Count me in for fine and thick. I've also found that styles are much easier to do on unwashed hair.
People always seem to clump together fine hair and thin hair, and so threads for both tend to have a lot of advice that doesn't apply to people like me (things like more volume - half the time I want less!) who have fine hair, but lots of it. I know I'm not the only one out there, so let's share our tips for fine and thick hair!
I find that, because my hair's fine, it compresses quite a lot in the days after I wash it, so I can manage a halfway decent infinity bun a few days after washing it, so my solution is to only wash my hair once a weekI find that I don't get scalp cleavage like fine-hairs with thinner hair because there's just so much of it already. Yes, sometimes it looks greasier than coarser hair would, particularly at the temples, but I find a small (emphasis on small!) amount of arrowroot powder applied before putting it up works wonders. This solution works best for people like me who are sick of having so few styles to do.
Another thing I find helpful is to separate portions of hair to make a bun. For instance, rather than doing a rope bun with a single braid I'll ponytail my hair, do two plaits, then wrap them both around. I want to try it without the ponytail and see how it works, because of course the ponytail can cause breakage on fine hair.
Lady Nehalennia of the Mirrored-Seas in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
SL / APL / SBL / MBL / WL / HIP / BCL / TB
Count me in for fine and thick. I've also found that styles are much easier to do on unwashed hair.
Lady Delgado of the Red Rose Tower in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
Fine thick and wurly here.
Not the easiest hair type to deal with, that's for sure.
Another fine and thick here. Sometimes I think it's the best of both worlds, and sometimes it's the worst. What's most difficult for me is striking the balance with my conditioner---too little, and the ends are all dry, too much and it gets flat and limp and all the waves go bye-bye.
Lady Philyra of the Blessed Parchment in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
Proud member of the Renegray gang!
Signing in.
I like having fine hair; it feels so soft. I hate it at the same time; it tangles horribly.
Yup, another fine and thick person checking in.
Before I found this site I really struggled with my hair. I was either a lank, over coned oil slick or a ball of frizz.
Oiling on wet hair has totoally changed the way my hair looks and feels, I don't get any of the weighed down feeling I got with cones or regular products.
As it grows longer I can see how it's going to be pain as even the slightest breeze sends my hair into a big cobwebby tangle. But then, like other posters say the plus side is the silky softness of being an F.![]()
Hey! That's me!
I hate going to the store and looking at the hairtoy aisle and seeing stuff marketed towards "fine" and "thick" hair. Um, I have both, they're using "fine" as a euphemism for "thin." The haircare industry doesn't have any problem marketing stuff towards people with oily hair, so it's a bit mystifying whey they go for euphemisms with circumference.
One thing I don't like is that it tangles horribly. Also, since I'm still growing out layers, my braids get really fuzzy, and I think the fuzz would be less noticeable with coarser hair.
Hooray for this thread!