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Thread: Catnip for split ends?

  1. #871
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by cocolover View Post strange! I know that things applied topically will not cure the eczema, but nothing so far has provided good relief from the itching, and then it progressing. He seems to have just one constant outbreak this winter. thanks ktani!
    You are most welcome.

    Here is some history on Noxzema,

  2. #872
    Beware Of The Beagles Alley Cat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    I tried the catnip yesterday. I realized I did a couple of the steps wrong [ what happens when kids are constantly asking for things and I don't read instructions properly] . I forget about it seeping and it was left overnight then I read it was only supposed to be left till it cools down. I forgot to tap it on the side as well. My hair is alright but not ravingly soft like others have reported. I will try again following directions better .

  3. #873
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alley Cat View Post
    I tried the catnip yesterday. I realized I did a couple of the steps wrong [ what happens when kids are constantly asking for things and I don't read instructions properly] . I forget about it seeping and it was left overnight then I read it was only supposed to be left till it cools down. I forgot to tap it on the side as well. My hair is alright but not ravingly soft like others have reported. I will try again following directions better .
    I have left it to steep overnight too. There is no hard rule about that. No worries there.

    About tapping the condensation? That is a tip I have found useful. No worries there either. The condensation contains the volatile oils.

    Depending on what is on your hair, it may take time for you to see the full benefits of catnip. It did for me.

    Catnip is very forgiving.

  4. #874
    Beware Of The Beagles Alley Cat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by ktani View Post
    I have left it to steep overnight too. There is no hard rule about that. No worries there.

    About tapping the condensation? That is a tip I have found useful. No worries there either. The condensation contains the volatile oils.

    Depending on what is on your hair, it may take time for you to see the full benefits of catnip. It did for me.

    Catnip is very forgiving.
    Ok thank you Ktani. Does the water supposed to feel oily at all because mine didn't really?

  5. #875
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alley Cat View Post
    Ok thank you Ktani. Does the water supposed to feel oily at all because mine didn't really?
    Catnip does not feel oily to me but it feels smooth if that makes sense. It depends on how much oil it releases.

    Not all catnip flowers and leaves mixes contain the same amount of the buds, which contain more of the oils than the leaves.
    Last edited by ktani; January 31st, 2009 at 05:18 PM. Reason: spelling

  6. #876
    Beware Of The Beagles Alley Cat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by ktani View Post
    Catnip does not feel oily to me but it feels smooth if that makes sense. It depends on how much oil it releases.

    Not all catnip flowers and leaves mixes contain the same amount of the buds, which contain more of the oils than the leaves.
    Alright thank you .

  7. #877
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    Last edited by ktani; April 12th, 2009 at 06:44 PM. Reason: adjust text

  8. #878
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Well last night I brewed my catnip tea (I used Cosmic catnip!) let it cool and strained it, I could not wait until the morning as my scalp was itching and annoying me so off I trotted to the shower, I shampoo'd with Alchemy unscented shampoo and then dumped the catnip on, I bagged it and wrapped it in a towel and left it for an hour, I rinsed it off and straight away noticed a difference, I did get some slip, not as much as I would get from my Terax but I was ok with it. I thought that I would give it a good test so did not use conditioner after and left it to air dry, it felt great!! Soft to the ends, no itch, great result.
    This morning when I woke up it had done its crazy thing and would not lie down properly so I hopped in the shower and did a sort of WO wash then dumped the last bit of the catnip tea from last night onto it and left it while I showered, then rinsed and again did not use conditioner, I could comb through with no problem using a shower comb, I lightly blow dried it on warm from a good distance away and it looks great today and feels so silky!
    I am very happy with this and am hopeful that it will help my scalp, normally shampoos seem to work for about a week then I start itching again
    Thank you so much for your research and struggles, I really apprecate all that you have done for us Ktani
    Cosmic Catnip is the brand I bought (I got it at PetSmart). I was worried it might not be a good type of catnip but based on the above information by Gilly I'm hoping for the best. I am trying it out for the first time today. It is currently steeping. I used 1 tsp. catnip to one full mug of hot,freshly boiled water. I have two mugs of it steeping now and I do plan to refrigerate what I don't need.

    I purchased a couple hair color application bottles at the dollar store. Would these bottles be a good way to apply it? The other option is an empty conditioner bottle which I could store it in.

    My catnip tea has been brewing for 30 minutes but it's still very HOT. I covered the tea mugs with aluminium foil so the heat and oils wouldn't escape. I am just planning to let it cool down in the current mugs and then strain it into my empty bottle. I do plan to use my finger to scrap the condensation off the aluminium foil afterwards.

    Am I making this tea properly so far?

    I then plan to hop into the shower and shampoo and apply the catnip to towel dried hair and cover with a shower cap. I might go under my heat cap for 30 minutes but we're pretty busy today so I may just leave it on my head for 1 hour - 2 hours. Then I plan to rinse it out and so long as my hair has enough slip I plan to skip conditioner just to see how it air dries using catnip alone.

    Lady Arduinna, Keeper of the North Forest in the Order of the Long Haired Knights!

  9. #879
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    let me just add... I'm very excited to be trying this It's something I've wanted to do for a while now as my split ends seem SO MUCH WORSE since going cone free and doing S & D. My hair just keeps splitting and NOT just at the bottom... I'm finding splits 4-5 inches up and then I have to cut them and lose all that hair Let's hope catnip helps or I may be looking at going back to cone products.

    Lady Arduinna, Keeper of the North Forest in the Order of the Long Haired Knights!

  10. #880
    Mermaid Princess Demetrue's Avatar
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    Default Re: Catnip for split ends?

    Quote Originally Posted by chrissy-b View Post
    Thank you ktani! I plan on experimenting, definitely.

    Demetrue, thanks for the feedback. Have you found that the catnip works well with your conditioner? The conditioner doesn't impede the catnip?
    I only do that method when I don't have time to sit with the catnip on my head for the full 30-60 minutes. On the weekends, I will use a clarifying shampoo diluted with catnip to remove an conditioner residue, then do the full catnip treatment without any conditioner.

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