosmic catnip!) let it cool and strained it, I could not wait until the morning as my scalp was itching and annoying me so off I trotted to the shower, I shampoo'd with Alchemy unscented shampoo and then dumped the catnip on, I bagged it and wrapped it in a towel and left it for an hour, I rinsed it off and straight away noticed a difference, I did get some slip, not as much as I would get from my Terax but I was ok with it. I thought that I would give it a good test so did not use conditioner after and left it to air dry, it felt great!!

Soft to the ends, no itch, great result.
This morning when I woke up it had done its crazy thing and would not lie down properly so I hopped in the shower and did a sort of WO wash then dumped the last bit of the catnip tea from last night onto it and left it while I showered, then rinsed and again did not use conditioner, I could comb through with no problem using a shower comb, I lightly blow dried it on warm from a good distance away and it looks great today and feels so silky!
I am very happy with this and am hopeful that it will help my scalp, normally shampoos seem to work for about a week then I start itching again

Thank you so much for your research and struggles, I really apprecate all that you have done for us Ktani
