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Thread: how can I delete my account here

  1. #1
    Account Closed by Member Request
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default how can I delete my account here

    Hi I'm just wondering how I can delete my avount here. Did register a while ago but I dont use this site anymore. So how can I unregister?

  2. #2
    Member Flaxen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Default Re: how can I delete my account here

    A moderator can close your account for you. Please be aware that there is a one-account-per-lifetime policy, so you may want to let your account become inactive in case you'd like to post in the future. Otherwise, if you're sure, I will close the account.

  3. #3
    Account Closed by Member Request
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: how can I delete my account here

    yes can you do that for me plz, close the account. I dont log in here so often anyway but thanx.

  4. #4
    Member Flaxen's Avatar
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    Feb 2003

    Default Re: how can I delete my account here

    Okay. All the best to you!

  5. #5

    Default Re: how can I delete my account here

    wow one in a LIFETIME!!? just curious why is that ... and how would you really know if someone signed up under another e-mail or computer?

  6. #6
    subterranean Beatnik Guy's Avatar
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    Feb 2003

    Default Re: how can I delete my account here

    It's because it is the rules that you signed up to when you joined -- and as an ex-mod, without giving away any bells or whistles, yes, they always know.
    "All of life is a foreign country" (Jack Kerouac, 1949).
    "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." (Albert Einstein)

  7. #7
    subterranean Beatnik Guy's Avatar
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    Feb 2003

    Default Re: how can I delete my account here

    Quote Originally Posted by redneckprincess View Post
    wow one in a LIFETIME!!? just curious why is that ... and how would you really know if someone signed up under another e-mail or computer?
    I thought it might be a good idea to expand a little on my post yesterday about why-this-is-so...

    For starters, it's not OK to have more than one account here and be talking to your self, juggling your many sock puppets and confusing the members. More importantly though, the one account per lifetime rule is because here at LHC we believe that it is important to be taking responsibility for our words and actions. If someone screws up and says sorry, the community will give them another chance. Slinking away and opening another account now or later is cowardly and not OK in this community. If anyone thinks of opening a second or third or sixth account, the mods will notice and will contact you about merging them -- almost certainly with your original username.

    If anyone has been away for a while and has forgotten their username and /or password, the mods are always happy to help them access their account.

    Does that help explain?
    "All of life is a foreign country" (Jack Kerouac, 1949).
    "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." (Albert Einstein)

  8. #8

    Default Re: how can I delete my account here

    yeah thanks I just had never come across that strict of a site before so i wondered...

  9. #9
    The Pusuit Of Hippieness Natalia's Avatar
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    Southern California

    Default Re: how can I delete my account here

    Yeah i find it unusually strict too but to each their own. Not to rat on myself, ok i already did when i joined so its not anything new. I was on the old board many years ago and was gone many years before the crash. I dont have any of the same e-mails i have no idea what service i might have used back then, my name was the same as i can remember (may or may not have had some design after my name), and i only belonged for someting like less than a year before life got busy and my account lapsed int he crash. Ive searched the old boards trying to find myself to no avail and by the time i came back i would have had to reregister anyway (post crash). I asked the mods and they said it was cool and if i found myself to let them know so they could change my name. Im grateful becasue honestly if they hadnt let me register i would have knows this was not a place i belonged anyway. Just my 2 cents

  10. #10

    Default Re: how can I delete my account here

    Quote Originally Posted by Beatnik Guy View Post
    and as an ex-mod, without giving away any bells or whistles, yes, they always know.
    -quote deleted-

    I find that one per lifetime a bit weird, but oh well.
    Last edited by Queenie; July 5th, 2009 at 06:08 AM. Reason: Removed quote that may encourage behaviour not allowed by LHC rules

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