About 30 or 45 minutes... basically the one silver lining of thin hair
1 1/2h
2 1/2h
more than 3 hours
I don't air dry but want to vote for cheese
More than 3 hours.
When I had TBL and let it airdry, it would take about 6 hrs.
It's not quite that long yet, but it does take ages to dry nowadays.
Lady Moon of the forests of wonderland, in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
🧜On instagram: yareach_lhc
About 30 or 45 minutes... basically the one silver lining of thin hair
Waist ~ Hip ~ TBL ~ Classic ~ Knee
If I wash it early-mid afternoon (out of the shower by 3), it's still noticeably damp underneath when I'm going to bed at 10:30 or 11, so...more than 8 hours? lol And I live in a climate where the humidity rarely exceeds 30% and is regularly in single digits for half the year.
Way too long. At minimum 4-6 hours, but if we're talking fully dry without even a hint of dampness in the interior of my hair, it's probably closer to a full work day.
long hair is self care ♡
Chin ♡ Collarbone ♡ APL ♡ BSL ♡ Mermaid ♡ Waist ♡ Hip ♡ TBL ♡
My hair is around 2b/c I think? It takes about 3 hours to dry on a good day
I can relate to that! It's interesting to see how drying times vary depending on hair type and thickness. I've got 2a hair, and it usually takes me around 4-5 hours to air dry completely. It's definitely a waiting game, but it's nice not to rely on heat styling all the time)
project info
Less than 1 hour but I have voted for an hour because in winter is more than in summer which takes about 15 minutes...
I have curly hair bsl but thin.
🍉SHAVED june 2020 ~ MBL ~ goal WLslooowwwwly reaching the waist
8+ hours. Now it's thinner, considerably so, mid-length to ends, so it's quite a bit faster but not halved, to give you a sense of what it's like. I wore my hair in a nautilus a little too tightly and didn't even realize, so my hair just broke off. I had had, always, tons of shedding ever since reaching my goal of classic. I just thought that was the norm; it isn't. Anyway, recently I have begun to diffuse it within 15 minutes after it's come out the towel, has been detangled and my stylers are in. I love it. Why I was spending all this time air drying for no reason, I still don't know. Especially in winter. I don't want to, no longer, be sitting there with wet hair stuck to my face for about 3 to 4 hours (I used to wait that long before diffusing, I was mad).
it takes all day
My hair is almost shoulder length and thin. And still takes about 3 hours to dry.