Before I got pregnant with my first kiddo over 5 years ago, my hair was around waist length and that's when I started taking care of my long hair, learning how to put it up in a bun, wearing protective styles, etc. Now I'm 4 months postpartum after my second baby. I've maintained it between tailbone and classic length with a minimal routine and my ends are healthy.

This sounds great and all, but for the first time in many many years, I'm considering cutting it significantly, maybe to waist length or higher. I just want to be able to wash it like a normal person again. With a toddler and a baby now, it's so hard to find the time AND motivation to wash my hair. I've been doing scalp-only washes which helped but it's still not as easy as just jumping in the shower or bath. I go weeks between washes and my scalp hates me for it.

I also miss wearing it down or in a simple ponytail. Because it's thick and I have sensitive scalp I basically can only wear it in a bun on top of my head. I love wearing it in braids but I just don't have the time between working and taking care of two kiddos.

I know I can grow it out again, and it'll likely be a few years before I'll have the time and energy to properly take care of it anyway.

Those with kids and long hair, how do you do it? Would you cut it?