a little off topic but is anyone having trouble ordering from the ficcare site? It keeps telling me it doesnt recognize my address but its the saved info from my last order there????
Lady Ardwinna of the Blessed Soil in the Order of the Long Haired Knights!
Thank you Rain!
...more than twist in my sobriety... TT
Standard tortoiseshell here. Wish I had a photo!
From top to bottom:
medium beak clip in masterpiece brown
large beak clip in a kind of brownish burgundy (swap board find)
medium beak clip, unknown colour, golden border (swap board find)
large silver primavera maximas
My first one, that I got last Thursday. I am with it!!!
Its a Medium black border maximas.
Lady Mephit of the Earthen Valley in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has posted their pictures on here showing ways the ficcare can look different in different light.I'm getting the Cobalt Maximas for Mothers Day after researching and rereading this thread over and over again.
I want it to stand out.I'm thinking that vibrant blue against my bright burgundy hair will definatley make a statement
ETA-does anybody have a pink lotus maximas?If so-can you post a picture of it?
Last edited by Patrycja; May 8th, 2008 at 12:31 PM.
Lady Lakshmi of the Endless Fortune in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
Here are my two lotus maximas: two-tone lavender and tow-tone pink. The picture is taken indoors so the colors look a bit warmer. The lighter pink part is pearlized.
thanks sapphire-O I'm thinking with the picture you posted of it-its not going to look good with my hair color LOL A bit too clashy for me
I'm still counting on getting a Cobalt Maximas but it has to be held back for a bit.Finances ran away from us this month
Lady Lakshmi of the Endless Fortune in the Order of the Long Haired Knights