So today I was talking to my friend and somehow I brought up TLHC (here). I mentioned how people with like knee length hair talk about how they take care of their hair, and people with curly hair take care of that, and people with straight hair, and people with wavy hair, and all their different methods. I figured she would think it's cool, as I do, since she has around BSL+ hair. But no, she looked at me and was like, "Wouldn't it be easier to just cut it off?" Clearly she didn't understand that this was a very happy way of discussing what worked and what didn't, and not complaining about how difficult it was (mostly ). Sigh.
So, in hopes of not making this purely a mini-rant thread - there's so many threads about people that insult you or people about their thread. But has there ever been anyone you'd thought would understand and then some how.. not?