Would you consider posting links to instructional articles/vids on the first post of the hairstyles? (I have enjoyed looking at all of the pictures, though!)
We have the best mods and admins! Thanks for another fun thread!
Utlizing only the Contacts portion of the Friends list feature.
Would you consider posting links to instructional articles/vids on the first post of the hairstyles? (I have enjoyed looking at all of the pictures, though!)
*waits in excitement for hairstyle of the month for May*
ETA: Oops! It's already announced. I just didn't click far enough.
Last edited by restourceful; May 1st, 2010 at 04:28 PM. Reason: Jumped the gun
Utlizing only the Contacts portion of the Friends list feature.
This is a great idea! Glad to see it.
Was wondering if people can still post photos for past months or does the thread close when the month is over?
I think people can still postTake a look at April thread, it's still "alive"
Great question yes I am.
Thanks for a really cool thread!! Hooray=)
I look forward to increasing my member access level so I can view the styles of the month (: